Guide to races

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During your time on station you may find yourself face to face (or face to mirror) with the not quite human. Be they aliens, mutated humans, or self aware constructs you're expected to try and coexist on this deathtrap. Learning their quirks can be key to knowing how to keep them amicable in times of peace, and easy to put down in times of strife.

Roundstart Races

On Yogstation, these are the races allowed to be chosen at round start. Because they are freely available, you should expect to deal with them nearly every round.

Job Description Diet Benefits Drawbacks Command Roles
Humans are the most common of all races aboard Space Station 13, and are all-rounders who gain no significant benefits nor weaknesses besides a degree of superiority and respect from Central Command. Nanotrasen doesn't trust any other species to run their stations to the degree a human can, let alone bear the rank of Captain.
  • Likes: Fried, cooked, and junk food
  • Dislikes: Raw food
  • Toxic: None
  • AI Protection under the Asimov lawset.
  • The only race able to serve as Captain.
  • Inherently able to speak English.
  • No notable drawbacks.
Originating from the planet Sangris, Vuulen are an alien race of reptilian humanoids descending from tribes of raptor-like predators. Their many notable features set them apart from any other species: Fangs, claws, frills, a tail, and digitigrade legs give vuulen a distinct look. In terms of gameplay, they're by far the most similar to humans, yet still set themselves apart with their looks, mechanics, and alien origin.
  • Likes: Meat, seafood, and fruit
  • Dislikes: Sugar and vegetables
  • Toxic: None
  • Cold-blooded, and less affected by high/low temperatures.
  • Able to receive blood transfusions from any other vuulek.
  • Inherently able to speak Draconic.
  • Only able to receive blood from other vuulen.
  • Unable to wear most footwear on account of digitigrade legs.
  • Noticeable hisssing.
Humanoids created through the exposure of blood to a unique plant known as lazarupela vitalis, also known as podseeds. These plantpersons obtain precious nutrients from all forms of light, while darkness starves and eventually kills them. Due to their isolationist nature, very few are seen on Nanotrasen stations.
  • Likes: Light
  • Dislikes: All other food
  • Toxic: Alcohol
  • Gradually heal and gain nutrition in well lit areas.
  • Benefits from certain chemicals used on plants.
  • Slightly resistant to electric shock.
  • Able to breathe both oxygen and CO2.
  • Killer tomatoes, venus human traps and pine trees are neutral toward them.
  • Inherently able to speak Sylvan.
  • Darkness drains nutrition.
  • Take damage over time while starving.
  • Susceptible to chemicals designed to kill plant life.
  • Goats can dismember limbs on hit, including the head.
  • Very vulnerable to acid, burns, and extreme temperatures.
  • Mutate when shot by a floral somatoray in mutation mode.
  • Slightly slower than most races.
Humans who have died and resurrected in plasmafires. Plasmamen, as sapient skeletons, need to wear an envirosuit at all time to prevent their bodies from combusting with air. Flat, distant, and odd, plasmamen often find work in high-risk jobs on Nanotrasen stations.
  • Plasmamen do not need to eat.
  • Likes: Dairy
  • Dislikes: Nothing
  • Helmets are space-proof, shield against welding flashes, and have a built-in light.
  • Able to breathe plasma.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Immune to the cold.
  • Unable to be husked.
  • No need to eat.
  • Unable to bleed since they have no blood to lose.
  • Inherently able to speak Bonespeak.
  • Oxygen is toxic to them.
  • Exposure to oxygen will make them catch fire and burn.
  • Reliant on a constant source of plasma gas.
  • Unique anatomy, and lacking a heart making traditional revival difficult.
  • No DNA structure to benefit from genetic mutations.
  • Completely dependent on environmentally sealed clothing such as envirosuits and envirohelms.
  • Vulnerable to brute damage and high temperatures.
White-faced insect people with wings and antennae. Lanky and fragile, ex'hau require a combination of therapy and drug treatment in order to persist in normal-g environments. As a result, very few are seen on Nanotrasen stations.
  • Likes: Vegetables and sugar
  • Dislikes: Dairy
  • Toxic: Raw meat, cooked meat, seafood, just don't eat anything that moved and made noises.
  • Wings allow them to fly in zero-g, provided there's an atmosphere.
  • Slightly resistant to brute damage.
  • Able to eat cloth for nourishment.
  • Inherently able to speak Mothian.
