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''Toxin Damage'' is the third type of damage, and is somewhat less commonplace than any of the others. Plasma, radiation, and severe alcohol poisoning all increase toxin levels, at varying effectiveness, as well as other methods.
''Toxin Damage'' is the third type of damage, and is somewhat less commonplace than any of the others. Plasma, radiation, and severe alcohol poisoning all increase toxin levels, at varying effectiveness, as well as other methods.

Regardless of how the damage is accrued, it is dangerous in that it has no visual tell. Individuals suffering from poisoning will appear just the same as anyone else, aside from their decaying health and potential fits of vomiting. Toxin Damage is also marginally more involved to treat than Brute and Burn, as the Sleeper Pods have no natural way to treat it (until upgraded by Science). As such, these cases will necessitate a trip into [[Medical_Doctor#Medical_Storage|Medical Storage]] to grab a Toxins Treatment Kit, which will contain [[Guide_to_chemistry#Charcoal|Charcoal]] and [[Guide_to_chemistry#Anti-Toxin|Anti-Toxin]] pills. Both are very nearly equivalent, but Anti-Toxin has an overdose threshold of 30u, so use it sparingly.
Regardless of how the damage is accrued, it is dangerous in that it has no visual tell. Individuals suffering from poisoning will appear just the same as anyone else, aside from their decaying health and potential fits of vomiting. Toxin Damage is also marginally more involved to treat than Brute and Burn, as the Sleeper Pods have no way to treat it (until upgraded by Science). As such, these cases will necessitate a trip into [[Medical_Doctor#Medical_Storage|Medical Storage]] to grab a Toxins Treatment Kit, which will contain [[Guide_to_chemistry#Charcoal|Charcoal]] and [[Guide_to_chemistry#Anti-Toxin|Anti-Toxin]] pills. Both are very nearly equivalent, but Anti-Toxin has an overdose threshold of 30u, so use it sparingly.

If a patient has Toxin Damage, it is also prudent to use the chemical scan functionality on your Health Analyzer on them (click the Analyzer in your active hand to change between scanning physical and chemical health). If they are actively suffering from [[Guide_to_chemistry#Toxins|poisoning]], continue to administer Charcoal or Anti-Toxin - both will reduce Toxin Damage ''and'' remove other chemicals from the patient - until the offending substance is purged from their bloodstream and their Toxin Damage is reduced to zero.
If a patient has Toxin Damage, it is also prudent to use the chemical scan functionality on your Health Analyzer on them (click the Analyzer in your active hand to change between scanning physical and chemical health). If they are actively suffering from [[Guide_to_chemistry#Toxins|poisoning]], continue to administer Charcoal or Anti-Toxin - both will reduce Toxin Damage ''and'' remove other chemicals from the patient - until the offending substance is purged from their bloodstream and their Toxin Damage is reduced to zero.
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The fifth and final kind of damage is relatively rare and deals with internal organs. Typically, organs inside a healthy living body will continue to function normally (and will regenerate any damage over time so long as the person is healthy and well-fed), so they aren't ''usually'' a point of concern. However, in some instances, such as an overweight patient, severe alcohol overdose, or death, organs will decay. This can complicate revival procedures and will have lingering effects post-revival.  
The fifth and final kind of damage is relatively rare and deals with internal organs. Typically, organs inside a healthy living body will continue to function normally (and will regenerate any damage over time so long as the person is healthy and well-fed), so they aren't ''usually'' a point of concern. However, in some instances, such as an overweight patient, severe alcohol overdose, or death, organs will decay. This can complicate revival procedures and will have lingering effects post-revival.  

There are six internal organs that matter: the heart, the brain, the lungs, the liver, the stomach, and the appendix. For a complete guide on treatment procedures and the negative impacts that damage each cause, please see [[Guide_to_medicine#Organ_Damage|this page]].
There are six internal organs that matter: the heart, the brain, the lungs, the liver, the stomach, and the appendix. For a complete guide on treatment procedures and the negative impacts that damage of each cause, please see [[Guide_to_medicine#Organ_Damage|this page]].



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