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Xenobiology is the breeding and harvesting of slimes and their extracts for scientific purposes. This all takes place in the xenobiology lab below toxins mixing where you spawn, and is <strike>arguably</strike> more dangerous than making bombs if you don't know what you are doing. Which is a good reason to read this!
Xenobiology is the breeding and harvesting of slimes and their extracts for scientific purposes. This all takes place in the xenobiology lab where you spawn, and is <strike>arguably</strike> more dangerous than making bombs if you don't know what you are doing. Which is a good reason to read this!
==Home on the Range==
== Familiarize Yourself ==
[[File:Xenobiology.png|400px|thumb|BoxStation Xenobiology]]
As a Xenobiologist, you’re not going to get out <strike>much</strike> ever. You’re the most autonomous area on the entire station if you know what you're doing, and nobody ever bothers you [[Traitor#Assassination|(usually)]].

First, get familiar with your new home.
First, get familiar with your new home.

The workspace in the centre includes a couple of closets with bio-hazard suits, a monkey recycling machine, and a slime processor. Also included is a smartfridge modified to hold slime extracts within easy arm reach from the slime processor. To the western end is a disposal unit that leads to space.
The workplace includes a couple of closets with bio-hazard suits, a monkey recycling machine, a slime processor, and an All-In-One Grinder with several sheets of plasma. Also included is a smartfridge modified to hold slime extracts within easy arm reach from the slime processor, a wrench which can unanchor all the machinery (so you can reorganize your workspace), a few containment units and a disposal unit that leads to space.

To the south is the slime containment area with six pens. Two of these pens start with a baby grey slime.
The lab also contains a slime containment area with pens, some of which start with a baby grey slime. There is also a special containment pen that's larger and more secure than the rest. This is ideal for containing and experimenting on [[Alien|other alien lifeforms]] should the station manage to capture/produce one. Usually though, it's just for storing extra slimes. [[Xenobiology Lab|You can read more about your workplace for each map by clicking here]].
===[[File:Slime_comp.png]] Slime Console===
The console is your main working tool when dealing with xenobiology. With it you can move slimes, kill them, feed them, and process dead monkeys with mere clicks of a button!

To the north is a special containment pen that's larger, more secure and better equipped than the rest. This is ideal for containing and experimenting on [[Alien|other alien lifeforms]] should the station manage to capture one.
It's strongly advised grabbing the wrench (usually located next to the shield projectors) and moving the fridge and slime processor within close range of the console you're using as to cut out a lot of unnecessary movement.
===Safety Advice===
Before you start breeding the slimes, make sure you have a fire extinguisher in your backpack. You'll rarely meet a ravenous, hungry slime if you're using the console, but it still happens and having an extinguisher could very well be the difference between a dead slime and a dead you.

==Get equipped==
If you aren't using the console, then this goes doubly so as you'll be near a lot of slimes, usually before you cull their numbers, and while they're normally docile towards you whom are effectively their "God", they occasionally grow resentful for their species' exploitation and try to kill you for no particular reason. In that case, kill the blasphemers with a clear conscience, DEUS VULT!
==Breeding slimes==
If you are using the console, simply insert the monkey cubes from the boxes into the console. The console can now teleport monkeys directly inside the slime pens! If you are not using the console, then use the monkey cube on a water source and feed it to the slimes using the pen disposals units. Slimes need one monkey to become an adult and another to split.
*You can send both monkeys at once into a baby slime's pen, so you don't have to think about it until they split.
*Do NOT enter the pen and bash the monkey, the only thing that will happen is slime will get less food.
Once they're fed enough, after a while the adult slime will split into 4 baby slimes.
=== Culling===
Time to kill your darlings. Decide which baby slimes you don't want to keep.

Before you start breeding the slimes, make sure you have a fire extinguisher in your backpack or hand and a water-tank ready nearby. Both of which are luckily available right here in Xenobiology!
If you are using the console then proceed to warp them up. The console can hold up to 5 slimes at a time. Teleport them onto the kill pen; it's the one with the blue floor, connected to a freezer. The sharp cold will kill the slimes quickly: when they stop moving they're dead and you can pick them up for the next step.

In addition, you also want a supply of monkeys, available through the monkey-cubes on the table. Simply unwrap them (click on them in your hand), dip in the sink or spray with water, and shove into the disposal tube into the pen.
If you are not using the console then get out your fire extinguisher and blast the slime to death. You should refill the extinguisher at a water tank after every use. You could also choose to drag the slime into the kill pen - just make sure you're wearing warm clothing!
Collect the dead slimes and drop them above, or next to, the slime processor. It will automatically suck in the slimes; when it's done, activate it to grind them. It will, after a while, drop a slime core of the respective color for each slime grinded.
*Upgrading the grinder will make it go faster and give more cores per slime.
*A Bio Bag from any biohazard locker can mass-collect slime cores and easily drop them into the fridge for easy access.
You can decide to sell some of your cores at the plort machine for research points. To do this, simply insert a core into the machine and your department will receive research points.
*Rarer slime cores give you more research points.
*Upgrading the grinder will give you more research points per core.
==Friendship and Slimes==
If you've been following the guide and diligently breeding and culling the slimes, you may have noticed that while the slimes very quickly attack and eat the monkeys you offer them, they have little to no interest in eating you. This is because you've become their "friend", a status that can be earned by simply being the one sending them monkeys. To check if slimes are friendly, say "Hello slimes"; all the slimes that consider you their friend will say hello.