  • Eyes are very sensitive to light. Welding needs both goggles and a mask, and sunglasses won't protect from bright flashes.
  • Vulnerable to burns.
  • Fire can, and will, burn off their fragile wings.
  • 10x more damage taken from fly swatters.
  • 3x more damage taken from pest spray.
Strange humanoids and cousins of slimepersons, ethereals are glowing star-entities that possess veins filled with liquid electricity. Seeking to explore the stars on several pilgrimages important to their spiritual learnings, ethereals can sometimes be found on Nanotrasen stations either due to a need to fund their or others' adventures.
  • Likes: Lightbulbs, Cyborg Rechargers, High Energy Bars
  • Dislikes: Normal food
  • Emit a constant light, with brightness depending on charge.
  • Punches burn instead of bruise.
  • Resistant to heat, burns, and electric shock.
  • Charged by radiation.
  • Turn into a disco ball when emagged.
  • Unique ethereal blood type, which shocks non-ethereals.
  • A crystal heart which never decays, crystallizing the dead ethereal after a delay, and reviving them with a random brain trauma.
  • Inherently able to speak Etherean.
  • Can't gain nutrition from normal foods.
  • Take toxin damage when starving.
  • Only able to receive blood from other ethereals.
  • Vulnerable to low temperatures and brute damage.
The spawn of an old empire, Preterni are hybrid organic synthetics that were designed for working in hazardous, industrial environments. With immunity to radiation and a set of organs superior to the normal human, a preternis can often be found in an engineering or scientific setting.
  • Likes: Power(gaming), fried food, junk food, minerals, and sugar
  • Dislikes: Vegetables
  • Robotic in nature; repairs must be done with welding and/or cable coil, and they're capable of self-surgery.
  • Perform actions faster, such as using tools or conducting surgery.
  • Innate maglock ability built into their legs.
  • Advanced lungs and night-vision capable eyes.
  • Unable to be husked.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Purge 4% of all chemicals every few seconds.
  • Special synthetic blood which is universally compatible with all races.
  • Inherently able to speak Binary.
  • Perform attacks slightly slower.
  • Organs will shut off when out of power, causing death by suffocation.
  • Damaged by heavy EMPs, albeit unaffected by light ones.
  • Deathly vulnerable to water, which fries their circuitry.
  • Damaged, and eventually blinded when emagged.
  • Stunned for longer, and regenerate stamina slower.
  • Vulnerable to burns, electric shock, and extreme temperatures.
  • Surgery may need both mechanical and surgical tools.
  • Unable to wear any footwear on account of unguligrade legs.
A xenomorph and human hybrid. The rarest species in SIC space and the most discriminated against. Possesses features of both of their ancestors, though they lack many of the greater strengths full xenomorphs possess.
  • Likes: Meat and gross foods
  • Dislikes: Grain, dairy, vegetables, and fruits
  • Acidic blood, as well as higher acid resistance.
  • Resistant to brute damage and low temperatures.
  • Possess a degree of night-vision.
  • Able to breathe both oxygen and plasma.
  • Slightly faster speed and crawl speed than most races.
  • Unable to suffer bone-related wounds.
  • A robust alien liver which filters toxins very efficiently.
  • Inherently able to speak Polysmorph.
  • Perform actions slower.
  • Vulnerable to burns and high temperatures.
  • Blood consists of pure sulphuric acid, which may complicate surgery.
  • Unable to wear most footwear on account of digitigrade legs.
A positronic brain in a humanoid cybernetic body. Sentient, but often robotic in mannerisms. Highly controversial due to their free will as machines.
  • Likes: APCs, cyborg rechargers
  • Dislikes: Normal food
  • Completely inorganic; immune to toxins, radiation, cellular damage, oxygen loss, and disease.
  • Robotic in nature; repairs must be done with welding and/or cable coil, and they're capable of self-surgery.
  • Perform actions faster, such as using tools or conducting surgery.
  • Possesses no need to breathe.
  • Brain located in the chest, allowing them to survive decapitation.
  • Slightly resistant to stamina drain.
  • Resistant to heat and pressure damage.
  • Immune to the cold.
  • Limbs (including the head) can be reattached directly, and without surgery.
  • Inherently able to speak Binary.
  • Affected by EMPs.
  • Vulnerable to acid and burns.
  • Unable to be cloned.
  • Overheat easily.
  • Recent memory is lost on death.
  • No DNA structure to benefit from genetic mutations.
  • Organs cannot heal, and must be replaced if damaged.
  • Limbs fall off easily when damaged.
  • Unable to process most chemicals.

