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Basic Research Technology

NT default research technologies.


Advanced Beam Weaponry

Various advanced beam weapons


  • Beam Marksman Rifle: A powerful long ranged anti-material rifle that fires charged particle beams to obliterate targets.


Advanced Biotechnology

Advanced Biotechnology



Advanced Electromagnetic Theory

Determining whether reversing the polarity will actually help in a given situation.



Advanced Exosuit Equipment

Tools for high level mech suits



Advanced Exosuits

For when you just aren't Gundam enough.



Advanced Plasma Research

Research on how to fully exploit the power of plasma.



Advanced Power Manipulation

How to get more zap.



Advanced Robotics Research

It can even do the dishes!



    Advanced Sanitation Technology

    Clean things better, faster, stronger, and harder!



    Advanced Surgery

    When simple medicine doesn't cut it.


    • Lobotomy: An invasive surgical procedure which guarantees removal of almost all brain traumas, but might cause another permanent trauma in return.
    • Tend Wounds (Brute) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
    • Tend Wounds (Burn) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
    • Tend Wounds (Physical): A surgical procedure that repairs both bruises and burns. Repair efficiency is not as high as the individual surgeries but it is faster.
    • Revival: An experimental surgical procedure which involves reconstruction and reactivation of the patient's brain even long after death. The body must still be able to sustain life.
    • Advanced Dissection: A surgical procedure which analyzes the biology of a corpse, and automatically adds new findings to the research database.


    Arcade Games

    For the slackers on the station.



    Artificial Intelligence

    AI unit research.



    Ballistic Weaponry

    This isn't research.. This is reverse-engineering!



    Basic Bluespace Theory

    Basic studies into the mysterious alternate dimension known as bluespace.



    Basic Exosuit Equipment

    Various tools fit for basic mech units



    Basic Nanite Programming

    The basics of nanite construction and programming.



    Basic Plasma Research

    Research into the mysterious and dangerous substance, plasma.



    Basic Robotics Research

    Programmable machines that make our lives lazier.



    Basic Security Equipment

    Standard equipment used by security.


    • Seclite: A robust flashlight used by security.
    • Pepper Spray: Manufactured by UhangInc, used to blind and down an opponent quickly. Printed pepper sprays do not contain reagents.
    • Energy Bola: A specialized hard-light bola designed to ensnare fleeing criminals and aid in arrests.
    • Zipties: Plastic, disposable zipties that can be used to restrain temporarily but are destroyed after use.
    • Evidence Bag: An empty evidence bag.
    • Flash: When a problem arises, SCIENCE is the solution.
    • Handcuffs: Use this to keep prisoners in line.
    • Modular Receiver: A prototype modular receiver and trigger assembly for a firearm.
    • Simple Sight: A simple yet elegant scope. Better than ironsights.


    Basic Tools

    Basic mechanical, electronic, surgical and botanical tools.


    • Screwdriver: You can be totally screwy with this.
    • Wrench: A wrench with common uses. Can be found in your hand.
    • Wirecutters: This cuts wires.
    • Pocket Crowbar: A small crowbar. This handy tool is useful for lots of things, such as prying floor tiles or opening unpowered doors.
    • Multitool: Used for pulsing wires to test which to cut. Not recommended by doctors.
    • Welding Tool: A standard edition welder provided by Nanotrasen.
    • T-Ray Scanner: A terahertz-ray emitter and scanner used to detect underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.
    • Analyzer: A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels. Alt-Click to use the built in barometer function.
    • Cable Coil: A coil of insulated power cable.
    • Pipe Painter:
    • Airlock Painter: An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.
    • Decal Painter: An airlock painter, reprogrammed to use a different style of paint in order to apply decals for floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed. Alt-Click to take out toner.
    • Tile Painter: An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to spray colors on floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.
    • Scalpel: Cut, cut, and once more cut.
    • Circular Saw: For heavy duty cutting.
    • Bonesetter: For setting things right.
    • Surgical Drill: You can drill using this item. You dig?
    • Retractor: Retracts stuff.
    • Cautery: This stops bleeding.
    • Hemostat: You think you have seen this before.
    • Syringe: A syringe that can hold up to 15 units.
    • Cultivator: It's used for removing weeds or scratching your back.
    • Plant Analyzer: A scanner used to evaluate a plant's various areas of growth.
    • Shovel: A large tool for digging and moving dirt.
    • Spade: A small tool for digging and moving dirt.
    • Hatchet: A very sharp axe blade upon a short fibremetal handle. It has a long history of chopping things, but now it is used for chopping wood.
    • Mop: The world of Janitalia wouldn't be complete without a mop.
    • Cable Coil: A coil of insulated power cable.
    • Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD): A device used to rapidly pipe things.
    • Analyzer: A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels. Alt-Click to use the built in barometer function.
    • T-Ray Scanner: A terahertz-ray emitter and scanner used to detect underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.
    • Industrial Welding Tool: A slightly larger welder with a larger tank.
    • Geiger Counter: A handheld device used for detecting and measuring radiation pulses.


