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(Tips for mining medics //You're* -Morder)
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While Nanotrasen doesn't exactly approve of this, they don't discourage it either. A lot of effort and resources go into cloning, and a lot of paperwork afterwards. From time to time, it may very well be best to pull out.
While Nanotrasen doesn't exactly approve of this, they don't discourage it either. A lot of effort and resources go into cloning, and a lot of paperwork afterwards. From time to time, it may very well be best to pull out.
* When you are not busy with your job, it is a good idea to check medbay for more stuff that can help with treatment such as chems or better tools.
* Laptop computers can download the Overwatch program, which allows you to view the cameras even when you're away from the infirmary, though make sure to get the best network card so you can stay connected on lavaland.
* Taking blood samples from miners and yourself is a great way to always have a way to bring someone back, just bring the blood to botany and ask for a pod clone.
* The box of body bags in the morgue are a very versatile tool. Apart from the obvious use of transporting cadavers, they can also be used as crates to move items around that you can fold up and put in your pocket when empty, though you may be stopped by people who think you are moving a body.