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|headerbgcolor = darkred
|headerbgcolor = #af6366
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|stafftype = SECURITY
|stafftype = SECURITY
|imagebgcolor = #ff9999
|imagebgcolor = #e3c9ca
|img_generic = Generic_security.png
|img_generic = Generic_security.png
|img = SecurityOfficer.png
|img = SecurityOfficer.png
|jobtitle = Security Officer
|jobtitle = Security Officer
|access = [[Security Office|Security]], [[Brig]], [[Prison_Wing|Holding Cells]], [[Courtroom]] (Ask [[HoP]] for [[maintenance]])
|titles=Threat Response Officer, Civilian Protection Officer, Corporate Officer, Peacekeeper
|difficulty = Very Hard
|access = [[Security Office|Security]], [[Brig]], [[Prison_Wing|Holding Cells]], [[Courtroom]], Weapon Permit
|additional = [[Maintenance]], [[Morgue]], [[Detective's Office]]
|difficulty = Hard
|superior = [[Head of Security]]
|superior = [[Head of Security]]
|duties = Protect company assets, enforce [[Space Law]], follow the [[Standard Operating Procedure]], eat [[Donuts|donuts]]
|duties = Protect company assets, follow the [[Standard Operating Procedure]], eat [[Donuts|donuts]]
|guides = [[Guide to security]], [[Space Law]], [[Standard Operating Procedure]]
|guides = [[Guide to security]], [[Standard Operating Procedure]], [[Space Law]]
|quote = "Who watches the watchmen?" We do, too. We watch each other.
''You there. Pick up that can.''

Welcome to Security. Chances are that you have been assigned this job because it was the only available position other than [[Assistant]]. Since you'd rather not end up a corpse, or doubt the prospects of reassignment, you've chosen the Few, the Red, and the Despised.
Welcome to Security. Chances are that you have been assigned this job because it was the only available position other than [[Assistant]]. Since you'd rather not end up a corpse, or doubt the prospects of reassignment, you've chosen the Few, the Red, and the Despised.

'''DO NOT play Security if you are new to Space Station 13. You will become a liability, making your coworker's jobs harder.'''
'''Important: DO NOT play Security if you are new to Space Station 13! You will become a liability and everyone will have a bad time.'''

