Arrivals Shuttle

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Arrivals Shuttle
Enjoy your stay onboard the station but please, do be careful.
Purpose: Supplying the station with new crew members.
Key items: Tools, medical supplies and clothing wardrobes.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North and south to Arrivals

If you arrive late to the station, the arrivals shuttle will be the very first room you visit. You could be on your own or with other crewmates, depending on how many of you overslept and missed the start of your shift. Take your time on the shuttle, as all sorts of things could happen once you leave there. Use this time to get accustomed with your items, arrange your outfit how you want it, and check your PDA to see who you'll be working with.

Help! We're Locked In!

If you arrive to the station very late into the shift, you may find that the airlocks are stuck shut. Don't panic! The arrivals shuttle is filled with handy little items to help you get out.

  1. Determine whether the airlocks were locked for your own safety. Start by looking out the windows or asking over comms if anyone knows why the airlocks are locked. There could be a threat that poses an immediate risk to the arrivals shuttle and all crew inside it, such as space breaches in Arrivals, or harmful Space Vine mutations. If that is the case, you're probably better off staying inside and waiting until someone resolves the situation.
  2. The airlocks are welded. Some prankster has welded the airlocks shut, and you can't get them open. No problem for you! You should first report this to the admins by using F1, as there are very limited circumstances that would permit someone to do this (the Gods may even help you out). Once that's done, check out the bright red toolboxes on the table by the north-west airlock. Handy, right? They each contain a mini welding tool. Simply turn it on and use it on the airlocks to get them open again. Try to limit the amount of airlocks you weld though, as each time you will suffer some eye damage. Best go to Medbay and get that healed if you need to before you start your job properly.
  3. The airlocks are bolted. Simply ask the AI, or PDA an Engineer to come and unbolt them.
  4. Comms are down. There are times when calling over comms just doesn't work, and the Network Admin just isn't fixing it fast enough. You'll notice a handy intercom on the southern wall, just next to the right airlock. Make sure both the microphone and speaker are on, then try asking for help. The AI and anyone with a station bounced radio will usually be able to hear you and fetch you some help. You can also try using your PDA to signal someone, although both comms and the messaging server usually go down together.
  5. Break the window. Only as a last resort, you can break down a window to get onto the station. Just make sure the shuttle is docked before doing so, otherwise you'll end up flying off into space. You can use your emergency oxygen tank to break the window, everyone will have one in their internals box. You could also use one of the red emergency toolboxes.

Where's All The Air?

Rarely, you will find the shuttle is missing enough oxygen for you to breathe. There are a few things that you can do in this situation.

  1. Put on your internals mask. The first step is to prevent anymore oxyloss to yourself. Put on your mask and oxygen tank, located in your internals box. There are also spare ones in the internals crate by the bottom-left airlock on the shuttle.
  2. Locate the source of the damage. If you have enough time or it is obvious. You can ask over comms to get help with this.
    1. Shuttle breach. Whether by a window or the airlocks left open, shuttle breaches can surprise you quicker than others. A smart move would be to quickly move to the left of the shuttle, and take shelter in the small room there. That is, as long as that's not breached too. You may also want to just leave the shuttle as quickly as possible, although that is not always possible.
    2. Arrivals breach. Determine if the breach is large or small. If it is small, you may be able to get away with floating through, or walking around, the breach. Just make sure to go to Medbay after, as you will have suffered minor brute damage. If it is large, see if you can use maintenance or request a Cyborg or a crew member to carry or drag you across, in case you pass out along the way.
  3. Passed out. If you end up passed out on the shuttle before you could process what was happening, you could try praying for help or asking the admins. You may get a second chance of survival if you're lucky. Don't rely on this though.

The Emergency Shuttle Has Docked

So the shuttle has docked, the crew have packed up, and you're wanting to end your shift already. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure you make it off the station.

