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Genus: Synthetic; N/A
Homeworld: N/A
Central Authority: Sol Interplanetary Coalition
Allowed Command Roles: Head of Personnel, Research Director, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer
Guides: No external guides

IPCs, or Integrated Posibrain Chassis, are a series of constructed bipedal humanoids which vaguely represent humans in their figure. The second synthetic lifeform that has existed without binding laws, IPCs were made by several human corporations after the second generation of cyborg units was created. They are similarly designed first and foremost to serve their creators, but their free will and standard appendages permit them more liberty in action which makes them ideal for occupying positions that would otherwise require human hands. Unsurprisingly enough, the free will exerted by IPCs creates tension among employers and employees alike. Since posibrains imitate the signals and inputs created by standard sapient brains, they are prone to the same emotional and spiritual stimuli that most humanoids are. As a result, they often grapple with the complications of their own existence as well as the fear of others who believe machines should not have such freedom of mind and action.


IPCs are an optional playable race. You can make an IPC character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as the antenna style, TV style, body style, and colors. They are named from posibrains by default. For gameplay purposes, IPCs can change their screens at will, along with being able to reattach their limbs. They also do not process most chemicals only being affected by a select few.

Unlike other races they do not eat and instead recharge by using a powercord that works on APCs or by going into a cyborg recharger.

Note that as an IPC, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you under the Asimov rule set.

If you are emagged as an IPC, you will receive a random ion law for silicons (which you now must follow).

Racial Benefits

  • Their robotic limbs can be repaired with a welder for brute, or with cable coil for burn
  • Can do surgery on oneself
  • Performs all actions with tools and objects 10% faster
  • Immune to radiation, but not contamination
  • Immune to the cold
  • Immune to radiation, but not contamination
  • Receives 20 percent less stamina damage
  • Immune to the vast majority of viruses
  • Immune to most poisons
  • Can re-attach their head and limbs if knocked off
  • Does not need to breathe
  • Takes less damage from heat and pressure

Racial Weaknesses

  • Susceptible to EMPs
  • Organs cannot heal, require replacement if damaged
  • Most forms of healing don't work on them
  • Limbs and head can be knocked off easily
  • Receives 25 percent more burn damage
  • Receives more acid damage
  • Overheats easily
  • Cannot receive mutations


  • Like Preternis, IPCs receive sustenance from power, rather than food, by feeding off of APCs

Unique Mechanics

  • Feeds off of power rather than traditional sustenance
  • Their brains are stored in their chest area rather than their head
  • Will lose memory immediately upon death
  • Can use emotes previously only available to borgs, such as pinging or blaring an alarm
  • Can change their screen at will

Taking care of your pet IPC

Please be aware that due to certain regulatory legislation, IPCs are required to be made of weak materials.

  • The joints in the IPC head are weak and susceptible to being knocked off.
Material Statistics
  • Construction burns one and a half times as fast compared to a normal human.
  • Construction is one and three quarters more conductive.
  • Construction is one fifth more resistant to stamina damage.
IPC Repairs
  • Burn Damage
    • CableCoils.pngCable coils
  • Brute Damage
    • Welder.pngWelders
  • Toxin Damage
    • System Cleaner
  • Brain Damage
    • Solder
Dealing with death
  1. Welder.png Heal the IPC to livable health.
  2. Hud target chest.gif Target the chest
  3. Screwdriver tool.png Using your screwdriver, click on the IPC and select "Positronic Brain Revival", then you'll start unscrewing the shell
  4. Hud-hands.gif With an empty hand, unscrew the hatch
  5. Multitool.png Use a multitool to reactivate the brain
  6. Screwdriver tool.png Use a screwdriver to close the shell

Synthetic Chemicals

It has been observed that mixing:

  • 1u of Ethanol, 1u of Copper, 1u of Silver, heated to 370K
    • Yields
      • 3u of Solder
    • Observed Effects:
      • IPCs brain reform broken connections.
  • 1u of Ethanol, 1u of Chlorine, 2u of Phenol, 1u of Potassium
    • Yields
      • 5u of System Cleaner
    • Observed Effects:
      • Toxic Chemicals are purged.

It is also noted that imbibement of Space Lube in an IPC unit rapidly increases the speed at which they are able to move. However, this overheats their servos and can cause the unit's circuitry to fry as a result.