    Beam Weaponry

    Various basic beam weapons



    Biological Processing

    From slimes to kitchens.



    Biological Technology

    What makes us tick.



    Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Limbs

    Designs for the Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0).


    • Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics (2.0) Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


    Bishop Cyberkinetics Limbs

    Designs for the Bishop Cyberkinetics.


    • Bishop Cyberkinetics Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
    • Bishop Cyberkinetics Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


    Bluespace Travel

    Application of Bluespace for static teleportation technology.



    Clown Technology




    Computer Consoles

    Computers and how they work.



    Computer Hardware

    How computer hardware are made.


    • Hard Disk Drive: A small HDD, for use in basic computers where power efficiency is desired.
    • Advanced Hard Disk Drive: A hybrid HDD, for use in higher grade computers where balance between power efficiency and capacity is desired.
    • Super Hard Disk Drive: A high capacity HDD, for use in cluster storage solutions where capacity is more important than power efficiency.
    • Cluster Hard Disk Drive: A large storage cluster consisting of multiple HDDs for usage in dedicated storage systems.
    • Solid State Drive: An efficient SSD for portable devices.
    • Micro Solid State Drive: A highly efficient SSD chip for portable devices.
    • Network Card: A basic wireless network card for usage with standard NTNet frequencies.
    • Advanced Network Card: An advanced network card for usage with standard NTNet frequencies. Its transmitter is strong enough to connect even off-station.
    • Wired Network Card: An advanced network card for usage with standard NTNet frequencies. This one also supports wired connection.
    • Data Disk: Removable disk used to store data.
    • Advanced Data Disk: Removable disk used to store data.
    • Super Data Disk: Removable disk used to store large amounts of data.
    • ID Card Slot: A module allowing this computer to read or write data on ID cards. Necessary for some programs to run properly.
    • Auxilary ID Card Slot: A secondary identification card authentication module, allowing this computer to write data on ID cards. Necessary for some programs to run properly.
    • Intellicard Slot: A module allowing this computer to interface with most common intelliCard modules. Necessary for some programs to run properly.
    • Miniprinter: A small printer with paper recycling module.
    • Area Power Connector: A device that wirelessly recharges connected device from nearby APC.
    • Power Cell Controller: A charge controller for standard power cells, used in all kinds of modular computers.
    • Battery Module: A standard power cell, commonly seen in high-end portable microcomputers or low-end laptops.
    • Advanced Battery Module: An advanced power cell, often used in most laptops. It is too large to be fitted into smaller devices.
    • Super Battery Module: An advanced power cell, often used in high-end laptops.
    • Micro Battery Module: A small power cell, commonly seen in most portable microcomputers.
    • Nano Battery Module: A tiny power cell, commonly seen in low-end portable microcomputers.
    • Processor Board: A standard CPU board used in most computers. It can run up to three programs simultaneously.
    • Photonic Processor Board: An advanced experimental CPU board that uses photonic core instead of regular circuitry. It can run up to five programs simultaneously, but uses a lot of power.
    • Microprocessor: A miniaturised CPU used in portable devices. It can run up to two programs simultaneously.
    • Photonic Microprocessor: An advanced miniaturised CPU for use in portable devices. It uses photonic core instead of regular circuitry. It can run up to three programs simultaneously.
    • Sensor Package: An integrated sensor package allowing a computer to take readings from the environment. Required by certain programs.
    • AI Network Interface: A module allowing this computer to interface with local AI networks. Only works with portable computers


    Computerized Recordkeeping

    Organized record databases and how they're used.



    Cybernetic Organs

    We have the technology to rebuild him.



    Cyborg Construction

    Sapient robots with preloaded tool modules and programmable laws.



    Cyborg Upgrades: Engineering

    Upgrades that can only be used on cyborgs with a engineering-related module.



    Data Theory

    Big Data, in space!



      Electromagnetic Theory

      Study into usage of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.



      Exosuit Diamond Drill

      A diamond drill fit for a large exosuit



      Exosuit Module (Localized Wormhole Generator)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Module (SOB-3 Clusterbang Launcher)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Module (Teleporter Module)

      An advanced piece of mech Equipment



      Exosuit Weapon ("Ultra AC 2" LMG)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (BFG-90 "Graze" Radioactive Cannon)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (BRM-6 Missile Rack)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (CH-DS "Peacemaker" Mounted Disabler)

      A basic piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (CH-PS "Immolator" Laser)

      A basic piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (CH-XC "Transitum" X-Ray Laser)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (LBX AC 10 "Scattershot")

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      Exosuit Weapon (SGL-6 Grenade Launcher)

      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



      EXOSUIT: Clarke

      Clarke exosuit designs



      EXOSUIT: Odysseus

      Odysseus exosuit designs



      Experimental Ammunition

      We're hitting levels of power that shouldn't be possible.



