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Paramedic.png Gearedparamedic.png
Alternative Titles: EMT, Paramedic Trainee, Rapid Response Medic, Space Search & Rescue
Access: Medbay, Morgue, Paramedic Staging Area, Maintenance
Additional Access: Surgery, Cloning
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer
Duties: Save lives, scream at people for not enabling their sensors, find bodies
Guides: Guide to medicine, Guide to Wounds, Suit Sensors
Minimum Age: 20
Quote: Yessssss, my sssssshotgun issssss named "Preventative Medicine," thank you for noticing.

Bare minimum requirement: Watch the crew monitor and remind people to turn their sensors on. Call out major injuries and deaths, and try to retrieve them yourself.

The Paramedic's Duty

The job of the Paramedic is to be a mobile doctor. You do this by traveling light, and carrying disposal medical supplies you get from medical kits and the vendors. 100% of the time you will be looking at the suit sensor page, looking for damaged crewmembers. Your job isn't to go and heal every little boo-boo a crewmember has (Leave that to the doctors and their sleepers) but rather to find crewmembers that have taken a large amount of damage. You will then heal them up so they don't drop dead from blood loss, and get them to medbay. If you see someone is crit, get there, stab them with EpiPens, and get them to medbay. If someone is dead, find them, get their body to medbay. As a paramedic, your supplies are finite. If you toss sutures and mesh at every hurt person, you will eventually run out. Medbay does not have this problem, so always bring your patients to medbay! Alternatively, beg the Chief Medical Officer for the Medical Budget and order insane amounts of medical supplies from Cargo. Nobody uses the budget anyways.

Tools of the Trade

Paramedics get the ability to freely vendor medical gear from medical vendors, like NanoMed and NanoMed+, just like any other doctor. Use this to fill up on useful items before you set out!

Item Description
Folded roller.png
Roller Bed
This is a collapsible stretcher that you can deploy to ferry around patients. Its most common use is keeping bodies from leaving blood trails and making the Janitor mad.
Global Positioning System.gif
The GPS unit is most used by Shaft Miners and space explorers, but it has its uses onboard the station. Use it if you get lost in maint! This is mostly replaced by the Crew Pinpointer.
Crew Pinpointer
Like the pinpointer for the nuke disk, this points towards whatever crewmember you designate, assuming that said crewmember has their sensors to the maximum. Vended for free inside of the NanoMed+ Vendors.
Handheld scanner.gif
Handheld Crew Monitor
Activate it, move the window to the side, and shove it in your pocket. Now you can view suit sensors without having to be near a console! Used in conjunction with the Crew Pinpointer to find dead or hurt crewmembers. Vended for free inside of the NanoMed+ Vendors.
Health Scanner HUD
A Paramedics best tool. This allows you to visually see the health of anything living (Or dead) onboard. This includes crewmembers, bees, spiders, zombies, and even xenos! The Medical Hud will display a bar representing health. When flashing red, that person is in crit. If it flashes rapidly in red, they are VERY close to death! And if it is black, they are dead.
Brute & Burn Patches
My favorite tool for paramedics. These can be applied through pesky hardsuits, and have both an instant and heal-over-time effect. A few of these can bring a crewmember out of crit and back into action in just a few seconds! Be careful not to apply too many, you can overdose a crewmember using these!
Gauze, Mesh, and Sutures
These items are found in the medkit every paramedic starts with. These are the most basic healing items. They do not work through hardsuits, and can only heal one body part at a time, but they apply and heal with short delay. You cannot overdose with these either. Bandages can stop bleeding.
Health Analyzer
Your one-stop health tool. This neat thing shows you total damage, what limbs have taken what kind of damage, any traumas or quirks, if they are irradiated, if they are sick and a possible cure if they are sick, cellular damage, and blood level. By activating it in your hand, you can scan for chemicals they are overdosing on, chemicals they are addicted to, and what chemicals are currently inside them. Useful for finding if someone took just a little bit too much meth earlier.
You find these in Medbay Storage and in your lockers. These are worn on your back and used to bring dead crewmembers back to life, assuming they haven't sat dead for too long or had their organs removed. You won't really be using these outside of the Medbay, as keeping a recently defibbed person alive takes lots of resources. The usual procedure for reviving is to check for poisons via health analyzer, check if they can be defibbed via health analyzer, defib if possible, then quickly cyro them before they die again. Defibbing has its perks. Your newly revived person will not suffer from Memory Loss Disorder, and may be able to tell security all the juicy details of who killed them!
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Space Suit
You'll find this in your Suit Storage Unit in the staging area. Unsurprisingly, it's incredibly useful when retrieving corpses from those who have been spaced or in otherwise low-pressure situations. This space suit differs no more than the ones in Eva other than the medical label, so make sure you lock the Suit Storage Unit so no one can just hack in and take the damn thing. Also, don't walk around in it unless you're going to space, it'll only slow you down.