'''Bare minimum requirements:''' Follow Space Law.
==The Peacekeeper==
[[File:Thebrig.png|300px|thumb|alt=Brig|The [[Brig]], your Homebase]]
You are the sole guardian between the ideals of justice and the wild psychotics that your company has chosen to advance its interests in space. Just because everyone else is insane, however, does not mean you are permitted to go hog-wild and beat them all unconscious to strap them to beds. Professionals have standards.
==How to Do Your Job==
#Learn your surroundings.
#Equip yourself appropriately.
#Learn what to do when an emergency is called out and you're needed.
#Go patrolling and keep your eyes and ears open.
==Know Your Place==
==Know Your Place==
Well, this page is designed to turn you from angry, bitter [[shitcurity|waste of supplies]] into a useful and productive member of the station community. A few things to immediately note:
Well, this page is designed to turn you from an angry, bitter waste of supplies into a useful and productive member of the station community. A few things to immediately note:
*This ship is not a democracy. You take orders from the [[Head of Security]], who takes his orders from the [[Captain]], who takes his orders from [[Backstory#Nanotrasen|Central Command]]. This is a military [[Chain of Command]].
*This ship is not a democracy. You take orders from the [[Head of Security]], who takes his orders from the [[Captain]], who takes his orders from [[Backstory#Nanotrasen|Central Command]]. This is a military [[Chain of Command]].
*The [[Warden]] has authority over the [[Brig]] and [[Prison Wing]]. You are required to follow his orders while you are there.
*The [[Warden]] has authority over the [[Brig]] and [[Prison Wing]]. You are required to follow his orders while you are there.
*You are effectively the police. The corporations have agreed upon a set of laws that they are all beholden to. An example of these laws can be found in the [[library]]. [[Space Law]] is harsh. Obey the hierarchy and watch everyone with utter suspicion.
*Likewise, the [[Heads of Staff]] have authority over their respective departments. You are expected to assist heads in ejecting unwanted trespassers and demoting unwanted personnel from their departments.
*Your essential job function is to prevent the station from going to shit. ''You will inevitably fail at this task''. Like a breeding salmon, keep swimming against the rapids, bears be damned.
*You are effectively the police. The corporations have agreed upon a set of laws that they are all beholden to. An example of these laws can be found at [[Space Law]]. Obey the hierarchy and watch everyone with utter suspicion.
*Even though the station is doomed, do your best to keep peace on station and you're the best officer there can be.
*Your essential job function is to keep the crew safe. ''You will inevitably fail at this task, more or less''. Like a breeding salmon, keep swimming against the rapids, bears be damned.
*Even though the station is doomed, do your best to keep the peace on the station and you'll be the best officer there can be.
==The Peacekeeper==
[[File:Thebrig.png|865px|thumb|alt=Brig|The [[Brig]]]]
You are the sole guardian between the ideals of justice and the wild psychotics that your company has chosen to advance its interests in space. Just because everyone else is insane, however, does not mean you are permitted to go hog-wild and beat them all unconscious to strap them to beds. Professionals have standards. There is a protocol to be followed.
Oftentimes, you will be informed over your radio that there is a problem in a certain area. If you are nearby, inform the rest of security over your [[headset]] using the private channel that you are on your way. (If you are not nearby, head to the security office and change the records to set the suspects to arrest. The [[roboticist#securitrons|robots]] will detain the suspects but someone will still have to fetch them. Return to your patrol.) Have your [[stun baton]] put away but easily accessed -- this will ensure that you are armed if things go sour but that you are not being threatening and there is no possibility of your weapon being easily stolen. If you notice a crime obviously taking place when you arrive on the scene, stun the suspects, handcuff them, and hold them so they can't escape. If the area is now safe begin questioning them. If the area is not safe, question them in the brig. If there is blood or fingerprint evidence, call the [[detective]] to the scene. Once the truth comes out, charge the perpetrators, thank the witnesses, and inform security over your private channel of the situation and charges. If you do not do so, other redshirts will release your prisoners thinking they've been unlawfully detained.
This is an ideal situation, however. Usually you'll just happen across crime. Follow the procedure as best as you can from there. Restrain and detain only as needed. Becoming stun happy is the first step to becoming [[shitcurity]] and encouraging the station denizens to attack all security they meet!
If things become violent or you are outmatched, immediately call for backup as efficiently as possible. "<Such and such> the <job title> is <crime committed> at <the location>" is hard to spit out while under attack. Try a shorter format, such as "CUBAN PETE MAINT SOUTH OF TOXINS HELP". There will be time for clarification when you are out of harm's way. The key to good security work is keeping the other security forces informed.
Still don't like your odds/No one answering? Open up your PDA beforehand, check out the Securitron list, and summon one. While you wait, put the suspect on arrest with your HUDGlasses. Your new metal backup officer will rush haphazardly in, stun, and cuff the target. Hopefully.
Each officer is given an assignment when they join the game. Most will be assigned to guard a department. Department guards are given a small security office along with limited access, and are able to use that department's radio channel. Department guards are also marked with colour-coded armbands. While they are not required to remain at their post, it is their responsibility to protect it.  
Each officer is given an assignment when they join the game. Most will be assigned to guard a department. Department guards are given a small security office along with limited access and are able to use that department's radio channel. Department guards are also marked with color-coded armbands. While they are not required to remain at their post, it is their responsibility to protect it.  

Like general Security Officers, department guards report directly to the [[Head of Security]]. However, they should generally follow the wishes of the head of the department they are guarding. Guards may be dismissed from their post by the department head.
Like general Security Officers, department guards report directly to the [[Head of Security]]. However, they should generally follow the wishes of the head of the department they are guarding. Guards may be dismissed from their post by the department head.

