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54 bytes removed ,  09:56, 12 February 2023
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<h2>12th June</h2>
<h2>11th February</h2>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8736 adds eggman to charged black and magic mirror and prides mirror]<br>
'''githubuser4141:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17770 Changed the MK-II Ripley's speed to 3 (indoors), and 1.75 (outdoors.) Changes the admin-only Nukie Ripley's speed to 3 indoors, 1.5 outdoors.]<br>
'''FLME:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8867 incinerator mouse now has a name and examine text]<br>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17720 I love massive holes. Chasms are back now that miners get a jaunter.]<br>
'''Idinuum:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8822 Updates all the space suits]<br>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17739 Removes mod disks from loot pool, and makes them orderable from cargo. Also adds a KA crate.]<br>
'''ReddTheDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8621 Pixel shifting now automatically resets when a player moves and AIs cannot pixelshift]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17809 Nanite heart runs your nanites on each life tick]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8870 no grenade launcher in caravan ruin]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17828 IPC martial buffs]<br>
'''swissloaf:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8858 Adds a new lobby song to the October Revolution holiday]<br>
'''Mqiib:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17866 Unfucks darkspawn veils but they're still weaker]<br>
'''TheGamerdk:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8291 Ports tgui-next 3.0, removes tgui 1.0 + Smart Asset Cache]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17867 drakelings attack cooldowns are now slightly faster]<br>
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8871 You can now craft paint in the crafting menu, in the misc tab.]<br>
'''Xander3359:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17778 Crusher can now be carried in 1 hand, wield it before using or you will fumble.]<br>
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8390 Ports over general dynamic code from Beestation. Thank you qwertyquerty, ShiftyRail, and Toxici11i for making this possible.]
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17833 Darkspawn has been moved to a midround event instead of a gamemode]<br>
<h2>11th June</h2>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17833 Nightmare has been removed from midround rotation]
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8630 Added a new bar drink]
<h2>10th February</h2>
<h2>10th June</h2>
'''Aquizit:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17836 Adds new Personnel HUD type]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8872 Adds gamemode Everyone is the IAA (except sec/cap/hop)]
'''Majkl-J:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17848 Airlocks and doors can now be barricaded]<br>
<h2>9th June</h2>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17812 Added a chemical that purges nanites]<br>
'''Ryll/Shaps:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8668 Due to pressure from various organizations, Nanotrasen is implementing a new ban on the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products for crewmembers under the age of 21 onboard its Spinward space stations.]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17847 Lizards now regrow their tail after 30 minutes]<br>
'''Ryll/Shaps:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8668 Standard Nanotrasen IDs now display the registered age of the holder, which you can change at the HoP's access console.]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17854 Mining medic now gets a laptop with overwatch installed]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8846 energy shotgun has no taser setting]
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17854 Brig physician laptop also starts with lifeline and crew monitor]<br>
<h2>8th June</h2>
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17807 makes catsip healthy by removing corn syrup]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8799 meathook has knockdown instead of paralyze]<br>
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17856 Felinid language has been forcibly added to every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains where it was previously.]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8798 paper wizard ruin is no longer fully cheesable by just opening the front door]<br>
'''SapphicOverload:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17735 multilingual costs 2 points instead of 3]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8739 Adds a button for vampires to click that tells them how to get blood]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17784 True semi-auto shotguns + racking medium/heavy ballistics requires both hands + removes outdated stechkin animations]<br>
'''monster860:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8774 Mechs can now cycle advanced airlocks]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17785 Oddjob syndikit special has a spare magazine for its deagle now]<br>
'''MacHac:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8751 Mjor the Creative's clones have been stripped of their magic and told to telegraph their attacks better.]<br>
'''ToasterBiome, Jacquerel:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17723 Falling into a chasm doesn't delete your body and someone can fish you up]<br>
'''Jumps0:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8740 Adds (a smaller) pAI button back to ghost hud]
'''ToasterBiome:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17837 you can now copy the access of a airlock by hitting it with airlock electronics]<br>
<h2>7th June</h2>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17769 Added the Reusable Autosurgeon to the uplink for 5TC]<br>
'''MacHac:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8818 Lillith's pact refunds blood when it fails]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17804 Added box of shotgun darts disguised as beanbag slugs to the uplink for 2TC]
'''MrHorizons:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8824 The amount of Favor granted from cells is doubled.]
<h2>9th February</h2>
<h2>6th June</h2>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17766 L6 re-tweak (we're rolling it back (kinda))]<br>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8531 Boxstation ai is now in sat, comms are now in center, upload is in board storage, board storage is in gravgen, gravgen is in smes.]
