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Megafauna are huge, extremely powerful creatures found in Lavaland. They emit a GPS Signal that is trackable by any GPS Device, so they are easy to avoid, as long as you're careful.

All types of megafauna will devour unconscious or dead victims, restoring their health by half of the creature's maximum health, and gibbing or dusting it.

Types of Megafauna

Ash Drake


An enormous drake that roams the land, draconic guardians of the Necropolis. Although it's considered one of the easiest megafauna, it is still extremely deadly if you don't avoid its attacks. It's advisable to carry a fire extinguisher when fighting one of these.

GPS Signal

"Fiery Signal"


Difficulty: Medium

Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Fast


It acts as a melee creature, chasing down and attacking its target while also using a variety of different attacks. As the drake gets damaged, swoop and fire rain attacks become more common. If the drake falls below 50% health, the drake will stop raining fire in favor of swooping more often, and will also start triple swooping, trying to crush its target three times before landing. If it lands on an unconscious target, it will gib them.

The ash drake attacks are as follows:

  • It will breathe three lines of fire towards its target in a shotgun pattern, igniting and heavily damaging anything caught in the blast. Temporary lava pools may appear around its target during this attack.
  • It will cause some of the ground to turn into lava temporarily, with a fade-in effect on the effected tiles.
  • It will fly into the sky, leaving temporary lava pools behind its path, and attempt to land on its target.
  • If its health is lower than 50%, it can chain the previous attack, attempting to land on target over and over while firing three fire attacks in quick succession between each jump.
  • If its health is lower than 50%, it can create a small arena around its target, of which all but one tile will become lava after a short fade-in effect. The safe tile will be marked with a green rune, and the attack is repeated three times before it lands in the middle.
  • If its health is lower than 50%, it can fire a large radial burst of fire lines three times in quick succession.


The drake leaves a carcass that can be butchered. It contains 5 Diamond ores Diamondore.png, 5 Sinew Sinew.png, 10 Ash Drake Hide Dragon Hide.png, and 30 Bones Bone.png.
When an ash drake dies, it leaves behind a chest that contains a draconic emberDraconic amber.png and one of four things:
1. A spectral bladeSpectral blade.pngthat allows its wielder to call ghosts to it, enhancing its damage. The ghosts can be seen and can point, but cannot talk.
2. A lava staffStorm staff.pngthat allows its wielder to create lava, and a spellbook of sacred flameSacred flame.png, which allows its user to set themselves on fire and gives nearby people vulnerability to being set on fire.
3. A dragon's eggWalkeregg.pngthat can be hatched by throwing it into lava. A DrakelingDrakeling.pngwill hatch out of the egg:

  • Drakelings can be renamed using a pet collar, and will help you fight.
  • It can be used as a mount in order to cross lava and chasms.
  • Heal your Drakeling by feeding it Goliath meat. Cooked meat will heal better.
  • The drakeling has two attacks. Fire breath will cause the Drakeling to breathe a short flame that is effective against fauna but worthless off of Lavaland. Wing flap causes a large, powerful gust of air to push stuff away, deal damage to fauna, and break rocks.

4. A bottle of dragon's bloodBloodvial.gifwith one of the following effects:

  • Transforms the drinker into a Draconid; a dark red lizard with fire resistance and digitigrade legs, preventing the use of shoes.
  • Transforms the drinker into a skeleton, giving it a few racial bonuses.
  • Gives the drinker permanent immunity to lava.
  • Gives the drinker a lesser drake transformation spell. Lesser ash drakes have access to all the attacks of an ash drake, but have less health and no burn damage resistance. To swoop, alt-click on a tile or target. Remember: If you weren't one prior to becoming a drake, you are not an antagonist!



A huge, towering being. Slow, but powerful, ancient and extremely deadly. The colossus has a degree of sentience, proving this in speech during its attacks. When shot, the Colossus will display glowing yellow shields, but they are cosmetic and do not in fact reduce the damage it takes.

GPS Signal

"Angelic Signal"


Difficulty: Hard

Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Slow


It acts as a melee creature, chasing down and attacking its target while also using different attacks to augment its power that increase as it takes damage. Each attack will be accompanied with a screen shake and a red flash. The death bolts it uses to attack are slow, but ignore all armor. If challenged by a sand golem or someone using Sleeping Carp, the Colossus will enrage and chase them down.

