
Revision as of 18:21, 18 February 2017 by AdamElTablawy (talk | contribs)
Access: Whatever your job is
Additional Access: Any place you or your victims had access to
Difficulty: Hard
Supervisors: The Syndicate, probably
Duties: Drink people's DNA, fool people.
Guides: This is the guide
Quote: "Uh...THE HEAD OF SECURITY IS A CHANGE-" *BZZZZZRT* *CRUNCH* "Nevermoind, everything's OK. Go back to work."

A changeling is a highly intelligent alien predator that is capable of altering their shape to flawlessly resemble a human. They are typically deployed in simple social groupings, although they maintain total autonomy and act individually, so long as they do not have a team objective. As a result of their expertise in infiltration, the Syndicate often hires Changelings to steal high-risk items from Nanotrasen. The Changeling hunts with its ability to synthesize deadly chemicals internally, adopt the form of it's past victims, and even directly alter its form to be more suited to the task at hand.

The Thing From Spaaaaaaaace!

A changeling has boarded the station! It has had time to "familiarize" itself with the ins and outs of its primary victim's identity, ready to take anything it desires -- be it your equipment, your faces, or your lives!

Even if a changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it is highly likely it has attacked or killed others in its infiltration.

Ok, now what do?

Important: Changelings can communicate with one another using 'say :g' before their speech. Use alt+click or middle mouse button to sting someone.

  DNA Absorption

The goal of many changelings is to absorb 5-7 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and absorb them using either its special proboscis, or the DNA Extraction Sting. You can only have a maximum of 5 DNA strands at a time, and must transform to obtain more.

DNA's can be acquired in two ways:

  • The DNA Extraction Sting, which is instant and does not give any alert to the target.
  • Absorbing the victim, which results in a gruesome husk. Absorbing has more advantages over DNA stinging, in that it gives you a flawless identity to use where DNA extraction would still have a duplicate running around, and improves your absorbing speed and horrorform power.

Acquiring DNA via absorbing requires a grab, and a little bit of time as it stabs the victim with its appendage till it has all of the DNA drained. You need a good grip to absorb victims properly, and choking them has the added benefit of subduing your target as well. A choke hold can be attained by grabbing someone repeatedly until you're holding them by the neck, then double-clicking the KILL button that appears in your active hand in your HUD so that it is flashing red.

  • Absorbing a victim will fill your chemical storage some and give you the target's DNA, and will allow you to re-adapt your abilities.
  • Absorbing another changeling gives you all its chemical storage.
  • Absorbing victims who have been husked via burns or space will not add to your total genome count.
  • Absorbed victims cannot be cloned unless genetics uses a monkey creatively. They can still be turned into cyborgs because the brain is fine.

"No, I'm the real one!"

Changelings are limited, however, to how much DNA they can absorb at once! If a changeling has 5 DNAs stored and attempts to gain another, they must purge the older DNA by transforming. Eventually, any changeling will have to be a twin of someone else on the station, living or dead.


The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed. This can be massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.

Changelings can also, via their lesser form ability, transform into monkeys and do monkey things.

Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crewmember may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.

Transforming will also grow 'flesh clothes'-That is, it duplicates whatever the target is wearing at the time. Note that this does not mean the objects are usable-flesh radios don't recieve radio signals, et cetera. But it can be used to look similar to a target or fill in parts of the disguise you are missing.


Also known as Regenerative Stasis, changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for two minutes. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will, fully healed of all injuries and illness. Entering stasis will cost 15 chemicals, but leaving stasis is free. You will regenerate chemicals when dead, so don't worry about running out.

This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves even from death if their bodies are intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on station given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it in the chapel.


Changelings may have the following objectives, Be aware that some objectives may not show up depending on what type of Team Objective the changelings have:

1. Absorb 5-7 DNA stands: All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via DNA extract sting or Absorbing.
2. Assassinate/Maroon a person: All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via normal methods or some of your various abilities.
3. Steal an object: Steal a special or rare object from the station, you will be informed of what to steal.
4a. Escape alive: All changelings get an escape objective, to fulfill, be on the escape shuttle or a pod when they land at Central Command.
4b. Escape with identity: In addition to escaping alive, the changeling must have transformed to the target person and wear an ID card with the target's name on it to succeed.