==Gotta catch em' all!==
There are some commands you can issue as a slime's friend, including "follow", "stop" and "attack". Keep in mind that these commands are exceedingly finicky, and are rarely used for a reason. Slimes will not attack other slimes or friends.
=== Defending against slimes ===
So either by you not feeding the slime enough, the slime being an dick, or [[Guide_to_xenobiology#Tier_3|reas]][[Guide_to_xenobiology#So_You.27re_a_Traitor|ons]], a slime has tried to kill you. If the slime is a baby, this is annoying. If the slime is an adult, you may die if you don't know what you're doing.

There are several different types of slime. You begin with two 'grey slimes' but, you can breed them to catch all the <strike>pokèmon!</strike> slimes! Each kind of slime has its own powers from its extract.
Slimes have two attacks: A '''glomp''' that does brute damage with adults dealing more and a chance to stun, and the far more dangerous '''feeding''' attack which deals cellular damage and empowers the slime, a rare and very difficult to heal type of damage. If a slime starts feeding on you, wrestle it off with combat mode on, and right clicking to disarm it and spray it down with an extinguisher (You DID get an extinguisher, right?) when you get it off until it dies. After that, hobble off to medbay for healing.

When well fed an adult slime will split into 4 slimes with a 25-35% chance of mutating each.This flowchart shows the results of each slime's mutations when splitting, with options labeled "2x" having twice the chance of occurring.
While this is generally more a tip for you when NOT playing Xenobiologist, in the event of a very rare slime outbreak, perhaps of sentient slimes, get an extinguisher and hide. A horde of angry slimes can multiply fast, and while slimes are normally unintelligent and docile, outbreaks of them are nearly always done on purpose by someone wanting to destroy the station, and are thus paired with usage of red extracts enraging slimes and light pink or black extracts making very deadly intelligent slimes. Pray that the AI is able to stop them, and that the xenobiologist who released the slimes doesn't follow up with [[Guide_to_xenobiology#So_You.27re_a_Traitor|something worse]].
==Slime Mutations ==
[[File:Slime_geneology2.png|500px|thumb|left|This flowchart shows the results of each slime's mutations when splitting, with options labeled "2x" having twice the chance of occurring.]]
There are a lot of different types of slime. You begin with two grey slimes but you can breed them to catch all the <strike>pokèmon!</strike> slimes! Each kind of slime has its own powers from its extract.

Every time a slime splits by being fed enough, it has a chance to mutate based on it's individual mutation chance, a stat discovered by taking a slime scanner from the fridge and using it on the slime. The mutation chance is usually around 5%, so you will have to rely on [[Shaft_Miner#Xenobiology_and_You|miners]] to fetch the rarer colors for you. Think carefully about what colors you want and which slimes to keep. If you're breeding greys for monkeys, you'll want less chance of mutations, and if you want to get adamantines you will want to increase it!

=== Recommended Slimes ===
'''NOTE:''' You can increase a slime's chance of mutation by injecting it with slime mutation potions from red slimes and decrease it with slime stability potions from blue slimes.
<br clear=all>
All injections require one unit of reagent. Dropper is your friend. You can also dilute your plasma by, for example, filling a beaker with 40u of water and 10u of plasma; a syringe will collect exactly one unit of plasma this way (and the water doesn't react).

