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Hydroponics, Morgue


Make useful plants to either heal people or help the chef. Or make Ambrosia Deus every single time and kill the station from toxin poisoning.


None provided

Guide written by honk AKA refticano.

As a Botanist, you are in charge of growing the good stuff healthy food for the Crew and Chef. This advice is coming from a 1 month botanist, I know my shizzle.

Learn the Workplace and Colors!

A good botanist knows his/her workplace, let's consult the map.

Growing Room

This is where you will grow your produce! Nutrimax vendor supplies​:

  • Plant Bags​
  • Syringes​
  • Nutriment​
  • Left 4 Zed​
  • Robust Harvest​
  • Pestspray​

The Megaseed Servitor provides you with the seeds. More can be accessed by hacking. To get more seeds, place produce in the Seed extractor located above the Nutrimax.


By placing crops inside this, you can turn them into biomass to produce more nutriment solution, gloves and a lot more stuff.

The water tanks can be used to refill your BUCKET and S.U.N.S.H.I.NE Nozzle. You can change how much the water tanks dispense by changing the transfer amount (right click it!), same applies to the Bucket and S.U.N.S.H.I.NE Nozzle.

Tool Storage

The lockers provide some smexy clothing and tools, the usual stuff. The crate is a more open locker, but with only tools. On the table, there should be a S.U.N.S.H.I.NE, put it on your back, take off the nozzle (right click!) and use it on a water tank/sink. At default, a S.U.N.S.H.I.NE dispenses 50 water each use, making it a faster way to feed your crops.


Shove produce into here for the chef to use. Self explanatory.

Mutagen Dispenser

Latest update to botany, now you dont need to pester the chemists!

What Do the Colours Mean Cap'n?

Lets cover the colours that are used to grow your produce GREEN = Ready for Harvesting, use your plant bag on it. RED = Ill, cannot be cured FLASHING RED = Weeds or Pest. Use a Mini Hoe if weeds and pest spray if pests. YELLOW = Low nutrient, replace nutriment solution. BLUE = Low water, spray the plant with water.

Mutation Splutation

Before you ask, I dont know what the title is meant to be saying. You have probably seen botanists growing amazing food that just doesnt appear in the seed vendor, thats because they are MUTATED PLANTS. "How do I mutate a plant?" I hear you ask. It's quite simple! Lets go step by step for this.​

  1. Pester chemists for Unstable Mutagen, or you can just use the mutagen dispenser now​.
  2. Get a syringe from the Nutrimax Vendor​.
  3. Draw Mutagen and inject it into a baby plant. (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ATLEAST 1 PACKET IN THE VENDOR)​
  4. Hope that it doesn't kill the plant.​

A mistake made commonly is injecting mutagen into a plant which cannot be mutated, so here's a quick list of valid mutations.

  • Tomato > Blood Tomato OR Blue Tomato OR Killer Tomato
  • Blue Tomato > Blue Space Tomato
  • Ambrosia Vulgaris > Ambrosia Deus
  • Lemon Tree > Cash Tree (LODS OF EMONE)
  • Coffee Arabica > Coffee Robustia
  • Berries > Death Berries OR Glow Berries
  • Chilli > Ghost Chilli OR Ice Pepper
  • Nettle > Death Nettle
  • Eggplant > Eggy (produces eggs)
  • Apple > Golden Apple
  • Grapes > Green Grapes
  • Soibeans > Koibeans
  • Tobacco > Space Tobacco
  • Tea Aspera > Tea Astra
  • Fly Amanita > Destroying Angel (don't consume!)
  • Plump Helmet > Walking Mushroom

(Up to date from February 16th 2014)

The Poddening

Replica Pods are a work of nature, these things clone humans with just a blood sample! But very rarely will you get to do this! "How do I revive someone with a Replica Pod?" You say to your monitor. It's time for a step by step guide! (Since i'm too lazy to produce a super detailed guide)​

  1. Find a dead human.​
  2. Get a blood sample with a syringe.​
  3. Inject into a Replica Pod seed packet.​
  4. Place the seed packet and care for it.​
  5. When the green light comes on, click the pod to reveal your pod person!​

The flaw with this is that 50% of the time, the human that comes out will be more plant than man and should be wary of forks. Replica Pods should only be used when genetics is down and cannot be brought back up for a while.

Pimpin' Out Your Workplace.

Right now, your workplace is very barren, with awful metal flooring. Luckily, at botany you can produce wood flooring! (tower cap mushrooms) You can also prepare Astroturf by clicking on grass in your hand. Grab a crowbar from the tool storage and get replacing that manky floor! I decided to pimp out my weed factory

Smokin and The Amazing Drying Rack.

With the newest update, botanists can dry out Ambrosia vulgaris/deus and Tobacco (both space and normal) to make a homemade cigarette/blunt. Apart from the swagger that will irradiate from you, the Ambrosia Vulgaris and Deus will make you higher for longer than consuming the plant, but alot of the healing properties are lost in the drying process (citation needed), expect people to come banging on your window for a sample of your delicious weed ambrosia. Rolling paper can be found in any Cigarette machine. The drying rack, while able to dry out smoking ingredients (mentioned above), can also dry out tea leaves for the chef to use.


Using your plant analyser, you can see the stats of a plant, You can fuck around with them by jabbing mutagen into them or changing the nutriment solution to Left 4 Zed. There's a basic overview on them which is explained here.

  • Plant Age = How long the plant has been alive.
  • Plant Endurance = How much abuse the plant can take.
  • Plant Lifespan = A rough estimate for how long the plant will live.
  • Plant Yield = How many crops you get from a harvest.
  • Plant Production = Rough estimate for how long it takes to harvest again.
  • Plant Potency = The size and strength of a plant.

Let's go over potency, the size is self explanatory, but the strength requires a small amount of explanation. Drug plants with a higher potency will have a higher effect. (you can use this on weed to make SUPER WEED) Shrooms and Nettles potency determines how much damage it could do. Chilli potency determine the heat/coldness of the plant. Banana and Tomato potency increases slip time. Everything else is additional nutriment.

The Rotten Fruit.

So, you was unlucky enough to be a traitor as botanist? Dont commit suicide yet! Along with the PDA items, you have amazing plants that can kill, such as a Destroying Angel or a Death Nettle branch. You can also brew up a poison by using a blender and injecting the toxic into a piece of food! Your gloves do not leave a print, so its harder to pinpoint that you killed your target. Need to steal something? You are pretty much screwed. Hijack the shuttle? Grow kudzu everywhere to make people lost and make sure that the meddling goat is dead. Also hand out tainted fruit. Your actions are not watched as much as the other jobs.


Botany is a very relaxing job and is newbie friendly. Give it a shot now and then and you'll be suprised at how fun it is. Heck, maybe even start a ambrosia vulgaris empire where everyone must don a piece of ambrosia in their hair?

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