Official:Space Law
Note: This page is moderated and can be referenced in ooc issues, such as ban appeals, complaints, reports, etc. This may not apply to the pages this page links to. |
Note: Unlike TGstation, Yogstation has adopted space law as a part of their rules.
Space Law is a collection of rules and regulations enacted by Nanotrasen which has oversight through CentCom and is enforced by the Security Force of the station. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on the station, from the lowliest Assistant to the highest Captain, all are equal under the eyes of the Law and ultimately answer to her.
Crime Codes Quick Reference
Use this to quickly find the Crime Code Numbers.
Crime codes are made up of Category Codes (_xx), which are a collection of similar crimes on a line for ease of use, prefixed by the Severity Number (X__).
In the case of crimes in the same crime code category, take only the most severe (eg: Indecent Exposure and Rioting - Rioting).
Interpretation of the Law
Good working knowledge of Space Law is important for any person on the station. It can be the difference between a shiny pair of handcuffs and sipping Gargle Blasters in the bar. More in-depth interpretations of space law are required for such positions as the Lawyer, Warden, HoP, and the HoS. While it is unlikely that the officers will listen particularly closely to your protestations, it may be enough to lighten your sentence and avoid ill-treatment by security.
For certain crimes, the accused's intent is important. Some crimes can be difficult to tell between, such as Assault and Attempted Murder. It is important to note though, that Assault and Attempted Murder are mutually exclusive. You cannot be charged with Assault and Attempted Murder from the same crime as the intent of each is different. Likewise, 'Assault With a Deadly Weapon' and 'Assaulting an Officer' are also crimes that exclude others.
- When in doubt, you should default to the less serious crime.
- Pay careful attention to the requirements of each law and select the one that best fits the crime when deciding sentence.
- In the case of crimes in the same crime code category, take only the most severe (eg: Indecent Exposure and Rioting - Rioting).
- A single incident has a single sentence. If the prisoner took three items off of someone, this is a single count of pick-pocketing. If they pick-pocketed two people this would be two separate counts of pick-pocketing, and so on.
- Aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided.
- Only a single possession charge may be dealt per possession category regardless of how many items that fall under the crime.
Brig Procedures
Standard Operational Procedures for brigging are as follows:
- Take the prisoner to the brig and inform the Warden of their crimes so their Security Record may be updated.
- Take the prisoner to a brig cell, set the time and activate the timer.
- Enter the cell with the prisoner in tow, open the cell locker and hold the prisoner over it.
- Empty their pockets and remove their gloves, backpacks, tool belt, gas masks, and any flash resistant equipment such as Sunglasses, Welding Masks/Goggles, Space Helmets, etc. Make sure the prisoner is clothed once you have completed this step.
- Buckle the prisoner to the bed.
- Search the items removed and be sure to check the internals box in their backpack.
- Confiscate any contraband and/or stolen items, as well as any tools that may be used for future crimes.
These are to be placed in evidence, not left on the brig floor or your personal use, until they can be returned to their rightful owners. - Close the locker and lock it.
- Stun the prisoner, remove their cuffs, stun them again, pick up the cuffs then leave the cell.
- Modify their brig sentence for additional offenses or good behavior, if applicable.
Do NOT fully strip the prisoner unless they have earned a permanent sentence.
Perma prisoners may have headsets taken from them at will. Standard prisoners may only have their headset taken if it has been abused to commit further crimes or encourage others to do so like asking others to break them out or telling the AI to release them. Additionally, a headset may be taken if there is reasonable suspcion of it being used for malicious purposes.
In the event of a sentence exceeding the 20 minute limit of the timer inform the Warden so he may add the rest of the time later.
The Warden or Head of Security are responsible for placing prisoners in permanent confinement.
- Permanent Prisoners are to be completely stripped of their belongings, which are to be held in either evidence or a prison locker.
- The prisoner is to be dressed in an Orange Prison Jumpsuit and Shoes, which are found in the prison lockers.
- Permanent Prisoners are not permitted to possess any personal belongings whilst they are incarcerated in the Prison Wing.
- The Labor Camp can also be used to hold Permanent Prisoners. Simply do not issue a prisoner ID when transferring them to the camp.