While this part is purely optional to follow, it is HIGHLY recommended to breed at least one or two dark purple slimes as fast as you can for additional plasma, seeing how miners will end up dead most of the time.
Luminescent effects are a result of the slime person mutation into a [[Guide_to_races#Luminescents|Luminescents]] absorbing said core.
===Tier 0===
{{anchor|Grey Slime}}
====Grey Slime [[File:slimegrey.png]]====
*Extract creates a grey slime when injected with plasma. Useful as a backup grey slime.
*Extract creates three monkey-cubes when injected with blood. Useful if you want to do your job for more than five minutes.
*Extract creates Epinephrine when injected with water.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Spawns a monkey cube into the user's hand.
:*Major: Spawns a grey baby slime.
===Tier 1===
{{anchor|Orange Slime}}
====Orange Slime [[File:slimeorange.png]]====
*Extract creates a small plasma fire when injected with plasma. Also increases the pressure of the air a fair amount.
*Extract creates capsaicin (pepper-spray) when injected with blood. Usable as a 'ghetto stun' if you can find a good way to apply it to to your <strike>victim</strike> test subject.
*Extract creates a small cloud of smoke when injected with water. It'll carry any other reagent already inside the slime extract.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:* Minor: Infuses you with capsaicin, heating the user.
:*Major: Spawns smoke around the user. The smoke will purge chemicals in the user's body and infuse itself with them.
{{anchor|Purple Slime}}
====Purple Slime [[File:slimepurple.png]]====
*Extract creates a bottle of slime steroid when injected with plasma. Slime steroid is a potent chemical mix that will cause a slime to produce one more extract when processed, for a maximum of five. Useful when used on dark purple slimes for that plasma or grey slimes for monkeys. The extract only works on live slimes.
*Extract creates regenerative jelly when injected with blood. Regenerative jelly is a chemical that gradually heals all types of damage.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Restores blood volume and nutrition.
:*Major: Gives some regenerative jelly, healing the user.
{{anchor|Blue Slime}}
====Blue Slime [[File:slimeblue.png]]====
* Extract creates frost oil when injected with plasma.
*Extract creates slime stabilizer when injected with blood. Reduces a slime's mutation chance by 15%, and carries through across generations.
*Extract creates foam when injected with water. It'll carry any other reagent already inside the slime extract.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Cures cellular damage, purges the dna, and reduces radiation on the user.
:* Major: Creates foam from the user, infusing itself with the chemicals in the user's body.
{{anchor|Metal Slime}}
====Metal Slime [[File:slimemetal.png]]====
*Extract creates 5 sheets of plasteel and 15 sheets of metal when injected with plasma. Expect the roboticists to want the products. Grinding plasteel will generate plasma and iron, making it a perfect substitute to dark purple slimes.
*Extract creates 5 sheets of reinforced glass and 15 sheets of glass when injected with water.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Creates 5 sheets of glass in the user's hand.
:*Major: Creates 5 sheets of metal in the user's hand.
===Tier 2===
{{anchor|Yellow Slime}}
====Yellow Slime [[File:slimeyellow.png]]====
*Extracts become 10k Charge [[Powercell]]s when injected with plasma. These cells are self-charging, and very useful for cyborgs or APCs, for example. Valuable for R&D.
*Extract creates an EMP when injected with blood. It's a quite big blast as well, useful if that AI is onto your [[traitor|tricks]].
*Extracts emit light when injected with water. They can be squeezed to increase the light emitted.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Temporarily increases the user's light range and intensity.
:*Major: Emits a short-ranged EMP.
{{anchor|Dark Purple Slime}}
====Dark Purple Slime [[File:slimedarkpurple.png]]====
*Extract creates 3 sheets of [[Plasma|Solid Plasma]] when injected with plasma. Yessir, NT can link anything to the production of plasma. Also useful for further experimenting.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:* Minor: Spawns a plasma bar in the user's hand.
:*Major: Spawns a cloud of plasma around the user.
{{anchor|Dark Blue Slime}}
====Dark Blue Slime [[File:slimedarkblue.png]]====
*Extract creates a large burst of cold when injected with plasma. Useful for countering those red slimes.
*Extract creates a three-use chill potion when injected with water, which fireproofs anything it's used on. Be a firebug without looking like one! Miners can make good use of this, as it will make them storm-proof.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Infuses the user with Frost Oil and Cryoxadone.
:*Major: Spawns extremely cold air around the user.
{{anchor|Silver Slime}}
====Silver Slime [[File:slimesilver.png]]====
* Extract creates a small amount of random food when injected with plasma, bork bork bork. Expect anything from a roburger to death berries.
* Extract creates a small amount of random drinks when injected with water, bork bork bork.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:* Minor: Spawns a random drink in the user's hand.
:*Major: Spawns a random food in the user's hand.
===Tier 2.5===
{{anchor|Bluespace Slime}}
====Bluespace Slime [[File:slimebluespace.gif]]====
*Extract will, if injected with plasma, spawn a [[Bluespace Crystal]]. They will teleport you when crushed in your hand and teleport anyone you throw it at. It also has some good research levels.
*Extract will, if injected with blood, create 25 Bluespace Floor Tiles, which speed up movement drastically.
*Extract will, if injected with water, spawn a Bluespace radio potion. Use it on a sentient animal to let them speak on the radio!
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Randomly teleports the user a few tiles away.
:*Major: Saves the user's position on the first use. On the second use, it will warp the user back on that position. The extract can change user in the meantime.
{{anchor|Sepia Slime}}
====Sepia Slime [[File:slimesepia.png]]====
*Extract stops time when injected with plasma. How? <strike>Spess</strike>Slime Magic!
*Extract creates some [[Camera|Film]] and a [[Camera]] when injected with water. Fuck this is so useless.
*Extract creates 25 Sepia Floor Tiles when injected with blood. They slow movement speed above them.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Spawns a camera in the user's hand.
:*Major: Will give the user, a Deja vu effect that returns them to their position and health at the time of use after a 1 second channel. Does not work after death.
{{anchor|Cerulean Slime}}
====Cerulean Slime [[File:slimecerculean.png]]====
*Extract creates a bottle of extract enhancer when injected with plasma. When used on a extract it adds one use to it. You can start laughing madly now.
*Extract creates a one-use blueprint when injected with blood. Renaming an area with it will turn the floor blue. Renaming an area to Xenobiology Lab will let the console work on that area.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Infuses the user with salbutamol, making them able to survive without air for some time.
