Guide to contributing to the game

Revision as of 00:05, 25 March 2024 by AMyriad (talk | contribs) (Updated arcade machine images)
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This is more of an index to contributing to the game. Contributions are not guaranteed and are subject to criticism, so don't be surprised or too discouraged should they not make it into the game.

For further assistance on contributing, go to the Yogstation Discord and ask there.


If you have an idea you want implemented, consider suggesting it in Feature Requests on the forums or on the Yogstation discord.

If you want to fund an official Yogstation bounty idea, suggest it in Bounty Requests.

Icons, Glyphs, Sprites, Animations, Images

For an overview on spriting see our Guide to spriting.

If you're interested in feedback or are just interested in spriting, take a look at #spriting on Discord.


A code overview is available as well as a guide for experienced programmers. If you need further help, you can always consult our resident coders in #development-public on the Discord server.

The most successful coders will hang out with the rest of the coders and maintainers in the [coderbus server], making it a prime place to ask for help.


A Guide to mapping is available. If you have any additional questions ask #mapping on the Yogstation Discord.

Development and contribution guides

Yogstation 13 is an open source project, so anyone can contribute to it. Here are a few guides to help you if you're interested in contributing.

Helping with SS13

See Setting up git to see how to commit your code, images, map updates or anything else to the yogstation repository.

Contribution guides
General Hosting a server, Setting up git, Guide to GitKraken, Downloading the source code, Guide to contributing to the game, Reporting issues, Game resources category, Guide to changelogs
Database (MySQL) Setting up the database, MySQL
Coding Understanding SS13 code, SS13 for experienced programmers, Text Formatting
Mapping Guide to mapping, Room Structure, Map merger
Spriting Guide to spriting
Wiki Guide to contributing to the wiki, Wikicode, Styleguide