Labor Camp Assignment
Prisoners that are charged with Major Crimes and above, OR are charged multiple times with lower grade crimes may be committed to the Labor Camp on the surface of Lavaland as an alternative form of serving their sentence at the discretion of the Security force. Each tier of crime corresponds to a set total of work points needed for release - this punishment is not inherently time based, it is objective based.
In the instance of prisoners that have earned Labor Camp duty, you must dress them in orange overalls and assign them targets, based on their sentence, by getting a prison ID, putting it in a Prisoner Management Console, assigning their quota and then giving them the ID as you ship them to the Labor Camp. There are more details on this procedure at Labor Camp.**
NOTE: If you plan on using the gulag for several incidences [meaning the floors are already mined so people can't mine the floors for glass], you should use a lower conversion rate.
Fines Within Space Law
- Prisoners are permitted to request paying a fine to pay off part or all of their sentence, however, you are under no obligation to agree to this. Capital crimes may not be paid off.
- Fines are not to be kept for personal use, they must be deposited and the sentence time adjusted appropriately. Failure to do so may result in you being charged with embezzlement.
- In the case of fines, the warden is your superior. If they find a fine amount too lenient or severe you must adjust it as requested before the fine can be processed.
You may choose an alternative amount to charge, the following are just guidelines:
One Minute Crimes(1XX)
$50 fine per offense
Immediate release
Three Minute Crimes(2XX)
$100 fine per offense
Reduces sentence by 2 minutes
Five Minute Crimes(3XX)
$150 fine per offense
Reduces sentence by 2 minutes
Seven Minute Crimes(4XX)
$200 fine per offense
Reduces sentence by 2 minutes
Ten Minute Crimes(5XX)
$300 fine per offense
Reduces sentence by 3 minutes
What to do with fine money
- Command staff should hand the money to a member of security.
- Security officers should hand the money to the warden or the HOS.
- The warden has a paystand available to use in their office, fines are to be deposited into this.
Legal Representation and Trials
Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation however you are under no obligation to provide or allow this.
Lawyers, and by extension the Head of Personnel, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process, however, they have zero authority over the brig, security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing.
The Lawyer's security headset is a privilege, not a right. Security personnel are under no requirement to listen to them and security channel abuse is to result in that privilege being revoked.
If the lawyer continuously acts as a disruptive influence Security are fully permitted to confiscate their access, remove them from the brig and bar their future access to it.
- In instances where a conflict of opinion arises over the sentence of a prisoner the chain of command must be followed. This goes, from top to bottom: Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Sec Officer / Detective.
- Trials are not to be performed for Timed Sentences.
- Trials may be performed for Capital Crimes and Permanent Detention, however, there is no requirement to hold them. Forensic Evidence, Witness Testimony, or Confessions are all that is required for the Head of Security, Warden or Captain to authorize their sentence.
- In cases where the Death Penalty is desired but the Captain or Acting-Captain is unable or unwilling to authorize the execution a trial is required to authorize the death penalty.
Use of Deadly Force
As a member of the station Security force, you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal takedown technology.
It is for this reason that the situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between, in the grand majority of circumstances you will be expected to use your stun weapons, which indeed are many times more effective than lethal options, to diffuse a situation.
There are a few circumstances where deadly force is permissible:
- Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective - certain targets are impervious to NLWs, such as Mechs, Xenomorphs, Borgs, and Hulks. Lethal force may be used against these targets if they prove hostile.
- Severe Personal Risk - sometimes getting close enough to a target to slap the cuffs on will create a significant personal risk to the Officer. Deadly force from range is recommended to subdue Wizards and Changelings.
- Criminals in hostile environments such as space, fire, or plasma leaks also fall into this category, as do criminals believed to be in possession of high explosives. Ranged lethal force is the only reasonable option in these conditions.
- Armed and Dangerous - if a suspect is in possession of weapons, including stun weapons, and you have reasonable suspicion that they will use these against you, lethal force is permitted. Although in the majority of cases it is still preferable to attempt to detain them non-lethally.
- Unauthorized personnel in the armory are considered by default to be Armed and Dangerous, maximum force is permitted to subdue such targets.
- Multiple Hostiles - it can be extremely difficult to detain multiple hostiles. As a last resort if you are being mobbed you may deploy your baton in a harmful manner to thin the crowd. Generally, it is better to retreat and regroup than stand your ground.
