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(Unathi lore rewrite)
(Continued Unathi lore rewrite)
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Another three decades passed in relative prosperity for the Unathi, and in the year 2550, Nanotrasen made another bold move, in creating and signing the Species Equality Act alongside the UEG. This Act delegated Unathi to be afforded new employment opportunities, declaring them to be closer to equal to Human laborers. With this Act, Unathi were now able to hold low-level jobs in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, being adequately compensated and respected for the work they were doing. Four years after this Act, an amendment was passed by Nanotrasen and the UEG, proclaiming Unathi to be able to serve in most all positions in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, excluding Command roles (excepting in a emergency situations). With these back to back vesting of new rights upon their people, the Unathi civilization again experienced a cultural revolution, with a universe of new opportunities opening up for any and all of the race. Many modern Unathi now find themselves working in security and engineering roles, but many have proven themselves as inspired physicians and brilliant scientists as well, a far cry from their prior existence as slave miners.
Another three decades passed in relative prosperity for the Unathi, and in the year 2550, Nanotrasen made another bold move, in creating and signing the Species Equality Act alongside the UEG. This Act delegated Unathi to be afforded new employment opportunities, declaring them to be closer to equal to Human laborers. With this Act, Unathi were now able to hold low-level jobs in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, being adequately compensated and respected for the work they were doing. Four years after this Act, an amendment was passed by Nanotrasen and the UEG, proclaiming Unathi to be able to serve in most all positions in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, excluding Command roles (excepting in a emergency situations). With these back to back vesting of new rights upon their people, the Unathi civilization again experienced a cultural revolution, with a universe of new opportunities opening up for any and all of the race. Many modern Unathi now find themselves working in security and engineering roles, but many have proven themselves as inspired physicians and brilliant scientists as well, a far cry from their prior existence as slave miners.

=Culture and Roleplay notes=

Unathi names are typically two words in Draconic connected by a hyphen, or three words in English, also connected by hyphens. Examples of this are Czark-Azlan, or Verb-The-Nouns.
Unathi names are typically two words in Draconic connected by a hyphen, or three words in English, also connected by hyphens. Examples of this are Czark-Azlan, or Fixes-The-Problem.

Generally Unathi tend to form close knit communities with their fellows, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Unathi on station but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered under Humankind. While many Humans are still somewhat racist towards Unathi due to lingering racial tension, many Unathi tend to hold little ill will towards Humans, and will mostly let these negative feelings go in the spirit of better race relations.
It is a strong social faux-pas to use an Unathi's first name if not family or extremely close to the Unathi in question. Generally, an Unathi will tell someone when they feel comfortable with the person using their first name.
It is also extremely distressing to an Unathi for people to touch or tug on their tail. To be allowed to touch an Unathi's tail is a sign of deep trust.
Unathi tend to form close knit communities with their fellows, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Unathi on station but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered under Humankind. While many Humans are still somewhat racist towards Unathi due to lingering racial tension, many Unathi tend to hold little ill will towards Humans, and will mostly let these negative feelings go in the spirit of better race relations.

Unathi who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also near universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how Nanotrasen Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personnel which thus encourages high loyalty, and is emulative of old Unathi clan structures.
Unathi who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also near universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how Nanotrasen Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personnel which thus encourages high loyalty, and is emulative of old Unathi clan structures.
Unathi place great emphasis on oral traditions, as well as reading and writing.
Unathi are very proud, and unwilling to admit weakness or ask for help in most cases. Some view this attitude as arrogant, but they view it as self-sufficient.
Unathi are deeply curious and intelligent creatures, eager to glean new knowledge or perfect their existing knowledge.


Revision as of 02:19, 8 September 2019

U. Sapiens / Sinta'Unathi
Genus: Basiliscus Lizretus
Homeworld: Moghes
Central Authority: Unathi Hierarchy
Allowed Command Roles: Not defined
Guides: No external guides


Unathi are not to be confused with the cute little lizards.

From a mechanical standpoint, Unathi are nearly identical to Humans, save for a number of important points, which are concisely listed below.

They suffer from workplace discrimination among common crew. They have elevated heat resistance. They are disallowed from serving in Command roles. They suffer from lack of protection under Silicon Laws. Those with digitigrade legs are unable to wear shoes.

To expand on these negative points: Due to workplace racism, any non-Humans are not allowed to serve as Heads at roundstart - many Unathi are promoted to fill Command ca An Asimov AI or Cyborg is not obliged to listen to or protect crewmembers of this species and they tend to be looked down upon by most of the (human dominated) crew.


The Unathi are a race of proud, tall, humanoid reptiles standing from six to seven feet tall on average, with females being slightly smaller in stature. They have a mix of draconic and reptilian characteristics, with a variety of differing body features showing these heritages, from hard scales to leathery hide on their bodies, horns on their heads, large head frills, and pointed or rounded snouts. Unathi hail from the planet Moghes, an enormous desert planet located close to the edge of Human controlled space. The planet is vast, and its history is immense and convoluted, but at the core it is driven by a tribalistic Clan structure, with many groups either cooperating or conflicting to attain more power, all while attempting to advance the Unathi as a whole. Roughly three hundred years ago, this Clan system has consolidated into the Unathi Great Clan, allowing most of the Clans to unite into a centralized formal government, which became the driving unifying force of the people. Though most Clans have been disavowed and done away with in modern times, Clan mentality still permeates Unathi society, and they trend towards distrust of outsiders and excelling in their chosen professions to bring honor to themselves and their people. Additionally, there are still many active Clans and other groupings of Unathi in various stages of development all across the surface of Moghes, hidden among the unexplored desert sands and bluffs, discovered from time to time.

