Nuclear Operative

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[v·e]Nuclear Operative 2.png
Nuclear Operative


Very Hard


The Syndicate. Your Team Leader


Anywhere you can break or emag into


Get dat fukken disc. Slip on the clown's 100 potency banana peel and explode yourself in shame. Get spotted by the AI at tcomms instantly. Shoot everything and everyone not in a red suit. Die when you get crushed in the Bridge blast doors. Watch as your whole team gets killed by a pissed off Captain who wants to protect his disc. Get shot by your team. Quit the game when someone ruins it for everyone.


This guide, duh.

Under construction (1).png

Blukey's guide to being a Nuke Op.

You are the Nuclear Operative!

So, you just spawned in a big red ship with 4 other guys. Excellent.

You might be a highly trained team of ninja badasses are a bunch of bumbling idiots, but so I can almost certainly guarantee that you, and your comrades will all die horribly hilariously.

Let's Get Started

Important Warnings

We'll get more in depth with these things later in the guide, but here is a simple list of what to do, and what not to do.


  • Ask questions if you are unsure.
  • Read this guide fully.
  • Equip your internals and suit before you leave.
  • Try not to die. (Hah.)
  • Communicate and keep active on the radio.
  • Backup your team.
  • Obey your leader.
  • Stick to the plan.
  • Pray for Clown masks.
  • Activate your explosive implant if captured, to stop the crew using your items against your team.
  • Get dat fukken disc!


  • Kill your comrades. (Free express ticket to Banville, Population: You.)
  • Subvert the AI and then place a powersink.
  • Think you're invincible because you have shiny red armour.
  • Jump out of the Syndicate Shuttle while it's in transit.
  • Place a live syndi bomb on the Syndicate Shuttle.
  • Prime a mini bomb and forget to throw it.
  • Go undercover and wear your syndie headset.
  • Run at the Captain and beg for the disc.
  • Spend all the TC on balloons.
  • Be afraid to pump a Security Officer who's tasing you full of lead.
  • Spend all the TC on soap.
  • Drop your gun in front of an Assistant.
  • Space the nuke
  • Hide the nuke disc from your team.
  • Create a breach without a space suit.
  • Forget to stand back from a syndi bomb.
  • Set the nuke on the Syndicate Shuttle.
  • LEAVE THE DISC IN THE NUKE! (Bad memories. Bad memories.)

Mission Plausable

You see that thing? Yes, the green disc. You want that. You need that to complete your mission and make the station go boom. Pretty green and shiny... So, it's going to be easy, right? WRONG!

Well, maybe, if you have the skills required, but you probably don't, since you're reading this guide.
Turn to the other Nuclear Operatives, and ask the leader for the plan. Usually, they will say something about donating your telecrystals. The radio you start with is actually a Syndicate Uplink, place that in the machine in front of you, and donate all of your telecrystals using the buttons. Leave the uplinks in the machine, and wait until they either redistributes them, or do something else. With this step done, ask the leader your plan, and buy gear accordingly. If you have spawned as the leader, ask if there is anyone who is experienced, and swap uplinks.
Discuss your individual roles with the leader. Ask if you will split up or stay in a large group. Splitting up allows you to tackle multiple areas simultaneously, increasing your chance of getting the disk holder, and in the event that you are defeated, the other members can continue. Staying together increases your safety, allowing you to tackle most threats far easier than one or two operatives would be able to. There are many different tactics that a Nuclear Operative team can use.

  • Bombing and destroying tcomms. Using a bomb on the outside is advised, as entering tcomms will alert the AI via his motion tracker. Having two operatives carry this out while the others wait for the signal and raid the armoury or infiltrate the station.
  • An expensive route is for the leader to purchase a Syndicate Cyborg. These function as a sixth member of the team, and come equipped with a variety of dangerous weapons, like e-swords and ebows. They also have control over the station's systems, and can bolt and unbolt doors, along with a variety of other things. Be sure to raid the armoury and dispose of their Ion Rifle, remembering to avoid bringing your own ion rifle as to negate friendly fire.
  • Teleporting in by having the leader purchase a teleporter circuit and turning the Captain into swiss cheese with your guns is an uncommon but extremely effective method. Most of the crew will most likely be extremely angry, and you probably shouldn't do it too much, or it takes the fun out of infiltrating the station.
  • Going undercover with voice changers and chameleon jumpsuits can be fun, but only if you have a skilled team. Or scrap the voice changers and convince the crew that you're a family of five assistants. The Captain usually doesn't find it very funny when you pretend you're the "Disc Inspectors".
  • Buying a mech is quite unexpected, but like the Syndi Borg method, be sure to get rid of the Ion Rifle in the armoury. Mechas are extremely powerful, but only so when they're protected by the other operatives. Combining it with taking out tcomms can give you a few minutes until the whole station is aware of your Mecha's existence. Don't expect it to stay a secret for long, since the Mecha is noisy and equipped with all kinds of weapons.
  • Or you can just pray for Clown masks, get them, then emag the door, firing shots left and right with an L60, until you get stunned and die the most glorious death via repeated application of a toolbox to the face. You will go down in the Nuclear Operative Archives as the best operatives to ever grace the station.
You should start here. (Minus the awesome Clown masks).

Your Loadout

The gear is the defining and most important part of your mission. You have a wide selection of Syndicate endorsed technology to choose from before you disembark from your ship. So it's time to spend your TC wisely, as you have a limited amount, and if you don't spend them carefully, you can find yourself down Assistant Creek without a toolbox, and there's no way to get them back. Or you could buy an emag, plant a powersink, space your emag when you find out it doesn't work, and spend the rest on C4. (Don't do that.) You come equipped with an agent card, which can be customised with any name and job that you wish. My personal favourite is DISKMCGET, PROFESSIONAL DISKGETTER. If you prefer the more stealthy route, swiping an agent card against another ID card will scan and copy the access. Be warned though, the AI will not be able to track you on its cameras. The various guns serve their different purposes, and you start with a Stetchkin Pistol. A double e-sword, created by combining two e-swords is extremely versatile, and can reflect taser and laser shots, if you choose this, be sure to cover your team and take the lead. The power sink is an effective tool, draining power from the entire station, turning a crowbar into an all-access ID card. Here's a list of the most important Syndicate Items that are available to you.

Appearance Name Cost Function Strategy
Ebow.png Mini Energy Crossbow 12 TC A silent weapon, good for putting down people who are chasing of you, or assisting in quickly killing them, able to fit in one's pocket. An unusual choice, especially since it requires a lot of TC. You should only use this as a stealthy operative, due to its ability to be hidden, and it's effectiveness. An ebow shot followed a whole clip from a silenced stetchkin should put down the Captain or HoS easily.
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