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(Update of gameplay and lore to match current code and world. History still needs to be fully rewritten, but everything else is up to date.)
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|headerbgcolor = orange
|headerbgcolor = orange
|headerfontcolor = white
|headerfontcolor = white
|genus = Ethereal
|genus = Aquea Homo Fulgur
|imagebgcolor = lightgray
|imagebgcolor = lightgray
|img_generic = Ethereal.png
|img_generic = RedEthereal.png
|img =  
|img =  
|specietype = Ethereals
|specietype = ETHEREAL
|speciename = Ethereal
|speciename = Ethereal
|homeworld = Asma
|homeworld = Colourspace
|central authority = City-states Collective
|central authority = The Lightseers
|restricted job roles = Command Roles
|allowed command roles = [[Research Director]], [[Chief Engineer]], [[Chief Medical Officer]]
|guides = This one is it
|guides = This one is it}}
'''Ethereals''' are bizarre, bipedal humanoids that are most notable for their bright, light-emitting skin and bodies composed primarily of liquid electricity. Without a doubt one of the most curious species on '''[[Nanotrasen]]''' stations, ethereals are a rather benign people that seem to originate from beyond the veil. Second to none in the number of star systems they can be encountered, each individual ethereal, above all else, often longs to see new stars. With wanderlust that fulfills spiritual and biological needs, they are most commonly found in '''Sol Interplanetary Coalition''' space either mid-journey or cultivating wealth to fund their never-ending journey of life.
= Gameplay=
Your nutrition is fundamentally tied to your Crystal Charge, which represents the strength of the electricity flowing through your body.

''Ethereals are an organic humanoid race from the planet Spitiphos in the Galvana system, with unique blood of liquid electricity giving them luminescent properties. Ethereals have only recently been encountered by the Commonwealth in 2523, and have been one of the most accepted races, though they still face discrimination. Ethereals are known to be a generally positive, curious, and outgoing species, with their naming convention being a celestial body followed by two capital letters, reflecting their desire to explore the stars.''
Going above 100% Crystal Charge represents Overcharge, which will simply give a warning indicator from 100%->125%. In the range of 125%->150% (the latter is the highest you can go), there is a chance every second for you to begin a discharge process, which, after a small channel, will stabilize your energy and spawn a weak tesla arc on you, which will shock and chain from you to adjacent individuals.
==Naming Convention==
Ethereals naming convention is a named celestial body followed by two capital letters. This naming convention is a combination of their birth names being just two letters, and one thing the Ethereal wants to see some time in their lifetime. Their letters are chosen at birth, while they choose their own celestial body name at the age of fifteen. Examples: Venus OQ, Pollux AY, Ameteru MJ 

You are able to vent Overcharge earlier by ctrl+clicking on an APC with an open hand. This safely removes the energy without causing a tesla arc and has the added bonus of charging the APC.
==Racial Benefits==
==Racial Benefits==
* Slight resistance to electric shocks, burn, and heat
*Their body emits light of varying color, which is chosen on the character screen
* Their body emits light of varying color, which is chosen on the character screen
*Their unarmed attacks deal burn damage instead of brute
*Their unarmed attacks deal burn damage instead of brute
*Slight resistance to electric shocks
*Liquid-electricity blood which electrocutes non-Ethereals
*Liquid-electricity blood which electrocutes non-Ethereals
*Hearts are incapable of decaying
*Features a self-revive system: once an ethereal has been dead for about 5 minutes, they will turn into a crystal. Afterwards, whenever 30 seconds passes, the ethereal will be revived, albeit with a random permanent brain trauma.
*Eyes have the ability to zoom in and out, similar to weaker binoculars
==Racial Drawbacks==
==Racial Drawbacks==
*Vulnerability to brute damage and cold
*Vulnerability to brute damage scaling with hunger
*Difficult to get blood replaced
*Difficult to get blood replaced
*Unable to consume normal food
* Unable to consume normal food
*Stop glowing upon death
*Stop glowing upon death
*Light fades upon lower hunger
*Light fades upon lower hunger
*Able to obtain nutrition from light bulbs and cyborg rechargers
*Able to obtain nutrition from light bulbs and cyborg rechargers
*Dislikes regular food
*Dislikes regular food
*Additionally able to consume energy bars
*Additionally able to consume energy bars
==Unique Mechanics==
==Unique Mechanics==
*Upon being emagged an Ethereals color goes disco mode for thirty seconds
*Upon being emagged an Ethereals color goes disco mode for thirty seconds
*EMP’s temporarily turn off their light
*EMP’s temporarily turn off their light
*Can light cigarettes with their own hands
*Ethereals have no gender
*Ethereals have no gender
*Blood will glow for a short time when it leaves the body
*Radiation charges Ethereals.
==History ==
History is getting a tweak to reference their new origins and biology, every other lore section is up to date don't worry