:*Major: Spawns a large amount of breathable air around the user.
{{anchor|Pyrite Slime}}
====Pyrite Slime [[File:slimepyrite.png]]====
*Extract creates a can of paint when injected with plasma. For the love of all that is holy, <s>don't</s> give it to the clown!
*Extract creates a random crayon when injected with blood.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Spawns a crayon in the user's hand.
:*Major: Spawns a spraycan in the user's hand.
===Tier 3===
{{anchor|Red Slime}}
====Red Slime [[File:slimered.png]]====
*Extract creates a bottle of slime mutation potion when injected with plasma. Makes slimes 12% more likely to mutate, the opposite of the slime stabilizer.
*Extract makes nearby slimes rabid when injected with blood. Has some [[traitor|fun]] uses.
*Extract creates a bottle of speed potion when injected with water. The speed potion will speed up any simplemobs it's applied to.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Infuses the user with Ephedrine, greatly increasing their speed temporarily.
:*Major: Enrages slimes around the user.
{{anchor|Green Slime}}
====Green Slime [[File:slimegreen.png]]====
*Extract creates some slime mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Having at least 4u in your system will eventually turn you into a random jellyperson. They have several pros and cons, but what is important to xenobiology is that slimes will never attack you and your blood is no longer valid for blood-based reactions, as it is replaced by slime jelly. Ingesting more slime mutation toxin when you're already a jellyperson will turn you into another random subspecies.
*Extract creates various other mutation toxins when injected with different chemicals as shown below
{| class="wikitable"
!Chemical Injected
!Toxin Created
!Effect of toxin when injected into you
| Radium
|Lizard mutation toxin
| rowspan="7" |Turns you into their respective race
|Human mutation toxin
| Cilk
|Felinid mutation toxin
|Ethereal mutation toxin
|Moth people mutation toxin
|Podpeople mutation toxin
|Sulfuric acid
|Polysmorph mutation toxin
|Gorilla people mutation toxin
|Turns you into a hairier human
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Turns the user back into a human.
:* Major: Turns the user into another slime subspecies.
{{anchor|Pink Slime}}
====Pink Slime [[File:slimepink.png]]====
*Extract creates a bottle of docility potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will nullify a slime's hunger, causing it to become docile and tame, and will let you name it. You too can have your own pet, just like the HoP!
*Extract creates a bottle of gender changing potion when injected with blood, which changes the gender of any living, gendered thing it is used on.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Switches the user's gender.
:*Major: Temporarily pacifies creatures around the user, making them nonviolent for some time.
{{anchor|Gold Slime}}
====Gold Slime [[File:slimegold.png]]====
* Extract spawns five random dangerous [[Critters#Hostile|hostile mobs]] when injected with plasma.
*Extract spawns three random dangerous mobs when injected with blood. These mobs are not immediately hostile, but may be provoked by certain actions, proximity to other creatures (such as your slimes) or if they encounter a construct or mech.
*Extract spawns one random [[Critters#Friendly|friendly critter]] when injected with water. Now you can fill xenobiology with mobs even if you're a giant pussy!
See [[Critters|here]] for the list of summonable mobs.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Spawns a friendly mob.
:*Major: Spawns a dangerous mob. If the user has combat mode on at the moment of use, the mob will be hostile.
===Tier 4===
{{anchor|Oil Slime}}
====Oil Slime [[File:slimeoil.png]]====
*Extract creates an explosion after a moment when injected with plasma.
*Extract creates Corn Oil when injected with blood.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: User vomits slippery oil.
:*Major: User violently explodes.
{{anchor|Black Slime}}
====Black Slime [[File:slimeblack.png]]====
*Extract creates some advanced mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Turns you, or [[Traitor|others]], into a sentient grey baby slime. Beware, slimes are still not harmless. This mutation can be prevented with frost oil, if you are quick enough. Acts instantly on slimepeople.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Turns the user into a slime.
:*Major: Turns the user into a shadowperson.
{{anchor|Light Pink Slime}}
====Light Pink Slime [[File:slimelightpink.png]]====
*Extract creates a bottle of sentience potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will bring human level intelligence to any animal, slime, monster or generally active thing you feed it to. Make [[Ian]] sentient! Create an army of gold slime minions! The possibilities are limited only by your own deviousness and the number of ghosts in the round.
*Extract will spawn a simple mob renaming potion when injected with water.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Spawns a slime docility potion.
:*Major: Spawns a sentience potion.
{{anchor|Adamantine Slime}}
====Adamantine Slime [[File:slimeadamantine.png]]====
*Extract creates an adamantine bar when injected with Plasma. It can be sold at cargo for a high amount of credits, or it can be used inhand to craft a golem shell. Golem shells can then be finished with ten sheets of any material, which will affect the golem's properties. After completion, a ghost can possess the shell to spawn as a golem. It will follow the orders of who finishes the shell above anything else, and inherit conversion antagonist status, such as cult, from their owner.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Temporarily increases the user's armor, reducing overall damage taken.
:*Major: Turns the user into an adamantine golem.
===Special Slimes===
{{anchor|Rainbow Slime}}
====Rainbow Slime [[File:Rainbow_slime.gif]]====
To attain this rare slime you must breed a slime with a 100% mutation chance!
*Extract will spawn a random slime when injected with less than five units of plasma.
*Extract will explode into randomly-colored slime cores when injected with at least five units of plasma.
*Extract will explode into randomly-colored slime cores with water, plasma, and blood in them when injected with [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Slime_Jelly|slime jelly]]. This will trigger their reactions unpredictably and chaotically, and almost certainly cause mayhem wherever it happens.
*Extract will generate a mind transference potion when injected with blood. You can use it to transfer your mind into a creature. This is not reversible and will result in your old body's instant death.
*Extract will spawn a flight potion when injected with 5u of Holy water and 5u Uranium.
:'''Luminescent Effects'''
:*Minor: Changes the user's color randomly.
:*Major: Spawns a random slime core.
The powerful crossbreeding that gifts you with godlike power! You need an '''adult slime''' which is the "base" and '''10 slime cores''' of the same type, which are the "effect".  