Donator Races

On Yogstation, these are the races allowed to be chosen at round start, but only by donators. Expect to see them often, but more rarely than the freely-available races.

Job Description Diet Benefits Drawbacks Command Roles
Contrary to popular belief, felinids are not genetically modified humans. Therefore they share all privileges and are considered human to the AI. The main difference between felinids and humans is their cat ears and tail which are canonically implants.

To be revised soon!

  • Likes: Seafood, dairy, and mice
  • Dislikes: Raw food and gross foods
  • Toxic: Chocolate
  • AI Protection under the Asimov lawset.
  • Also able to serve as Captain, as they're still quite similar to humans.
  • Inherently able to speak Felinid.
  • Very sensitive ears which are more easily damaged.
  • Easily distracted by laser pointers.

Halloween Races

During the Halloween event, these are additions to the races allowed to be chosen at round start.

Job Description Diet Benefits Drawbacks
A headless human, rarely seen outside Halloween. One of the weakest Halloween races, as you rely on your vulnerable head for sight and life.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • No hunger.
  • No need to breathe.
  • Head is separated from the body and can be carried as an item.
  • Unrevivable if the head is destroyed or cut open.
Lesser Skeleton
A weaker form of the spooky scary skeleton. Somehow still alive, a skeleton is just a sack of stark white bones. Clattering spooks, due to their supernatural qualities they're almost always associated with wizards. Skeletons enjoy a wide selection of useful immunities, just don't expect the crew to ever enjoy looking at you ever again.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Don't need to breathe.
  • Can survive in extreme temperatures.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Immune to the effects of radiation, viruses, embedding and chemical injections.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Can attach limbs from the ground without surgery.
  • Always appears dead on mediHUDs.
  • Loses limbs easily.
  • Immune to medical injections.
  • Always appears dead on mediHUDs.
Golem Cloth.png
Cloth Golem
Cloth golems closely resemble a mummy, and are faster than other golems.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Able to reform themselves after death, provided their remains aren't burned or destroyed.
  • Magic resistant.
  • Faster than other golems.
  • No blood.
  • Does not breath.
  • Very flammable.
  • Weaker than other golems.
  • Less resilient than other golems.
  • Cannot use guns.

Human Mutants

Over the course of a shift, you or someone you know may lose their humanity. These races are not born, but made. These players are less likely to be the targets of racism, as many may simply acknowledge their former humanity, but are none-the-less NOT human anymore.