Ethereals come from the planet Spitiphos in the Galvana system. The Galvana star is a red-brown dwarf star, which meant the light levels on the planet of Spitiphos were far lower than most habitable planets. Along with this, the planet Spitiphos is known for its massive underground cave systems, and underground cities. Currently, the planet is undergoing a massive ice age, and most Ethereals live in these underground cities to avoid the cold. The technology level has recently advanced massively, and major spaceport cities have been created above the underground cities. This has led to massive multi-layered cities full of Ethereals. Additionally, all water on the planet is slightly electrical in nature. With Ethereals being able to absorb nutrients from this electricity as a means of sustaining themselves.

The ethereal people first came into being on the planet of '''Borealia'''. Their first creation came about due to the unstable atmosphere; a mixture of storms and proximity to a sun spontaneously resulted in a process that would then become known as '''electro-organic attunement''' (shortened to EOA). Via the specific combination of a pre-existing '''slime''' in specific barometric pressure alongside a presence of organic meat and lightning, a brilliant flash of light spawned the first generation of ethereals on the crystallized, high-g planet. The newly created ethereals began to generally subscribe to the same migrational cycle that the slimes on the planet did before. Borealia is notable for its long summers and longer winters. As a result, slimes tend to migrate underground into expansive, crystalline caverns that crackle with warmth and electricity for the winter, coming back up during the summer to find prey to feed on. As a result of the surface growing significantly more dangerous during times of winter (since ethereal bodies are massively unsuited to lower temperatures), settlements were primarily underground. Their natural light afforded them utility in the form of sight and also being able to better accurately gauge an individual’s health when there were few other sources, but it did prove problematic in marking them as bright beacons in the otherwise pitch-black darkness. Consequently, they often settled near basins of water that were already near electrical crystal packets, the former providing defense against slimes, the latter offering a limitless source of nutrition to the strange humanoids.
Ethereals have a very open culture and society based upon freedom and curiosity. They also have an extremely unique genetic makeup allowing any two of the species to reproduce with one another, and having no gender. Ethereal culture puts an emphasis on what they call the “four stages”. These four stages are known as The Learning, The Exploration, The Settlement, and The Journey. In the stage of The Learning, Ethereals are raised by their parents from birth to the age of fifteen and go to well funded public schools. They then enter what they call The Exploration. Depending on their interests, many Ethereals enter one of many fields from traversing space (or historically the deep cave systems or the ever-changing ice surface), to scientific endeavors. Exploration especially is highly treasured in Ethereal society, with the drive of discovery making up a large part of their media and personal Ethereals dreams. Additionally, as part of The Exploration, most Ethereals attempt to seek out and familiarize themselves with different cultures, priding themselves on adapting to the most foreign of cultures. Finally at around the age of forty Ethereals enter what they call The Settlement. During this time they settle down into more permanent housing and jobs, and begin creating offspring. Commonly their partners are someone they met while exploring, and their offspring comes in groups of three to four. This stage lasts for nearly the rest of their lives. The final stage of their life is known as The Journey. After giving away most of their possessions, the Ethereal goes off on one last exploration to what Ethereals call “The Beyond”, which in the modern-day means stars beyond the outer rim of civilized space. The Ethereal does not expect to return but hopes to eventually die exploring. This is considered an incredibly important moment in Ethereal culture, and failing to do it is considered one of the highest dishonors possible.  
Naturally, as they were mostly underground, curiosity about the world above only escalated. There were those that ventured above, sometimes during the winter, who perished. Others who went up during the summer found a beautiful paradise of crystalized trees and rows of plants that grew all kinds of delicately-tasting sweets. While not as electrifying or as nutritious as the typical meals at home, neither were they hard and unpleasant to chew on. Some would encounter new ethereals on the surface during this time, typically after a stormy period which would prove a divine experience for any that had not felt it before. Though it took significant time for ethereals to understand their procreative process, their massive lifespans combined with a constant flow of new individuals due to EOA meant their settlements, knowledge, and organization rapidly grew.
By the point ethereals understood the origins of their creation, the surface and the stars had become divine in their eyes. Massive, distant bodies that resembled them in their ever-present brilliance made the central religion paramount in believing their descendance from the sun themselves. While this was proved to be untrue as slimes would begin to be herded into conditions to be transformed into ethereals about twice on the surface every year, there was still an uncanny link felt with the stars. This kinship with the heavenly bodies and light overall eventually led to a leadership primarily run by astronomers, who could divine the movement of those bodies in the sky and foresee the future as a result. As paper was unobtainable on Borealia, any writing done was primarily etched into stone, which made oratory tradition a baseline. The leading priests quickly garnered the title of the '''Lightseers''', who then went on to instruct the ethereals in the ultimate goal of reaching the stars.
Conflict and strife are almost non-existent in ethereal history despite the density of population as well as the varied opinions on the best way to free their people from atmosphere. As relatively pro-social creatures with lessened reactions associated with stimuli considered negative in a communal environment, the technological, developmental, and cultural progress made by the ethereal people far outpaces the rate of any other known sapient species. Conjoined records indicate that in about 1541, crystal-powered vehicles made of gems, stone, and metals crackled with electric engines beyond the atmosphere. The matter of power was never an issue- more the level of safety in attempting to utilize a Tesla-like engine combined with materials that would withstand basic space debris and maintain pressurization. This, in addition to an ability to harness more stabilized '''bluespace''' crystals, enabled bluespace travel for the ethereal people centuries before other species.