Artistic rendering of first contact between Humanity and the Unathi

First contact with Humanity took place in the year 2480, with Human explorers representing the United Earth Government (UEG) and corporate interests, including Nanotrasen, coming across the Unathi while scouting Moghes for usable resources. While the United Earth Government classified the expedition as a failure, as it failed to find much in terms of mineral or environmental wealth, the explorers from Nanotrasen and other corporations rejoiced, as they had discovered a wealth of labor to be exploited. With political strong-arming and multiple well placed bribes, Nanotrasen received UEG approval to bring Moghes under their control. Eager to expand, Nanotrasen launched what amounted to just under a full-scale invasion of Moghes, obliterating massive swathes of the population, planet, and government. Though brave and skill combatants, the Unathi stood little chance against corporate soldiers with their space-age technology. Within three months of conflict, what little remained of the Great Clan formally surrendered, giving Nanotrasen full control of the planet and its population. The Great Clan was dissolved, and Nanotrasen installed themselves as the new leaders of the Unathi, quickly filling the planet with space-age developments, from medicine to space travel, bringing about a technological revolution for the people they had just conquered. The Unathi population reeled from this development, having been deprived of their sovereignty, and suddenly forced into a new future. Nanotrasen quickly began staffing dangerous and menial job vacancies in their workforce with Unathi, shipping them to various corporate mining installations across space and other planets. Though beaten and all but enslaved, the Unathi held their heads high and applied themselves wholeheartedly to the jobs they were given, working harder than their Human counterparts to prove their worth. Resented and reviled by Humans, the reptilian Unathi fought an uphill battle every day of their lives, but their pride and spirit remained unbroken. Unfortunately, not all Unathi were set on this prideful path, and many Unathi became slavers and raiders, gaining fearsome reputations while the others of their race toiled to earn basic respect.

Four decades after initial contact, Nanotrasen made a bold move and allowed the Unathi to reconvene a formal government on Moghes, one overseen by the UEG and Nanotrasen. This gave rise to the Unathi Hierarchy, an organization loosely based on the Great Clan of years past. The planet was divided into Districts, with each receiving a delegate to the Hierarchy, whose power is scaled proportionally with the population and size of his District. The representative of the largest and most powerful District is recognized as the Chairman and official leader of the Unathi people. With a government reinstated, the Unathi became a more powerful force on the galactic scale, able to represent themselves and conduct diplomatic and militaristic efforts of their own accord.

Another three decades passed in relative prosperity for the Unathi, and in the year 2550, Nanotrasen made another bold move, in creating and signing the Species Equality Act alongside the UEG. This Act delegated Unathi to be afforded new employment opportunities, declaring them to be closer to equal to Human laborers. With this Act, Unathi were now able to hold low-level jobs in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, being adequately compensated and respected for the work they were doing. Four years after this Act, an amendment was passed by Nanotrasen and the UEG, proclaiming Unathi to be able to serve in most all positions in UEG and Nanotrasen facilities, excluding Command roles (excepting in a emergency situations). With these back to back vesting of new rights upon their people, the Unathi civilization again experienced a cultural revolution, with a universe of new opportunities opening up for any and all of the race. Many modern Unathi now find themselves working in security and engineering roles, but many have proven themselves as inspired physicians and brilliant scientists as well, a far cry from their prior existence as slave miners.

Culture and Roleplay notes

Unathi names are typically two words in Draconic connected by a hyphen, or three words in English, also connected by hyphens. Examples of this are Czark-Azlan, or Fixes-The-Problem.

It is a strong social faux-pas to use an Unathi's first name if not family or extremely close to the Unathi in question. Generally, an Unathi will tell someone when they feel comfortable with the person using their first name.

It is also extremely distressing to an Unathi for people to touch or tug on their tail. To be allowed to touch an Unathi's tail is a sign of deep trust.

Unathi tend to form close knit communities with their fellows, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Unathi on station but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered under Humankind. While many Humans are still somewhat racist towards Unathi due to lingering racial tension, many Unathi tend to hold little ill will towards Humans, and will mostly let these negative feelings go in the spirit of better race relations.

Unathi who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also near universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how Nanotrasen Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personnel which thus encourages high loyalty, and is emulative of old Unathi clan structures.

Unathi place great emphasis on oral traditions, as well as reading and writing.

Unathi are very proud, and unwilling to admit weakness or ask for help in most cases. Some view this attitude as arrogant, but they view it as self-sufficient.

Unathi are deeply curious and intelligent creatures, eager to glean new knowledge or perfect their existing knowledge.


Unathi are an optional playable race. You can make an Unathi character in the character panel, and they possess special customization options for appearance such as skin color, spines, horns, and antennae. Unathi attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also have a pronounced lisp when speaking, and can communicate in Draconic with other Unathi.

NOTE that as an Unathi, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a Human. However, this also means the AI can allow you to put yourself into harm's way in a positive manner, such as opening a airlock exposed to space to save someone.

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