Additionally, in the event of an attempted prison break, Security may fire lasers through the glass. They are expected to first fire a few warning shots before unloading their weapon into the target.
Alert Procedures
Depending on the events occurring on station, the heads of staff may see it fit to raise or lower the station's alertness level, it is up to you as a member of the station's Security force to act accordingly depending on the current alert level:
- Green Alert: There is no threat to the station, security may not have weapons visible, random searching is not allowed.
- Blue Alert: There is a threat on station, random searches are permitted, non-lethal weapons may be visible.
- Red Alert: There is a major threat on station, lethal weapons are expected to be distributed to security personnel.
- Gamma Alert: There is a major and imminent threat on station, lethal weapons are to be distributed to all security, and may be distributed to any capable crew members.
- Delta Alert: Destruction of the station is imminent, either eliminate the threat immediately or evacuate.
In the event its impossible to raise the alert level due to lack of personnel, weapons may be distributed when deadly force is authorised
Standard issue lethal weapons, such as the Warden's shotgun, or the Head of Security's X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun may be carried at any alert level. Usage of these weapons is still governed by the deadly force clause
The Cargo Department
Security is permitted (with cargo staff's consent) to order and use anything at any time from the Security category at cargo.
- The Armory and Outside Weaponry categories may not be ordered unless the station is in a Red Alert state, or to restock stolen, used, or otherwise lost goods
Exchanging Equipment
On Green and Blue alert, security is barred from carrying extra guns or swords or ammo than is available to them individually at the beginning of the shift. Officers and the Captain are allowed one gun, while the Head of Security and Warden are allowed two. Any spares should be deposited in the armory.
Security is allowed to exchange or "trade" weapons of similar capabilities as detailed by the table below at the armory, with permission from anyone who has armory access like the warden, HoS, or captain.
Category | Description |
Non-lethal or Less-than-lethal guns & ammo | Weapons that are only capable of non-lethal or less-than-lethal force such as: |
Lethal capable guns, swords & ammo | Weapons that are capable of lethal force such as: |
Ballistic shotguns, rifles, and carbines | Larger ballistic weapons such as: |
The Warden may not carry additional shotgun shells but are permitted to trade out the 4 they start with. Weapon restrictions are lifted should Red Alert be declared.
Executions and Cyborgizations within Space Law
One of the below conditions must be met before seeking approval from the Captain or a Trial for a prisoner to be forcibly executed or cyborgized. In addition, the Special Circumstances and Modifiers table must be consulted for any applicable modifiers.
- The criminal commits a new major crime or greater while permanently incarcerated.
- The criminal has previously successfully escaped the permanent brig or labor camp, or has made a serious attempt at escape either unassisted or with allies.
- The criminal cannot be safely sent to the permanent brig or the labor camp.
- The criminal gives explicit consent to be executed or cyborgized.
- The prisoner is being imprisoned for one of the following crimes: 701 (Mass Murder), 702 (Sexual Assault), 710 (Priority Threat Entity)
Remember: Executions and forced cyborgizations cannot be performed with just the Captain's order or a Trial, they must meet one of the other criteria above as well.
An exception to the above criteria would be if the Use of Deadly Force is permissible by the Use of Deadly Force clause stated previously.
The Brig Physician
You are a medic attached to security and therefore do not have training as a security official despite being a member and are therefore bound by space law. Any weapons you find or recover are to be used only in self-defense or in the immediate defense of others and turned over to security as soon as possible. Prioritize recovery of bodies and injured residents of the brig over combat. Unless you have been deputized or, in extreme cases, the only person with security access: Any arrests, patrols, or manhunts are to be left to full members of security. Access to the brig and the security radio channel are privileges to help you coordinate efforts with security and can be removed if abused.
The Detective
- The detective cannot arrest criminals unless a lack of security personnel or an emergency forces them to.
- The detective is expected to use weapons for self-defense only unless permitted by appropriate authority or an emergency forces them to. This includes their revolver.
What counts as an "emergency" for the detective?
- When anyone's life is in danger.
- When someone is committing a cardinal crime or higher.
- When someone is breaking into a restricted area.