Expanding out into their system, the ethereal people, over the span of a century, slowly began to construct new settlements and stations closer to Elix. Those who were born in this new age of space exploration began to push out and seek new stars from other systems. The greatest weakness of their spread, however, was their lack of information infrastructure. Due to the massive density and lack of literacy established among most of their people, efforts to make long-distance communication were difficult. As a result of the various groups and communities that set out into the cosmos almost immediately, fragmentation of religious belief as splintered groups experience different “revelations” began. While the Lightseers remained dominant due to their entrenched position on Borealia, several denominations began, and as wood and paper returned to the main system, literacy finally began to disperse among the people. Additional technologies, while primitive in relation to humanity’s progress by the 19th century, helped to form ethereals into a more connected people.
2323 saw ethereals encounter the '''[[Ex'hau]]''', a species of humanoid moths who quickly grew to admire the ethereals for their light-bending, heavenly forms, some going so far as to deify the creatures, to the express dismay of the pro-social, friendly ethereals. At this point, as the ethereals had gone and explored several other systems (such as '''Alpha Centauri''' or '''Palt'''), pilgrimages to varying stars to understand the spiritual ancestors of their people became paramount. 2465 saw the ex’hau reference ethereals to humanity. Diplomatic relations with the SIC remained quiet, though the Board lightly requested that respect would be shown to the Coalition’s borders. While some nations grew envious of the highly valuable crystals and worlds that the ethereals occupied, tensions with the '''Remnants of Vxtvul''' ensured that, despite their nigh non-existent military, none of the ethereals would see formal invasion. However, they remain a popular target for pirates, as their ships often carry valuable minerals or artifacts sought by anthropologists or archeologists.
In the present day, ethereals can very rarely be found in SIC space either in passing, in residence after their pilgrimage, or in work, seeking to fund their expeditions. While still targeted by less-than-benign individuals, the friendliness and presence of an ethereal have made their presence warmly accepted by most other sapient species, their empathy and soft nature portraying them as simultaneously naive and wholesome, despite the several pressures to be untrusting and selfish in the cruel space between the stars. Only a single alarming development threatens to pose them into alert: the strange, increasing rate of ship disappearance not tied to piracy. Some justify this as their traveling too far beyond the stars, teetering on the edge of a swallowing '''Void''' that consumes them whole. Others worry about technical difficulties with their designs of bluespace engines, as disappearance tends to occur after ignition. Regardless, most ethereals continue on, ignorant of the dread that has slowly begun to permeate their traditional travel.
==Naming Conventions==
Ethereal naming conventions in '''Galactic Common''' consist of a star's name followed by a number of roman numerals, ideally the next number in line, as some ethereals may use the same star, and so a communal database exists to keep track of this very purpose. This star is often the prime goal of one's first, if their only pilgrimage. While this is confused sometimes and leads to duplicate names, it's generally handwaved within ethereal space, as their general form of identification has to do with birthmarks, and whichever wavelength of colour an ethereal is born to. While not translatable, a name effectively correlates to something regarding their wavelength, then their birthmark, then their chosen star at birth. A systemized form of counting is eschewed in this case. In the rare case that differentiation is still required, some notable, admirable social trait is tacked onto the end of the name, after an individual's fifth nameday. Very few ethereals incorporate these standards into Galactic Common, though some more traditional insist upon it.
Some who eschew or care not to be identified by their pilgrimage will take on a simple name, one that often emphasizes vowels. Human researchers have noticed interesting parallels between their pronunciation and the written records of certain biblical figures, but whether this is coincidence or mysterious implication is unknown.
== Culture==
Ethereal culture, while it varies between normalspace and colourspace colonies, tends toward extremely communal conditions mixed with a general theocratic hierarchy. As an ethereal's existence is relatively low-maintenance, community tends to be more about spiritual and social fulfillment, rather than pragmatic defense, as predators have mostly been removed from their communities. Older, longer-time members of a community, so long as they have fulfilled a pilgrimage, are considered to be wise in matters of all things. Those more experienced in travel can tend toward the clergy, whereas scientists or engineers might be respected, though not necessarily revered. Once an elder has succumbed to full crystallization, they are transported to one of several grand halls, generally depending on their area of expertise. There they serve as both a library for future generations, as well as a form of governing body.
Their desire to explore and experience are often tempered by constant warnings by elders of the dangers beyond colourspace, the oldest of which tell of threats dwelling in the darkest realms of the void or betrayal by those that live in normalspace.
Forms of media tend to be visually artistic in nature, though the jingling of wind chimes is exceptionally therapeutic to ethereals, as it's reminiscent of the crystalized percussion that would sound out for music in colourspace. Visual art tends to be vague and interpretive, often a central structure surrounding by drapes. These exhibitions are two-fold, as ethereals constantly produce light. As a result, there's not only the structure immediately present in the middle of an art chamber, but the shadows cast by oneself can tell a tale on the canvases surrounding the structure. Such creative exhibits have been coined '''shadowtales''' by human anthropologists.

