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This page needs revising!
The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. |
Writing Tools
Pens come in a few different colors, black or blue by default, and some departments will be provided with red pens. Every crew member starts with one in their PDA.
Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.
Writing is performed by using any writing tool on paper, with any standard writing utensil.
Description | You type | You get |
Bold text | **Bold text.** __Bold text.__ |
Bold text. |
Italic text | *Italics text.* _Italics text._ |
Italics text. |
Centering text | |Centered text.| |
Centered text.
Lists | * Item one * Item two * Subitem one |
Horizontal rules | Before line. --- After line. |
Before line. After line. |
Large text | ^Large text.^ |
Large text. |
Small text | ((Small text.)) |
Small text. |
Signature | %s |
John Smith |
Field | %f |
%f tags are not visible when reading a paper, |
Headers | # H1 ## H2 |
H1 |
Official Forms
Official NanoTrasen forms. If you have the right PDA cartridge, they can be printed from there, or found in the various "Paperwork" clipboards across the station.
General Requests Form (NT-010)
General Request Form NT-010 Name:
Paper Markdown |
|^General Request Form NT-010^| --- Name: %f Request: %f Reason: %f Stamp Below if Approved |
Complaint Form (NT-021)
Complaint Form NT-021 Complainant: Complainees:
Complaint Signature: Witness Signature: Administrator Notes: Stamp Below if Accepted: |
Paper Markdown |
|^Complaint Form NT-020^| --- Complainant: %f Complainees: %f Complaint Overview: %f Complaint Details: %f --- Complaint Signature: %f Witness Signature: %f --- Administrator Notes: %f --- Stamp Below if Accepted: |
HoP Access Request Form (NT-022)
HOP Access Request Form NT-022
Name: Accesses Requested:
Reviewed By: Stamp Below if Approved |
Paper Markdown |
|^HOP Access Request Form NT-022^| --- Name: %f Accesses Requested: %f Reason: %f --- Reviewed By: %f Stamp Below if Approved |
Job Reassignment Form (NT-059)
Job Reassignment Form NT-059
I acknowledge my job reassignment may not be approved. Signed,
Reviewed By: Stamp Below if Approved |
Paper Markdown |
|^Job Reassignment Form NT-059^| --- Name: %f Current Job: %f Requested Job: %f Reason for Change: %f By submitting this form, I verify that I recognize all job changes are left to the discretion of the Head of Personnel.I acknowledge my job reassignment may not be approved. Signed, %f --- Reviewed By: %f Stamp Below if Approved |
Item Request Form (NT-089)
Item Request Form NT-089
Reviewed By: Stamp Below if Approved |
Paper Markdown |
|^Item Request Form NT-089^| --- Name: %f Item Requested: %f Reason Requested: %f Sign Here: %f --- Reviewed By: %f Stamp Below if Approved |
Cyborgization Consent Form (NT-203)
Cyberization Consent Form NT-203
By signing this document, I, hereby consent to the removal of my brain, acknowledging it will be placed in a Man-Machine Interface. I further affirm I will not hold Robotics liable for any issues arising from this procedure. I consent to have the MMI placed in one or more of the following after the procedure: (Choose one or more, mark your choice with an X) [] Cyborg [] Exosuit [] AI Core Signed, Roboticist Notes: |
Paper Markdown |
|^Cyberization Consent Form NT-203^| --- By signing this document, I, %f hereby consent to the removal of my brain, acknowledging it will be placed in a Man-Machine Interface. I further affirm I will not hold Robotics liable for any issues arising from this procedure. **I consent to have the MMI placed in one or more of the following after the procedure:** (((Choose one or more, mark your choice with an X))) [%f] Cyborg [%f] Exosuit [%f] AI Core **Signed,** %f --- **Roboticist Notes:** %f |
Incident Report (NT-400)
R&D Request Form (SCI-3)
R&D Mech Request Form (SCI-9)
Security Incident Report (SEC-030)
Unofficial Forms
These are forms that, while not official NanoTrasen ones, might come in handy.
General Needs
Complex Request Form
For people that you dislike, or maybe anyone who asks for all access.
Full Name: |
Paper Markdown: |
|^Request Form^| Full Name: %f Age: %f Birthdate: %f Bloodtype: %f Shoe size: %f SSN: %f Astrological Sign: %f Job Title: %f Are you a traitor, changling, wizard, cultist, or revolutionary? %f Request: %f Reason for request: %f *Sign Below* %f |
Employee of the Month Form
To perform a survey to determine the employee of the month in your department.
Full Name: |
Paper Markdown: |
|^Employee of the Month Survey^| Full Name: %f Job Title: %f Recommendation: %f Reason for Recommendation: %f *Sign Below* |
Dungeons & Dragons Sheet
Modifed LLA Dungeon & Dragons sheet to work with our Microlite20 core rules.