The Colossus attacks are as follows:

1. It will fire death bolts in alternating patterns in all directions (including diagonal).
2. It will fire death bolts in a shotgun-like pattern, instantly downing anything unfortunate enough to be hit by all of them.
3. It will fire a spiral of death bolts.
4. At 33% health it gains this attack. It will fire two spirals of death bolts, spinning in opposite directions. 5. When its health is below 50%, it can fire a circle of death bolts in a random pattern.


On death, the Colossus disintegrates and leaves behind a chest that contains a null crystalNull crystal.png and one of the three following items:
1. An Anomalous CrystalAnomaly crystal.pngwhich requires activating using one of the following methods:

  • Touch: Use the crystal with an empty hand.
  • Bump: Move against the crystal.
  • Weapon: Hit the crystal with anything.
  • Heat: Hit the crystal with a weapon that can ignite (welders, lighters).
  • Speech: Speak near the crystal.
  • Bomb: Cause an explosion, Kinetic Accelerator hits work for this.
  • Laser: Shoot it with any laser-like shot (includes disablers, pratice and laser tag gun lasers).
  • Bullet: Shoot it with bullets (also includes syringe gun syringes).
  • Energy: Shoot it with energy shots (includes tasers, energy bolas, somatorays, ions).

Once activated, it will have one of the following effects:

  • Theme Warp: Transforms the theme of the room the crystal is in, morphing the floor, tables and chairs and spawning some flora. Possible themes are Lavaland, Winter, Jungle and Abductor.
  • Emitter: The crystal shoots a random projectile chosen between fireball, spellblade, x-ray laser, meteorshot or colossus death bolt.
  • Dark Reprise: Revives any corpses nearby as a shadowman. Those resurrected this way become unclonable, but can still be resurrected with this crystal.
  • Lightgeists: The crystal will allow ghosts to spawn as lightgeists.
  • Refresher: The crystal will 'refresh' a random item in front of it, transforming them into freshly-spawned versions of themselves; it can, for example, refill a gun. Some items are blacklisted, and admin-spawned items cannot be refreshed.
  • Possession: The crystal will transfer your mind and body into any harmless animal close to the crystal. If no animals are in range, the crystal will spawn a cockroach. Once inside the animal, you can get out at any time, but it will gib the animal's body. If the animal dies while you're possessing it, you'll die as well.

2. Voice of GodVOG.png, implantable via surgery. Once implanted, it provides you with a button to Speak LIKE THIS. When Speaking, there are a number of commands that allow you to force others to take certain actions.

COMMANDS (Hover over the commands for more information)

Command Effect Keyword(s) Cooldown
Praise nar'sie Heals fellow cultists and ignites blood cultists. Praise narsie. Praise nar-sie. Praise nar'sie. 60s
Hail ratvar Heal fellow cultists and ignites clock cultists. Hail ratvar. Honor ratvar. Honour ratvar. Purge all untruths. 60s
Get down Weakens for 3 seconds. Drop. Fall. Trip. Knockdown. Kneel. Lie. Get down. 120s
Vomit Causes vomit. Vomit. Throw up. 120s
Silence Silences for 10 seconds. Shut up. Silence. Ssh. Quiet. Hush. 120s
Hallucinate Makes the listener see mobs as carps, clowns, demons or other illusions for 15 seconds. See the truth. Hallucinate. The truth is out there. 60s
Wake Up Listeners stop sleeping immediately. Wake up. Awaken. 60s
Heal Listeners are healed by 10 brute and 10 burn damage. Live. Heal. Survive. Mend. Heroes never die. Rest. 60s
Hurt Listeners take 15 brute damage. Die. Suffer. Hurt. Pain. Kill. Judgement. Thy end is now. Crush. 60s
Bleed Listeners start bleeding profusely. Bleed. Blood. 60s
Burn Listeners are set on fire. Burn. Ignite. Fire. Flame. 60s
Heat Listeners' body temperature rises. Heat. Hot. Hell. 60s
Cool down Listeners' body temperature lowers. Cold. Cool down. Chill. Freeze. Ice. Winter. 60s
Repulse Listeners are thrown away from the speaker. Shoo. Go away. Leave me alone. Begone. Flee. Fus ro dah. Repulse. 60s
Attract Listeners are thrown towards the speaker. Come here. Come to me. Get over here. Attract. 60s
Identity Listeners will say their full name. Who are you. Say your name. State your name. Identify. Who goes there. 30s
Say my name Listeners will say the speaker's name. Say my name. Who am I. 30s
Knock knock Listeners will ask who's there. Knock knock. 30s
Move Move direction. Walk direction. Listeners will move five steps towards a chosen direction. If no direction is specified, they'll move randomly. 30s
Slow down Listeners will walk instead of run. Slow down. 30s
Run Listeners will run instead of walk. Run. 30s
Help Listeners will set their combat mode off, then click on a random adjacent mob with whatever they're holding. Help. Hug. 30s
Disarm Listeners will set their combat mode on, then click to disarm on a random adjacent mob with whatever they're holding. Disarm. 30s
Grab Listeners will grab a random adjacent mob. Grab. 30s
Harm Listeners will set their combat mode on, then click on a random adjacent mob with whatever they're holding. Harm. Fight. Punch. 30s
Throw Listeners will set their throw mode on. Throw. Catch. 30s
Flip Listeners will flip. Flip. Rotate. Revolve. Roll. Somersault. 30s
Speak Listeners say something random. Speak. Say something. 30s
Get up Listeners will get up. Get up. 60s
Sit If the listeners are on a chair, they'll buckle on it. Sit. 30s
Stand If the listeners are buckled onto something, they'll unbuckle. Stand. 30s
Dance Listeners will use the dance emote. Dance. 30s
Jump Listeners will use the jump emote. Jump. 30s
Salute Listeners will use the salute emote. Salute. 30s
Play dead Listeners will use the deathgasp emote. Play dead. 30s
Clap Listeners will use the clap emote. Clap. Applaud. 30s
Honk Plays a honk after a few seconds from the command. If the speaker is a clown, listeners will slip for 7 seconds. Honk. 30s
Right round Causes listeners to slowly spin several times. Like a record baby. Right round. Spin. 30s