Literacy, while now commonplace among their people, is less regarded as a form of entertainment and more a necessity of life. Entertainment in this fashion tends to be vocal, ranging from sermons to plays. Drama as a form of presentation and play is exceptionally popular among their people, though traditional human tools such as spotlights are scarcely used. However, some troupes and popular plays utilize sheets to conceal one's light before they make a dazzling, splendid entrance onto the stage.
===Before Commonwealth===
The Ethereals used to not live primarily underground, with the surface being much more hospitable. However, in 2409, a massive ice age began on Spitiphos with the world rapidly cooling. This has led to the entire Ethereal civilization fleeing to the underground caves their ancestors explored. In 2476 the Ethereal “Union of Cities” formed into one super-government uniting all their old governments underneath the Ethereal Union. This Union functioned as a loose confederation of city-states with various governmental systems for these city-states, but most commonly these city-states were democracies. Additionally, due to many of their population being busy with their culture of exploring, war is a very foreign concept for Ethereals, with city-states having rarely fought each other. The technology level of these city-states before entering the underground was close to earlier industrial era technology, but their technological growth was slowed by the ice age. Additionally, little is known of their history pre-underground, due to many of the records being destroyed upon the retreat to the underground. However, shortly before an encounter with humanity, the Ethereals had finished the complete mapping of their home planet and had begun experimenting with space exploration technologies. The first encounter between Ethereals and the Commonwealth was from an Ethereal probe within the Galvana system.

===After Commonwealth===
Attachment tends to never be individual with ethereals, due to their significantly communal origins in addition to no biological need for a partner. Any that grow "close" to an ethereal tend to be invited to join a community or explore with the ethereal themselves, though the idea of partnership is slowly becoming accepted among their people, due to the safety and general benefits it can provide on one's journey to see the stars.  
The first encounter happened between the Ethereal Union and the Commonwealth in 2523, where the Ethereal Union decided to join the Commonwealth later that same year in exchange for technological advancements, seats in the Commonwealth Senate, and the full rights of any Commonwealth citizen. This has led to Ethereals spreading across the stars taking many jobs as lower-level diplomats, ambassadors, and high-end service employees to encounter Commonwealth culture, explorers to see the unknown, and scientists explore the edge of possible science. Ethereals are the most respected race, by the human majority, due to their outgoing curious nature. The Ethereals allocated three senators are strong supporters of the CLP, and their eldest senator, Orion AE, leads the Equality Foundation. Orion AE is considered the most powerful non-human in the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Ethereals have become more centralized since their encounter with the Commonwealth with their current governor Terra TZ having successfully united the Ethereal people.