In addition, making sure to keep at least one pen producing grey slimes is a very good idea in order to have a sustainable monkey flow. You can always order more at cargo, but they are not always reliable.
For example, you have an adult green slime and you add 10 yellow cores. That makes a '''Green Charged Core''' which can be activated in hand and mutates you to a slime person, letting you choose which strain to turn into.
Also these special slimes are normal sized items. They fit in backpacks.
<tab name = "Burning">
[[File:Burning.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#FF4500">'''Burning'''</span>

Purple slimes are a likely by-product of trying to get Dark Purple slimes and have the added benefit of that injecting the slime steroids into the Greys and the Dark Purples will significantly increase plasma/monkey amounts gained. Try out harvesting one baby purple and then using the steroids from it on a second baby purple! Repeat as necessary.
'''Slime cores:''' Orange

A slightly harder but very much worth it alternative to Purple slimes would be Cerulean slimes. They have two primary benefits:
'''Activation:''' Fill it with 10u plasma, and then click it in your hand.
* They do not evolve further, meaning you are assured without using steroids or enhancers three cerulean extracts and one breeding slime.
* The result of injecting their extract with plasma is extract enhancer, which allows three uses of any given extract. The benefit of this is that you do not need to decide ahead of time which extracts you want more uses of like steroids. And combined WITH Steroids, a single slime can give nine uses.

== Population Control ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Produces a hungry, faster slime that will follow your orders.
|Makes a burst of pepper spray smoke. Careful, or you'll also be affected.
|Creates an injector of [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Regenerative_Jelly|regenerative jelly]] and [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Methamphetamine|methamphetamine]].
|Briefly freezes the flooring in a large radius, and decreases the body temperature of everyone in that radius but the user.
|Instantly destroys walls that are next to the user.
|Electrocutes nearby creatures, except the user.
!Dark Purple
|Makes a burst of plasma gas.
!Dark Blue
|Creates a puff of [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Frost_Oil|frost oil]] smoke, chilling everything touched by it. Gives the user [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Cryoxadone|cryoxadone]], as well!
|Spawns foods that have slime jelly in them. Only half of the foods have a tell for it, until eaten.
|Teleports anyone directly next to you as if they were hit with a bluespace crystal.
|Creates a special one-use sepia-tinted camera which rewinds time of a target twice. The rewind happens once after 10 seconds and again 10 seconds after that. It reverts the position, health, and limbs of human beings, animals, and objects. This does not revive them if they are dead nor work if completely destroyed/gibbed.
|Creates an extract duplication potion, which copies a normal extract, as well as its extra uses.
|Overloads and shatters all lights in the room, as if the lighting was overridden in the [[Engineering_items#APC|APC]].
|Akin to the normal red extract, but also makes those slimes hostile to their friends.
|You grow a slightly lower damage armblade in the hand you used the extract in.
|Makes a small beaker with 5 units of [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Synthpax|synthpax]] in it, for manual application.
|Creates a number of hostile creatures that will not attack the user.
|Explodes after a few seconds. It has the same radius as normal, but does more damage.
|Temporarily transforms you into a slime, with the ability to transform back at will once.
!Light Pink
|Gives everyone in sight a bit of [[Guide_to_Chemistry#Pax|Pax]], bringing combat to a halt for a few moments.
|Creates the Adamantine Shield, a large shield that blocks most attacks, but makes you much slower, and takes both hands.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Creates the Rainbow Knife, a transparent, rainbow-glowing kitchen knife that does a completely random type of damage per attack.
<tab name = "Charged">
[[File:Charged.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#FFFF00">'''Charged'''</span>

'''Slime cores:''' Yellow

You should always have 1-6 slimes, depending on how many pens you are using. More and you can't control them properly. Less and your job is over.
'''Activation:''' Use it in your hand.