Suit Sensors and You

As a Paramedic, the love of your life is the suit sensor console. It is your portal into the health of every crewmember, allowing you to swoop in and save crew from certain death like an angel from the heavens, as the rest of the crew applaud and shower you in gifts of money, riches, and access!

Of course, none of this will happen if they don't max their suit sensors. Be ABSOLUTELY sure to mention at shift start that people should max their suit sensors, as the setting on each jumpsuit is usually randomized at the beginning of a shift.

A full detail of the suit sensor monitor can be found here.

Standard Loadout

A Paramedic needs to be prepared to heal all types of damage, so bringing lots of meds is a must. This loadout will serve you well, but modify it for whatever threats you face!

  • Clothing - Backpack, Medical belt, standard paramedic jacket, jumpsuit and nitrile gloves. Hat optional.
  • Belt Slot - Medical belt. Fill with sutures, mesh, bandages, and Epipens. Always keep a Health Analyzer in the right-most slot. You can pull items out of and put items into the belt with Shift-E, so having a Health Analyzer in the rightmost slot lets you whip it out fast to check the damage in an instant! A hypospray from the vendor with chemical vials filled with libital and aiuri can also be a big help.
  • Jacket - Keep your emergency oxygen tank for your internals here.
  • Pockets - Flashlight and Handheld Crew Monitor. Maint is dark, don't go without light! And the Handheld Crew Monitor will not update if its inside a belt or bag.
  • Backpack - This can be a duffle bag, Satchel, or normal backpack. Keep a Brute medkit, a Burn medkit, and a Toxin medkit here. You can replace the Charcoal syringes in the toxin medkit with syringes from the Oxygen Deprivation medkit to round out your healing ability for damage types. Your backpack will also hold your crew pinpointer. Each medkit has an EpiPen to treat patients in crit, and a spare health analyzer. You can replace these with additional supplies if you want.

If you need to refill your medkits with patches, use the NanoMed that's on the side of Medbay Storage. Its seldom used and carries 5 of each patch type. And, of course, if the Chemist makes some better meds, use those!


  • Epinephrine pens are very robust, keep a few on you. Not only do they slowly heal people in crit, they also can stop bleeding and organ decay. If someone is bleeding all over the place, or just died, jab them with the pen.
  • Bluespace Bodybags can hold several people, check your departmental lathe every so often to see if you can print one.
  • You can use morphine in small amounts to reduce the slowdown from your hardsuit, just don't take too much or you'll fall asleep!
  • If you use the vitals monitor and put it in your pocket, you can still view the screen.

I'll Max Those Sensors Myself

As a traitor paramedic, you're most prominent tools are your profession and its importance. You're mobile and can often run around maintenance and carry tools without arousing any suspicion. Most HoPs will give you additional access into departments for the sake of rescuing others (this is general consensus, so if HoP gets stingy, try appealing to the Captain. You even get a dedicated bulky EVA suit, so you can spacewalk on demand, just make sure no delinquents break in and take it.

You're job is to find and retrieve bodies, so it's normal for you to get found dragging a corpse around. So long as you play it off to "I'm bringing this guy to medbay" you can get away with dragging target's corpses (or in crit if you're ballsy) around on a roller bed or in a body bag so long as you're not caught blatantly going the wrong direction or jumping out an airlock with them. Even then, you can circumvent the whole medbay procedure and just dump the body in morgue under the "VALID DO NOT REVIVE" bodybag tag trick or just hope nobody notices beeping or the green light coming from the morgue tray. Your tracking tools are generally inconspicuous too as it's part of your job, so monitoring those maxed suit sensors on the Handheld Crew Monitor until you know you have a good window to break in or using a Pinpointed to find where your target is won't worry anyone, unlike if you did that as an assistant.

Aside from the Paramedic specific traitor techniques, you can usually pull all of the same traitor stunts a regular Medical Doctor outside of medbay such as handing the limping sec officer in that secluded hallway a "Synthflesh 5u" Healing Patch loaded with morphine or "accidentally" ODing a sleeper patient on morphine and best of all emagging your trademark defibrillator and giving people the shock of a life-time. Your rightful mobility and importance towards the station benefits you in stealing, killing, and everything in between.

Jobs on Yogstation


Command Captain · Head of Personnel · Head of Security · Chief Engineer · Chief Medical Officer · Research Director
Security Head of Security · Security Officer · Warden · Detective · Lawyer
Engineering Chief Engineer · Station Engineer · Atmospheric Technician · Network Admin
Science Research Director · Scientist · Roboticist · Geneticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer · Medical Doctor · Chemist · Geneticist · Virologist · Paramedic · Psychiatrist · Mining Medic
Supply Head of Personnel · Quartermaster · Cargo Technician · Shaft Miner · Mining Medic
Service Janitor · Bartender · Cook · Botanist · Lawyer
Civilian Assistant · Tourist · Clown · Mime · Artist · Chaplain · Curator · Clerk
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