      Experimental Neural Processing

      Previously discarded NPUs could be repurposed with minor tweaks. This comes at the expense of increased powerconsumption, but enhanced overclocking capabilities.


      • experimental neural processing unit: A processor specialized in the tasks that a neural network such as the AI might perform. For usage in server racks only. This chip features loose quality-control and as a result of this has more varied overclocking parameters


      Experimental Surgery

      When evolution isn't fast enough.


      • Pacification: A surgical procedure which permanently inhibits the aggression center of the brain, making the patient unwilling to cause direct harm.
      • Vein Threading: A surgical procedure which severely reduces the amount of blood lost in case of injury.
      • Vein Muscle Membrane: A surgical procedure which adds a muscled membrane to blood vessels, allowing them to pump blood without a heart.
      • Nerve Splicing: A surgical procedure which splices the patient's nerves, making them more resistant to stuns.
      • Nerve Grounding: A surgical procedure which makes the patient's nerves act as grounding rods, protecting them from electrical shocks.
      • Ligament Hook: A surgical procedure which reshapes the connections between torso and limbs, making it so limbs can be attached manually if severed. However this weakens the connection, making them easier to detach as well.
      • Ligament Reinforcement: A surgical procedure which adds a protective tissue and bone cage around the connections between the torso and limbs, preventing dismemberment. However, the nerve connections as a result are more easily interrupted, making it easier to disable limbs with damage.
      • Viral Bonding: A surgical procedure that forces a symbiotic relationship between a virus and its host. The patient must be dosed with spaceacillin, virus food, and formaldehyde.
      • Tend Wounds (Physical) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
      • DNA Recovery: A surgical procedure which involves using rezadone to salvage a single strand of DNA from the patient, allowing them to be cloned.
      • Experimental Dissection: A surgical procedure which analyzes the biology of a corpse, and automatically adds new findings to the research database.


      Experimental Tools

      Highly advanced tools.


      • Experimental Welding Tool: An experimental welder capable of self-fuel generation.
      • Jaws of Life: A small, compact Jaws of Life with an interchangeable pry jaws and cutting jaws.
      • Hand Drill: A small electric hand drill with an interchangeable screwdriver and bolt bit.
      • Laser Scalpel: A laser scalpel used for precise cutting.
      • Mechanical Pinches: These pinches can be used as a retractor or hemostat.
      • Searing Tool: Used to mend tissue together.
      • Programmable Tool Switcher: An advanced programmable device capable of quickly swapping to the correct tool for performing repetitive tasks quickly.


      Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry

      If the light stuff just won't do it.


      • Large Grenade: A grenade that affects a larger area and uses larger containers.
      • Pyro Grenade: An advanced grenade that is able to self ignite its mixture.
      • Advanced Release Grenade: An advanced grenade that can be detonated several times, best used with a repeating igniter.


      Genetic Engineering

      We have the technology to make him.



      Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Limbs

      Designs for the Hephaestus Industries (2.0).


      • Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
      • Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
      • Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
      • Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
      • Hephaestus Industries (2.0) Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


      Hephaestus Industries Limbs

      Designs for the Hephaestus Industries.


      • Hephaestus Industries Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
      • Hephaestus Industries Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
      • Hephaestus Industries Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
      • Hephaestus Industries Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
      • Hephaestus Industries Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


      Hyper Capacity Memory Sticks

      Further refinement of memory technology allows previously unimaginable data-density.


      • hyper-capacity memory: Understanding and manipulation of near-atomic matter allows increased capacity with no noticeable performance degradation.


      Improved CPU Sockets

      Refinements in general data theory should allow the mounting of an extra CPU core in each AI server rack.



        Improved Memory Bus

        Refinements in general data theory should allow the addition of another memory stick in each AI server rack.



          Improved Wound-Tending Surgery

          Who would have known being more gentle with a hemostat decreases patient pain?



          Industrial Engineering

          A refresher course on modern engineering technology.



          Magmite Technology

          Who needs a pickaxe when you have a nuke?



          Man Machine Interface

          A slightly Frankensteinian device that allows human brains to interface natively with software APIs.



          Mechanical Exosuits

          Mechanized exosuits that are several magnitudes stronger and more powerful than the average human.



          Medical Exosuit Equipment

          Tools for high level mech suits



          Neural Nanite Programming

          Nanite programs affecting nerves and brain matter.


          • Nerve Support: The nanites act as a secondary nervous system, reducing the amount of time the host is stunned.
          • Neural Regeneration: The nanites fix neural connections in the host's brain, reversing brain damage and minor traumas.
          • Neural Shock: The nanites pulse the host's nerves when triggered, incapacitating them for a short period.
          • Host Scan: The nanites display a detailed readout of a body scan to the host.