Decide how many you can handle at once, keeping in mind the adults split into four when sated.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Produces a slime revival potion, bringing a slime back from the dead.
|Makes a large burst of flame for a brief moment.
|Creates a packet of 15 units of [[Omnizine]].
|Creates a potion that instantly neuters the mutation chance for a slime.
|Spawns 25 sheets of metal and 10 sheets of plasteel.
|Creates a charged slime cell with twice the capacity, and it auto-recharges 1.5 times faster.
!Dark Purple
|Spawns 10 sheets of plasma.
!Dark Blue
|Creates a two-use pressure-shielding potion, making a suit and helmet spaceworthy.
|Spawns a slime cake and 10 random drinks.
|Spawns 5 sheets of bluespace polycrystal.
|Creates a camera obscura.
|Creates an extract maximizer, instantly boosting the uses of a normal extract to 5.
|Spawns 10 sheets of bananium.
|Creates a three-use lavaproofing potion, rendering items immune to burning in lava, and a suit and helmet able to protect the wearer from it.
|Lets you pick which slime subspecies you want to turn into, rather than a random selection.
|Creates a slime empathy potion, which grants the slime language to the user, or makes slimes not eat specific mobs.
|Spawns 10 hostile mobs, at a slow rate.
|Produces a smaller explosion, but it is extremely devastating, ripping a hole in the station.
|Randomizes the user's species, selecting from a limited pool of all roundstart species (except for plasmaman) plus a few others, including some that are otherwise inaccessible.
!Light Pink
|Produces a pacification potion, which will pacify simple animals, and give humans the pacifism trauma.
|Spawns a completed adamantium golem shell. 11 sheets worth of adamantium!
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Spawns 3 living slimes of random colors.
<tab name = "Chilling">
[[File:Chilling.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#0000FF">'''Chilling'''</span>

=== All slimes dead ===
'''Slime cores:''' Dark Blue

<strike>Job's over, man. Job's over!</strike> Hope you have a grey slime extract, if not, then your job's over, man. Job's over!
'''Activation:''' Fill it with 10u plasma, and then click it in your hand.

=== 1-6 baby slimes ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Creates some slime barrier cubes. When used they create slimy barricades.
|Creates a ring of fire one tile away from the user.
|Injects everyone in the area with some regenerative jelly.
|Creates a rebreather, a tankless mask.
|Temporarily surrounds the user with unbreakable walls.
|Recharges the room's APC by 50%.
!Dark Purple
|Removes all plasma gas in the area.
!Dark Blue
|Seals the user in a protective block of ice.
|Creates several ration packs.
|Touching people with this extract adds them to a list, when it is activated it teleports everyone on that list to the user.
|Touching someone with it adds/removes them from a list. Activating the extract stops time for 30 seconds, and everyone on the list is immune, except the user.
|Creates a flimsy copy of the user, that they control.
|Creates a pair of Prism Glasses, which allow the wearer to place colored light crystals.
|Pacifies every slime in your vacinity.
|Creates a bone gun in the hand it is used in, which uses blood as ammo.
|Creates a slime corgi puppy.
|Produces a golden capture device.
|It creates a weak, but wide-ranged explosion.
|Transforms the user into a random type of golem.
!Light Pink
|Creates a Heroine Bud, a special flower that pacifies whoever wears it on their head. They will not be able to take it off without help.
|Creates a powder that makes clothing slightly armored.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Makes an unpassable wall in every door in the area.
<tab name = "Consuming">
[[File:Base.png|64px]] <span style="color:#D3D3D3">'''Consuming'''</span>

If you need more extracts put one monkey in the disposal and wait for the slime to grow, then another and wait for the slime to split.
'''Slime cores:''' Silver
As tempting as it may be, do not send in two monkeys at once. The slime might decide the second is a friend and refuse to eat it!
You might want to make sure to stay in sight of the slimes to keep a eye on when they grow and split.

=== Adult slimes have split ===
'''Activation:''' Feed extract with enough nutriment and it will produce special slime cookies.