Job Description Benefits Drawbacks Found
Former humans who were converted to jelly by mutation toxin thus, becoming slime/jellypeople. Many scientists working in xenobiology will undergo this mutation willingly to work closer with their slimes, but others may mass-produce the toxin and try to push it on others. Their bodies are composed of a toxic slime, which shouldn't be consumed by other races.
  • Anything that would deal toxin damage will heal toxin damage instead.
  • Full immunity from the wrath of hungry slimes.
  • Toxic blood that can poison others if ingested.
  • Immunity to viruses.
  • Immunity to bleeding out.
  • Take half damage from fire and laser weaponry.
  • Take a quarter of damage from heat.
  • Can grow limbs back using their slime-like blood.
  • Can split themselves to create spare bodies.
  • Lose limbs when blood volume is low.
  • Take toxin damage from chemicals that would normally cure it. This will also drain blood, and thus causes loss of limbs.
  • Nonhuman to the AI.
  • Take 6x damage from sources of cold.
  • Dislikes getting wet, which causes damage and stamina loss.
One of the variants of the Jelly people, they are known for infusing their bodies with slime cores.
  • Anything that would deal toxin damage will heal toxin damage instead.
  • Full immunity from the wrath of hungry slimes.
  • Toxic blood that can poison others if ingested.
  • Immunity to viruses.
  • Immunity to bleeding out.
  • Take half damage from fire and laser weaponry.
  • Take a quarter of damage from heat.
  • Can grow limbs back using their slimelike blood.
  • Can incorporate slime cores into their bodies without expending them, becoming capable of Wondrous reactions.
  • Lose limbs when blood volume is low.
  • Take toxin damage from chemicals that would normally cure it. This will also drain blood, and thus causes loss of limbs.
  • Nonhuman to the AI.
  • Take triple damage from sources of cold.
  • Dislikes getting wet, which causes damage and stamina loss.
Stargazers are the telepathic branch of jellypeople, able to project psychic messages and to link minds with willing (optional) participants.
  • Anything that would deal toxin damage will heal toxin damage instead.
  • Full immunity from the wrath of hungry slimes.
  • Toxic blood that can poison others if ingested.
  • Immunity to viruses.
  • Immunity to bleeding out.
  • Take half damage from fire and laser weaponry.
  • Take a quarter of damage from heat.
  • Can grow limbs back using their slimelike blood.
  • Can perform a slime link with anyone that is not mindshielded, magic immune, already linked or dead.
  • Lose limbs when blood volume is low.
  • Take toxin damage from chemicals that would normally cure it. This will also drain blood, and thus causes loss of limbs.
  • Nonhuman to the AI.
  • Take triple damage from sources of cold.
  • Dislikes getting wet, which causes damage and stamina loss.
Walking abominations of mismatched DNA caused by teleporter malfunctions. Careful calibration of the teleporter can assure those that dabble with it don't end up in this sorry state.
  • None.
  • Buz-zz-zing lisp.
  • Grotesque appearance.
  • Eats vomit and the ingestion in any form of nutriment causes them to vomit the contents (which are then slurped back in from the floor).

Construct Races

These races were never human to begin with, rather they were made without any original human to convert. They are decidedly even LESS human in the eyes of many, and are frequently mistrusted as a result.

Job Description Benefits Drawbacks Found
Golem adamantine.png
Adamantine Golems
Lumbering people of shining stone, adamantine golems are born into the servitude of their creators. While some will immediately gift these golems with freedom, others will keep them close as assistants, bodyguards, or attack dogs. Golems do not have a will of their own unless granted one by their creator, and are not directly responsible for their actions if commanded.
  • Extremely resilient to brute damage.
  • Spaceworthy: immune to pressure, temperature, and breathing.
  • Their punches deal high damage and can stun.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Immune to the effects of radiation, embedding and chemical injections.
  • Bound to the will of the creator unless freed.
  • Extremely slow.
  • Immune to cryogenic drugs.
  • Immune to medical injections.
  • Cannot equip clothing.
  • Cannot use guns.
  • Often prejudiced against and slain without mercy by Security at the first sign of trouble.

Exotic Races

These races have very few ways to come about, and often rely on very rare situations to exist at all. You will almost never have to deal with them, but should be aware of them all the same for when the time comes.

Job Description Benefits Drawbacks Found
The skeleton within, unleashed! Somehow still alive, a skeleton is just a sack of stark white bones. Clattering spooks, due to their supernatural qualities they're almost always associated with wizards. Skeletons enjoy a wide selection of useful immunities, just don't expect the crew to ever enjoy looking at you ever again.
  • Don't need to breathe.
  • Can survive in extreme temperatures.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Are immune to the effects of radiation.
  • Immune to viruses.
  • Immune to item embedding.
  • Immune to chemical injections.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Can attach limbs from the ground without surgery.
  • Loses limbs easily.
  • Too spooky for most to tolerate.
  • Immune to medical injections.
Rotted remains of former humans, brought almost all the way back to life. Unlike the zombies you find in movies, these zombies don't crave your brains despite what they might be compelled to say sometimes. It's perfectly possible to coexist with these zombies, though understanding their slurring speech might drive some to wish it wasn't.
  • Don't need to breathe.
  • Can survive in extreme temperatures.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Are immune to the effects of radiation.
  • Can attach limbs from the ground without surgery.
  • Immune to viruses.
  • Healed by toxins.
  • Damaged by anti-toxins.
  • Loses limbs easily.
  • Moves slowly.
  • Very hard to understand.
  • Very hard to look at.
  • N/A
Cursed beings of darkness, shadows that cannot exist for long in the light. They skulk in darkened maintenance corridors or in workplaces with intentionally destroyed lighting. They are not intrinsically evil, but still invoke an understandable level of mistrust in pretty much everyone.

