This disk contains the codes needed to unlock the syndicate nuke used in Nuke and Blob to destroy the entire station. The disk is also protected from teleportation, and its carrier will be blocked from entering any teleportation portal.
If you are the Captain, for the love of all that is good in this world protect the disk with your life. Don't leave the damn thing lying in your office. Pocket it, give it to someone trusted, anything rather than leaving it open for anyone to grab. Its location can be tracked with a pinpointer, so merely hiding it won't help you.
Destroying or spacing the disk will cause it to respawn in a random pre-designated location on the station. Also, syndicates love getting their grubby little red space suited hands on this. If the object gets in their hands, call all hands on deck and say "We're fucked", as a syndicate team with the disk is a good team at that.