===[[File:Armband_med.png]] Medbay===
[[File:Armband_med.png]] <font size="3">'''Medbay'''</font>
'''Department Head:''' [[Chief Medical Officer]]<br>
'''Additional Access:''' Medical<br>
'''Radio Key:''' :m
===[[File:Armband_sci.png]] Research===
'''Department Head:''' [[Research Director]]<br>
'''Additional Access:''' Science<br>
'''Radio Key:''' :n
===[[File:Armband_eng.png]] Engineering===
'''Department Head:''' [[Chief Engineer]]<br>
'''Additional Access:''' Construction Area, Engineering<br>
'''Radio Key:''' :e
===[[File:Armband_cargo.png]] Supply===
'''Department Head:''' [[Head of Personnel]] (but in practice, you will rather cooperate with [[Quartermaster]])<br>
'''Additional Access:''' Cargo Office, Mining<br>
'''Radio Key:''' :u
== [[Security Offices]] ==
[[File:SecHq.png|thumb|300px|The main security office]]
You can arrest people with Beepsky (or any [[Roboticist|securitron]]) here, but '''do not delete security records!''' If people ask nicely for your equipment just tell them to ask a head of staff instead. Passing out gear to civilians leads to dangerous situations at worst, arrests and misunderstandings at best.

The first step after you arrive is to find an unused security [[locker]] either in the main office or any of the security checkpoints around the station. If it has all been claimed, ask the [[Warden]] for additional resources.
'''Department Head:''' [[Chief Medical Officer]]

===[[Security items|Equipment]]===
'''Additional Access:''' Medical
Being well geared up can easily save the victim's and your own life. This is the way Nanotrasen guides their Security to gear up. You can however wear your gear as you like, just make sure you know the [[Guide_to_Defense|risks you are taking]] by not wearing the helmet or other armor.
* Go to your respective locker, if you are signed to Engineering, your locker is inside the [[Security Posts|Engineering Security Post]]. If you are the last Security Officer to arrive and you're signed to none, your locker is located in the Security Office.
* Open the locker and put on your [[Security HUD|Security HUD-glasses]].
* Take your ID and insert it into your PDA and put the PDA in your ID-slot. Now you have a free belt-slot.
* Take the [[Stun Baton]] and place it on your belt.
* Take the [[Taser]], [[Pepperspray]] and a [[Flashbang]] and put them in your backpack/satchel.

First, you are already equipped with [[armor]], a [[helmet]], one pair of [[handcuffs]] in your backpack and one in your exo-slot, and your macintosh-apple red jumpsuit (oh what a pretty pretty tyrant).
'''Radio Key:''' .m

===Minimum Force Forward===
[[File:Armband_sci.png]] <font size="3">'''Research'''</font>
All security equipment has advantages and disadvantages, you will need to learn your equipment's usefulness and how to apply it properly in the field. As such here is a quick and dirty overview of your basic tool you will be using in the field, read [[Security items|this page]] for more in-depth information.

[[File:Handcuffs.png|link=Handcuffs]] '''[[Handcuffs]]''' -  Always try to carry at least three on you at all times, these are used to restrain a suspect.
'''Department Head:''' [[Research Director]]

[[File:Flash.gif|link=Flash]] '''[[Flash]]''' - You spawn in with this weapon, when used in melee it will blind a Human who is not wearing sunglasses/RIG helmet. Typically cast aside for a superior Stun Baton, do note that a Flash is the only way to physically stun a [[Borg]].
'''Additional Access:''' Science

[[File:Pepperspray.png|link=Pepperspray]] '''[[Pepperspray]]''' - Another situational item, identical to a Flash except considered somewhat better due to it spraying its contents intead of having to be in melee. Allowing a robust officer to catch someone off guard. Useless against anyone wearing a mask.
'''Radio Key:''' .n

[[File:StunBaton.gif|link=Stun Baton]] '''[[Stun Baton]]''' - Referred to as your "bread and butter", consider it more of a fallback weapon than anything else. It proves useful if you wish to show off, down someone who has ranged Stun protection or to keep a perp suppressed.
[[File:Armband_eng.png]] <font size="3">'''Engineering'''</font>