Paper Markdown: |
|^**Microlite20 Character Sheet**^| Race: %f ((human, dwarf, elf, halfling)) Class: %f ((cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard)) Alignment: %f Hit Points: %f Armor: %f Armor Bonus: %f Stats: STR: %f DEX: %f MIND: %f Skills: Physical: %f Subterfuge: %f Knowledge: %f Communication: %f Weapon 1: %f Weapon 2: %f Spells: %f Items: %f Money: |
Inspection Form for Inspecting
Inspection form for departmental inspections, etc.
Paper Markdown: |
^|**INSPECTION FORM**|^ **Efficiency** %f **Adherence to Health & Safety Guidelines** %f **Courtesy shown to Inspector & Overall Approachability** %f **Overall Grade** %f **Other Comments** %f Glory to Nanotrasen. %s |
For the Chef/Bartender
Simple Menu
This is merely an example for what can be put in the menu. Feel free to change it up to better suit your bar/restaurant.
Bar - Restaurant
Paper Markdown: |
|^**The Maltese Falcon**^| |Bar - Restaurant| --- Burger Big Bite Burger Super Bite Burger Sandwich Toasted Sandwich Grilled Cheese Sandwich Meatbread Tofubread Pizza Margherita Pizza Carbonara Pizza Funghi Tomato Pasta Spaghetti & Meatballs Vegetable Soup Meatball Soup Tomato Soup *Ask about our desserts!* ((Other dishes available on request.)) |
Advanced Menu
This is merely an example for what can be put in the menu. Feel free to change it up to better suit your bar/restaurant.
Bar and Restaurant
Paper Markdown: |
|^**The Maltese Falcon**^| |Bar and Restaurant| --- (( |Burgers| ***Maltese Falcon Burger*** 7.85 Raditz A delicious 1/3 lb. juicy sirloin beef patty topped with Swiss cheese, thinly sliced ham, lettuce, tomato, and a touch of our special Ricotez sauce on a delicious deli roll ***Maltese Falcon Big Bite Burger*** 8.99 Raditz Two 1/3 lb. patties topped with fresh-cooked MacMeaties Space Bacon in between a premium warm, toasted bun topped off with mayo, and American cheese ***Maltese Falcoln Super Bite Burger*** 10.99 Raditz This Gigantic 3/4 lb savory fire-grilled sirloin beef patties are topped with juicy tomatoes, fresh cut lettuce, creamy mayonnaise, and crunchy pickles. \*Nanotrasen is not responsible for any heart related trauma if you eat one of these! --- |Pizzas| --- ***Margherita Pizza*** 12.99 Raditz A light pizza with olive oil, garlic, fresh basil, fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. Perfect with a cold space beer on a hot space summer night. --- ***Cheese Pizza*** 9.99 Raditz This is a fantastic version of an Italian classic. The feta cheese adds a rich flavor that brings this dish to life. Incredibly easy and incredibly delicious. Do not waste feeding it to assistants. --- ***Mushroom Pizza*** 11.99 Raditz Made with the souls of walking mushrooms this pizza is undeniably evil. Atmos techs will be all over it! )) |
For the Warden
Crime and Punishment
To remind you why someone is in a cell, the Prison Wing, or the Labor Camp. To reduce paper bloat, you can avoid filling these out for sentences at or below 5 minutes/500 points.
Paper Markdown: |
|^Crime and Punishment^| **Crimes and name** --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- * Name * %f *Crime * %f --- )) |
Enemy Retirement Contract
This allows you to process your prisoners quicker. As far as Space Law goes, only the Captain can execute people; however, it says nothing about voluntary executions. This allows a antagonist to either die with dignity or otherwise choose how they spend the rest of their round.
I (write) do hereby acknowledge I am a hostile threat to the station. By so doing freely I enter a contract with Nanotrasen in which I can pick between becoming a cyborg, life in prison or lethal injection
Paper Markdown: |
^|Enemy of Nanotrasen Retirement Contract|^ --- **I %f do hereby acknowledge I am a hostile threat to the station. By so doing freely I enter a contract with Nanotrasen in which I can pick between becoming a cyborg, life in prison or lethal injection** --- ^|Options|^ * Becoming a cyborg %f --- * Life in prison %f --- * Lethal injection %f |
For the Detective
Case Notes
This is a form that lets you name a case, add some suspects and some clues/details about it.
Paper Markdown: |
|^Detective's Case Notes^| ((* --- * Case name %f * Suspected Criminals %f * Clues %f * Crime %f * Case closed? %f Printed by CC inc )) |
For genetics
Genetics block sheet
This form lets you put what each block does onto a nice sheet of paper.
Paper Markdown: |
|^Blocks^| --- *Block 1: %f *Block 2: %f *Block 3 :%f *Block 4: %f *Block 5: %f *Block 6: %f *Block 7: %f *Block 8:%f *Block 9:%f *Block 10:%f *Block 11:%f *Block 12:%f *Block 13:%f *Block 14:%f *Block 15:%f *Block 16:%f *Block 17:%f *Block 18:%f *Block 19:%f --- %s |
Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet for the Geneticist for finding out the negative blocks.
Paper Markdown: |
|**Genetics Research**| Nearsightedness %f %f Seizures %f %f Coughing %f %f Tourettes %f %f Nervousness %f %f %f %f %f Species %f %s |