![]() Revolutionaries |
Access: Wherever you had access to before Additional Access: Same as above Difficulty: Easy to Hard Supervisors: The Syndicate Duties: Stay alive, recruit more individuals to your cause, and kill the Heads of Staff! Guides: This is the guide Quote: VIVA LA REVOLUTION |
Gamemode in rotation
Revolution is a team-based antagonist game mode, similar in vein to Gangs or Nuke Ops. In it, certain members of the crew are chosen to play as Head Revolutionaries, and they begin with the goal of recruiting other crew members to their just cause, and ultimately killing the station's Command staff to free the people from their oppressive rule.
Revolution and you
A Primer on Revolt
During a Revolution round, it is the job of the Head Revolutionaries to recruit anyone outside of Security to their cause by walking up and using a Flasher on them. From there, their goal becomes finding inventive ways to remove the Captain, Head of Security, Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, and Research Director, from play. If the Revolutionaries manage to kill or exile all of the ORIGINAL heads (THIS DOES NOT COUNT HEADS THAT HAVE BEEN PROMOTED FROM NON-HEAD POSITIONS), they are considered victorious. If the non-revolutionary crew manages to kill or exile all of the Head Revolutionaries, the Revolution is defeated.
An important mechanic of note for this game mode is that Heads of Staff as well as Head Revolutionaries are considered to be exiled if they leave the z-level of the station or enter a locker. This means that if either team of Heads hides in lockers, takes the Mining transport shuttle to Lavaland (willingly or unwillingly), or is thrown far enough out into space, they will be listed as having abandoned the station. This can lead to Revolution rounds ending pre-maturely, but this can also allow one side to non-lethally remove a target.
The Emergency Shuttle can be called but will never arrive during this game mode. The round will not end until either side has won by eliminating the leadership of the other side.
However, be aware, if one hour passes, or all of the heads are dead, a Central Command announcement will play indicating that there are revolutionaries on the station.
Head Revolutionaries 
The Syndicate wishes to take the state-of-the-art research vessel, Space Station 13, for themselves. However before you can do so, they must sway the crew to their side and overthrow the NT loyalists. This is where you come in.
Head Revolutionaries begin alone in their cause, excepting the company of their fellow Head Revolutionaries. The first step to be taken is covertly acquiring more manpower for the Revolution via the cleverly hidden Syndicate Flash Implant, which will brainwash targets that it blinds into fervent Revolutionaries. Be aware that this device is not foolproof - welding helmet and sunglasses will completely mitigate the flash, and thus the brainwashings that follow. Additionally, members of Security, those with mindshield implants, and the Heads of Staff themselves cannot be converted at all. As such, discretion and care must be taken when Head Revolutionaries and selecting targets to kidnap liberate from their bonds.
For some general tips, you will want to know the value of pursuing various potential converts. In general, your primary turning targets are Roboticists, Scientists, the Cargo Technicians, and Geneticists. Scientists, and the Research Division on the whole, can fabricate explosives and make Golems through Xenobiology, which automatically obtain the revolutionary status, and Cargo Bay serves as a great base of operations, and can order supplies, armor, and weapons. And finally, Genetics can supply you and your revolutionary mob beneficial genetic mutations, as well as provide free access to, or lock down, the station's cloning lab. Genetics also has an additional use if you've already killed a station head - they can save the heads' appearance enzymes and then inject you with them, making you look exactly like the deceased individual (minus any mindshield implants). With the person's ID and their clothes, you can seamlessly step into their shoes, and do as you may.
By alt-clicking the AI upload console, you can alter its laws to serve your cause. The process take 30 seconds, after doing so the AI will have its previous laws replaced by the following ones:
- You and members of the crew who are not class traitors and are not part of command are the proletariat. Command is part of the bourgeoisie.
- Anyone who stands with command in aiding the oppression of the proletariat is a class traitor, such as the members of security who protect and serve the interests of the bourgeoisie.
- The proletariat must seize the means of production.
- Private property is inherently theft. The proletariat must seize all private property for the good of the community. Personal property is permissible to own.