They share many of the passive effects of shadowlings, but none of their innate spells or abilities. They are far less a threat.

  • Gradually heals in the dark.
  • Don't need to breathe.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Are immune to the effects of radiation.
  • Can see far in the dark.
  • Immune to viruses.
  • Will perish in the light.
  • Generally impossible to maintain a normal life on the station.
Changeling.gifSynth revealed.png
Humanoid robots, disguised as an organic race. When damaged enough, their fake flesh will fall off and has to be repaired with synthflesh.
  • Immune to all chemicals but synthflesh.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Does not need to breathe.
  • Immune to viruses.
  • Can't be dismembered.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Gains all the passive bonuses/immunities of the race they're disguised as, until the disguise falls.
  • 25% natural armor against all damages (military synth only).
  • High punch damage, with 50% chance of stunning on hit (military synth only).
  • Need to take 50 damage instead of 25 for the disguise to fail (military synth only).
  • Usually valid. Expect the crew to attack you if you're revealed as synth.
  • Disguise falls if you take more than 25 damage.
  • Can only heal with synthflesh.
  • Only if the admins gods spawn them.
Humanlike robots, distant cousins of synths. A similar result can be achieved by fully augmenting a human.
  • Does not bleed.
  • Immune to viruses.
  • Does not need to eat.
  • Immune to gases.
  • Can repair brute damage with welding and burn damage by replacing wires.
  • Cannot heal brute and burn damage with conventional means.
  • Paralyzed and heavily damaged by EMPs.
  • Xenobiology
Abductor base.png
Alien beings sent here to probe the station's crew. They cannot speak normally, but instead use a special frequency tuned to their mothership: different abductor teams have separate channels. Abductors created in different ways share a common abductor channel instead, and cannot hear natural abductors.
  • Does not bleed.
  • Does not need to breathe.
  • Is immune to viruses.
  • Can use abductor-specific equipment.
  • Can see in the dark for short ranges.
  • Can communicate without restrictions with fellow abductors.
  • Can't use guns, except the one they start with.
  • Cannot be heard by non-abductors when speaking.
Free Golems
They function equivalently to their adamantine counterpart; they are made in Free Golem ships by completing printed golem shells. Unlike adamantine golems, they are not compelled to serve their creator, and can be made out of different minerals, although that will only change their appearance.
  • Extremely resilient to brute damage.
  • Spaceworthy: immune to pressure, temperature, and breathing.
  • Improved unarmed attacks.
  • Have no blood to lose.
  • Are immune to the effects of radiation.
  • Extremely slow.
  • Immune to cryogenic drugs.
  • Cannot equip clothing.
  • Cannot use guns.

How To Pick A Race

To play one of the mentioned races, there are many overlapping options:

  • Roundstart races can be selected in the character-settings (where you would specify your haircolor, job-preferences etc.). Some might be restricted though.
  • Admins, so consider the in-character praying or the out of character ahelp if you want to request a race. Provided you have a worthy reason of course.
  • Mutation toxins change your race and randomise your appearance. Ask xenobiology for some:
    • Stable Mutation Toxin (Human)
    • Mutation Toxin (Slimepeople)
    • Imperfect Mutation Toxin (Jellypeople)
    • Shadow Mutation Toxin (Shadowpeople)
    • Abductor Mutation Toxin
    • Android Mutation Toxin
    • Ash Mutation Toxin
    • Felinid Mutation Toxin
    • Fly Mutation Toxin
    • Golem Mutation Toxin
    • Lizard Mutation Toxin
    • Moth Mutation Toxin
    • Plasma Mutation Toxin
    • Podperson Mutation Toxin
    • Skeleton Mutation Toxin
    • Zombie Mutation Toxin
  • Some special effects, including zombification by transmission

Make sure to consult the race-articles for specific information.