
Revision as of 20:19, 18 June 2014 by GriffinMan (talk)

Your job is your role. Your access and equipment depend on your job.

File:Captain.png Captain Makes sure the station stays in shape, has a theft battle with the HoP for Ian.
File:Head of Personell.png Head of Personell Handles station logistics, gives the clown all access.
File:Head of Security.png Head of Security Protects the station, commands his security officers, executes the clown for breaking a window.
File:Chief Engineer.png Chief Engineer Maintains the stations systems, uploads a honk script to telecomms.
File:Research Director.png Research Director Researches things to benefit the station, Makes an army of golems while cackling like the mad scientist he is.
Chief Medical Officer.png Chief Medical Officer Heals crewmembers, coordinates the medical team, strokes runtime, releases the honk virus
File:Security Officer.png Security Officer Patrols the station arresting criminals, attacks the clown with his baton
Warden.png Warden Watches over the brig making sure the prisoners do there time, loots the armory and goes on a killing spree.
Detective.png Detective Scans crime scenes with his forensic scanner for clues, chain smokes cigarettes then commits suicide.
Engineering & Atmos
File:Station Engineer.png Station Engineer Fixes the station, provides power to the station, steals the hardsuits.
File:Atmos Technician.png Atmos Technician Makes sure the stations Atmospherics stay running, releases plasma into the station.
Medical Doctor.png Medical Doctors Heals crew members, knocks people out then surgically remove there limbs.
Chemist.png Chemist See all that complicated stuff you thought was chemistry? Forget all about that, magically create all healing potions by just throwing stuff together.
Geneticist.png Geneticist Researches human genes to unlock powers, turns everyone into himself.
Virologist.png Virologist Researches cures to diseases and makes custom diseases which give everyone beards.
File:Mining Medic.png Mining Medic Rescues injured miners on the mining asteroid.
Research & Development
Scientist.png Scientist Researches useful tools to help the crew, tests out bombs for future antag rounds and breeds slimes up until he becomes a slime himself... Plop
Roboticist.png Roboticist Builds and maintains cyborgs, builds mechs to help the station, builds the clown a H.O.N.K mech.
Quartermaster.png Quartermaster Orders supplies to help the crew, orders weapons and turns cargo into cargonia.
Cargo Technician.png Cargo Technician Moves crates off the supply shuttle, joins the QM in the liberation of cargonia.
Shaft Miner.png Shaft Miner Mines rare ores for science, abandons the station to find the clown shuttle.
Bartender.png Bartender Serves the crew drinks, force feeds people neurotoxin
Botanist.png Botanist Grows food, mutates plants, murders people with deathnettle.
Chef.png Chef Makes food, kills Punpun, serves people human burgers.
Janitor.png Janitor Keeps the station halls clean and kills rodents. Eventually gets lynched for not putting down wet floor signs.
File:Waiter.png Waiter Serves food to tables, spits in peoples food.
Clerk.png Clerk Sells souvenirs,steals souvenirs to take home.
Other Jobs
Assistant.png Assistant Assists crewmembers, beats people to death with a toolbox, takes over the station in a greytide.
Chaplain.png Chaplain Praises his god, beats people on the head with his bible.
Clown.png Clown Makes funny jokes HONK, Slips people with his banana peel, goes on a H.O.N.K mech rampage, HONK.
Lawyer.png Lawyer Gets criminals out of prison, makes contracts, steals sunglasses.
Librarian.png Librarian Looks after library books. Gets damned to space hell if they write erotic books, that's a sin.
Mime.png Mime Entertains the station with civilised entertainment, steals the clowns mask.
Tourist.png Tourist Buys souvenirs, takes photos, gets eaten by changelings.
Recovery Agent.png Recovery Agent Recovers dead bodies around the station and puts them in the morgue.
AI.gif AI Controls station systems to help the crew members.
File:Cyborg.png Cyborg Performs station duties humans are unable to fufill.
File:Personal AI.png Personal AI Becomes a helpful companion to a crew member,gets thrown in disposals and forgotten about.