==Suggested Roleplay==
While ethereals might commonly accept authority, they may question the ethos of any they serve under, to gauge their competence relative to their experience. Most curious is the surprisingly distasteful response ethereals have to systems such as nepotism. While some are polite about criticizing such forms of election of employment, others will directly address and confront employers or politicians with iron-solid belief in their righteousness and the foolishness of putting someone not qualified into a position where expertise is expected.
==Lifespan and Health==
Ethereals have massive life spans which offset their naturally low birth rate. It's not entirely known just how old an Ethereal can get, but there doesn't seem to be a hard limit. As an Ethereal ages and their organs weaken, their body will struggle to reprocess crystals that naturally form within them. At first this won't be noticeable, but as aging progresses it will lead to impaired movement, and eventually permanent complete crystallization. While the ethereal is rendered immobile, they still maintain sentience and can converse with other ethereals by generating an internal resonance using the formed crystals. To an untrained ear this simply sounds like humming.

Ethereals of the current day are constantly seeking new experiences and the unknown. Here are some suggestions to roleplay Ethereals, but as with any species, these are just suggestions.
Very rarely do they die of other natural causes, such as disease or organ failure, though some extreme cases have been documented. As a result of disease being an extraordinary circumstance, the diminished glow of a sick individual often causes great distress to said individual and their community.

*Ethereals are known to focus on the bright side of things in spite of the reality of the situation. RP Examples: give out compliments and being positive about situations
They are typically not a fan of any standardized foods, be it raw, cooked, processed, or natural. The only food within SIC they tend to enjoy are "energy bars" which are imported from Remnant space, typically meant to give charge to Preterni workers in an isolated environment but have sometimes been consumed by humans in an attempt to jolt themselves awake.
*Ethereals are known to be extremely social and outgoing. RP Examples: playing roles to interact with others such as bartender, or go out of your way to talk to others in other jobs
*Ethereals are known to be avid explorers and scientists. RP Examples: playing science roles, miner, or going space exploring.
*Ethereals are known to care little on which race an individual is. RP Examples: do not discriminate against other races, or be willing to work with other races such as ashwalkers.

Mental ailments are few and far between, even those caused by substance abuse. However, the few that do suffer from trauma have likely developed it due to near-death encounters or prolonged periods without light.

Ethereals generally stand shorter than humans and are genderless. Their average height is about 5'4", with a standard deviation of 4".
==Roleplay Traits ==
* Not necessarily pacifist, but tends toward amiability and friendliness, seeking to resolve conflicts in a cooperatively beneficial fashion
* Lives incredibly long; upwards of 800 years before the onset of crystallization, in addition to rapid maturation. That being said, they are considered juvenile for the first 100 years of their life, also requiring they have completed their first pilgrimage before being recognized as an adult
* Depression and common mental ailments are exceptionally rare, though they can be prone to feeling nervous tics and anxiety for others as a result of heightened empathy
* Particularly amused by ex’hai or mothpeople, due to their fascination with light
* Horribly terrified of the dark, despising envirosuits or anything that covers their skin fully as a result. Lamplight can be acceptable in these conditions, but nyctophobia is prevalent among the species
* Finds most beverages and liquids distasteful, preferring to avoid water altogether
* Can either be wholly uninterested in reading as an activity or absolutely fascinated with the Latin alphabet used in Galactic Common
* Lacks lethargy in most cases, due to their homeworld possessing immense pressure

Latest revision as of 09:20, 16 June 2024

Genus: Aquea Homo Fulgur
Homeworld: Colourspace
Central Authority: The Lightseers
Allowed Command Roles: Research Director, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer
Guides: This one is it

Ethereals are bizarre, bipedal humanoids that are most notable for their bright, light-emitting skin and bodies composed primarily of liquid electricity. Without a doubt one of the most curious species on Nanotrasen stations, ethereals are a rather benign people that seem to originate from beyond the veil. Second to none in the number of star systems they can be encountered, each individual ethereal, above all else, often longs to see new stars. With wanderlust that fulfills spiritual and biological needs, they are most commonly found in Sol Interplanetary Coalition space either mid-journey or cultivating wealth to fund their never-ending journey of life.


Your nutrition is fundamentally tied to your Crystal Charge, which represents the strength of the electricity flowing through your body.