There are some factors that change the effects this item provides.
Multipliers increase the effects:

  • Chaplains gain a 2x multiplier.
  • Command Staff gain a 1.4x multiplier.
  • Mimes have a 0.5x penalty.
  • Blood cultists gain a 2x multiplier.
  • Clock cultists gain a 2x multiplier.
  • Speaking the real name of someone at the beginning of a command will apply a 2x multiplier.
  • Speaking the true devil name of a Devil will quintuplify the effect.

Protections prevent the effects:

  • Being deaf.
  • Wearing earmuffs.
  • Holding a chaplain artifact such as a Null Rod.
  • Anything that prevents speech will also prevent use of the Voice (mute toxin).

Speaking the real name of someone at the beginning of a command will restrict the command to that person. If multiple people in range have that name, they will all be affected, although with a reduced multiplier (the formula is 1 + (1 / targets). Job descriptions and common abbreviations, such as Scientist, Head of Personnel/HoP, work for this too. Changing jobs through the HoP won't change them for the purposes of this focus.

3. Eye of God Godeye.gif which, when worn, grants you the ability to target a mob (once per minute). This will expose the target, increasing damage done to them by 15% for 10 seconds. Damage is increased to 30% for 40 seconds when used on megafauna. Also grants the wearer meson and night vision.



A fleshy monstrosity, making the earth tremble with every step it takes. In what passes for a hierarchy among slaughter demons, this one is king. Bubblegum's footsteps are heralded by shaking booms, proving its tremendous size.

GPS Signal

"Bloody Signal"


Difficulty: Very Hard

Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 40

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Slow


Bubblegum's fight is centered on movement even more so than other megafauna, don't stop moving if you can help it. Bubblegum will attempt to hit a target in melee if it is able to, and will constantly retreat from its target when not attacking. If a target is unconscious and on blood, it is automatically grabbed and devoured. If Bubblegum finds no targets, it'll shoot a line of blood in a random direction, with increasing range as it loses health. When wounded by brute damage, Bubblegum has a chance to spray blood under itself.

The bubblegum attacks are as follows:

  • If its target is on blood, it will attempt to grab them through the blood for minor damage. The attack has a short warm-up period before it deals damage.
  • It charges three times at the target with a small overshoot, destroying terrain and dealing 30 brute damage to anyone it hits.
  • It summons a ring of hallucinations around the target and charges them, hallucinations deal 15 damage if they hit.
  • It has a chance to enrage, increasing its speed and making it immune to projectiles temporarily

Once it falls below 50% health, it hallucination rushes or circle rushes instead.

  • Hallucination rushes consist of five hallucinations charging at the target in quick succession.
  • Circle rushes consist of bubblegum and three hallucinations rushing at the target three times in quick succession.


