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'''NOTE: The following guide covers the bare essentials of fusionv6 and should be enough for you to get started with your first few fusion canisters. The more complex bits regarding the kicked rotor, open-tile fusion and SM utilization will be provided at a later date, the essentials are being rushed out so that there's at least something there to work with.'''
Plasmic fusion is distinctly different from stellar nucleosynthesis in real life. While standard fusion consists of a one-way transformation of light elements into heavier elements with leftover energies being released as light and heat, Plasmic fusion uses a completely different method of converting plasma into CO2 and vice versa while consuming tritium. This process is poorly understood and subject to heavy internal debate by leading Nanotresen scientists and atmospheric technicians, as such what can be currently provided is subject to corrections once the mechanism is understood.
There are 4 requirements to plasmic fusion: Lots of plasma, lots of CO2, lots of tritium and lots of heat - the result is a LOT more heat (by several orders of magnitude), a lot less of your starting gases and enough rads to make the SM feel thoroughly inadequate. The radiation itself, while deadly enough to kill when a subject experiences 30 seconds of exposure, or is hit by even a single cluster of hyperenergetic decay particles, is a tiny threat compared to the ravaging heat of a newborn star shackled by the confines of your canister, begging to be set free and set the station ablaze. A containment failure of a fusion canister will result in severe consequences and definitely something the gods will notice, so be careful when attempting it. Also, atmos techs are a very closely-knit community and most techs who learned fusion were taught or in some way assisted by a tech who knew it beforehand, if you find a willing tech, ask him to teach you as this is an extremely dangerous and autistic activity.
Disclaimers and safety pronouncements, aside, let's get to what you actually need when doing fusion. There are different recipes for achieving fusion, but the most well-tested, consistent and widely used recipe is the 3:2:1 plasma:CO2:Tritium recipe popularized by the first atmosians who birthed stars. One such canister should be 6000 moles of plasma, 2000 moles of CO2 and 1000 moles of tritium - the amount does not need to be exact and can vary by as much as 10% in ratio, as long as the 3:1 ratio between plasma and CO2 is preserved. Technically, a canister can fuse as long as it has a minimum of 250 moles of plasma, 250 moles of CO2 and 1 mole of trit, but the results are not particularly useful or exciting. Any amount of plasma and CO2 are okay, provided that they follow the ratio, and the fusion reaction will happily continue until it has less than 250 moles of CO2 or plasma, or it runs out of tritium. For this reason it is generally preferable to pack large amounts of plasma and CO2, in the thousands range, just to be sure. Once your canister is nicely made, heat it up to 10000K via heat pipe exposure over an actively burning tritium chamber (the incinerator has all the necessary equipment, and is probably where you made your tritium to begin with), then unwrench it when it hits the 10000K mark.
You'll know you're successful when bright shiny multicolored particles start flying out of the canister. Please note that these shiny particles are extremely radioactive and just one of them hitting you is '''guaranteed fucking death''' if you aren't in a radsuit or aren't a radiation immune species such as plasmaman or preternis. If hit by these, do not panic, take your charcoal/antitox pills and you should be able to tank the toxin damage from the rads, keep some mutadone with you if you mutate. If not in a rad suit, do not immediately run to medical, you will contaminate it and get a lot of people killed. Instead, scream over radio that you need radiation treatment in the form of more anti-tox or charcoal dropped off in maintenance for you to grab and use. Do not let doctors or paramedics treat you, you'll only get them killed unless they're rad immune already. If hit by three of these, hope that you have enough medicine to keep you alive, as the next 10 to 20 minutes will be hell for you as your radiation damage accumulates and you mutate into a filthy subhuman. If hit by 5 or more of these, even if in a radsuit, IMMEDIATELY call for a paramedic to stand by for cloning. It is absolutely critical that your body not be brought to cloning, it'll only kill everyone there. Instead, you must decapitate yourself, or remove your brain if you can, for the medic to transport and clone. Leave your stuff in maint and warn people not to take it. Radiation is a severe threat when doing fusion, and your lovely little canister is very likely to spawn several hundred particles over the duration of the reaction. Alternatively, consider playing as plasmaman or preternis instead.