          Nonlethal Landmine Technology

          Our weapons technicians could perhaps work out methods for the creation of nonlethal landmines for security teams.


          • Stun Mine: A basic non-lethal stunning mine. Stuns anyone who walks over it.


          Positronic Brain

          Applied usage of neural technology allowing for autonomous AI units based on special metallic cubes with conductive and processing circuits.



          Quantum Electromagnetic Technology

          Even better electromagnetic technology.



          RCD designs upgrade

          Unlocks new RCD designs.



          Route Optimisation Upgrade

          Research into bluespace tunnelling, allowing us to reduce flight times by up to 20%!



          Shellguard Munitions Limbs

          Designs for the Shellguard Munitions.


          • Shellguard Munitions Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
          • Shellguard Munitions Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
          • Shellguard Munitions Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
          • Shellguard Munitions Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
          • Shellguard Munitions Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


          Spacepod Construction

          Basic stuff to construct Spacepods. Don't crash your first spacepod into the station, especially while going more than 10 m/s.



          Subdermal Implants

          Electronic implants buried beneath the skin.



          Upgraded Cybernetic Organs

          We have the technology to upgrade him.



          Ward-Takahashi Limbs

          Designs for the Ward-Takahashi.


          • Ward-Takahashi Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
          • Ward-Takahashi Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
          • Ward-Takahashi Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
          • Ward-Takahashi Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
          • Ward-Takahashi Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


          Xeno-organ Biology

          Plasmaman, Ethereals, Lizardpeople... What makes our non-human crewmembers tick?



          Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Limbs

          Designs for the Xion Manufacturing (2.0).


          • Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
          • Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
          • Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
          • Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
          • Xion Manufacturing (2.0) Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


          Xion Manufacturing Limbs

          Designs for the Xion Manufacturing.


          • Xion Manufacturing Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
          • Xion Manufacturing Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
          • Xion Manufacturing Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
          • Xion Manufacturing Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
          • Xion Manufacturing Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


          Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Limbs

          Designs for the Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals.


          • Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Head: Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
          • Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Left Leg: Some athletes prefer to tie their left shoelaces first for good luck. In this instance, it probably would not have helped.
          • Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Right Leg: You put your right leg in, your right leg out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about. And apparently then it detaches. The hokey pokey has certainly changed a lot since space colonisation.
          • Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Left Arm: Did you know that the word 'sinister' stems originally from the Latin 'sinestra' (left hand), because the left hand was supposed to be possessed by the devil? This arm appears to be possessed by no one though.
          • Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals Right Arm: Over 87% of humans are right handed. That figure is much lower among humans missing their right arm.


          256bit Computing

          Experience with creating computer hardware highlights the need for additional CPU cores and memory sticks in each rack. This acts as a gateway to those technologies.



            Advanced Bluespace Storage

            With the use of bluespace we can create even more advanced storage devices than we could have ever done


            • Bag of Holding shell: A backpack that opens into a localized pocket of bluespace. Requires an anomaly core to function.


            Advanced CPU Sockets

            256 bit computing allows the introduction of another CPU core.



              Advanced Engineering

              Pushing the boundaries of physics, one chainsaw-fist at a time.



              Advanced Memory Bus

              256 bit computing allows the introduction of another memory module.



                Advanced Neural Processing

                Using breakthroughs in high-efficiency fabrication it should be possible to drastically increase the speed of Neural Processing Units, at the cost of increased power consumption.


                • advanced neural processing unit: A processor specialized in the tasks that a neural network such as the AI might perform. For usage in server racks only. This chip features advanced branch-prediction and optimized memory access.


                Advanced RCD designs upgrade

                Unlocks new RCD designs.



                Advanced Spacepod Armor

                Better protection for your precious ride. You'll need it if you plan on engaging in spacepod battles.



                Advanced Spacepod Mining Tech

                Cutting up asteroids using your spacepods.... faster!



                Advanced Spacepod Plasma Cutter

                Cutting up asteroids using your spacepods........... FASTERRRRRR!!!!!! Oh shit, that was gibtonite.



                Advanced Spacepod Weaponry

                For a lot of pew pew space battles. PEW PEW PEW!! Shit, I missed. I need better aim. Whatever.



                Advanced Weapon Development Technology

                Our weapons are breaking the rules of reality by now.


                • MK.II Ceramic Plating: Plating fitted for a plated vest or helmet. Better than what you get at the start of the shift.
                • MK.IV Titanium Plating: Plating fitted for a plated vest or helmet. Turns you into a walking tank.
                • Holographic Sight: A highly advanced sight that projects a holographic design onto its lens, providing unobscured and precise view of your target.


                Alien Biological Tools

                Advanced biological tools.