Time to kill one or more. '''Warning:''' This is the part of the job that's most likely to get you killed.  
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|More filling than other cookies.
|Heats you up, and grants immunity to the cold for 10 seconds.
|Heals 5 points of every type of damage, even cellular damage.
|Grants immunity to water-based slipping, and wets the floor around you for 10 seconds.
|Increases resistance to brute damage for 10 seconds.
|Grants immunity to electricity for 30 seconds.
!Dark Purple
|Makes you treat toxin damage as toxin healing, and toxin healing as toxin damage, for one minute.
!Dark Blue
|Cools you down, immediately extinguishes you if you are on fire.
|When eaten, no matter how much you eat, it will not get you fat!
|Teleports you to a random place in the current area!
|Increases the speed at which you perform actions that have progress bars by a little bit for a minute.
|Has a 50% chance of spawning another cookie when eaten.
|Randomly colors you, as if you ate a crayon.
|Makes a splat of blood on the floor, and restores your blood by a little bit.
|Makes you vomit when eaten. However, it also completely removes any reagents from you when you do!
|You hug people at random for 30 seconds.
| Has a golden coin inside!
|Slows anyone nearby you for 10 seconds.
|Makes you look like a spooky skeleton for 30 seconds.
!Light Pink
|Makes you, and anyone near you, unable to attack for 10 seconds.
|Increases your resistance to burn damage for 10 seconds.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Has the effects of a random cookie!
<tab name = "Industrial">
[[File:Industrial.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#7E7E7E">'''Industrial'''</span>

Ideally, you want to do this the EXACT moment after the slime in the pen has split. (You ARE keeping only one adult slime per pen, right?)
'''Slime cores:''' Metal

Select which baby slimes you don't want to keep and proceed to drag them into the tiny 'airlock' of the pen with you.
'''Activation:''' When filled with plasma dust, slowly absorbs it and uses it to produce items.

Once you have them there, simply spray with water. Once the ones you don't want are dead, feed the remaining slimes, harvesting extracts as needed.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Produces 5 monkey cubes per 2 units of plasma.
|Produces a fancy slime zippo lighter for 6 units of plasma.
|Produces an injector of regenerative jelly for 4 units of plasma.
|Produces a full fire extinguisher for 10 units of plasma.
|Produces 10 metal sheets for 3 units of plasma.
|Produces a high-capacity power cell with anywhere between 0 and 1/2 its charge for 5 units of plasma.
!Dark Purple
|Produces a sheet of plasma for 10 units of plasma, doubling your input.
!Dark Blue
|Produces a one-use fireproofing potion for 6 units of plasma.
|Produces a random food or drink item per 1 unit of plasma.
|Produces a synthetic bluespace crystal for 7 units of plasma.
|Produces a camera for 2 units of plasma.
|Produces a normal extract enhancer for 5 units of plasma.
|Produces a can of spraypaint for 2 units of plasma.
|Produces an orb of 50 units of blood for 5 units of plasma.
|Produces a self-use-only injector of slime jelly for 7 units plasma.
|Produces an injector of synthpax and space drugs for 6 units plasma.
|Produces a random coin for 10 units of plasma.
|Produces an IED for 4 units of plasma.
|Produces a fancy pack of regenerative, slime-brand cigarettes for 6 units of plasma.
!Light Pink
|Produces a heart-shaped box of candies for 3 units of plasma.
|Produces one sheet of adamantium for 10 units of plasma.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Produces a random slime extract for 5 units of plasma.
<tab name = "Prismatic">
[[File:Prismatic.png|64px]] <span style="color:#FAFAD2">'''Prismatic'''</span>

Do not worry, as long as you are regarded as a 'friend' (Which you should be, if you feed it and kept in sight) and they are not extremely hungry, the slimes should not feed or glomp you.
'''Slime cores:''' Pyrite

=== A slime wants to be your special friend ===
'''Activation:''' Use on tile.

So you managed to piss it off, eh? Your safest bet here is to push it off (Help or Disarm Intent on the Slime) you and leg it, quite simply. Hide in a locker and yell for help if you can't get out of xenobiology itself.
* Works like an infinite-use paintbrush, letting you dye tiles a new color.
* Each slime base results ins a "brush" of the corresponding color.
* Grey extracts clean any colors off.
* Rainbow extracts let you choose any color!
<tab name = "Recurring">
[[File:Recurring.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#2956B2">'''Recurring'''</span>

== Extract harvesting ==
'''Slime cores:''' Cerulean

Grab the dead slime, click on the slime processor and then click on it again to turn on the processor.
'''Activation:''' Use like a normal extract, but gains an extra use every few seconds, as long as you don't use it up!
<tab name = "Regenerative">
[[File:Regenerative.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#B19CD9">'''Regenerative'''</span>

== Slime scanner ==
'''Slime cores:''' Purple

There are two of these neat devices in the extract storage. They don't provide a lot of useful into, but pay attention to mutation chance! It varies between 25% and 35%. Choose carefully which slimes to keep! If you're breeding greys for monkeys, you'll want less mutations, and if you want to get adamantine golems, you want to evolve them a lot!
'''Activation:''' Use on yourself or someone else like a legion core, fully heals with a special effect.