Changelings are pragmatic. Anything is on the table, from stealing an absorb target to killing another changeling.

Changelings can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does not count towards your personal absorption count.

Changeling Abilities

Changelings are able to 'sting' targets, or jab them with a pre-synthesized sting that will apply various affects to an adjacent target. The changeling can use this while stunned, unconscious, or handcuffed, but not when dead.

Their stored chemicals regenerate quickly at a rough set rate of half a chemical per second.

Changelings start with 10 evolution points. The cost of abilities (if applicable) are listed in parentheses after their entry. By husking a lifeform, the changeling gains the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise. This will reset their evolution points back to the starting 10.

Changelings can store up to 6 DNA strands, acquiring them either by husking or DNA stinging people; if they acquire more, the oldest will be overwritten.

Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings and are able to notice they've been stung. If you try to sting someone and they don't suffer any ill effects, they are probably a changeling and you should confirm by asking in the hivemind.

Starting Set

Reviving Stasis

A free evolution. The changeling can fake its death and enter a stasis for a small cost, and after some time, can leave it while healing all wounds and status effects. Can be used while dead. Renders the changeling very hard to kill, but if its corpse is gibbed or incinerated it won't be able to revive.

Uses 15 chemicals.


A free evolution. The changeling instantly regenerates lost limbs and organs. If it is regenerating limbs, it will make a loud and obvious sound.

Uses 10 chemicals.


A free evolution. The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. It will also mimic their clothing and IDs, if you're not already wearing one in those slots; they will however be nonfunctional and cannot be removed except by retransforming or using the Drop Flesh Disguise option from the transformation menu. Uses 5 chemicals.

Hive Channel

A free evolution. The changeling can channel a selected genome into the airwaves for other changelings to absorb and use. Also useful for storing important DNA without it being overwritten.

Uses 10 chemicals.

Hive Absorb

A free evolution. The changeling can absorb DNA from the air that has been channelled by a fellow changeling. Doesn't help the changeling reach their genome objective.

Uses 20 chemicals.

Extract DNA Sting

A free evolution. The changeling can sting a target to extract their genetic information. They can then use the DNA like they just absorbed it. Helps the changeling reach their genome objective.

Uses 25 chemicals.

Absorb DNA

A free evolution. Another way to acquire DNA: the changeling fully drains a body's fluids, husking it in the process and making it uncloneable and unidentifiable. In addition to giving the changeling the DNA, it will also give it a few samples of speech to better imitate them and it will allow the changeling to reset their abilities.

Hivemind Link

Allows you to connect another non-changeling to the Hivemind. This allows you to interrogate someone you are absorbing, or communicate with them if they agree to help you for some reason. It fades over time.

Has the same requirements as Absorb DNA: needs a KILL level grab and a short channel. The victim will be kept stabilized while linked to the hivemind; so don't worry about time constraints.

Horror Form

Transforms you into your true, horrific form, but expends chemicals extremely quickly. You become extremely resistant to anything other than fire (the flamethrower kind, not so much lasers.), and gain powerful, new abilities to quickly dispatch your foes. However, you move very slowly, the entire crew will quickly notice your presence, and you cannot use any of your normal changeling abilities.

Enhanced Melee- Your attacks do high damage and knock over anyone you hit. You are also completely immune to any stun, similar to hulk.

Screech- Stuns everyone around you for a short time, rendering them incapable of moving. Has a ten second cooldown.

Constant healing- You heal brute and burn damage rapidly over time, comparable to fleshmend, unless you are on fire. You are also completely immune to space and highly resistant to toxin damage.

Devour- Pick up a human and eat them, restoring a large stock of chemicals to your stores. You must be aggressively grabbing a human to do this, and it takes a few seconds to eat them. After devouring, you vomit up their items and their skeletal remains.

Note that the more humans you absorb, the slower horrorform's drain is on your chemicals, and the faster your devour speed.

This ability is only available after you have absorbed 5 humans.