                Alien Engineering

                Alien engineering tools


                • Alien Wrench: An advanced wrench obtained through Abductor technology.
                • Alien Wirecutters: Advanced wirecutters obtained through Abductor technology.
                • Alien Screwdriver: An advanced screwdriver obtained through Abductor technology.
                • Alien Crowbar: An advanced crowbar obtained through Abductor technology.
                • Alien Welding Tool: An advanced welding tool obtained through Abductor technology.
                • Alien Multitool: An advanced multitool obtained through Abductor technology.


                Alien Surgery

                Abductors did nothing wrong.


                • Necrotic Revival: An experimental surgical procedure that stimulates the growth of a Romerol tumor inside the patient's brain. Requires zombie powder or rezadone.
                • Tend Wounds (Physical) Upgrade: A surgical procedure that repairs both bruises and burns faster than their individual counterparts. It is more effective than both the individual surgeries.
                • Brainwashing: A surgical procedure which directly implants a directive into the patient's brain, making it their absolute priority. It can be cleared using a mindshield implant.
                • Extraterrestrial Dissection: A surgical procedure which analyzes the biology of a corpse, and automatically adds new findings to the research database.


                Alien Technology

                Things used by the greys.


                • Alien Alloy: A sheet of reverse-engineered alien alloy.
                • Mind Flayer: A compact weapon made to destroy the brain.


                Anomaly Research

                Unlock the potential of the mysterious anomalies that appear on station.


                • Reactive Armor Shell: An experimental suit of armor capable of utilizing an implanted anomaly core to protect the user.
                • Anomaly Quiver: An empty, experimental quiver with not much space inside. A bluespace, pyroclastic, or gravitational anomaly can be inserted for varying effects.
                • Anomaly Neutralizer: An advanced tool capable of instantly neutralizing anomalies, designed to capture the fleeting aberrations created by the engine.


                Applied Bluespace Research

                Using bluespace to make things faster and better.



                Basic Xenology

                Experimental research into replicating organs from the exotic species known commonly as "xenos"



                Biological Nanite Programming

                Nanite programs that require complex biological interaction.


                • Accelerated Regeneration: The nanites boost the host's natural regeneration, increasing their healing speed.
                • Blood Regeneration: The nanites stimulate and boost blood cell production in the host.
                • Rapid Coagulation: The nanites induce rapid coagulation when the host is wounded, dramatically reducing bleeding rate.
                • Poisoning: The nanites deliver poisonous chemicals to the host's internal organs, causing toxin damage and vomiting.
                • Cellular Breakdown: The nanites destroy cellular structures in the host's body, causing brute damage.
                • Critical Health Sensor: The nanites receive a signal when the host first reaches critical health.
                • Death Sensor: The nanites receive a signal when they detect the host is dead.
                • Health Sensor: The nanites receive a signal when the host's health is above/below a certain percentage.
                • Damage Sensor: The nanites receive a signal when a host's specific damage type is above/below a target value.
                • Race Sensor: When triggered, the nanites scan the host to determine their race and output a signal depending on the conditions set in the settings.


                Bluespace Computing

                Bluespace advances allow the instant teleportation of data across a server rack. This acts as a gateway to the final tier of computing.



                  Bluespace CPU Sockets

                  Instant teleportation of data across CPU caches allows the installation of a fourth CPU core.



                    Bluespace Memory Bus

                    Bluespace teleportation allows the removal of all bottlenecks. Allows for the introduction of a fourth memory module.



                      Bluespace Memory Sticks

                      Breakthroughs in bluespace technology allows memory chips to store data in special bluespace pockets. Greatly improves data density at the cost of higher fabrication costs.


                      • bluespace memory: Using bluespace based technology it's possible to make increase RAM capacity without decreasing speed.


                      Bluespace Neural Processing

                      Breakthroughts in bluespace allows the fabrication of ultra fast NPUs. This however comes at the expense of greatly higher power consumption.


                      • bluespace neural processing unit: A processor specialized in the tasks that a neural network such as the AI might perform. For usage in server racks only. This chip exploits advances in bluespace technology to shrink components even further.


                      Bluespace Power Technology

                      Even more powerful.. power!



                      Botanical Engineering

                      Botanical tools



                      Camera Theory

                      NT is watching you...


                      • Miner Bodycamera: A camera worn around the neck, that can be viewed from a miner camera console.
                      • Bodycamera: A camera worn around the neck, meant to keep you safe.


                      Cryostasis Technology

                      Smart freezing of objects to preserve them!



                      Cybernetic Implants

                      Electronic implants that improve humans.


                      • Nutriment Pump Implant: This implant will synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.
                      • Breathing Tube Implant: This simple implant adds an internals connector to your back, allowing you to use internals without a mask and protecting you from being choked.
                      • Luminescent Eyes: A pair of cybernetic eyes that can emit multicolored light.
                      • Meson Eyes: These cybernetic eyes will give you meson-vision. Looks like it could withstand seeing a supermatter crystal!
                      • Welding Shield Eyes: These reactive micro-shields will protect you from welders and flashes without obscuring your vision.
                      • Medical HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a medical HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
                      • Security HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a security HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
                      • Chemical Analyzer Implant: These cybernetic eye implants will allow rapid identification of reagents. Wiggle eyes to control.
                      • Diagnostic HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.


