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That was easy wasn't it? Don't forget to close the Telepad!
That was easy wasn't it? Don't forget to close the Telepad!

The nice image you see on the right is what you'll operate to finally rule space and time.

Each beacon has a random identifier which you can rename through the computer to your liking or using a pen directly.
The idea is to '''Send''' and '''Recieve''' to and from the beacon.
The nice X and Y you see there are the cardinal points, duh, and the center is the beacon.

If you send someting it will always get whatever is on top of the telepad into the beacon, considering cardinal points.
Say, you '''send'' a banana peel X: -3, you teleport it 3 tiles to the left of wherever the beacon is.
If you recieve something is will always land on top of the telepad.
Say, you '''recieve''' a prisoner that's 2 tiles on top of the beacon. You need X:0 Y:2. You get the idea
[[File:Telescience console.png|thumb|600px|alt=Telescience_Consode|link=Jando was here|ugly.]]

===How to Rip a Hole in the Fabric of Space and Time Itself to [[Beyond the impossible|Perform Useful Duties]]===
===How to Rip a Hole in the Fabric of Space and Time Itself to [[Beyond the impossible|Perform Useful Duties]]===