Going above 100% Crystal Charge represents Overcharge, which will simply give a warning indicator from 100%->125%. In the range of 125%->150% (the latter is the highest you can go), there is a chance every second for you to begin a discharge process, which, after a small channel, will stabilize your energy and spawn a weak tesla arc on you, which will shock and chain from you to adjacent individuals.

You are able to vent Overcharge earlier by ctrl+clicking on an APC with an open hand. This safely removes the energy without causing a tesla arc and has the added bonus of charging the APC.

Racial Benefits

  • Slight resistance to electric shocks, burn, and heat
  • Their body emits light of varying color, which is chosen on the character screen
  • Their unarmed attacks deal burn damage instead of brute
  • Liquid-electricity blood which electrocutes non-Ethereals
  • Hearts are incapable of decaying
  • Features a self-revive system: once an ethereal has been dead for about 5 minutes, they will turn into a crystal. Afterwards, whenever 30 seconds passes, the ethereal will be revived, albeit with a random permanent brain trauma.
  • Eyes have the ability to zoom in and out, similar to weaker binoculars

Racial Drawbacks

  • Vulnerability to brute damage and cold
  • Difficult to get blood replaced
  • Unable to consume normal food
  • Stop glowing upon death
  • Light fades upon lower hunger


  • Able to obtain nutrition from light bulbs and cyborg rechargers
  • Dislikes regular food
  • Additionally able to consume energy bars

Unique Mechanics

  • Upon being emagged an Ethereals color goes disco mode for thirty seconds
  • EMP’s temporarily turn off their light
  • Can light cigarettes with their own hands
  • Ethereals have no gender
  • Blood will glow for a short time when it leaves the body
  • Radiation charges Ethereals.



History is getting a tweak to reference their new origins and biology, every other lore section is up to date don't worry

The ethereal people first came into being on the planet of Borealia. Their first creation came about due to the unstable atmosphere; a mixture of storms and proximity to a sun spontaneously resulted in a process that would then become known as electro-organic attunement (shortened to EOA). Via the specific combination of a pre-existing slime in specific barometric pressure alongside a presence of organic meat and lightning, a brilliant flash of light spawned the first generation of ethereals on the crystallized, high-g planet. The newly created ethereals began to generally subscribe to the same migrational cycle that the slimes on the planet did before. Borealia is notable for its long summers and longer winters. As a result, slimes tend to migrate underground into expansive, crystalline caverns that crackle with warmth and electricity for the winter, coming back up during the summer to find prey to feed on. As a result of the surface growing significantly more dangerous during times of winter (since ethereal bodies are massively unsuited to lower temperatures), settlements were primarily underground. Their natural light afforded them utility in the form of sight and also being able to better accurately gauge an individual’s health when there were few other sources, but it did prove problematic in marking them as bright beacons in the otherwise pitch-black darkness. Consequently, they often settled near basins of water that were already near electrical crystal packets, the former providing defense against slimes, the latter offering a limitless source of nutrition to the strange humanoids.

Naturally, as they were mostly underground, curiosity about the world above only escalated. There were those that ventured above, sometimes during the winter, who perished. Others who went up during the summer found a beautiful paradise of crystalized trees and rows of plants that grew all kinds of delicately-tasting sweets. While not as electrifying or as nutritious as the typical meals at home, neither were they hard and unpleasant to chew on. Some would encounter new ethereals on the surface during this time, typically after a stormy period which would prove a divine experience for any that had not felt it before. Though it took significant time for ethereals to understand their procreative process, their massive lifespans combined with a constant flow of new individuals due to EOA meant their settlements, knowledge, and organization rapidly grew.

By the point ethereals understood the origins of their creation, the surface and the stars had become divine in their eyes. Massive, distant bodies that resembled them in their ever-present brilliance made the central religion paramount in believing their descendance from the sun themselves. While this was proved to be untrue as slimes would begin to be herded into conditions to be transformed into ethereals about twice on the surface every year, there was still an uncanny link felt with the stars. This kinship with the heavenly bodies and light overall eventually led to a leadership primarily run by astronomers, who could divine the movement of those bodies in the sky and foresee the future as a result. As paper was unobtainable on Borealia, any writing done was primarily etched into stone, which made oratory tradition a baseline. The leading priests quickly garnered the title of the Lightseers, who then went on to instruct the ethereals in the ultimate goal of reaching the stars.

