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1,857 bytes added ,  07:51, 15 September 2020
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<h2>14th September</h2>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9510 Adds new stimball reaction. Time to learn how to mass produce stim]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9532 Water Vapor now behaves like superheated steam at pressure above 1 bar AND 800 degrees.]<br>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9677 Added pirate suit and hat that are both spaceproof to lavaland pirate ruin]<br>
'''Fethas:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9615 Added new feral cat grenade]<br>
'''jcatjmeow:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9610 The syndicates have gotten a cheaper deal on bluespace projectile disruption technology and now charge 1tc for it.]<br>
'''monster860:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9698 Adds a new round end sound]<br>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9469 Cargo can now get a goal to set up a tesla engine in the cargo bay]<br>
'''redmoogle:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9640 Adds railings(craftable with rods)]<br>
'''redmoogle:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9672 metal cutlass does 16 damage now]<br>
'''Robotby:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9689 borgs can now unbuckle users safely by clicking on themselves with help intent and no selected module OR by using the resist verb in the command bar/IC tab.]<br>
'''TheGamerdk:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9686 Check/Use Antag Token button has been moved to the Admin Tab]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9456 Added a warning to whisper succumb]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9567 Ghosts can now analyze plants and seeds by clicking them]
<h2>12th September</h2>
<h2>12th September</h2>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9669 You can attack vending machines on harm intent]<br>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9669 You can attack vending machines on harm intent]<br>


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