Petty Crimes
All of these crimes carry a 1 minute sentence.
Minor Crimes
All of these crimes carry a 3 minute sentence or a 200 point target at the Labor Camp..
Code | Crime | Description | Notes | |
201 | ![]() |
Assault | To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. | Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to attempted manslaughter or even murder. Assaults with deadly weapons are a higher crime. |
203 | Narcotics Distribution | To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. | Forcing or tricking someone to consume substances such as space drugs is assault. This law also applies to those who distribute alcohol to persons under 21 years of age. | |
204 | Possession of a Weapon | To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of their job role. | Items capable of a high level of damage, such as saws, axes, and hatchets fit into this category. Do remember that if it is an item that is part of their job they are permitted to carry it. | |
205 | ![]() |
Possession, Contraband | To be in possession of illegal or prohibited goods. | A comprehensive list of these items can be found here: Contraband. |
207 | Destructive Vandalism | To deliberately damage the station without malicious intent. | Sentence depends on quantity of property damaged. |
Moderate Crimes
All of these crimes carry a 5 minute sentence or a 500 point target at the Labor Camp.
Major Crimes
All of these crimes carry a 7 minute sentence or a 600 point target at the Labor Camp.
Severe Crimes
All of these crimes carry a 10 minute sentence or an 800 point target at the Labor Camp.
Cardinal Crimes
These crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, or Cyborgization.
Only the Captain, HoS, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.
Capital Crimes
These crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, or Cyborgization.
Only the Captain, HoS, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.
Only the Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization provided that the prisoner is eligible according to the execution and cyborgization clause.
Modifiers & Special Situations
Situation | Description | Modification |
Brainwashed |
Prisoners found to have been brainwashed or converted by illegal means. | Prisoner is to be held until they can be returned to normal state. Immediate release following deconversion. Sole exception being Shadowling Thralls: If no reasonable way exists to save a thrall, then they may be executed and cloned as able. |
Self Defense | Self Defense is defined as "The protection of oneself, the protection of thy colleagues, and the protection of thine workplace". Do note however that persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, this is not permitted. |
Immediate release. |
Cooperation with prosecution or security |
Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning or providing names of head revolutionaries. | -25% to sentence time. In the case of revealing a head revolutionary: Immediate release. |
Surrender | Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without putting a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to come to the brig yourself. | -25% to sentence time, and should be taken into account when the choice between life in a secure cell, execution, and cyborgization is made. |
Immediate threat to the prisoner |
The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. | Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location; otherwise, immediate release. |
Medical reasons | Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick, injured, or deceased. | Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time. Reasonable effort should be used to revive deceased prisoners who do not qualify for execution. Prisoners who repeatedly harm/attempt to kill themselves, or do kill themselves are exempt from this clause. |
Sparking a Manhunt | In addition to Resisting Arrest, a prisoner that must be chased for at least 2 minutes after an arrest is attempted can have their sentence increased. | 1 minute added to their sentence for every 2 minutes the chase lasted. |
Repeat Offender | If a convict reoffends after being released they may receive a harsher punishment, which can include Labor Camp work. Depending on the severity of the crimes committed after the third, or even second, strike their sentence may be increased to Permanent Imprisonment. | Additional brig time up to 2x of the original crime, consideration of Labor Camp point goal assignment. |
Permanent Incarceration | A prisoner's sentence may be upgraded to a permanent confinement even without a Capital Crime being committed, ONLY if the following set of circumstances are met. Please note that this modifier is separate from the above Repeat Offender. | Criteria for Permanent Incarceration:
1) The prisoner must have committed a severe crime as part of their sentence 2) They must have a total of at least 25 minutes in their sentence 3) Explicit permission from the Warden or a higher official must also be granted NOTE: This is NOT a mandatory modification and discretion is expected to be reasonably applied. |
Escape from Brig | If a prisoner flees confinement for any reason other than to escape impending lethal danger (fire, hull breach, murder), reset their timer to their full original punishment. | Reset timer. |
Aiding and Abetting | Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: Interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, providing medical care (unless paired with a large dose of sleep toxins). | The same sentence as the original criminal. |
Paying a Fine | Paying money to the arresting officer or their superior. | Reduction to sentence time. See "Fines within Space Law" for further details. |