[[File:Taser.png|link=Taser]] '''[[Taser]]''' - The staple of any good Security Officers personal equipment, holds 5 taser charges. Use it to stun someone at range but try and conserve your ammo.
'''Department Head:''' [[Chief Engineer]]

[[File:Flashbang.gif|link=Flashbang]] '''[[Flashbang]]''' - A underutilized but extremely powerful item, never leave the Brig without at least two. After activating it will detonate in 5 seconds, in this time either throw it at a group of perps or run next to them to take both of you down.
'''Additional Access:''' Construction Area, Engineering

[[File:Egun.png|link=Energy Gun]] '''[[Energy Gun]]''' - Typically only issued by the [[HoS]]/[[Warden]] during red alert situations, consider it to be an upgraded [[Taser]] but with 10 shots and the capability to switch to lethal laser rounds.
'''Radio Key:''' .e

[[File:Laser_gun.png|link=Laser Gun]] '''[[Laser Gun]]''' - A rare weapon for a Sec Officer to use, identical to an [[Energy Gun]] except it is lethal only. Don't use this to subdue a suspect.
[[File:Armband_cargo.png]] <font size="3">'''Supply'''</font>

'''Department Head:''' [[Head of Personnel]] (but in practice, you will rather cooperate with [[Quartermaster]])

'''IMPORTANT: When you are done with your [[locker|security locker]], close it and lock it. Otherwise, expect a [[Clown]] to be walking around with stolen gear.'''
'''Additional Access:''' Cargo Office, Mining

=== [[File:Donut.png]]Donuts ===
'''Radio Key:''' .u
==[[Security Office]]==
[[File:SecHq.png|thumb|300px|The [[Security Office]] above [[Brig]]]]
The first step after you arrive is to find an unused security [[locker]] either in the brig's equipment room or at the arrivals security checkpoint. If it has all been claimed, ask the [[Warden]] for additional resources.
===Security Equipment===
'''[[Security_Items|See here what items you're about to use and how to use them.]]'''

Any good Security Officer always has some of these around at all times. They are delightful little munchables that can be obtained in a few ways. You can find an immediate supply in the donut boxes around the station, and you can use your [[Hacking]] skills to extract them from the security vending machines. If there is a severe shortage of donuts, you can always get the [[Chef]] to make you more. There are four types of donuts.
'''[[Guide_to_security#Security_Equipment|See here how to equip yourself so you'll be ready for everything the station may throw at you.]]'''
====[[File:Recharger.gif]] Remember to Recharge!====
Always have your tools recharged after an arrest. If your [[flashes|flash]] is burnt out, get a new one from the lockers or security vending machine and hand your old one to a [[roboticist]]. Then take your baton or taser, pop them in the charger station in your security office or the [[Head of Personnel]]'s desk, and wait for the light to change from green to yellow. Having a charged stun baton is sometimes the difference between life and death.
==[[File:Donut.png]] Donuts==
Any good Security Officer always has some of these around at all times. They are delightful little munchables that can be obtained in a few ways. You can find an immediate supply in the donut boxes around the station, and you can get more from the [[SecTech]] in the equipment room. If there is a severe shortage of donuts, you can always get the [[Chef]] to make you more. There are four types of donuts.

[[File:Donut1.gif]] '''Plain Donut:''' Heals you, gives some nutrition.
[[File:Donut1.gif]] '''Plain Donut:''' Heals you, gives some nutrition.
Line 114: Line 92:
[[File:Sprinkles.gif]] '''Frosted Donut:''' Like the plain donut, but heals more health.  
[[File:Sprinkles.gif]] '''Frosted Donut:''' Like the plain donut, but heals more health.  

