Guide to security: Difference between revisions

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10,080 bytes added ,  18:48, 31 January 2014
Added an entire section dedicated to how Sec should deal with presented threats, more of a help for budding Officers. Review is appreciated.
(Cyborgification --> Cyborgization)
(Added an entire section dedicated to how Sec should deal with presented threats, more of a help for budding Officers. Review is appreciated.)
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* See the '[[Admin_Decisions_Log#Circumstances_when_it.27s_okay_to_kill_players_.287_August_2011.29|circumstances when it's okay to kill players]]' section for more details.
* See the '[[Admin_Decisions_Log#Circumstances_when_it.27s_okay_to_kill_players_.287_August_2011.29|circumstances when it's okay to kill players]]' section for more details.
==Dealing with threats, Minimal Force==
As a Security Officer you are expected to fight any and every for of hostile force assaulting the station, from traitors crew members, powerful reality defying Wizards to teams of "crack" syndicate assault forces. You must know how to counter any and all threats that are thrown at you, preferably with minimal force needed on your part. Remember however that not only is the stations peace at risk but your very life is on the line, fail and you will die! Here is NT's staple guide on suggested courses of action against expected threats.
Traitors range in hostility and thus are a mixed bag to tackle, standard ranged stunning is recommended in dealing with confirmed traitors. If someone is suspected of being a Traitor get several Officers to search the person in question and possibly search their department for hidden items, interviews with witnesses and victims can help in proving the guilt of a possible Traitor. In the case of overt traitors however you will need to respond with needed force depending on the threat presented.
You should generally offer the chance for a perp to surrender before engaging, if they are actively hostile however you can assume they will not surrender.
* Improvised Weapons: Order the AI to lock down the area, assess if civilians are at risk and use ranged Stun Weapons to subdue the perp, they are a low risk threat to you unless they are somehow able to stun you.
* Stolen Station Weapons: Assume they are carrying at minimum a ranged firearm capable of stunning, ask the AI to locate and lock down the area. Multiple Officers should attempt to simultaneously attack the perp. Use of Flashbangs will prove effective if the perp is well entrenched.
* Syndicate Weapons: Suspect should be presumed to be armed and dangrous, AI should report and track perps location. Do not approach without backup, consider asking the Warden/Head of Security to issue Riot Shields and Energy Guns. If suspect is wielding Duel Energy Swords tasers will prove ineffective, instead either use Flashbangs to down the suspect, use a Stun Baton to bypass the Sword or get the Detective to use his revolver to down him, make sure the Detective does not over do it and kill the perp.
* Spray Bottle: A unique "device", unfortunately small amounts of water can slip people for long periods of time. If the suspect is reported to possess a Spray Bottle do not approach without walking. If the suspect is using ranged weapons in conjunction be wary and avoid getting into a bad situation. Consider getting Cargo to order Galoshes or ambush the traitor.
Changelings are alien entities that have infiltrated the station, they can easily change their appearance in a moments notice. If there are confirmed sightings of Changelings be wary. Fortuantly a Changeling is only as powerful as the job they have access to, they do not gain any useful combat abilities and they are restricted to station bound weapons. Assuming the Armoury is secure the worst they can get are improvised weapons without attacking a Sec Officer.
Due to their abilities it is possible for a Changeling to kill a fellow Sec Officer and impersonate him, however you should note that they will lack a Loyalty Implant. Be wary of Security Officers without Implants and unless they can confirm they were killed and cloned they should be kept under watch. While you are free to terminate a confirmed Changeling, you must be 100% certain that the suspect is a Changeling before executing. If you cannot prove they are a Changeling ask the Warden/HoS to give them a Chem/Tracking implant to watch their future activities. If Joe Innocent walks out of the brig with a Chem Implant displaying a Symbol above their head and latter on you see Alex Antag with the same symbol you will know they are a Changeling.
Otherwise standard tactics in subduing a Traitor apply to a Changeling, do be wary however that some Changelings can ignore a Stun and get up after being stunned.
'''Nuclear Operatives'''
Small five man team of operatives that are tasked with assaulting your station, stealing the Nuke Disk, and destorying the station via a Thermonuclear Device. You must make very effort to stop them.
The Nuke Ops are equipped with a deadly armoury of weapons that is frankly better than yours in every respect. Their guns can knock you down and kill you in moments, their armour provides better protection and is space proof, they generally work as a team and they can bring in an impressive arsenal of equipment like Assault Mechs and Syndi Borgs.