Once your canister is nice, hot, finished and ready; and you aren't a dying radioactive meatbag clinging desperately to his last vestiges of life, you may proceed to use the fusion canister for generating hypernoblium, or maybe nitryl and stimulum, in large batches, for personal consumption or shipping to cargo. A good canister of hypernoblium is easily worth half a million cargo credits, skilled atmos techs consistently make ones worth upwards of several million credits. Alternatively, you can use the fusion canister as a traitor and unleash your newborn star onto the station, killing anything and everything inside as it is engulfed in an expanding cloud of gas hotter than the heart of many suns.
'''Rotor section of fusion is under construction. I wanted to rush out the important bits since there is not a single guide for fusion anywhere that isn't on some ephemeral post on discord or transferred by word of mouth.'''
The chaos generator that fusion is based off of is the kicked rotator, a quantum dynamic system that requires genius-tier autism to fully understand, so I'll only give you the bits that are easy to comprehend without doing any math more complex than basic algebra, not like anybody in the ss13 community, not even the original coder that made the PR, can explain it in full anyway. There are three primary values of consideration when performing fusion - the p value, the theta value and the k value of the rotor. Respectively these are: plasma, carbon dioxide and instability. P and theta values are antagonistic to each other, as one goes up, the other goes down, the amount by which they go up or down is determined by the k value. TIf the p value goes down, it pushes up the theta value and calculates the k value, the larger the delta the larger the k value, the true is opposite in reverse. he bit that generates heat is dependent on two things, the k value and the delta of the p and theta values from the previous p and theta values. This delta is then multiplied by a constant which is scaled based on a piecewise function off of the k value, with k values less than 2 scaling the constant downwards, k values between 2 and 4 scaling it upwards and k value between 4 and the maximum of 6.28 (2pi) scaling it exponentially. The resulting multiplication between the delta and scaled constant is then converted to energy which is added or subtracted to the gasmix based on the delta. If the delta trends towards the creation of CO2 and the consumption of plasma, heat is generated, if plasma is generated and CO2 is consumed, heat is removed and the fusion canister/turf becomes colder, possible causing it to go below the 10000K threshold and stopping the fusion reaction altogether. This cycle continues for as long as the mole count requirement and temperature requirement is met, with the theta and p values moving up and down correspondingly in a cyclical manner, attempting to reach an equilibrium of a 50-50 balance. This attempt to reach balance means that gas mixes with a dominant p value will invariably lose more plasma and gain more CO2, leading to a generally exothermic reaction, while a gasmix with a dominant theta value will invariably lose more CO2 and gain more plasma, leading to an endothermic reaction. Since we want our fusion cans nice and hot, our biggest criteria to the viability of any gasmix is p value dominance, or more plasma than CO2. Tritium is consumed at a rate of 1 mole per fusion cycle, meaning that the amount required is generally an absolute and has a decidedly linear correlation - more is better regardless of the mix, but it does cap out eventually.
The reasoning for why the 3:2:1 ratio works really well is simple, it fulfills the p value dominance criteria in the fusion rotor and is amenable to high k-values for determining thermal flux . It also supplements more than enough tritium for long duration active fusion reactions and can be connected to fresh canisters for sequestral heating without a complex canister switching process; perfect for rushing out cells at 25 orders of magnitude or more of energy for use in breaking the IEEE 32-bit floating point spec! It is of course possible to lower the tritium amount to conserve expensive tritium fuel, and perhaps absolute amounts of 2000 trit per canister is at the optimum balance point between fuel efficiency and active fusion reaction duration.

'''NOTE: This section describes the old version of fusion(v5) and does not apply to the latest version of fusion. The wiki is currently being rewritten and updated for it.'''
'''NOTE: This section describes the old version of fusion(v5) and does not apply to the latest version of fusion. The wiki is currently being rewritten and updated for it.'''

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