Do not write/upload pornographic or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content to the library or you will be banned. This includes WGW. If you see anything that might breach this rule then please tell an admin. |
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | A book binder, scanners and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | North to Starboard Bow Maintenance, east to Chapel, south to Starboard Primary Hallway |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has ten bookshelves on the south-west side of the room.
To the north-east is a table which is ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or even a game of DnD or Uno.
The south section of the library has everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier,
a book binder and
a library visitor console.
To the right of the book station are two display cases, these are for decoration only and the items inside cannot be removed.
The Curator sits in the south-east area of the library behind a wooden desk. Behind the desk with them is a book management console and
a scanner console.
The Library Backroom
To the north of the desk is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits, and
The Gallery
The north-west of the library contains a small art area. It contains paintings along the walls and equipment to create new paintings. Expect to see the Artist here often.
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | A book binder, scanners and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | North to Port Primary Hallway, east to Central Primary Hallway, south and west to Port Maintenance |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has eighteen bookshelves on the south-west side of the room. The bookshelves are categorised by genre, those genres are fiction, non-fiction, reference, engineering, religion and adult.
Above the bookshelves are four display cases, these are for decoration only and the items inside cannot be removed.
North of the bookshelves are everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier,
a book binder and
a library visitor console.
The Curator sits in the south-east area of the library behind a wooden desk. Behind the desk with them is a book management console and
a scanner console.
The Library Backroom
To the south of the desk is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits,
archives, and
a photocopier.
Games Room
To the south of the bookshelves is a games room. This room has a huge table in the center of it, ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or playing a game of DnD. This room also contains art supplies, a vendor, food, a photocopier and a pAI.
Private Study
The north-east section of the library features two private study rooms. Each room contains a photocopier and a library visitor console.
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | A book binder, scanners and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | East to Aft Primary Hallway, south to Chapel Maintenance |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has fifteen bookshelves in the center of the room. The bookshelves are categorised by genre, those genres are fiction, non-fiction, religion, adult and reference.
To the south are some tables which are ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or even a game of DnD.
North-east of the tables, by the entrance of the library, is everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier,
a book binder and
two library visitor consoles.
The Curator sits in the west area of the library behind a wooden desk. Behind the desk with them is a library visitor console and
a scanner console.
The Library Backroom
To the west of the desk is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits, and
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | A book binder, scanners and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | North to Port Primary Hallway, east to Central Primary Hallway, south and west to Port Maintenance |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has eight bookshelves on the west side of the room. The bookshelves are categorised by genre, those genres are fiction, non-fiction, reference and adult.
Right above the bookshelves are four display cases, these are for decoration only and the items inside cannot be removed.
North-east and north-west of the table is everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier,
a book binder and
a library visitor console.
The Curator sits in the south-east area of the library behind a wooden desk. Behind the desk with them is a book management console and
a scanner console.
The Library Backroom
To the south of the desk is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits, and
Games Room
To the south of the bookshelves is a games room. This room has a huge table in the center of it, ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or playing a game of DnD.
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | Scanners, photocopiers and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | South to Central Primary Hallway, north to Starboard Bow Maintenance, west to Chapel |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has five bookshelves on the south side of the room. The bookshelves are categorised by genre, those genres are fiction, non-fiction, reference and adult.
To the south is a collection of tables which are ideal for holding one-on-one meetings or studying alone.
North of these tables is everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier, plenty of paper and pens. Further north is also a small section to create artwork to display.
The Curator sits in the north-west area of the library with a book inventory management console,
a scanner console and an art console.
The Library Backroom
To the north of the curator's seat is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits, and
Library | |
A place to read a few good books. | |
Purpose: | To have books in shelves for people to read and host DnD games around the big table. |
Key items: | A book binder, scanners and library computers |
Workers: | Curator |
Access: | Curator for the back room |
Exits: | North to Central Primary Hallway, south to Port Maintenance |
Recreational |
The library is one of the more quiet places on station, but still gets enough traffic to not attract illicit activities. The Librarian spawns here, and he gets his own Private Study behind his desk, both of which require Library access. It's meant to be a place to keep local copies of books from the External Archive, but the librarian often just prints books and leaves them on his counter.
The Library
The library is the perfect place to go when you need some time alone. You can grab a book off the shelf, sit down and read.
The library has eight bookshelves on the south side of the room. The bookshelves are categorised by genre, those genres are fiction, non-fiction, reference and adult.
To the north is a table which is ideal for holding meetings, organizing a newscast, or even a game of DnD.
East of the table is everything you need to find or write a book. It contains a photocopier,
a book binder and
a library visitor console.
The Curator sits in the south-west area of the library with a book inventory management console and
a scanner console.
The Library Backroom
To the south of the curator's seat is the library backroom. This is a very small room but it holds a lot of things.
There is a bookshelf filled with forbidden knowledge books for the curator's eyes only, a CuraDrobe filled with outfits, and
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