Security Officer

This is the security officer's page. It is still a work in progress!

Security Staff

[v·e]Generic security.png
Security Officer



Age Restriction

7 Days


Head of Security


Brig, Holding Cells, Courtroom (+Assigned department)


Catch criminals and lock them up in the brig. Mend your war-torn limbs with donuts, lots and lots of donuts.


You are the law

So, you are reading this, most likely because you had to pick security at late join. Well, you are in luck, because this page will turn you into a true peacekeeper! Or sort of, anyways.

  • The YogStation is not a democracy. You take orders from the Head of Security, who takes his orders from the Captain, who then again takes his orders from Central Command.
  • The Warden has authority over the Brig, and the Prison Wing, you are to listen to his orders when you are there.
  • You are to follow the Space Law, a set of laws agreed upon by space-faring corporations. You can find a copy of these laws in the Library, or in the Brig Office
  • Your function is to prevent the station going to shit.
  • Even though the station is utterly fucked, try to do your best to keep peace, and you'll be the best officer, loved by all.

Professionals have Standards

Yep, that's right! You are a professional! Cray ain't it!

What this means is you cannot abuse your position. You must act with respect and without bias. You must remain calm in trifling situations. After all, if you can't be calm, how can the crew? You are there to be trusted, and more often than not you will be hated. You have a duty to the station and the crew members who work on it. Your job is to keep them safe and your life is more expendable than others. You have to catch the bad guys and lock them up to prevent them from causing more harm. You have sworn an oath to abide by and enforce Space Law. Please do not turn to the dark side.


Every shift, four officers are assigned a department to watch over. These departments are; Cargo, Medbay, Engineering and Research. You will be given a armband which displays the department you are part of and your headset is tuned into the departments channel as well as the security channel. Although you are expected to protect that department and its crew, you are also meant to patrol the station as per usual. However, you are a useful addition as you can gain quick and easy access to a department if its in trouble. Be proactive with your department! If you're assigned to medbay, read up on a medical textbook and figure out where the needle goes. If you're assigned to engineering, read up on the Singularity - you might just be asked to do something while you're presiding over the department and you don't want to fuck it up. (If you are in engineering and you don't know what you are doing, the Chief Engineer may order you to stay in your tiny booth so as not to fuck up his sensitive system.)

Common Crime

At some point, you figure that the security office is pretty unfortunate. There's camera consoles and neat stuff in it, but you'll be bored out of your mind if you watch those like a proper officer. Because of this many officers start what they call a patrol, also known as walking up and down the station. While you may catch the odd traitor emagging the tool storage/lawyer's office,it isn't the most effective way of doing things.

As soon as the shift starts, you'll want to sprint over to the Auxilary Tool Storage. I can guarantee you that someone will try to break the window and get himself a shiny new multitool. Sticking near The Teleporter/E.V.A is also a good thing, since there is lots of shiny grab grab stuff within a window's reach. Finding these crime hotspots and the time at which they are committed is always a good thing, since preventing some asshole from breaking a window the engineers will never fix is always better than yelling at the detective to do his job. Shooting someone full of electrodes while they are committing a crime is also a way to make sure that The gods won't sack you.

Security Load-out

When you first arrive on the station your first objective should be to find a secure security locker, unlock it and take the goodies within. You will have spawned with Sec Jumpsuit, Black gloves, Jackboots,Security Bowman Headset, Armor, Helmet, a flash, a Hybrid-Taser, and in your backpack will be a stun baton, and a pair of cuffs and the emergency box which will have a security gas mask. When you arrive at your locker you will want to grab the sec belt which will contain a SecLite, HUDsunglasses and a Flashbang.

Of note are your armor and helmet which will soften blows to your torso and head, your Bowman Headset which will protect your ears to a degree, your HUDsunglasses protect your eyes to a degree, your Hybrid-Taser has two modes, stun and disable, the stun-bolt will only go as far as you've clicked it, and the disabler-beam will not, your stun baton will need to be turned on and off when not in use, your stun baton and your taser will have charge meters and will need to be charged regularly after use, your flash be used to blind people but eventually the bulb will break, your Flashbang is a grenade that once you pull the pin you will throw where you click, and lastly your SecLite can be attached to some weapons and your helmet.

HUDsunglasses will display peoples occupation according to their ID badge, if they have a loyalty implant (The little N, which all sec should have), and their current criminal status, it will also give you the ability to change it on the fly when you shift click them.

AI! Unlock armory!

Jobs on Yogstation


Command Captain · Head of Personnel · Head of Security · Chief Engineer · Chief Medical Officer · Research Director
Security Head of Security · Security Officer · Warden · Detective · Lawyer
Engineering Chief Engineer · Station Engineer · Atmospheric Technician · Network Admin
Science Research Director · Scientist · Roboticist · Geneticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer · Medical Doctor · Chemist · Geneticist · Virologist · Paramedic · Psychiatrist · Mining Medic
Supply Head of Personnel · Quartermaster · Cargo Technician · Shaft Miner · Mining Medic
Service Janitor · Bartender · Cook · Botanist · Lawyer
Civilian Assistant · Tourist · Clown · Mime · Artist · Chaplain · Curator · Clerk
Non-Human AI · Cyborg · Positronic Brain · Drone · Personal AI · Construct · Golem · Ghost
Special Centcom Official · Death Squad Officer · Emergency Response Officer · Ian · HONK Squad Officer
Races Humans · Vuulen · Plasmaman · Phytosian · Preternis · Ex'hau · Ethereals · Polysmorph · Miscellaneous