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<h2>8th August</h2>
'''actioninja:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9256 Glowing overlays no longer render above everything, and mobs and items properly block them]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9340 toe stubbing is now rarer but more severe, just like in real life.]<br>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9389 gave melee resist to laser tag armor]<br>
'''Firewolf34:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9354 Nanotrasen has equipped Engineering staff with a brand-new flare formulation, designed for EVA work.]<br>#
'''FLME:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9399 dilithium obtained from dilithium is now times ten, dilithium asymptote lowered to 425 from 4000]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9393 Signal techs can now only translate the base languages.]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9400 Cryopods display a unique warning when the occupant cannot be treated.]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9409 pAI door hack speed has been increased to not be terrible.]<br>
'''Kmc2000:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9404 Radios now make sound when you use them.]<br>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9337 Central Command has issued new targeting systems with its BSA kits, allowing any stations that build them to shoot down any pirates that may attempt to board the station]<br>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9339 you'll now survive the nuclear bomb exploding if you're in a freezer]<br>
'''swissloaf:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9352 PORT Adds movie-like rolling credits to the end of the round]
<h2>6th August</h2>
'''alexkar598:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9380 Slimes no longer spawn on lavaland and they mutate normally]
<h2>4th August</h2>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9359 boxstation bridge changes]
<h2>1st August</h2>
<h2>1st August</h2>
'''CoreyTori:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9321 Added triangle spiders]<br>
'''CoreyTori:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9321 Added triangle spiders]<br>
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'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9364 Ports vending machine purchase sound from /tg/station]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9364 Ports vending machine purchase sound from /tg/station]<br>
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9358 Adds Surfin' USA to the title screen for every fourth of July!!]
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9358 Adds Surfin' USA to the title screen for every fourth of July!!]
<h2>30th July</h2>
'''actioninja:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9284 Disarm has been reworked, instead of an rng based system instead it pushes people away from you. If their movement is blocked it knocks them over. Shoving someone twice quickly will knock ranged weapons out of their hands.]<br>
'''actioninja:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9284 Moving into humans while in a hostile intent no longer pushes them.]<br>
'''actioninja:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9284 Passive grabs need to be resisted out of while on the ground, and can't be directly crawled out of]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9037 SM now goes into a death spiral when emagged. Better call the shuttle before it goes BRRRRRRRRR]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9294 Replaces slime love potions with slime empathy potions]<br>
'''Shadowflame909:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9315 Zombie-Powder is now instant upon ingest. Delayed upon touch and injection.]<br>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9276 Box Xenobio visual and QoL changes]
<h2>28th July</h2>
'''MrHorizons:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9326 Changes the CentCom recovery ship to include a small bar and additional medical supplies, among other small amenities.]
<h2>27th July</h2>
'''ArcaneMusic:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9258 The bounty board has been added to all standard NT stations, for making and paying out bounties for credits made by crew members across the station. Available as a standalone machine, as well as a modular app.]<br>
'''MrHorizons:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9287 Allows plants to be renamed and makes hydroponic trays show the plant's name]
<h2>26th July</h2>
'''Partheo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9271 Grille sprites now tile and have holes punched in them as they take damage.]


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