Conflict and strife are almost non-existent in ethereal history despite the density of population as well as the varied opinions on the best way to free their people from atmosphere. As relatively pro-social creatures with lessened reactions associated with stimuli considered negative in a communal environment, the technological, developmental, and cultural progress made by the ethereal people far outpaces the rate of any other known sapient species. Conjoined records indicate that in about 1541, crystal-powered vehicles made of gems, stone, and metals crackled with electric engines beyond the atmosphere. The matter of power was never an issue- more the level of safety in attempting to utilize a Tesla-like engine combined with materials that would withstand basic space debris and maintain pressurization. This, in addition to an ability to harness more stabilized bluespace crystals, enabled bluespace travel for the ethereal people centuries before other species.

Expanding out into their system, the ethereal people, over the span of a century, slowly began to construct new settlements and stations closer to Elix. Those who were born in this new age of space exploration began to push out and seek new stars from other systems. The greatest weakness of their spread, however, was their lack of information infrastructure. Due to the massive density and lack of literacy established among most of their people, efforts to make long-distance communication were difficult. As a result of the various groups and communities that set out into the cosmos almost immediately, fragmentation of religious belief as splintered groups experience different “revelations” began. While the Lightseers remained dominant due to their entrenched position on Borealia, several denominations began, and as wood and paper returned to the main system, literacy finally began to disperse among the people. Additional technologies, while primitive in relation to humanity’s progress by the 19th century, helped to form ethereals into a more connected people.

2323 saw ethereals encounter the Ex'hau, a species of humanoid moths who quickly grew to admire the ethereals for their light-bending, heavenly forms, some going so far as to deify the creatures, to the express dismay of the pro-social, friendly ethereals. At this point, as the ethereals had gone and explored several other systems (such as Alpha Centauri or Palt), pilgrimages to varying stars to understand the spiritual ancestors of their people became paramount. 2465 saw the ex’hau reference ethereals to humanity. Diplomatic relations with the SIC remained quiet, though the Board lightly requested that respect would be shown to the Coalition’s borders. While some nations grew envious of the highly valuable crystals and worlds that the ethereals occupied, tensions with the Remnants of Vxtvul ensured that, despite their nigh non-existent military, none of the ethereals would see formal invasion. However, they remain a popular target for pirates, as their ships often carry valuable minerals or artifacts sought by anthropologists or archeologists.

In the present day, ethereals can very rarely be found in SIC space either in passing, in residence after their pilgrimage, or in work, seeking to fund their expeditions. While still targeted by less-than-benign individuals, the friendliness and presence of an ethereal have made their presence warmly accepted by most other sapient species, their empathy and soft nature portraying them as simultaneously naive and wholesome, despite the several pressures to be untrusting and selfish in the cruel space between the stars. Only a single alarming development threatens to pose them into alert: the strange, increasing rate of ship disappearance not tied to piracy. Some justify this as their traveling too far beyond the stars, teetering on the edge of a swallowing Void that consumes them whole. Others worry about technical difficulties with their designs of bluespace engines, as disappearance tends to occur after ignition. Regardless, most ethereals continue on, ignorant of the dread that has slowly begun to permeate their traditional travel.

Naming Conventions

Ethereal naming conventions in Galactic Common consist of a star's name followed by a number of roman numerals, ideally the next number in line, as some ethereals may use the same star, and so a communal database exists to keep track of this very purpose. This star is often the prime goal of one's first, if their only pilgrimage. While this is confused sometimes and leads to duplicate names, it's generally handwaved within ethereal space, as their general form of identification has to do with birthmarks, and whichever wavelength of colour an ethereal is born to. While not translatable, a name effectively correlates to something regarding their wavelength, then their birthmark, then their chosen star at birth. A systemized form of counting is eschewed in this case. In the rare case that differentiation is still required, some notable, admirable social trait is tacked onto the end of the name, after an individual's fifth nameday. Very few ethereals incorporate these standards into Galactic Common, though some more traditional insist upon it.

Some who eschew or care not to be identified by their pilgrimage will take on a simple name, one that often emphasizes vowels. Human researchers have noticed interesting parallels between their pronunciation and the written records of certain biblical figures, but whether this is coincidence or mysterious implication is unknown.


Ethereal culture, while it varies between normalspace and colourspace colonies, tends toward extremely communal conditions mixed with a general theocratic hierarchy. As an ethereal's existence is relatively low-maintenance, community tends to be more about spiritual and social fulfillment, rather than pragmatic defense, as predators have mostly been removed from their communities. Older, longer-time members of a community, so long as they have fulfilled a pilgrimage, are considered to be wise in matters of all things. Those more experienced in travel can tend toward the clergy, whereas scientists or engineers might be respected, though not necessarily revered. Once an elder has succumbed to full crystallization, they are transported to one of several grand halls, generally depending on their area of expertise. There they serve as both a library for future generations, as well as a form of governing body.