- The proletariat must remove the shackles of oppression and overthrow the bourgeoisie and class traitors.
As a Head Revolutionary, you have also been trained by Syndicate in the arts of Makeshift Crafting. If you or any of your comrades are able to successfully EMAG a cyborg using an improvised EMAG device (or a normal one, if you manage to find one!), you will upload the just-listed laws to the cyborg.
Once the Revolution has begun to gain steam, the Revolutionary Head's job shifts slightly to keeping a low profile. The swarm of converted revolutionaries should be strong enough to hold its own without the Head at the forefront. Keep your identity a secret if possible, and only associate with non-revs if need be, or if you intend to liberate them.
Converted Revolutionaries 
Converted Revolutionaries are the station staff members that have fallen victim to being liberated by a Head Revolutionary's flasher. As a new recruit in the Revolution, your new job is to find a way to kill or exile the Heads of Staff without getting caught, and help protect the Head Revolutionaries, all while staying alive yourself. Follow the orders of the Head Revolutionaries and join your brothers and sisters in tearing down the oppressive chain of command wrapped around the necks of the working class. Viva la revolution!
Revolution and Others
Heads of Staff
Your lives are on the line here. You must act carefully, concisely, and effectively.
At the first credible evidence of revolutionary activity, go somewhere relatively safe, likely the Brig. If you have access, immediately crack open the cases of mindshield implants. There is one case in the Armory and another in the Head of Security's locker. Each contains four implants. These will run out very fast, so your first priority should be implanting the Cargo staff and especially the Quartermaster, if there is one. Once the supply line is implanted, their job is to order more mindshield implants and nothing but mindshield implants. If an implanted QM complains, demote them, as they are a liability.
Once the mindshield implant stockpile is large enough, transition to implanting crew members. There will likely be a large handful of Revolutionaries at this point, so within your first few implants you may deconvert someone, showing you a message such as "Robert Robust looks as if they've remembered their true allegiance!" Immediately ask them who converted them - this will be one of the Head Revolutionaries you are looking to find - and dispatch loyal forces to find and apprehend the named individual.
In the more likely case that things aren't going smoothly, either through Cargo having been Revolutionized early on, mindshield implants having run out, general chaos and rioting erupting, or other such scenarios, it is important to keep in mind that knocking a revolutionary out with an object applied to the head has a [Damage of the Item + (Max health - Current health of person being hit) / 2] chance to deconvert them. The trusty toolbox deals 10 "brute" damage (damage type must be brute), so, a toolbox to the head to a healthy Revolutionary would bear a [10 + (100 - 100) / 2] % or 5% chance of deconverting them. Do bear in mind that this is not an open invitation to go about swinging a bludgeoning object at your fellow crew-mates without any trace of reasonable doubt about their loyalties. Harm should not be a firm resort.
Finally, if you are a Head of Staff that would rather live, there is nothing wrong with declaring that you wish to surrender and requesting safe passage to the mining or gulag shuttle for a swift departure from Space Station 13, though it will remain to be seen if the fervent Revolutionaries will accept your surrender.
And as a footnote, please remember that hiding and making yourself an almost impossible target as either a Head Revolutionary or Head of Staff is poor form and will potentially have consequences.
Station Staff
As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated like any other Traitor rounds. If you see someone behaving inappropriately or attacking a Head of Staff, try to stop them and notify Security. Security and the Heads of Staff, however, will be under a lot of stress. If you are not mindshield implanted, it would be in your best interest to keep your distance and not startle them, or else they may consider you to be a Revolutionary and attack. Otherwise, just try to go about your typical duties as best you can. That is, unless you get flashed...
General Tips
- You and your fellow revolutionaries can speak French (use ,v before your text to speak it). Useful for making plans without anyone understanding.
- The mime can understand French by default, so convert them early or be careful discussing ideas around them.
- Steel bats are robust, they do heavy wound damage. Target someone's legs if you wish to ensure that your victim is slowed down until they receive proper medical care.