You are the Changeling!






The Syndicate


Any place your victim had access to, or anywhere you can break into


Be an evil monster of death. Extract DNA. Do your objectives. Run around shrieking everyone. Scare people by using your powers. Mute sting and arm blade annoying shitlers who break into your work place. Get people lynched with transformation sting. Make the station commit suicide by hallucination stinging everyone. Get cremated for no reason.


None provided

So you're a Changeling. A mysterious alien creature that wants to absorb everyone's DNA. You'll be given a variety of objectives, and many abilities to complete them. Yes, you're probably going to fail, but at least you have a chance with this guide.

In Space No One Can Hear You Armblade

If you are reading this, you are probably in a game, so I will make this brief.

You will notice that on the left hand side of your screen, there is a number in a box. This is your chemical storage. When you evolve powers, (Changeling verbs, Evolve) you can only use them if your chemical storage is equal to or greater than the number next to them.

File:Changeling chemicals.png

This is an example of changeling objectives

File:Changeling objectives example.png

Float Like a Butterfly, STING Like a Bee

To use a sting, evolve one or use a pre-given one by clicking it in Changeling Verbs once, or, if you already have a sting selected, clicking it will retract it, another will activate a new sting. To sting someone, walk up to them and middle mouse click on them. They will now be afflicted with the affects if the sting. Some stings are: Extract DNA, which lets you steal someone's DNA without killing or husking them. Cryosting, which freezes people stealthily. And Mute Sting, which stops the afflicted from speaking for a short time. Keep in mind that these pesky, pesky, little humans already know about your stings. it would be best to do them in crowded hallways, or areas with multiple people.

Extracting Genomes 101

To steal people's genes, you can either be a dick by killing them, or stealthily sting them. You will probably have to kill some people, you can't have two Joe Robusts walking around.

To kill and absorb, (easier to assume identity) crit them (or blind+mutesting and knock them out) then go somewhere safe like maintenance and grab them aggressively until you get the kill option. You have to grab aggressively by grab intent grabbing, then clicking upgrade until your hand looks like image below.

Kill choking.

File:Kill intent.png

Then click Absorb DNA in Changeling Verbs and wait. If someone sees you do this, mute sting and murder them too! Now you have two bodies! If you need more than 5 genomes, you have to transform. Do this by going into a locker or somewhere hidden, and click Transform. Select your desired person, YOU ARE NOW THEM! It is advisable to observe how they play and mimic them or not speak at all. Your clothes and possessions will not change, so you should wear their clothes. Remember to wash the blood off said clothes.

An absorption, the mean way.

File:Ling absorbtion.png


You will want to hide the bodies you husk or kill. A good way to do this is by spacing them or assimilating and replacing the Chaplain and cremating them.(Or if they are braindead, rob the morgue, steal their brain, put it in a dead corpse and absorb them again for more fun!) Do NOT forget to take their jumpsuit off. Or you could even plant your old ID on them. (As shown in the picture above.)


OK. Someone has found you out! What do you do? Assume another person. My advice is to take a hardsuit and go in a locker, Transform and just don't speak. You could also use a voice changing evolution. Another way is to frame the accuser of being a ling! Yes, the gods have granted a nifty little sting to frame people with. It's called a Transformation Sting, this basically makes people turn into someone who you have absorbed. This is done by stinging them (preferably in public), they then morph into the person you select when turning on the sting exactly as a ling would. This costs 40 chemicals, so use it sparingly. If you are in crit, do not worry! Just click Regenerative Stasis under Changeling Verbs and it will begin the stasis preparation. Wait until you see a message stating "We are ready to regenerate." Then click the new option in Changeling Verbs, Regenerate, and you will instantly be healed. (Doing this in front of borgs is a bad idea).

Or use this baby and go Full Metal Badass on them fools.


MOMMA! I just killed a man!

Here are some tips on how to efficiently kill people.

Cryosting then slip people, cuffs are good. Then strip their headsets and nomnomnom... since mute sting and hallucino sting are no longer available because of the vir00s, you must find other ways! share your tips with Tigers101, and he willl post them here!

I Need to Buy Some Time

Evolve Spread Infestation. When you have 5 or more genomes, you can make spider babies! They will grow up and kill everyone including you, so be very careful.

Being Robust

If you are not very robust, (combat worthy) then evolve, Shield and Arm Blade. Using these costs a lot of chemicals, but make even the weak, strong. Your hands will be replaced by a sword and a gross shield. Epinephrine Overdose allows you to instantly recover from stuns when activated, while sometimes giving you toxin damage.

Dealing With Idiots

If someone spaces you, you can try Regenerative Stasis and then evolve Organic Space Suit and you might just survive! Lucky you.

Being Stealthy

Another neat power is Lesser Form, you use this to change into a monkey, who can crawl through vents and wreak havoc! This is a telltale sign that you are non human, so do it in a safe place. To ventcrawl, use alt click on a vent, then select your destination.

Final Remarks


Good luck being a damn dirty alien!

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