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Access: Everywhere
Additional Access: None
Difficulty: None
Supervisors: None
Duties: Complain about the antags being boring, be dead, observe the round.
Guides: This is the guide
Quote: i ded plz restart

How Did I Become A Ghost?

There are two main ways to become a ghost: observe the round or die. You can observe the round from the title screen by choosing observe, which will teleport you to a set location (above the Bridge on BoxStation). If you die you can leave your body by simply moving (wasd or arrow keys), which place you into ghost form.

You can manually become a ghost using the OOC tab and then selecting ghost. This will create a catatonic version of your character and place you into ghost form. There is an admin version of this which can be only be accessed by administration staff, by going to the Admin tab and then selecting Aghost. Unlike normal ghosting, the admin version has no confirmation and allows you to reenter your body at any time.

There are other ways to become a ghost, such as by using a Scrying Orb, but these methods are rarely seen.


Note: If you return to the living via cloning, or your brain was removed whilst you are dead, you do not remember anything about your death.
If you do not want to be revived, then go to the ghost tab and select Do Not Resuscitate.
There are two main ways to revive: defibrillation or cloning. Defibrillation is done by using a Defib.png defibrillator (defib), which will shock your body back to life. You need to be inside your body, not in ghost form, for this to work. You will get an alert if someone is trying to defib you. Cloning is done by making a clone of your original body using a Scanner.gifCloningcomp.pngClone.gifcloning machine (cloner). You need to be inside your body, not in ghost form, to get scanned by the cloner. You will get an alert if someone is trying to clone you. Once you begin cloning you can ghost around all you like as it will force you back into your body when the cloning cycle is complete.

There are other ways of revival such as pod cloning, MMI, staff of healing, zombies and soulstones.

Ghost Roles

Note: If you respawn as one of these, you remember nothing about your previous life.
If your body has been destroyed or you had none to begin with, fear not! There are plenty of ways to get back into the round. The best way to get back into the round is to choose a ghost spawner from option on your ghost HUD. Failing that, you can wait for a random event or a Positronic Brain or Drone to be made.

It's possible to become a possessed blade (Chaplain nullrod), a cult construct or any animal from a sentience potion. Failing this, you can pray to become an animal. A God in a good mood may just make you Ian!

Ghost HUD


Every ghost, no matter how they became one, gets a special ghost HUD. The buttons are (from left to right): Jump to mob, orbit, reenter corpse, teleport, ghost role spawners, language menu and pAI candidate.

Jump to mob brings up a list of mobs, both alive and dead, where selecting one teleports you to them.
Orbit brings up a list of mobs, both alive and dead, where selecting one teleports you to them and orbits them.
Reenter corpse places you back in your body. This cannot be used if your body is catatonic, destroyed in some way (gibbed, dusted) or you had no body to begin with.
Teleport brings up a list of areas, where selecting one teleports you to it.
Ghost role spawners brings up a list of ghost role spawners. You can read about them, jump to them or spawn as them.
Language menu brings up a list of known languages.
pAI candidate allows you to fill out a form for a pAI personality, which can be read by anyone living who uses a pAI.

Interaction With The Dead

All other ghosts can see and hear you. To talk to other ghosts, type as you normally would. Instead of getting transferred to the living chat, it will go to dead chat instead. Dead chat is considered to be both OOC and IC, so you can discuss round events as much as you'd like. Use dead chat to release your salt, not OOC chat!

Interaction With The Living

Ghosts normally cannot interact or be seen by the living. Special circumstances will change this.

Spirit board.pngA spirit board is an item found in the Chapel, occasionally used by the Chaplain. The chaplain will ask a question and it is your job to reply to them. By interacting with the spirit board, you can select a single letter to be seen by whoever is using the board. Use this to spell out your answer. Take note that multiple ghosts can use the board at once, so discuss beforehand and select one ghost to relay the message.

Spectral blade.pngThe spectral blade is an item that can be gained from killing an Ashdrake. When a living player uses it, ghosts will get an orbit alert. Ghosts orbiting the blade and any pointing they do will become visible to the living, but they cannot be heard still.

At the end of the round all ghosts become visible to the living.

G-G-G-Ghosts! event is an admin-only event that allows ghosts to be seen by the living. They still cannot hear you, but they can see you. You will get the message "You suddenly feel extremely obvious..." if this event becomes active.

Possessing G-G-G-Ghosts! event is an admin-only event that gives ghosts the power to flicker lights. This is available in the ghost tab by selecting Boo! near a light. You will get the message "You suddenly feel a welling of new spooky powers... if this event becomes active.

Useful Text Settings

There are several verbs for you to use so you can filter the living people, from the preferences or ghost tab.

  • Toggle Darkness: Toggle through darkness settings.
  • Toggle Inquisitiveness: Examine by clicking.
  • Show/Hide GhostEars: Hear everyone's speech.
  • Show/Hide GhostPDA: See everyone's PDA messages.
  • Show/Hide GhostSight: See everyone's emotes.
  • Show/Hide GhostWhispers: Hear everyone's whispers.

Ghost Customisation

You can change your ghost appearance by donating to BYOND. Go to the ghost tab, then Ghost Customization to choose a new look, color and orbit.

Choose Ghosts of Others to change how you view other ghosts.

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