Mimic Voice

Allows the changeling to mimic any voice they choose of a name they enter.

Costs 1 evolution point and slows chemical generation while active.

Abilities Available via Evolution Menu

Augmented Eyesight

The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.

Digital Camouflage

Makes the changeling invisible to the AI, and prevents the AI from tracking the changeling's location while active, but makes you look blatantly inhuman when examined.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Adrenaline Sacs

Allows to the changeling to make use of additional adrenaline to instantly recover from stuns, and gives a temporary reduction in further stuns, which may cause toxin damage as a side effect. High chemical cost.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.


The changeling will rapidly heal brute, burn and oxygen damage over 10 seconds. Can be used more than once in a row, but with reduced effectiveness. Usable while unconscious.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.

Last Chance

For when you are well and truly fucked. Creates a small silent explosion, gibs your current body, and spawns a headcrab -- a creature that can infects corpses to plan a hidden changeling egg. The changeling egg grows into a monkey changeling after ~180 seconds.
If you're killed while in this form and you haven't infected any corpse, you won't be able to revive!

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Lesser Form

The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period of time. Causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using Human Form. Note that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals and 5 to shift back.

Arm Blade

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when on harm intent (powered ones will take longer), and to smash apart tables and destroy computers.

All form-altering mutations cause a form of genetic damage, preventing the changeling from changing shape for a time after their deactivation.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Organic Shield

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a large, fleshy shield. Blocks or mitigates a number of attacks, the amount increasing by 3 with each genome absorbed. Surprisingly robust.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Organic Space Suit

Inflates the changeling's flesh into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue to facilitate space travel. While it's active, you'll also regenerate oxygen damage quickly enough to not need air. Because the suit is made up of the changeling's flesh, it provides no damage resistance and can be injected directly into with syringes. Slows chemical generation while active.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Chitinous Armor

Inflates the changeling's body into an all-consuming chitinous mass of armor. Provides extensive protection against physical damage, but less against other types. Its mass slows the changeling's movement, and maintaining its shape slows chemical generation.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Anatomic Panacea

Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvas and cortical borers. Usable while unconscious.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 40 chemicals.

Strained Muscles

On use, makes the changeling move at meth speeds. Standard weight restrictions such as hardsuits or duffel bags will still slow it down some. Causes stamina damage when moving, and will end either at a maximum time, or with enough stamina damage.

Costs 2 evolution points and has no chemical cost to use.

Resonant Shriek

The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself and bursting lights in the area, while overloading cyborg sensors. Good for escaping groups or preventing people from fleeing from you.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Dissonant Shriek

The changeling emits an EMP, which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Good for escaping borgs and preventing people from shouting over the radio.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.


The changeling vomits acid over any restraints or lockers imprisoning it. Will not work when buckled to a bed or bed variant, such as an alien nest. The process is obvious to any nearby observers, and will free the changeling from it's restraints in about five seconds.

Costs 2 evolution point, damages genomes and costs 30 chemicals.

Spread Infestation

Two spiderlings crawl out of the changeling's mouth, eventually growing into deadly beasts. They will attack the changeling as well, if they see it. IMPORTANT: You need at least 5 DNA absorptions or stings to gain enough power to use this late-game ability!

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 45 chemicals.

Strained Muscles

The changeling reduces lactic acid buildup in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Chameleon Skin

The changeling's skin pigmentation will change when standing still, rapidly becoming the same color as the environment and, thus, invisible. Using anatomic pancea will disable this ability until re-used.

Costs 2 evolution points and 25 chemicals on use, but is free to disable.

Transformation Sting

The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces their human victim to transform into another. When extracting the sting the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use. They'll also carry over genetic powers and disabilites. Damages the changeling's genomes when being used, requiring it to wait before reusing it.

This can be used for various debilitating effects depending on how clever you are, but be warned-you cannot transform sting people into races that will kill them the moment they turn, such as plasmamen.

Costs 3 evolution points and uses 40 chemicals.