                      Cyborg Upgrades: Advanced Medical

                      Advanced upgrades that focus on cyborgs with a medical-related module.



                      Cyborg Upgrades: Medical

                      Upgrades that focus on cyborgs with a medical-related module.



                      Cyborg Upgrades: Mining

                      Upgrades that focus on cyborgs with a mining-related module.



                      Cyborg Upgrades: NVG

                      Upgrade that swaps a cyborg's mesons to nightvision mesons.



                      Cyborg Upgrades: Service

                      Upgrades that focus on cyborgs with a service-related module.



                      Cyborg Upgrades: Utility

                      Upgrades that can be used on all cyborg module types that increases their general utility.



                      Exosuit Weapon (ASW-8 "Barbatos" heavy maul)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (GD6 "Jaeger" Shortsword)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (HR-2 "Ronin" katana)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (MKI Tesla Cannon)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (RS-77 "Atom Smasher" Rocket Fist)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry


                      • Exosuit Weapon (RS-77 "Atom Smasher" Rocket Fist): A large metal fist fitted to the arm of an exosuit, it uses repurposed maneuvering thrusters from a Raven battlecruiser to give a little more oomph to every punch. Also helps increase the speed at which the mech is able to return to a ready stance after each swing.


                      Exosuit Weapon (S5-C "White Witch" shortspear)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      Exosuit Weapon (TO-4 "Tahu" flaming chainsword)

                      An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                      EXOSUIT: Durand

                      Durand exosuit designs



                      EXOSUIT: Gygax

                      Gygax exosuit designs



                      EXOSUIT: Sidewinder

                      Sidewinder exosuit designs



                      Exotic Ammunition

                      They won't know what hit em.



                      Hardlight Weaponry

                      Weaponized forcefields!


                      • Hardlight Bow: A modern bow that can fabricate hardlight arrows using an internal energy.
                      • NT-USP Conversion Kit: A standard conversion kit for use in converting NT-USP magazines to be more lethal or less lethal.
                      • Vibration Blade: A hard-light blade vibrating at rapid pace, enabling you to cut through armor and flesh with ease.
                      • Hardlight Shotshell: An advanced shotgun shell which fires a hardlight beam and scatters it.


                      Hazard Nanite Programs

                      Extremely advanced Nanite programs with the potential of being extremely dangerous.


                      • Infective Exo-Locomotion: The nanites gain the ability to survive for brief periods outside of the human body, as well as the ability to start new colonies without an integration process; resulting in an extremely infective strain of nanites.
                      • Mitosis: The nanites gain the ability to self-replicate, using bluespace to power the process, instead of drawing from a template. This rapidly speeds up the replication rate,but it causes occasional software errors due to faulty copies. Not compatible with cloud sync.


                      High Capacity Memory Sticks

                      Further advances in memory production should allow higher density sticks.



                      High Efficiency Parts

                      Finely-tooled manufacturing techniques allowing for picometer-perfect precision levels.



                      Hyperlane Optimisation Upgrade

                      Research into bluespace hyperlane, allowing us to reduce flight times by up to 40%!



                      Illegal Cybernetic Implants

                      Nanotrasen would like to remind employees that use of unlicensed cybernetic implants violates multiple employee contract clauses.


                      • Slip Resistance Implant: An implant that uses sensors and motors to detect when you are slipping and attempt to prevent it. It probably won't help if the floor is too slippery.


                      Integrated HUDs

                      The usefulness of computerized records, projected straight onto your eyepiece!


                      • Health Scanner HUD: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
                      • Security HUD: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their ID status.
                      • Diagnostic HUD: A HUD used to analyze and determine faults within robotic machinery.
                      • Science Goggles: Goggles fitted with a portable analyzer, capable of determining the research worth of an item or components of a machine.
                      • Meson Health Scanner HUD: An upgraded version of the Health Scanner HUD, functions the same and in addition allows the user to see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls.


                      IPC Parts

                      We have the technology to replace him.


                      • Substance Processor: A machine component, installed in the chest. This grants the machine the ability to process chemicals that enter its systems.
                      • Basic Robotic Eyes: Your vision is augmented.
                      • Robotic Voicebox: A voice synthesizer that can interface with organic lifeforms.
                      • Micro-cell: A micro-cell, for IPC use only. Do not swallow.
                      • Auditory Sensors: A pair of microphones intended to be installed in an IPC head, that grant the ability to hear.
                      • Recharging Electronics: An internal power cord hooked up to a battery. Useful if you run on volts.
                      • Blank IPC:


                      Mesh Nanite Programming

                      Nanite programs that require static structures and membranes.