'''TheGamerdk:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17795 It now takes approximately 6 seconds to cremate someone, if you're stuck inside alive, resist!]<br>
<h2>5th June</h2>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17670 Big Heretic revamp (finally)]
'''War-Tex (port):''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8786 resprited all the syndicate eva suits to look fresh]<br>
<h2>8th February</h2>
'''ToGWtF:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8790 Gives podpeople the same message as getting cloned.]<br>
'''BurgerBB:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17791 Killing the MALF ends the round.]<br>
'''Hopek , Partheo , Nickvr628:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8794 Added the paramedic space suit. Each Paramedic office spawns with 1 space suit for space extractions.]
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17825 Felinid language has been forcibly erased from every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains.]<br>
<h2>3rd June</h2>
'''Tattle:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17742 Clogged vents event now only lasts for 1 seconds]<br>
'''yacabo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8757 Anyone who dies wearing a sec mask has a CP flatline go off]<br>
'''ThatLing:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17738 Passive vents can now be constructed using the RPD]<br>
'''ToGWtF:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8788 fixes centcom huds]<br>
<h2>7th February</h2>
'''ToGWtF:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8789 adds a new sprite for chem heaters to show if they are on or not]
'''JamieD1:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17822 Renables Shadowling]<br>
<h2>2nd June</h2>
'''ToasterBiome, Aquizit:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17776 NVS Gax Arrivals redesigned to allow free miner ship]
'''JamieD1:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8675 Ghosts can now examine pipes and canisters to see their contents]<br>
<h2>6th February</h2>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8701 Cameras now have an EMP effect]<br>
'''00ze-cyclone:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17582 Uranium eating aegun, second try]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8741 Added "Transitum" x-ray laser]<br>
'''Mqiib:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17707 Shimmyjimmies ion bolts to be less "why are they like that" and more "hey that kinda makes sense"]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8765 Shadowling shuttle sacrifice now dusts to prevent revival]<br>
'''ToasterBiome:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17712 New ruin: Lavaland corn maze]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8759 Stealth bloodsucking as vampire]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17768 Foam darts now deal stamina damage if you're holding a toy gun]
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8767 Added lavaland extract as a possible bonus reagent]<br>
<h2>5th February</h2>
'''Identification:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8775 E-swords and the katana have been reverted back to their original sprites.]
'''ktlwjec:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17775 Snail emoji for OOC.]<br>
<h2>1st June</h2>
'''LazennG:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17779 tweaked buster arm moves]<br>
'''VG and theos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8325 Nar-Sie rune uses 20 health down from 40.1, takes 30 seconds to scribe down from 50, and the cult master counts as 5 cultists up from 1 to activate if they are the person activating the rune. Bloodcult no longer ends after the summon rune, instead they need to protect several bloodstones that appear across the station. This is split into two stages, the first requiring defense of at least one of four bloodstones for 5 minutes, and the second requiring the defense of a much stronger bloodstone for 1-4 minutes depending on how many bloodstones survived the first stage, with more speeding up the summoning.]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17733 Prematurely cancelling desynchronizer now has serious downsides and nerfed max time]<br>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8718 omega gets a nanite lab!]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17749 Added all (non-holiday) roundstart race languages to Multilingual quirks]<br>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8725 Tweaks to sm loop on omega]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17755 Neural overclocker autosurgeon is now single use]
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8731 tiny fans in cc escape]<br>
<h2>4th February</h2>
'''jcatjmeow:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8750 Adds UNO, a card game!]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17588 slugs have even more damage falloff and overall shotgun pellet reworks]<br>
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8752 Adds 'The Winds of Fjords' by minomus, to the title screen.]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17743 spread for LWT-650 and K-41s DMRs has been set to 2, from 5]<br>
'''Ktlwjec:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8758 Disposals and pipe fixes for eclipsestation]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17729 Added some info to cloaker belt]<br>
'''JamieD1:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8781 Fixes memories for notes & bank accounts]
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17757 Made cult runes even harder to tell apart from fake ones]
<h2>29th May</h2>
<h2>2nd February</h2>
'''MayhemSailor:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8085 Added Eclipse Station]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17767 Disabled CentCom Raven Cruiser]
'''WhyIsCaeciliusTaken:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8437 Researchable Smartmines + Exploding Rubber Duck traitor item]<br>
<h2>1st February</h2>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8451 Disposal bins can now be alt clicked to toggle handle]<br>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17648 L6 is no longer just a better minigun]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/8748 singularity hammer sprite (port)]
'''@thegoldencat413 @Chubbygummibear @cuackles @cowbot92 @Mqiib @slicerv and saucecat:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17536 Adds the buster arm]<br>
'''TheRyeGuyWhoWillNowDie:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17568 riot shotguns are two-handed]
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