User:Sweeper~Storm: Difference between revisions

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800 bytes added ,  18:14, 29 June 2022
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|0.5 second
|0.5 second
|[[Makeshift weapons|Made by yourself]]
|Civilian: Botany
|A simple yet effective wooden bow.
|Bone Bow
|0.5 second
|[[Makeshift weapons|Made by yourself]]
|Like the wooden bow but made using bones and sinew from lavaland's fauna. Has more spread than the wooden bow.
|Makeshift Bow
|2 second
|[[Makeshift weapons|Made by yourself]]
|[[Makeshift weapons|Made by yourself]]
|A bow made using scavenged materials commonly found on the station. Has a very important spread.
|Pipe Bow
|1 second
|[[Makeshift weapons|Made by yourself]]
|A bow made using harder to obtain materials and of higher quality than the makeshift bow. Has less spread than the makeshift bow.


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