                      • Dermal Hardening: The nanites form a mesh under the host's skin, protecting them from melee and bullet impacts.
                      • Dermal Button: Displays a button on the host's skin, which can be used to send a signal to the nanites.
                      • Dermal Refractive Surface: The nanites form a membrane above the host's skin, reducing the effect of laser and energy impacts.
                      • Cryogenic Treatment: The nanites rapidly sink heat through the host's skin, lowering their temperature.
                      • Electric Conduction: The nanites act as a grounding rod for electric shocks, protecting the host. Shocks can still damage the nanites themselves.
                      • Electric Shock: The nanites shock the host when triggered. Destroys a large amount of nanites!
                      • Electromagnetic Resonance: The nanites cause an electromagnetic pulse around the host when triggered. Will corrupt other nanite programs!
                      • Temperature Adjustment: The nanites adjust the host's internal temperature to an ideal level.


                      Military Nanite Programming

                      Nanite programs that perform military-grade functions.


                      • Chain Detonation: Blows up all the nanites inside the host in a chain reaction when triggered.
                      • Sub-Dermal Combustion: The nanites cause buildup of flammable fluids under the host's skin, then ignites them.
                      • Meltdown: Causes an internal meltdown inside the nanites, causing internal burns inside the host as well as rapidly destroying the nanite population.Sets the nanites' safety threshold to 0 when activated.
                      • Viral Replica: The nanites constantly send encrypted signals attempting to forcefully copy their own programming into other nanite clusters.


                      Mining Technology

                      Better than Efficiency V.



                      Neural Programming

                      Study into networks of processing units that mimic our brains.



                        Nullspace Breaching Upgrade

                        Research into voidspace tunnelling, allowing us to significantly reduce flight times.



                        One-point Bluespace-gravitational Manipulator

                        Fancy wording for gravity gun.



                        Radioactive Weaponry

                        Weapons using radioactive technology.



                        Simple Exosuit Modules

                        An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                        Smart Nanite Programming

                        Nanite programs that require nanites to perform complex actions, act independently, roam or seek targets.


                        • Blood Purification: The nanites purge toxins and chemicals from the host's bloodstream.
                        • Distributed Computing: The nanites aid the research servers by performing a portion of its calculations, increasing research point generation.
                        • Metabolic Synthesis: The nanites use the metabolic cycle of the host to speed up their replication rate, using their extra nutrition as fuel.
                        • Stealth: The nanites hide their activity and programming from superficial scans.
                        • Memory Leak: This program invades the memory space used by other programs, causing frequent corruptions and errors.
                        • Voice Sensor: Sends a signal when the nanites hear a determined word or sentence.
                        • Skull Echo: The nanites echo a synthesized message inside the host's skull.


                        Spacepod Mining Tech

                        Cutting up asteroids using your spacepods



                        Spacepod Passenger Seat

                        For bringing along victims as you fly off into the far reaches of space



                        Spacepod Security

                        Keeps greytiders out of your spacepods.



                        Spacepod Storage

                        For storing the stuff you find in the far reaches of space



                        Spacepod Weaponry

                        For a bit of pew pew space battles



                        Synaptic Nanite Programming

                        Nanite programs affecting mind and thoughts.


                        • Mental Barrier: The nanites form a protective membrane around the host's brain, shielding them from abnormal influences while they're active.
                        • Pacification: The nanites suppress the aggression center of the brain, preventing the host from causing direct harm to others.
                        • Blindness: The nanites suppress the host's ocular nerves, blinding them while they're active.
                        • Sleep Induction: The nanites cause rapid narcolepsy when triggered.
                        • Mute: The nanites suppress the host's speech, making them mute while they're active.
                        • Forced Speech: The nanites force the host to say a pre-programmed sentence when triggered.
                        • Hallucination: The nanites make the host see and hear things that aren't real.


                        Telecommunications Technology

                        Subspace transmission technology for near-instant communications devices.



                        Unregulated Bluespace Research

                        Bluespace technology using unstable or unbalanced procedures, prone to damaging the fabric of bluespace. Outlawed by galactic conventions.


                        • Desynchronizer: A device that can desynchronize the user from spacetime.


                        Weapon Development Technology

                        Our researchers have found new ways to weaponize just about everything now.


                        • Test-Range Firing Pin: This safety firing pin allows firearms to be operated within proximity to a firing range.
                        • Telescopic Riot Shield: An advanced riot shield made of lightweight materials that collapses for easy storage.
                        • MK.I Bluespace Plating: Plating fitted for a plated vest or helmet. Makes you faster, but gives less armor.
                        • MK.III Plasteel Plating: Plating fitted for a plated vest or helmet. Makes you slower, but gives more armor.
                        • Vertical Grip: A tactile grip that increases the control and steadiness of your weapon.
                        • Laser Sight: A glorified laser pointer. Good for knowing what you're aiming at.
                        • Infrared Sight: A polarizing camera that picks up infrared radiation. The quality is rather poor, so it ends up making it harder to aim.


