
Teleporter Room
link=File:Teleporter small.png}}
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: Captain's Quarters north, Central Primary Hallway east, the teleporter

Located in the Bridge, south of the Captains Quarters, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into the Captains Quarters and any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters.

In case of emergencies, there are shutters leading directly to the teleporter hub.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: North to Captain's Quarters, Central Primary Hallway east, the teleporter

Located in the Bridge, south of the Captains Quarters, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into the Captains Quarters and any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters. The teleporter room contains shutters behind the teleporter hub for public access.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: East to Bridge Maintenance, west to Command Hallway

Located in the Bridge, west of the Captains Quarters, the teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, is bolted by default, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, usually by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: East to Central Maintenance, south to Central Primary Hallway, west to the Bridge

Located in the Bridge, south of the Captains Quarters, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into the Captains Quarters and any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters.

In case of emergencies, there are shutters leading directly to the teleporter hub.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: Command Hallway north, Central Primary Hallway south, the teleporter

Located in the Bridge, south of the Head of Personnel's Office, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters. The teleporter room contains shutters on the south for public access.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: North to Captain's Quarters, west to Starboard Primary Hallway, anywhere through the teleporter

Located in the Bridge, west of the Captains Quarters, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into the Captains Quarters and any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters.

In case of emergencies, there are shutters leading directly to the teleporter hub.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Teleporter Room
The teleporter sounds cooler than it really is.
Purpose: To facilitate teleportation.
Key items: The teleporter, a Hand Teleporter, Shield Generators
Workers: None
Access: Captain, Research Director
Exits: Fore Primary Hallway north, the teleporter

Located in the Bridge, south of the Head of Personnel's Office, the Teleporter houses one of the two Hand Teleporters on the station. It also provides a back door into any location with a Tracking Beacon. The teleporter room stores some Shield Generators (ID-locked to Teleporter), for whatever purpose you can think of. Shield generation would be a good place to start. There is a Tank dispenser.png tank dispenser in the center of the room, which contains ten OxygenTank.png oxygen tanks and ten Plasma tank.png plasma tanks.

This is a secure area, and only the Captain and Research Director are authorized to enter. In practice it is pretty much broken into every round, whether by traitors looking to steal the Hand Teleporter or chucklefucks trying to backdoor into the Captain's Quarters. The teleporter room contains shutters on the south for public access.

Tracking Beacons

To set up the teleporter, you will require a beacon in the desired location. These beacons are automatically detected by the teleporter.

At the start of the shift, the following Tracking Beacons are available:

Using the Teleporter

The teleporter can be confusing at first, but is actually very simple to use.

The teleporter comes in three parts:  The control console,   the teleporter station, and   the teleporter hub.

Understanding the Teleporter interface


Begin by using the control console. It will bring up the same window as the one shown above (if no-one has used it yet).

At the top you will see three pieces of status information:

  • Current regime
  • Current target
  • Calibration

Underneath that you will see three buttons:

  • Change regime
  • Set target
  • Calibrate Hub

Regime is the current location of the teleporter that you are using.
Target is the beacon that the teleporter will send you to when you step into the teleporter hub.
Calibration is whether the teleporter is calibrated correctly. There will be further information below on this.

To choose a target destination, select Set target and choose a tracking beacon from the list that will appear. You will notice the Current target has changed on the status screen.


Unless you calibrate the teleporter, or science actually upgrades it for once, it has a chance of malfunctioning. A malfunctioning teleporter will turn you into a fly person during the teleport. Gross!

To calibrate the teleporter, press Calibrate Hub. You will see the status screen say it is calibrating (shown by yellow text). After a while the status screen will say it is calibrated (shown by green text). Calibrated teleporters will never turn you into a fly person.

Time to Teleport

Once you have set a target and calibrated the teleporter, it is time to do the teleporting. Double check before you proceed that the Current target is set correctly and the Calibration is done. Once you have checked and it is all fine, press the teleporter station to activate the hub. Then walk into the hub and you will find yourself magically at the new destination.

  Locations on Yogstation
General Recreational Medical Supply Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside