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|duties = Save lives, mitigate disease outbreaks, scan everyone in sight
|duties = Save lives, mitigate disease outbreaks, scan everyone in sight
|guides = [[Guide to medicine]], [[Surgery|Guide to Surgery]]
|guides = [[Guide to medicine]], [[Surgery|Guide to Surgery]]
|quote = Hello, how can I help you? Oh, I see you've already broken into Medical Storage and stolen supplies to treat yourself.... How proactive.
|quote = You have a bag full of xeno organs and gadgets of dubious legality you'd like implanted? Sure! Come on in!
Medical Doctors fill a tricky role aboard the station, and are somewhat outpaced by the march of medical technology. With the advent of cloning, saving lives is no longer as all important as it used to be, as death can effectively be made temporary. However, it is your goal to prevent your fellow crew members from getting to the point of needing to be turned into a duplicate of themselves. You are the first line of defense. Your department employs Medical Doctors like yourself, a Psychiatrist, [[Geneticist]]s, [[Paramedic]]s, [[Virologist]]s, [[Chemist]]s, and a [[Chief Medical Officer]] and is often tasked with solving many of the station's problems.
Medical Doctors fill a tricky role aboard the station, and are somewhat outpaced by the march of medical technology. With the advent of cloning, saving lives is no longer as all important as it used to be, as death can effectively be made temporary. However, it is your goal to prevent your fellow crew members from getting to the point of needing to be turned into a duplicate of themselves. You are the first line of defense. Your department employs Medical Doctors like yourself, a Psychiatrist, [[Geneticist]]s, [[Paramedic]]s, [[Virologist]]s, [[Chemist]]s, and a [[Chief Medical Officer]] and is often tasked with solving many of the station's problems.


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