When Bubblegum dies, it leaves behind a chest that contains an ichorium gemIchorium.png and one of two things:
1. Philosopher's tome Philosophers tome.png, a book that can parry incoming attacks and mine rocks near targets that take enough damage.
2. A pair of rabid cuffs Rabid Cuffs.png that lets the user do a targeted attack that does 60 brute damage while healing them, if used on a dead mob it will consume it, gibbing it while healing the user even more. On humanoids and borgs the attack only does 20 brute and cannot consume them, providing reduced healing and not gibbing the corpse. The attack has a 10-second cooldown.
It also leaves behind the following:
1. H.E.C.K. suit and helmetwhich can be customized with spraypaint. Great melee resistance, good against explosions and bullets and completely fire-, lava-, rad- and acidproof.


Legion head.gifLegion head.gifLegion head.gifLegion head.gifLegionhead.pngLegion head.gifLegion head.gifLegion head.gifLegion head.gif

Legion spawns from the necropolis gate in the far north of lavaland. It is the guardian of the Necropolis and emerges when you knock on the doors of the necropolis. Whenever Legion emerges, everything in lavaland will receive a notice via color, audio, and text.

GPS Signal

"Echoing Signal"


Difficulty: Easy

Stages: 5

Stage 1 Health: 800

Stage 2 Health: 480

Stage 3 Health: 288

Stage 4 Health: 173

Stage 5 Health: 104

Total Health: 5960

Melee Damage: 25

Burn Resistance: 50%

Speed: Very Slow


Legion's attacks are very simple, and it continuously rotates between the two. When a Legion is killed, it splits into two smaller Legions (the next stage) with less health, but the same attacks and damage. This process repeats five times, then the smallest skulls will shatter into bone instead of splitting.

The Legion attacks are as follows:

  • Ranged: It behaves like a normal legion by retreating and firing legion skulls at the target.
  • Charge: It will spin and rush at the target, dealing melee damage when possible.


Every time you shatter a skull (when it's too small to split) there's a 10% chance of it dropping a Necrocrate.png necropolis tendril loot chest.

When the last piece of Legion is destroyed, it spawns a Storm staff.pngStaff of Storms.
It can, when used, summon or stop an ash storm on the area it's used in. If used on lavaland it'll affect the whole outdoors, while if in a room it'll only affect the room. The staff has a 20 seconds cooldown.
Like Lava Staffs, this doubles as a robust melee weapon, with 25 burn damage on hit.

It also drops a Cursedcane.png Cursed Cane. This does no damage on its own, but it can finish off dying targets to make minions. Finishing off stronger fauna will in turn make stronger minions. Minions made from corpses cannot be revived again. Additionally, the cane will teleport the user to it if thrown as long as it hits something.

Blood Drunk Miner


A miner destined to wander forever, engaged in an endless hunt.

GPS Signal

"Resonant Signal"


Difficulty: Easy

Health: 900

Melee Damage: 20

Speed: Slow


Effectively a highly aggressive miner, the blood-drunk miner has very few attacks but compensates by being highly aggressive.

After any attack, it may transform its cleaving saw:

  • Untransformed: Attacks very rapidly for smaller amounts of damage.
  • Transformed: Attacks at normal speed for higher damage.

The blood-drunk miner's attacks are as follows:

  • It will rapidly dash at its target.
  • It will fire its kinetic accelerator.
  • It will rapidly attack in melee.


It leaves behind a stabilized baroxuldium gemStabilized baroxuldium.pngand its cleaving sawCleaving saw.pngwhich can be toggled between two modes: open and closed. Both modes will build up existing bleed effects to mining mobs, doing a burst of high damage if the bleed is built up high enough. Transforming it immediately after an attack causes the next attack to come out faster.

  • Open: It will deal a wide range of AOE damage around the user. However, it attacks somewhat slowly in this mode.
  • Closed: It will attack a single target extremely quickly, causing a high amount of damage in a short amount of time.



A massive metal club that hangs in the air as though waiting. It spawns in an arena to make you dance to its beat.

GPS Signal

"Zealous Signal"


Difficulty: Medium

Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 15

Speed: Slow


The Hierophant fights in an arena. If the target is outside of the arena it will create an arena around the target for 10 seconds. It provides enough time for the target to retreat if they wish to do so. Cross Blasts and the AoE burst gain additional range as Hierophant loses health, while Chasers gain additional speed.

The Hierophant's attacks are as follows:

  • Blinks to the target after a very brief delay, damaging everything near the start and end points.
  • If below 50% health, blinks to the target multiple times, dealing damage as above.
  • Rapidly creates cardinal and diagonal Cross Blasts under a target, exploding after a short delay.
  • If chasers are off cooldown, creates 4 chasers.
  • Creates a chaser that seeks out the target, leaving a trail of blasts. It has a chance to spawn a second, slower chaser the more health it has lost.
  • Creates an expanding AoE burst.