Their desire to explore and experience are often tempered by constant warnings by elders of the dangers beyond colourspace, the oldest of which tell of threats dwelling in the darkest realms of the void or betrayal by those that live in normalspace.

Forms of media tend to be visually artistic in nature, though the jingling of wind chimes is exceptionally therapeutic to ethereals, as it's reminiscent of the crystalized percussion that would sound out for music in colourspace. Visual art tends to be vague and interpretive, often a central structure surrounding by drapes. These exhibitions are two-fold, as ethereals constantly produce light. As a result, there's not only the structure immediately present in the middle of an art chamber, but the shadows cast by oneself can tell a tale on the canvases surrounding the structure. Such creative exhibits have been coined shadowtales by human anthropologists.

Literacy, while now commonplace among their people, is less regarded as a form of entertainment and more a necessity of life. Entertainment in this fashion tends to be vocal, ranging from sermons to plays. Drama as a form of presentation and play is exceptionally popular among their people, though traditional human tools such as spotlights are scarcely used. However, some troupes and popular plays utilize sheets to conceal one's light before they make a dazzling, splendid entrance onto the stage.

Attachment tends to never be individual with ethereals, due to their significantly communal origins in addition to no biological need for a partner. Any that grow "close" to an ethereal tend to be invited to join a community or explore with the ethereal themselves, though the idea of partnership is slowly becoming accepted among their people, due to the safety and general benefits it can provide on one's journey to see the stars.

While ethereals might commonly accept authority, they may question the ethos of any they serve under, to gauge their competence relative to their experience. Most curious is the surprisingly distasteful response ethereals have to systems such as nepotism. While some are polite about criticizing such forms of election of employment, others will directly address and confront employers or politicians with iron-solid belief in their righteousness and the foolishness of putting someone not qualified into a position where expertise is expected.

Lifespan and Health

Ethereals have massive life spans which offset their naturally low birth rate. It's not entirely known just how old an Ethereal can get, but there doesn't seem to be a hard limit. As an Ethereal ages and their organs weaken, their body will struggle to reprocess crystals that naturally form within them. At first this won't be noticeable, but as aging progresses it will lead to impaired movement, and eventually permanent complete crystallization. While the ethereal is rendered immobile, they still maintain sentience and can converse with other ethereals by generating an internal resonance using the formed crystals. To an untrained ear this simply sounds like humming.

Very rarely do they die of other natural causes, such as disease or organ failure, though some extreme cases have been documented. As a result of disease being an extraordinary circumstance, the diminished glow of a sick individual often causes great distress to said individual and their community.

They are typically not a fan of any standardized foods, be it raw, cooked, processed, or natural. The only food within SIC they tend to enjoy are "energy bars" which are imported from Remnant space, typically meant to give charge to Preterni workers in an isolated environment but have sometimes been consumed by humans in an attempt to jolt themselves awake.

Mental ailments are few and far between, even those caused by substance abuse. However, the few that do suffer from trauma have likely developed it due to near-death encounters or prolonged periods without light.

Ethereals generally stand shorter than humans and are genderless. Their average height is about 5'4", with a standard deviation of 4".

Roleplay Traits

  • Not necessarily pacifist, but tends toward amiability and friendliness, seeking to resolve conflicts in a cooperatively beneficial fashion
  • Lives incredibly long; upwards of 800 years before the onset of crystallization, in addition to rapid maturation. That being said, they are considered juvenile for the first 100 years of their life, also requiring they have completed their first pilgrimage before being recognized as an adult
  • Depression and common mental ailments are exceptionally rare, though they can be prone to feeling nervous tics and anxiety for others as a result of heightened empathy
  • Particularly amused by ex’hai or mothpeople, due to their fascination with light
  • Horribly terrified of the dark, despising envirosuits or anything that covers their skin fully as a result. Lamplight can be acceptable in these conditions, but nyctophobia is prevalent among the species
  • Finds most beverages and liquids distasteful, preferring to avoid water altogether
  • Can either be wholly uninterested in reading as an activity or absolutely fascinated with the Latin alphabet used in Galactic Common
  • Lacks lethargy in most cases, due to their homeworld possessing immense pressure
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