Mute Sting

The changeling silently sting a human, completely silencing them for about thirty seconds. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, until they try to speak and can't. Injects mute toxin into the victim, so chemical purges will make it that much less effective.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Blind Sting

The changeling silently stings a human, completely blinding them for a short time and rendering them permanently nearsighted. The victim will not notice they are stung, but will probably notice going instantly blind with an obvious message. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 25 chemicals.

Hallucinogenic viral Sting

The changeling injects the victim with a virus that will rapidly spread through the station and afflict everyone with debilitating hallucinations. It's curable with morphine. Note that you are naturally immune, and so blood testing for antibodies will reveal your changeling status if someone gets suspicious as to why you aren't sick.

Costs 5 evolution point and uses 50 chemicals.

Armblade Sting

The changeling silently injects a retrovirus that mutates their victim's arm into an armblade. The victim will form an armblade much like a changeling would. Including the actual hitting part. The transformation occurs immediately after the sting, and will last for about a minute.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.


  • Only take a few abilities at round start! Once you take an ability, it is locked in unless you husk someone. Husking someone is time-consuming, leaves obvious evidence, sort of dickish, and if anyone interrupts you then you're boned. If you leave a few slots open, though, you can easily adapt to whatever shit you find yourself in.
  • Transformation Sting is robust. Not only does it confuse the fuck out of people and is silent, but it's easier to hide in a forest than on an open plain. Make 555 of the guy you are changing into for more genomes. Transform the guy you are husking/impersonating into someone else, so you're the only one. The possibilities are endless.
  • Wear some generic clothes from arrivals or locker room. Then if somebody's chasing you, run out of their line of sight, quickly transform and run backwards.
  • As a ling you are able to explore space, either staying as a regening corpse until you hit something or through your organic spacesuit.
    • There are edible clown corpses on the clown shuttle, and numerous free corpses in lavaland.
    • You can of course find spaced people randomly, which is a great way to pick up an identity provided everyone doesn't know they were spaced.
  • Hive channel is free genome storage for identities.
  • Mimic voice and subverted AI, or mimic voice and digital camo go a LONG way in completely getting the crew against each other.
  • Keep in mind that if you space yourself and let your corpse husk from the burn damage you'll still be a husk when you get back up. You can clear this effect by transforming to another form and back again. You could also buy voice changing and play a zombie.
  • DNA contains all the genetic disabilities/powers in addition to visual appearance, so if you want to be mean to people you could create a humanized monkey with all the disabilities, extract its DNA, then go around silently turning people into blind deaf convulsing gibbering heaps. It's the closest thing to a parasting we have now.
  • Blind sting + Lesser form = Freedom
    • Horrorform + More than 5 absorbs = Freedom, and a whole lot of dead crew
    • Biodegrade + Blindsting = Freedom

Tips for Fighting Against Changelings

  • Changelings do not need heads, and brains are therefore vestigial. Don't debrain a changeling while the body walks out of the door behind you.
  • As long as you can talk and you're within 1 tile of an intercom, you can type :i in front of what you say to say it over the intercom. Even when you're stunned and/or on the ground..
  • The bane of lings is N2O. None of their powers will help them. Unless they use internals.
  • Never fight a Changeling alone if you can help it. Unless they're hilariously unrobust, chances are they will almost always win a melee confrontation. The best tactic is to get a buddy to stun the changeling while you handcuff/beat it to death and take it to be gibbed/cremated.
  • Changeling flesh clothing is completely cosmetic/non-functional and cannot be removed. If during a strip-search you can't remove an article of clothing from a person, chances are they're a Changeling unless they're cursed in some way.
  • Be very careful when confronting a known changeling with a lot of absorbs behind it's back. It is more than likely going to go horrorform when cornered, and horrorform is a death sentence for anything less than an angry mob.
    • Your best bet if a changeling goes horrorform is just to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. If it can see you, it can screech and stun you, and so waiting until it runs out of chemicals and reverts is your best bet.
    • In a pinch, fire-based ammunition such as flamethrowers or incendiary shotgun shells will make a horrorformed changeling much weaker and disable it's natural regeneration until it extinguishes them.
    • Horrorformed changelings can still use melee weapons (albiet, their normal attacks are better than any weapon they can use anyway). Stay well outside of melee range unless you have a death wish.
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