[[File:Jdonut1.gif]] '''Jelly Donut:''' Holy Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE PYLE? Only obtainable through the chef. Heals more than the Frosted Donut, gives more nutrition.
[[File:Jdonut1.gif]] '''Jelly Donut:''' Holy Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE PYLE? Only obtainable through the Chef. Heals more than the Frosted Donut, gives more nutrition.  
[[File:Donut1.gif]] '''Chaos Donut:''' Only obtainable through the chef. Kills you, due to a great deal of entropy caused by eating it.
=== [[File:Recharger.gif]]Remember to Recharge! ===
Always have your tools recharged after an arrest. If your [[flashes|flash]] is burnt out, get a new one from the lockers or security vending machine and hand your old one to a [[roboticist]]. Then take your baton or taser, pop them in the charger station in your security office or the [[Head of Personnel]]'s desk, and wait for the light to change. Having a charged stun baton is sometimes the difference between life and death.

[[File:Donut1.gif]] '''Chaos Donut:''' Only obtainable through the Chef. Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten.
==When Things Go Tits-Up==
==When Things Go Tits-Up==
You are most essential when chaos has broken out. When Joe Schmoe has decided to take the law into his own hands, it's usually with murderous and arbitrary intent. This cannot be allowed. If you are doing your job, it should never come to pass.
You are most essential when chaos has broken out. When Joe Schmoe has decided to take the law into his own hands, it's usually with murderous and arbitrary intent. This cannot be allowed. If you are doing your job, it should never come to pass.
===[[Game Modes#Revolution|Revolution: Red Uniforms Does Not Mean Communism]]===
Sometimes [[traitor|syndicate forces]] will encourage the station crew to rebel against the Heads of Staff. This will not be a simple protest. It will be a riot culminating in multiple murders and a mutiny. Needless to say, you will be a target if you move to prevent this -- and you must move to prevent this.