Upon the confirmation of Nuke Ops get the Warden/HoS to open the Armoury and distribute weapons, at the same time confirm the location of the Nuke Disk, typically on the Captain, and ensure it stays secure. From this point you should prioritize protecting the Nuke Disk at all costs. When fighting Nuke Ops use numbers and cover to your advantage, avoid exposing yourself and concentrate on one Operative. If you can attack an isolated Operative go for it.
If you encounter a Mech consider falling back, it will take concentrated fire to down a Mech so alert the rest of Sec and focus fire, get the AI to bolt it down. If you can get access to an Ion Gun use it to destroy the mech.
If you encounter a Syndi Borg be wary, it cannot be stunned and has an impressive arsenal as well as it can open any door even if it is bolted. Flashes will disable it just like normal Borgs, if you can get into melee range and flash it drag it away and beat it to death with your Baton.
The Disk is your job, keep the disk bearer alive at all costs and protect it. If you have a choice between killing an Op and saving the disk SAVE THE DISK! If you lose the disk try and quickly secure a Sec Hardsuit and scour the exterior to find the Ops, if you are lucky you can catch them trying to arm the nuke.
A extremely powerful entity, if a Wizard is confirmed rally Sec and arm up with the best weapons you can get. The best way to terminate a Wizard is to stick together and focus fire on it, wear him down with constant Stun and Laser fire. Do not go at him alone or you will die. If you can safely stun him either open fire with Lasers or remove his clothing to shut down his spells, do not get into melee range unless you can confirm he cannot use Disintegrate or Magic Missiles.
Poly Acid to the face can melt his Wizard hat and remove his powers, consider dropping by the Chemists and pick up some in a Spray Bottle/Pepper Spray. Bombs and syringes also work.
If by some miracle you are able to subdue a Wizard immediately secure him with Cuffs, a Straightjacket and a Muzzle. This will shut him down compeatly and render him harmless. At this point your greatest threat now is the crew trying to kill the helpless Wizard, if you still wish to preserve his life move him to the Brig and push back people trying to kill him. Generally at this point the living Captain/HoS/Warden/Clown will either preform an Execution or a Trial for the Wizard.
Sometimes some crew members will have enough and rebel against the Command Staff and the Security Force. Your job is to stop them at all costs and protect the Command Staff. Revolutionary's are as deadly as a traitor with improvised weapons however their greatest strength are their numbers. Tasers, Energy Guns and Stun Batons are useless against a swarm of 10 to 20 people clambering over the stunned and twitching bodies of fellow Revs to get at your throat.
When you subdue a Revolutionary you should either take them to the brig and arrange them to be loyally implanted, this will remove their Rev status and guarantee their alligence to Security and the Command Staff and prevent them from being converted againt. If you cannot get access to a Loyalty Implant simply smashing their face in with your Stun Baton on Harm Intent will eventually deconvert them, though they will still be vulnerable to re conversion.
Work with Sec to protect the Command Staff and suppress the Revolution, Cargo will be a vital but bloody battle ground fought over as it acts both as a source of Loyalty Implants for Security and a source of Weapons for the Revolutionary's.
Similar to Revolutionary's in few respects, their goals are to sacrifice crewmen and other clandestine activities, the end result is identical to Rev in the take over of the Station.
Fighting Cultists requires all Hands on Deck, you must be vigilant in fighting Cultists. Anyone outside of Security and the Captain can be a cultist. Work together to lock down the station, declare martial law, preform random searches and crack down on departments.
When you capture a cultist your options are extremely limited, unlike Revs Loyalty Implants do not revert their Cult status, only prevent non-cultists being converted. As such you only have three viable options, each with their own disadvantags.
* Perma Brigging: Will not get you in trouble with the station AI, however there is a massive risk of the Cultist being rescued by fellow Cultists, from runes to space suits. Perma Brigging is often seen as a bad choice by Security Players.
* Forced Borging: Borgs cannot be stunned or converted, this is the only way to deconvert a cultist. In theory a great idea but in practice it can backfire, the Roboticsts and RD could be cultists and hinder the effot, as well as the fact that the loyalty of the AI and Borgs is in question, if it gets subverted by a Cultist suddenly the small army of Sec Borgs will turn on you and murder you.
* Execution: A controversial approach both ingame and outgame. This removes the Cultist permanently and removes the threat, it is quick and easy without any unneeded effort on your part. However if the AI and Borgs witness or find evidence of this then suddenly the AI will shut you down to prevent further human harm. Also admins have mixed views on executions currently, try and get the authorization of the Captain and/or HoS before executing to avoid any complications.

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