When the Hierophant dies it stops trying to murder you and shrinks into a much smaller formHierophant1.gif. This smaller version can be held, and can place a teleport beacon which allows the user to teleport themself and others to the beacon. It also has ranged attacks that deal a fair bit of damage to most lavaland faunas, aswell as players, though the attacks only work when you're on lavaland. It will also drop a gem of densified dilithiumDensified dilithium.png.



A graceful, floating construct. It emits a soft hum.

GPS Signal

"Ancient Signal"


Difficulty: Medium

Health: 2500

Melee Damage: 35

Burn Resistance: 50

Speed: Medium


Similar to the colossus, it chases targets to shoot at them, using more powerful attacks the more it's hurt. The attacks are telegraphed by a screen shake and blue flash, with half a second before they come out. The Stalwart's attacks are as follows:

  • Firing resonant energy pikes in a clockwise or counterclockwise pattern, dealing 30 damage and having 60 armor penetration.
  • Simultaneously firing energy pikes in all diagonal and cardinal directions, dealing 30 damage with 100 armor penetration.
  • It will fire slowly moving orbs in a shotgun-like pattern, dealing 40 damage per orb and having 60 armor penetration.
  • The stalwart summons 4 melee drones Drone gem.png to target its opponent or 3 ranged drones Drone scout.png.
  • At 1/3 of its health, it will replace the projectiles in the clockwise attacks with the stronger orbs from the shotgun attack.


After defeating it, the Stalwart will drop a chest containing either:

  • A densified dilithium crystalDensified dilithium.png and an ancient focusing crystal Robocutter.png, a plasma cutter shotgun that automatically defuses gibtonite on shooting it and that does 5 stamina damage per landed shot on people and 10 damage per landed shot on lavaland fauna.
  • The ancient control rod Stalwart spear.png, a retractable spear with a range of 3, a block chance of 25%, 8 damage to people, and 60 damage to fauna. Additionally, the chest will contain a bluespace data crystalBluespacedatacrystal.png.

King of Goats


The King of all Goats. Rumors circulate that he is the origin of all goat-lifeforms in spess, and is said to be guarded by the most fierce and brave Goat Honor Guards.

GPS Signal

"Bleating Signal"


Difficulty: Insanely Hard

Health: Stage 1: 500 | Stage 2/3: 750

Melee Damage: Stage 1: 55 | Stage 2/3: 60

Speed: Slow


The king goat is inside a 9x9 arena protected by two guards. During stage 1 it is generally a cake walk, the later stages however can prove extremely challenging and downright impossible for less skilled miners.

It has no ranged attacks what so ever but makes up for it by being confined in a small space and having the ability to summon guards, charge at his enemy, and do an AOE explosion attack which can prove devastating for most miners.

The three stages of the king goat:

  • Stage 1: The king goat is pretty much just a slightly more robust regular goat, the king will proceed to charge at you full force in the hopes of taking you out easily but can be easily defeated by even an unexperienced miner.
  • Stage 2: This is where things start heating up. At this stage the king goat will become slightly larger and start doing special attacks which range from summoning guards to come to his aid, to stomping his hooves on the ground causing the arena to shake, and an AOE explosion to appear around him. Most miners do not make it pass this stage but if you do...
  • Stage 3: Oh boy you're in for it now. At this stage the king goat will completly heal, grow slightly bigger, and start glowing. It has the exact same attacks as stage 2 but is more aggressive overall. If you can defeat him at stage 3 he will fall over dead on the ground and drop a ladder so you may now leave the arena (but dont forget to grab the loot first!)


The King Goat Pelt: Hope you brought a knife because you're going to need to butcher the King Goat's corpse to get this prize. Once you butcher the king goat you can grab his pelt and wear it on your head as armor, boasting complete bomb immunity and slightly better gun and laser immunity than the drake helm at the cost of slightly reduced melee protection. This is THE prize to show who the king of lavaland really is around here! Also makes goats friendly towards you as long as you are wearing it, for they will see you as their new king. Additionally it will drop its dark salt lickDark salt lick.png.

Goat King also has a chance to drop the goat king's scannerGoatKingScanner.png.gif. It works exactly like an upgraded mineral scanner except it detects ores more often than an advanced scanner and guarantees high potency when defusing gibtonite regardless of timing.