Guide to telescience

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Welcome to Telescience, the room where you teleport things/people/bombs you aren't supposed to have into places said things/people/bombs aren't supposed to be, or use it for legitimate purposes.

Whatcha have and watcha need

The Telescience Lab.
  • 5 GPS (kinda useless. Good for R&D)
  • 5 Telescience Beacon
  • 1 Screwdriver, Multitool, Wrench, Crowbar
  • 1 Telepad Control Console
  • 1 Telepad
  • 1 Stack of paper for your talismans notes complete with a folder and pen

Holy Shit, I Will be the Ruler of Space and Time!

Not yet. To set up you have to

  • 1 Open the Telepad's server panel with the screwdriver and load up it's buffer with the multitool.
  • 2 Load up the buffer into the Telepad Control Console with said Multitool.

That was easy wasn't it? Don't forget to close the Telepad!

The nice image you see on the right is what you'll operate to finally rule space and time.

Each beacon has a random identifier which you can rename through the computer to your liking or using a pen directly. The idea is to Send and Recieve to and from the beacon. The nice X and Y you see there are the cardinal points, duh, and the center is the beacon.

If you send someting it will always get whatever is on top of the telepad into the beacon, considering cardinal points. Say, you 'send a banana peel X: -3, you teleport it 3 tiles to the left of wherever the beacon is. If you recieve something is will always land on top of the telepad. Say, you recieve a prisoner that's 2 tiles on top of the beacon. You need X:0 Y:2. You get the idea


Challenges for the Robust in All of Us

  1. Be useful and teleport dead bodies to Genetics for cloning, or injured crew straight to Medbay for treatment!
  2. Teleport an Engineering Cyborg straight to a hull breach!
  3. Borrow all the Chef's donuts!
  4. Teleport the last remaining revhead into the Brig for implanting!
  5. Find the remaining Bananium ore and construct a H.O.N.K. mech for the Clown!
  6. Teleport the Nuclear Device around during a Nuclear Operatives -round! Bonus points if it's right after they stick in DAT FUKKEN DISK and before they input the code! Double bonus points for teleporting it to the derelict!
  7. Teleport a bomb onto a malfunctioning AI's core!
  8. Teleport the WGW reader into LORD SINGULOTH!


If you're not a real scientist who likes to do science and learn from it, you can use these:

Traitorous Uses of Telescience

  • Build a crew monitoring console. Build r windows around the telepad. Enter the cords of your target/whoever the fuck you wish to kill, teleport them in, laugh at their confusion, then send them to deep space. Laugh once more. Repeat.
    • Also teleport in Guns from the armory. Teleport in your theft objectives.
      • Teleport in the clown, remove his headset, and close the blast door. Congrats, you have your very own pet just like the HoP!