===[[Game Modes#Revolution|Red Uniforms Does Not Mean Communism]]===
When there has been proof established that a person has been brainwashed, detain them as normal and ask the Heads what you should do. Usually, they'll want you to attempt to deprogram them. Request a loyalty implant from the Warden or Head of Security and they should visibly change their attitude when remembering their true allegiance. Barring that, apply your deactivated stun baton repeatedly to their forehead in a forceful manner. If death should occur without change, bring the body to the [[roboticist]]s.
Sometimes [[traitor|syndicate]] forces will encourage the station [[crew]] to rebel against the heads of staff. This will not be a simple protest. It will be a riot culminating in multiple murders and a mutiny. Needless to say, you will be a target if you move to prevent this -- and you must move to prevent this.
===[[Game_Modes#Nuclear|Nuclear Operatives: Invaders, Possibly From Space]]===
There may be days when syndicate forces invade the station directly with the intent to use a nuclear device to destroy it entirely. Anyone who isn't crew is to be violently and sufficiently repelled. Detain them when able, confiscate everything, and eliminate them when all other options are exhausted. Communication is most important right now. Ensure that the captain, or whoever bears the disk, is guarded at all times. If things go completely out of control, do what you must to get the shuttle called and the disk onto it. Trust no one if you can't see their face. It is not unreasonable to ask them to remove any masks and stun them to remove it yourself if they refuse.
When there has been proof established that a person has been brainwashed, detain them as normal and ask the heads of staff what you should do. Usually they'll want you to attempt to deprogram them. First, try using a flash. If they do not seem to visibly change their mindset and attitude, remembering their allegiance as it were, request a loyalty implant from the Warden or Head of Security. Barring that, apply your deactivated stun baton repeatedly to their forehead in a forceful manner. If death should occur without change, bring the body to the [[roboticist]]s. Do not do so alone and without your [[sunglasses]], as they too may already be turned! Keep security informed of any dangerous happenings.
===[[Game_Modes#Wizard|Wizard: Of Bed-knobs And Broomsticks]]===
When the [[Backstory#Space_Wizard_Federation|Wizard Federation]] has sent a representative, it is not in peace. You are facing no mere mortal. A [[wizard]] is a highly trained killing machine of unknown potential. Your stun baton will be useless. [[Disabler|Find]] [[energy gun|a]] [[laser gun|gun]]. You must keep your wits about you and your bravery steadfast! Stun the wizard, beat him unconscious, remove the clothing that gives him power, and don't stop hitting until his [[brain]] has exited his skull. The only good wizard is a dead wizard.
===[[Game_Modes#Nuclear|Invaders, Possibly From Space]]===
===[[Game_Modes#Gang War|Gangs: Gee, Officer Krupke]]===
When gangs take root on the station, you're in for a violent day. Most gangsters will be more occupied with growing their ranks, defending their turf, and fighting enemy gangsters than with Security; however, it is still your duty to protect the station, keep the peace, and make sure they don't take over the station. Keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. Loyalty implants can deconvert gangsters and will identify gang bosses, but they can be removed or overridden. Trust no one. If a gang manages to put down a Dominator, destroy it.
There may be days when syndicate forces invade the station directly with the intent to use a nuclear device to destroy it entirely. Anyone who isn't crew is to be violently and sufficiently repelled. Detain them when able, confiscate everything, and eliminate when all other options are exhausted. Communication is most important right now. Ensure that the captain, or whoever bears the disc, is guarded at all times. If things go completely out of control, do what you must to get the shuttle called and the disc onto it. Trust no one if you can't see their face. It is not unreasonable to ask them to remove any masks and stun them to remove it yourself if they refuse.
===[[Game_Modes#Cult|Cult: Eldritch Criminal Scum]]===
Cultists of Nar-Sie, unless apprehended, can quickly overcome even the most prepared and robust Security crew. The [[Chaplain]] will be your best friend. Find him (assuming the cultists haven't gotten to him already), protect him, and work with him to produce holy water, which deconverts cultists after a short period of time. Otherwise, standard procedure about searches and loyalty implants applies. For more tips, read the [[Cult_magic#Fighting_the_Cult|cult guide]].
===[[Game_Modes#Wizard|Of Bed-knobs And Broomsticks]]===
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Security Gear</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
When the [[Backstory#Space_Wizard_Federation|Wizard Federation]] has sent a representative, it is not in peace. You are facing no mere mortal. A [[wizard]] is a highly trained killing machine of unknown potential. Your stun baton will be useless. [[Tazer|Find]] [[energy gun|a]] [[laser gun|gun]]. You must keep your wits about you and your bravery steadfast! Stun the wizard, beat him unconscious, remove the clothing that gives him power, and don't stop hitting until his [[brain]] has exited his skull. The only good wizard is a dead wizard.
<ul class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myList">
<li>Hold [[handcuffs]] and click on a pair of orange shoes (standard prisoner issue). Result: Leg cuffs!</li>
<li>When dealing with [[Xenos|Xeno]] threats, always wear a Riot Helmet. This will prevent [[Xeno|Face huggers]] from pouncing on your head and making you just another victim. Additionally, Disablers have no effect on [[Xenos]], while energy guns in lethal mode are devastating to them, as is any heat or fire.</li>