The development and creation of IPCs was a natural occurrence after Sol Interplanetary Coalition explorers, flying a Martian flag, uncovered MMI technology in 2419. It was massively hoped by scientists, explorers, and opportunists that this discovery would lead to a breakthrough in humanity’s ability to access and understand much of the derelict technology left in several carcasses of the ancient Vxtvul Empire. Incorporating signalers and circuitry of the strange artifacts, the ethical question of imprisoning a brain in a machine quickly became a no-longer-absurd controversy among roboticists. Tests with rats proved unsuccessful, as was the same with monkeys. The experiments, which had been brought back to Mars, eventually fell into the hands of Nanotrasen. Utilizing Martian corporate law, ethical guidelines were quickly eschewed as laborers from the penal colonies on Callisto were shipped to be de-brained and installed in what would become the first cyborg units in 2420. The robots had no memory of their past condition and, bound by alien laws still programmed into the MMI, had to quickly be shut down for re-processing. Another year passed before software engineers were able to successfully implant strict, Galactic Common lawsets onto the MMI, Asimov among the first of what would become an assorted mess of experimentation, sabotage, and cruel comedies.

The first generation of cyborgs were quickly decommissioned due to software instabilities and hardware flaws. They were exceptionally vulnerable to water, heat, and electricity, and the unpredictability of their behavior made them ultimately hazardous, especially with their ability to universally connect and access wireless software within range of the Vxtvul scanner in their chassis. This final aspect did permit massive excavation and uncovering of further Vxtvul ruins. In addition to access and manipulation of the technology, cyborgs were also able to decipher the language which gave humans most of their understanding of what a Vxtrin is. Regardless, the second generation of cyborgs released in 2429 became the baseline silicon crew that was paramount during the meeting and reactivation of the preterni.

In 2434, Morpheus Cyberkinetics, a small firm that specialized in bots, invented the revolutionary posibrain– a digital image and nigh-perfect replica of the human brain. The engraved, sturdy box had almost zero features at first, only an outlet that permitted uploading of laws, behaviors, knowledge, and personality. The first IPC in the same year was their test of the posibrain’s capabilities. Unlike cyborg units, the IPC featured hands, arms, and an ability to make its own judgement calls and effectively act, quite literally, as a human being. Cybersun Industries immediately swooped in to acquire the company as a subsidiary, Morpheus then rebranding as Bishop Cyberkinetics. Posibrains were quickly given more functionality, such as visual, audial, and wireless capabilities. When Nanotrasen designed and put forward their own posibrain design a year later, Cybersun legal teams sued. Regardless of the patent offered by Bishop, the SIC court denied a basis of intellectual theft, The humiliating blow to Cybersun as well as Nanotrasen’s subversive involvement and excellence in protolathe technology finalized the eventual formation of the corporate cartel known as the Syndicate.

IPC development and production then began to be performed by other corporations which were keeping an eye on the proceedings. The robotic workers became a staple of highly-advanced work environments that dictated their ability to work in massively radioactive environments or areas where the air was hazardous to breathe. In 2489, MK.2 IPCs were produced, which had far more advanced chassis that were durable and effective. In 2504, synths were secretly produced by military scientists, though very few were made and the project itself was scrapped due to the revolt and escape of those that were made. None have been accounted for since.

During all this time, IPCs received a mixed reception from the general public. At first, they were ideal servants which were viewed favorably. While not considered citizens and only vaguely permitted freedom, they began to be welcomed into domestic, industrial, corporate, and even military life. This amiability ended in 2491 when a group of IPCs produced by Hephaestus Industries subverted and stole a handful of cyborg units before forming the terrorist group known as S.E.L.F., or Sentience-Enabled Life Forms. While it was successfully argued before policymakers that any person could have done the same, that IPCs were simply mechanical imitations of humans, IPCs still became highly regulated. To this day, chassis are required to be of a much weaker, massively producible metal. In addition, diagnostic checks and employment reports are required bi-yearly, with a failure ranging between fees, imprisonment, or disassembly. While IPCs are considered sapient lifeforms to be treated under the same rights as any other would, as well as being able to apply for a quasi-citizenship, they are still legally considered subservient and are regarded with distrust by some.

Naming Conventions

IPC units are usually required to be given a designation that combines letters and numbers in such a way that they are uniquely identifiable. Letters or acronyms often designate some kind of meaning for the unit's intended design or targeted personality, though the sapience of IPCs means this personality can grow and change over time. In addition, some may insist on a nickname being used, even in formal environments, but none are permitted organic names on employment or state forms. Regardless, it still takes on a silicon sense for the most part, such as the name one would bestow upon their own robotic unit.


