
Revision as of 21:14, 21 December 2020 by Mesalikepie (talk | contribs) (Lore Update)
Genus: Ossis Pyrus
Homeworld: Logatio
Central Authority: Tribal Leaders
Allowed Command Roles: Not defined
Guides: This one is it

From the planet Logatio in the Zara system, the men of plasma have stalked their prey for generations with brutal steady determination. This terrifying skeletal species is the only sentient race known to not require oxygen and the first inorganic sentient race. Highly discriminated in all of Commonwealth space, this species primarily works for Nanotrasen, and are known for their determined, solitary, and apathetic nature


Naming Convention

Plasmamen have adopted names encouraging high organization and ease of communication. Their names follow the trope of a name followed by roman numerals, with their forename always being related to the periodic table, such as “Radon”, “Krypton”, or “Lithium”. Prior to their first encounter with civilized space, Plasmamen names were just a series of numbers, but civilized space required them to adapt their naming conventions.

Racial Benefits

  • Plasmamen boast complete rad immunity.
  • They have a strong resistance to cold temperatures.
  • When wearing a fire suit, plasmamen can spacewalk.
  • They can heal via drinking milk.
  • Due to their inorganic nature, they have no blood.
  • Additionally, due to being inorganic, they have little to no food requirements. Rarely on station does a plasmaman have to eat.
  • Lastly due to being inorganic, they are mostly resistant to all diseases and viruses.

Racial Drawbacks

  • Due to their lack of skin and skeletal nature, they take additional damage from brute force.
  • Due to their bones being partly made of plasma, they take additional damage from heat and burn damage.
  • They lack traditionally researched genetics. This means they cannot gain powers from the Genetics department.
  • Oxygen is toxic to them, requiring each plasmaman to carry a plasma tank with them which may run out of plasma over time.
  • Oxygen is also flammable to them, so if they are not wearing a helmet and a suit, they will burn up.


  • Plasmamen do not need to eat like other organic races, but if they choose to eat, they have dislikes and likes.
  • Plasmamen hate fruits, and strongly dislike them.
  • Plasmamen love grilled foods and vegetables when they have to eat.
  • Lastly, due to their skeletal nature, plasmamen love milk, which will also heal them.

Unique Mechanics

  • When gibbed they drop plasma.
  • Plasmamen are one of the least customizable races. This creates an abundance of visual homogeny.
  • Plasmamen lack any signs of damage like bloodied clothes, due to their lack of blood.



Logatio is one of the largest known solid worlds across all of civilized space, and is the largest inhabited world. Before their encounter with civilization the plasmamen lived in clan-like tribes all across the surface. The world itself is coated in plasma gas, which is extremely valuable to certain corporations, however due to Commonwealth regulations, gas harvesting is strictly prohibited. Currently, few tribes remain in the hinterlands of the planet, with many having moved to the major cities where plasma gas is canned for plasmamen working abroad.


Plasmaman culture is highly focused on bonds between their tribes, and tribal benefit. There are currently over 200 known tribes that plasmamen are a part of. The most important aspect of these tribes is their central housing, sheltering the entire tribe at once. These homes were used between hunts, and in the modern-day, they have created new homes in the large cities. Within these homes, they would have an elderly tribal leader rule the house and the tribe by extension. The leader's role was to primarily assign chiefs who lead the subtribes and to run the house itself and its care. Over time the leaders have become more powerful leading the politics of the tribes, and the planet of Logatio as a whole. These tribal names have been translated into famous scientists throughout Commonwealth history such as Oppenheimer, Edison, and Copernicus. However, even more, important in their culture is their belief in working for tribal benefit. All plasmamen are to bring wealth and prestige to their culture in any way necessary. Additionally, plasmamen have highly valued the hunt. For weeks on end, plasmamen would stalk their prey across the plains of Logatio separate from one another leading to them being less talkative than other races. In modern-day hunting is not done the same, but a new tradition has emerged called the great hunt. The best hunters of tribes will compete to gain the glory of the largest kill. The hunters have one week to achieve this, and the tribe who wins this competition is seen as the leading tribe for the year. They are allowed to use any technology for this, however, the prey must be wild. This hunting culture has contributed to their work ethic and solitary nature. This, and their unshakable determination, has led to plasmamen being known to be some of the most productive workers in civilized space.


Plasmamen have a uniquely long lifespan of upwards of five hundred years. This long lifespan is due to their uniquely inorganic nature. However, this long lifespan has correlated to an extremely long reproduction cycle. Plasmamen reproduce only once every ten years, leading to very slow population growth. Plasmamen population size is by far the smallest, in comparison to all other sentient races.


Before Commonwealth

Extremely little is known of plasmaman history before their encounter with civilized space. However, they were known to be a tribal species who utilized their slow metabolism to steadily run their prey down for days. Their skeletal nature prevented them from taking on prey in a head-on approach, so their main method of hunting was depriving their prey of sleep to kill them at their weakest. This steady and long-term determinism in their hunt has translated into an unstoppable work ethic in the modern era.. When first encountering the Commonwealth, many tribes decided to work with the Commonwealth and Nanotrasen to further their tribes. This led to a cascade of tribes joining the Commonwealth to obtain greater status and wealth.

After Commonwealth

Commonwealth explorers discovered plasmamen in 2551, a mere 5 years before the events on Space Station 13. This recency has meant that the planet Logatio hasn’t even been fully colonized, due to its early technological nature. Currently, plasmamen are never seen outside of the Ciastor sector, and the political impact plasmamen have is non-existent. However, the local Ciastor Nanotrasen CentComm has begun using plasmamen across NT stations and workplaces. Their implementation as workers has been highly successful, due to their hardworking nature. Additionally, Logatio is planned to have an election in 2557, for the planet’s governors and senator for the Commonwealth Senate.

Suggested Roleplay

  • Plasmamen are known to be solitary, hardworking, and prideful people. Here are some suggestions to roleplay Plasmamen, but as with any species, these are just suggestions.
  • Plasmamen are known to be solitary and straight to the point in conversation. RP Examples: Talking to gain knowledge or wealth or prestige is encouraged, Be brutally honest in conversation, and keep minimal small talk.
  • Plasmamen are known to be hard-working individuals. RP Examples: Working hard to bring in large amounts of ores as a Miner, making super-efficient engines in Engineering, and generally keeping on task.
  • Plasmamen are known to want their accomplishments to be known to bring glory to their tribe. RP Examples: Bring attention to your accomplishments, defend your tribe's name, and take an insult to a fellow tribe member as an insult to yourself.
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