<li>Your jackboots can hide small useful tools like screwdrivers or knives!</li>
<li>Both your disablers and your helmet can be equipped with flashlights. This is also true for both basic and advanced energy weapons. A good way to make those maintenance patrols a little less terrifying.</li>
<li>You can use a [[screwdriver]] on a [[flashbang]] to swap between three fuse settings: five seconds, three seconds, and Instant. All flashbangs start at five seconds but three seconds is a lot more viable and effective in most cases than the five second fuse.</li>
<li>[[Wirecutters|Wire cutters]] can free criminals who are handcuffed with zipties and regular handcuffs can be destroyed if someone uses the Jaws of Life cutting mode upon it.</li>
<li>After dealing with a criminal who has deployed a type of [[EMP]], make sure to check your [[Clothing and Accessories|Security Radio Headset]], [[Suit sensors]], and gear. Put your headset in your hand and click it to reactivate your channels and right-click your suit and select the "Suit sensors" Tab to turn them back on. Lastly, make sure to drop by Brig and recharge or replace your nonfunctional gear.</li>
<li>Disablers deal thirty holodamage, take three hits to do anything more than slow down, and can be reflected. However, they paralyze hulks, so they can safely be dehulked, they knock out wizards, so they can't cast anything, and if someone has been knocked out by it, they are down for however long it takes for them to sleep off the holodamage, no shaking them back up. Disablers are nice to have as a sidearm, or if you want to pass out guns. They get twenty shots in total.</li>
<li>Filling half of the [[Pepperspray|pepper spray]] with welding fuel and having a [[Zippo lighter|zippo]] in your pocket is a pretty flammable thing. It gives a lot of grief to [[Xenos]], if they are horribly [[Robust|unrobust]].</li>
<li>EMP'ed [[Stun Baton|stun batons]] only lose 10% charge, can be a life saver (not that you get EMP'ed often).</li>
<li>[[Riot Shields|Riot shields]] have a good chance to block melee attacks, even hugs. In addition, Riot Shields completely protect against [[Xeno]] jump attacks and can block their disarming. If you are fighting them, bring a Riot Shield.</li>
<li>The [[Riot Armor|Riot Suit]] gives you excellent protection against melee attacks at the cost of defense from bullets and lasers. [[Security_Items#Reflective_Jacket|The Reflective]] is the same, except for lasers. The [[Bulletproof Vest|bulletproof armor]] is the same as the other two but protects against bullets.</li>
<li>Armor is a lifesaver, even the base officer's armor, along with your regular sec issued shirt, which also gives amour.</li>
<li>If you're wearing [[Security HUD|Sechud]] glasses and examine someone, you can change their wanted status by clicking on it in the description. If you're really cool, you can even add reasons why they're wanted by clicking the "add crime" link.</li>
<li>If you're wearing sunglasses of any type along with your standard-issue bowman headset, you will not be stunned by flashbangs at all.</li>
<li>Always bring and wear your [[HUDSunglasses|Hudglasses.]] These help you mark criminals, update records, and add notes, along with giving you valuable protection. Without them, any [[Assistant|smuck]] will be able to decapitate you within seconds with a simple flash.</li>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList2"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Security Consoles</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
<ul class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myList2">
<li>While using the [[Security Cameras (Console)|Security Cameras Console]], you can take a regular camera in your hand and take a picture of the image you are viewing through the console. You can then get a picture of a suspect for your wanted papers.</li>
<li>The [[Security Records Console]] is the backbone of security management. With this, you can keep track of criminals, what crimes they have already committed, set people to various different statuses, and give detailed notes. <s>'''Always put a note on why someone is set to be arrested!'''</s> It also comes with a fingerprint database for [[Detective|Detectives]], along with the ability to delete deceased crew members' security records'''.'''</li>
<li>The [[Prisoner Management Console]] is used for locating persons implanted with a tracking implant. Shows location and an option to send a message straight into their minds. It is also used to give [[Identification Card|Prisoner IDs]] goals in the [[Labor Camp]], to buy their freedom. You can also use it to track the number of points the prisoner has collected.</li>
<li>Prisonner Shuttle Console/Labor Shuttle Console controls the Gulag Shuttle.</li>
<li>[[Security Cameras (Console)|Security Camera Consoles]] can track borgs, AI shells, and the body cameras of officers who have one on the same channel.</li>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList3"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Security Fortification and Structures</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
<ul class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myList3">
<li>Did the [[Warden]] put an airlock brace in a bad spot and not know how to bring it down? Either use an [[Identification Card|ID card]] with security access on it or use a [[screwdriver]] and then a [[wrench]] on it. It will pop off and afterwards be able to be placed somewhere less obstructive. You may only remove an airlock brace from the side on which it was placed on.</li>
<li>You can move [[Security Items|Rechargers]] by wrenching them and dragging them behind you and wrenching them back down to work again.</li>