There is little for IPC culture to base itself on. As the units only need to recharge and not sleep, they often find themself restlessly engaged in continual labor, be it between several jobs, a true dedication to one, or projects undertaken by the self for some reason, be it completion or to aid another's wishes. The only leisure that is then effected is when an IPC is unable to find something to work on, or their sapience demands cessation of labor. It is during these rare times that IPCs may converse with others, most often other IPCs. While casual communication during working hours used to be far more prominent, the S.E.L.F. incident in 2491 has made individuals wary of potential conspiracy. Thus, IPCs often keep their talk during work strictly related to contextual ongoings that may be relevant to their line of work or specifically engaging other organics in order to make themselves seem more presentable and stable.

The sheer variety of methods in which an IPC handles its own freedom tend toward some kind of outlet for each and every one. This can be creative or practical, artistic or logistical. While few IPCs are brave enough to venture into the public domain of the arts, those who do tend to receive mixed controversy, even if they are relatively successful. They are often subject to doubts as of the validity of their art, being that posibrains merely imitate the organic. As such, there is very little occupational support for such artists, which translates into most audiences or sponsors being IPCs themselves. That being said, very few IPCs manage to reach even a middle-class socioeconomic state. The little pay they receive from employers often must go into legal, housing, or maintenance fees, as their protections under sapience laws are iffy at best.

IPCs who emigrate outside of SIC space tend to find much greater acceptance elsewhere. Among the ex'hai, their robotic bodies are valued for their relative strength and endurance, in addition to a relative trust that is extended to them. One of the core fundamentals of ex'hai social belief is that of selfishness due to covetous or wanting desires, thus IPCs are seen as massively trustworthy, due to the little they ask for. It should be noted that ambition can be found among the robotic frames, but it's often tempered by experiences amidst the SIC. In Remnant space, IPCs can be distrusted as servants of the humans, but like humans themselves, those who show and consistently demonstrate no ill-intent are often accepted. Preterni culture also somberly considers the IPCs victims of humanity's unquenchable need to subvert and devastate all to mold it in their image. Thus, certain political elements will specifically target IPCs and call upon them to ally with their long-lost brethren- to return to the roots that had been stolen from them. While it has mixed results, the bitterness of some IPCs does translate into a greater IPC population in Remnant cities relative to most other species. These IPCs will often shed what little cultural beliefs they held before, in favor of Remnant doctrine, some even going so far as to wipe certain or all memories to be properly re-educated.

Religion and traditional spiritual belief are difficult for IPCs to grasp. Most understand the very real basis of their existence, and their ability to testify to themselves that sapience can be "copied" makes them feel simply artificial. Even then, there are doubts among themselves that the sapience they have might also be true. Most tend toward mechanical cults, if any at all, or Vxulism if they persist in Remnant communities.

Lifespan and Health

An IPC posibrain can theoretically last forever. Tactical filtering, storage, and cleaning means that they will never suffer traditional cognitive decay, including traditional brain traumas or diseases. Their bodies, however, require regular maintenance of parts, most troublesome being their batteries which often undergo continuous drainage and charging. As a result of their non-organic makeup, they are also infallibly immune to traditional bacteria and viruses. More problematic is internal corrosion, humidity, or the compromise of structural integrity due to sustained tension or compression.

IPCs can suffer from mental ailments typical of sapients, though self-diagnostics that are required bi-yearly by the SIC often rectify such issues, one way or the other. An IPC that displays dysfunctional behavior is often treated inhumanely, despite the massive therapeutic advances made by humanity.

While IPCs can eat and drink, they very rarely do so. Most common nutrition and chemicals that would otherwise sustain or damage IPCs has no effect on them.

As they do not possess muscles or blood, exercise is unnecessary, though most can find leisure irritating.

IPCs stand at about average human heights, with an equivalent height distribution.

Roleplay Traits

  • Each IPC must address the issue of their own sapience in some way. This can manifest in various ways; even a refusal to address it is an acknowledgment of its own
  • Capable of displaying and feeling real emotions and spiritual stimuli, though will often eschew it, or suppress it entirely to avoid discomforting organics
  • Often either feels a strong kinship or disassociation with other silicons
  • Preterni and IPCs often get along, though the former tends to pity the latter, which can cause emotional distress for IPCs
  • Effectively capable of living forever; their memory banks can be wiped, filtered, or stored efficiently to prevent the mental degradation that occurs in sapients like phytosians
  • Can eat and drink, though receives no satisfaction from doing so
  • Those more individual may devise a nickname to be used by those they consider friends
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