  1. Rush to the shuttle. It is possible to get all the way to the Escape Shuttle in the time it takes the shuttle to leave. Check the ETD on a status display (there is one by the Arrivals Security checkpoint) to see if you can make it in time.
  2. Escape Pods. There are two escape pods conveniently placed just off the shuttle. Whether you exit north or south, go to your immediate left and you will find one. These are mini shuttles that will take you off the station.
Arrivals Shuttle
Enjoy your stay onboard the station but please, do be careful.
Purpose: Supplying the station with new crew members.
Key items: Tools and medical supplies.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North to Arrivals

If you arrive late to the station, the arrivals shuttle will be the very first room you visit. You could be on your own or with other crewmates, depending on how many of you overslept and missed the start of your shift. Take your time on the shuttle, as all sorts of things could happen once you leave there. Use this time to get accustomed with your items, arrange your outfit how you want it, and check your PDA to see who you'll be working with.

Help! We're Locked In!

If you arrive to the station very late into the shift, you may find that the airlocks are stuck shut. Don't panic! The arrivals shuttle is filled with handy little items to help you get out.

  1. Determine whether the airlocks were locked for your own safety. Start by looking out the windows or asking over comms if anyone knows why the airlocks are locked. There could be a threat that poses an immediate risk to the arrivals shuttle and all crew inside it, such as space breaches in Arrivals, or harmful Space Vine mutations. If that is the case, you're probably better off staying inside and waiting until someone resolves the situation.
  2. The airlocks are welded. Some prankster has welded the airlocks shut, and you can't get them open. No problem for you! You should first report this to the admins by using F1, as there are very limited circumstances that would permit someone to do this (the Gods may even help you out). Once that's done, check out the bright red toolboxes on the table by the north-west airlock. Handy, right? They each contain a mini welding tool. Simply turn it on and use it on the airlocks to get them open again. Try to limit the amount of airlocks you weld though, as each time you will suffer some eye damage. Best go to Medbay and get that healed if you need to before you start your job properly.
  3. The airlocks are bolted. Simply ask the AI, or PDA an Engineer to come and unbolt them.
  4. Comms are down. There are times when calling over comms just doesn't work, and the Network Admin just isn't fixing it fast enough. You can also try using your PDA to signal someone, although both comms and the messaging server usually go down together.
  5. Break the window. Only as a last resort, you can break down a window to get onto the station. Just make sure the shuttle is docked before doing so, otherwise you'll end up flying off into space. You can use your emergency oxygen tank to break the window, everyone will have one in their internals box. You could also use one of the red emergency toolboxes.

Where's All The Air?

Rarely, you will find the shuttle is missing enough oxygen for you to breathe. There are a few things that you can do in this situation.

  1. Put on your internals mask. The first step is to prevent anymore oxyloss to yourself. Put on your mask and oxygen tank, located in your internals box. There are also spare ones in the internals crate by the bottom-left airlock on the shuttle.
  2. Locate the source of the damage. If you have enough time or it is obvious. You can ask over comms to get help with this.
    1. Shuttle breach. Whether by a window or the airlocks left open, shuttle breaches can surprise you quicker than others. You may also want to just leave the shuttle as quickly as possible, although that is not always possible.
    2. Arrivals breach. Determine if the breach is large or small. If it is small, you may be able to get away with floating through, or walking around, the breach. Just make sure to go to Medbay after, as you will have suffered minor brute damage. If it is large, see if you can use maintenance or request a Cyborg or a crew member to carry or drag you across, in case you pass out along the way.
  3. Passed out. If you end up passed out on the shuttle before you could process what was happening, you could try praying for help or asking the admins. You may get a second chance of survival if you're lucky. Don't rely on this though.

The Emergency Shuttle Has Docked

So the shuttle has docked, the crew have packed up, and you're wanting to end your shift already. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure you make it off the station.

  1. Rush to the shuttle. It is possible to get all the way to the Escape Shuttle directly north in the time it takes the shuttle to leave. Check the ETD on a status display (there is one by the Arrivals Security checkpoint) to see if you can make it in time.
  2. Escape Pods. There is one escape pod conveniently placed just off the shuttle. When you exit north, take the next right and you will find one. This is a mini shuttle that will take you off the station.
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