<li>The Smoke Machine located in the room behind the warden's office can pump out chemical deterrents into the air when wrenched. It is very vital in the dire moments of a brig siege.</li>
<li>[[Portable Flash]] located further in the armory can be wrenched into place and will flash and blind anyone who runs past them. It is useless against people who have flash protection and does not activate when people are walking and requires a new [[flash]] when the one inside burns out from extensive use. It requires a screwdriver and a new working flash to do this. </li>
<li>Barrier grenades can be deployed to prevent entry in an instant. Ask the [[Warden]] for these if they haven't already put them in the [[Brig|brig somewhere.]]</li>
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<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList4"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Contraband Searching and Arresting</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
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*As a Security Officer, when you see someone set to be arrested, kindly ask them to follow you to the brig first. You'd be surprised how often people cooperate even when they are criminals, and it saves you the hassle of "SHITCURITY" and "HELP ME". You can always stun them if they refuse.
*You can chain-open things by dragging containers in containers to your sprite. Can't actually take/put things, but it's slightly faster for checking suspect boxes.
*Alt-clicking bags and boxes allow you to see their contents without having to take everything out of the bag one at a time, which can greatly speed up the search process.
*Examining a shell casing tells you what kind of ammo it is.
*Mesons goggles can detect bombs and hidden passageways, while a T-Ray Scanner can help you spot smuggler bags under the floor tiles. Use a crowbar to unveil these when found.
*When you are searching for someone, make sure to check their pockets and hands by dragging their sprite onto yours.
*Always check the Janitor's trash bag and the Chaplain’s bible. Don't forget that boots can hide contraband as well.
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<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList5"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Beepsky the drone of Space Law</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
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*When Beepsky is chasing down a suspect, he may open doors that aren't supposed to be opened. While in chase mode, he will also knock down those who get in the way of his path of justice.
*Unrobust? Security? Call Officer Beepsky to you, disable his patrol mode, then drag him around everywhere. Shift+click anyone who fucks with you, and set them for arrest. Beepsky will ensure you never get robusted again.
*You can set Officer Beepsky to arrest people (except heads and security staff) who are holding weapons.
*If Beepsky is destroyed, you can always take its parts to a roboticist who can rebuild another one.
*Robotics can create two types of Beepsky if you supply and condone it, being General Beepsky and [[ED-209]]. General Beepsky is a reference to General Grievous from Star Wars, who wields four lightsabers. It will mercilessly track and kill any criminal while being able to block projectiles. [[ED-209]] is a direct upgrade to Beepsky that can now shoot [[Security Items#DRAGnet|DRAGnet]] projectiles and looks cooler. Be warned that if these units are [[Emag|emagged]], they will do a lot more harm than good to anyone.
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<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList6"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Outsourced department equipment</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
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*Pair cybernetic shielded eyes from robotics with security night-vision goggles and now you can see in the dark and see HUD status while still keeping your eye protection.
*Gygax set to harm intent results in a KO punch. A Gygax can overload in order to go at wall-shattering speeds, so it can retreat at the cost of some damage or smash through an entire [[Blood Cult|Cult base]].
*Once you have a [[Mechs|combat mech]], the only two things that can stop you are high-level antags ([[Wizard|wiz]]/[[Nuclear Operative|nuke ops]]/[[Space Ninja|ninja]]), [[toxins]], and [[Ion rifle|Ion Rifles]] (R & D can make them and there is one in the Armory). Deal with all of these, and you’re a god among men.
*You can retrieve the brain from an MMI by deconstructing it with tools or blowing up the borg via a borg control console, which requires RD or Captains Access.
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<div class="mw-customtoggle-myList7"><div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Mind shield Implants</div><div style="line-height:1.6;color:darkblue">[Toggle List]</div></div>
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*Mind shield implants prevent someone from being converted and can deconvert people who have fallen into the grasp of certain antags. They will be your indicator of friend and foe when the station is in complete chaos. While they can do these things, mind shields don't work against certain [[Blood Cult|evils]] and require more specific procedures.
*Security officers, [[Warden]], [[Detective]], [[Head of Security|HoS]], and [[Captain]] are all forced to start with mind shields.
*If you are cloned, you lose your loyalty implant and must report to [[Head of Security|HoS]] or [[Warden]] for a new one immediately.
*Mind shields provided by nanites do not work the same as the ones in your armory and can not deconvert crew but do prevent any attempts of conversion and brainwash.
*Mind shields undo the effects of brainwash surgery even after the commands have already been given.
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