                        Advanced Cybernetic Implants

                        Upgraded and more powerful cybernetic implants.


                        • Toolset Arm Implant: A stripped-down version of the engineering cyborg toolset, designed to be installed on the subject's arm.
                        • Surgical Arm Implant: A set of surgical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
                        • Janitorial Arm Implant: A set of janitorial tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
                        • Botanical Arm Implant: A set of botanical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
                        • Reviver Implant: This implant will attempt to revive you if you lose consciousness. For the faint of heart!
                        • Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS: This implant will synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are hungry.
                        • Magboot Implant: Integrated maglock implant, allows easy movement in a zero-gravity environment.


                        Advanced Landmine Technology

                        We can further develop our smartmines to build some extremely capable designs.


                        • Rapid Deployment Smartmine: An advanced non-lethal stunning mine. Uses advanced detection software to only trigger when activated by someone without a mindshield implant. Can be rapidly placed and disarmed.
                        • Sledgehammer Smartmine: An advanced non-lethal stunning mine. Uses advanced detection software to only trigger when activated by someone without a mindshield implant. Very powerful and hard to disarm.


                        Basic Shuttle Research

                        Research the technology required to create and use basic shuttles.



                        Cyborg Upgrades: Advanced Engineering

                        Advanced upgrades that can only be used on cyborgs with a engineering-related module.



                        Electric Weapons

                        Weapons using electric technology


                        • Tesla Revolver: A high-tech revolver that fires internal, reusable shock cartridges in a revolving cylinder. The cartridges can be recharged using conventional rechargers.
                        • Ion Carbine: How to dismantle a cyborg: The gun.


                        Exosuit Weapon (AV-98 "Ingram" heavy stun baton)

                        An advanced piece of mech weaponry



                        EXOSUIT: Phazon

                        Phazon exosuit designs



                        Foreign Technology

                        Dangerous research used to create dangerous objects.



                        Harmonic Nanite Programming

                        Nanite programs that require seamless integration between nanites and biology.


                        • Aggressive Replication: Nanites will consume organic matter to improve their replication rate, damaging the host.
                        • Defibrillation: The nanites, when triggered, send a defibrillating shock to the host's heart.
                        • Bio-Reconstruction: The nanites manually repair and replace organic cells, acting much faster than normal regeneration. However, this program cannot detect the difference between harmed and unharmed, causing it to consume nanites even if it has no effect.
                        • Neural Reimaging: The nanites are able to backup and restore the host's neural connections, potentially replacing entire chunks of missing or damaged brain matter.
                        • Selective Blood Purification: The nanites purge toxins and dangerous chemicals from the host's bloodstream, while ignoring beneficial chemicals. The added processing power required to analyze the chemicals severely increases the nanite consumption rate.
                        • Nanite Heart: A heart made of nanites that improves their function in the body.


                        Medical Weaponry

                        Weapons using medical technology.


                        • Syringe Gun: A gun that fires syringes.
                        • Reagent Dart: A specialized syringe that quickly injects reagents. It can hold up to 15 units.
                        • Shotgun Dart: A dart for use in shotguns. Can be injected with up to 30 units of any chemical.


                        Miniaturized Bluespace Research

                        Extreme reduction in space required for bluespace engines, leading to portable bluespace technology.



                        Night Vision Technology

                        Allows seeing in the dark without actual light!



                        Smart Landmine Technology

                        Using IFF technology, we could develop smartmines that do not trigger for those who are mindshielded.


                        • Smart Stun Mine: An advanced non-lethal stunning mine. Uses advanced detection software to only trigger when activated by someone without a mindshield implant.


                        Spacepod Lock Buster

                        For when someone's being really naughty with a spacepod



                        Advanced Mining Technology

                        Efficiency Level 127



                        Combat Cybernetic Implants

                        Military grade combat implants to improve performance.


                        • Anti-Drop Implant: This cybernetic brain implant will allow you to force your hand muscles to contract, preventing item dropping. Twitch ears to toggle.
                        • CNS Rebooter Implant: This implant will automatically give you back control over your central nervous system, reducing downtime when stunned.
                        • Thrusters Set Implant: This implant will allow you to use gas from the environment or your internals for propulsion in zero-gravity areas.
                        • Jumpboots Implant: An implant with a specialized propulsion system for rapid foward movement.
                        • Wheelies Implant: Wicked sick wheelies, but now they're not in the heel of your shoes, they just in your heels.


                        D.O.T.A. suit

                        Protect yourself and/or the crew with this highly experimental suit harness.


                        • D.O.T.A. suit: A multifunction handheld device useful for data sensing, analysis, and recording.