== Formulas ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Only partially heals the target.
|Instantly makes a small burst of heat for a moment.
|Injects with some regen jelly.
|Makes the floor wet.
|Encases target in a locker.
|Fully recharges a single item on the target.
!Dark Purple
|Gives purple clothing if they are naked.
!Dark Blue
|Fireproofs their clothes.
|Makes their belly feel round and full.
|Teleports them to where this core was created.
|Stops time.
|Makes a second regenerative core with no special effects.
|Randomly colors the target.
|Injects them with some ephedrine.
|Changes the species or color of a slime or jellyperson.
|Injects them with some krokodil.
|Produces a random coin.
|Flashes everyone in sight.
|Creates a duplicate of target, that drops dead soon after.
!Light Pink
|Also heals the user (same as grey if used on self).
|Boosts armor.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Temporarily makes target immortal, but pacifistic.
<tab name = "Reproductive">
[[File:Reproductive.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#696969">'''Reproductive'''</span>

All injections require one unit of reagent. Dropper is your friend.
'''Slime cores:''' Grey

=== Tier 0 ===
'''Activation:''' Spits out cores from the chosen colour when you feed it monkey cubes.
<tab name = "Self-Sustaining">
[[File:Selfsustaining.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#551A8B">'''Self-Sustaining'''</span>

{{anchor|Grey Slime}}
'''Slime cores:''' Dark Purple
'''Grey Slime'''
* Extracts creates a grey slime when injected with plasma, could be useful if you have to many slimes, but want to make sure you don't run out of them.
* Extracts creates three monkey-cubes when injected with blood.
=== Tier 1 ===
{{anchor|Orange Slime}}
'''Orange Slime'''
* Extracts creates a small fire when injected with plasma. Also increases the pressure of the air a fair amount.
* Extracts creates capsaicin (pepper-spray) when injected with blood. Usuable as a 'ghetto stun' if you can find a good way to apply it to to your <strike>victim</strike> test subject.

{{anchor|Purple Slime}}
'''Activation:''' Produces four extracts, which can be activated in your hand to select which activation to use, removing the need for reagents.
'''Purple Slime'''
<tab name = "Stabilized">
* Extracts creates a bottle of slime steroid when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will cause a slime to generate more extract. Useful when used on dark purple slimes for that plasma or grey slimes for monkeys.
[[File:Stabilized.gif|64px]] <span style="color:#ADD8E6">'''Stabilized'''</span>
* Extracts creates slime jelly when injected with sugar, a highly toxic substance.
{{anchor|Blue Slime}}
'''Blue Slime'''
* Extracts creates frost oil when injected with plasma.
{{anchor|Metal Slime}}
'''Metal Slime'''
* Extracts creates several sheets of plasteel and metal when injected with plasma. Expect the roboticists to want the products.
=== Tier 2 ===
{{anchor|Yellow Slime}}
'''Yellow Slime'''
* Extracts become 10k Charge [[Powercell]]s when injected with plasma.
* Extracts creates an EMP when injected with blood. It's a quite big blast as well, useful if that AI is onto your [[traitor|tricks]].
* Extracts emit light when injected with water.
{{anchor|Dark Purple Slime}}
'''Dark Purple Slime'''
* Extracts creates several sheets of [[Plasma|Solid Plasma]] when injected with plasma. Yessir, NT can link anything to the production of plasma. Also useful for further experimenting.
{{anchor|Dark Blue Slime}}
'''Dark Blue Slime'''
* Extracts creates a burst of cold when injected with plasma. Useful for countering those red slimes.
{{anchor|Silver Slime}}
'''Silver Slime'''
* Extracts creates a small amount of random food when injected with plasma, bork bork bork. Expect anything from a robo-burger to death berries.
* Extracts creates a small amount of random drinks when injected with water, bork bork bork.
=== Tier 2.5 ===
{{anchor|Bluespace Slime}}
'''Bluespace Slime'''
*Extracts will, if injected with plasma, teleport anything in the room not nailed down to a random beacon in the world when injected with plasma.
*Extracts will, if injected with blood, spawn a [[Bluespace Crystal]]. They will teleport you when crushed in your hand and teleport anyone you throw it at. It is used in [[telescience]] and has some good research levels.
{{anchor|Sepia Slime}}
'''Sepia Slime'''
* Extracts creates a [[Camera]] when injected with plasma. How? <strike>Spess</strike>Slime Magic!
* Extracts creates some [[Camera|Film]] for a [[Camera]] when injected with blood.
{{anchor|Cerulean Slime}}
'''Cerulean Slime'''
* Extracts creates a bottle of extract enhancer when injected with plasma. When used on a extract it triples the amount of uses it has. You can start laughing madly now.
{{anchor|Pyrite Slime}}
'''Pyrite Slime'''
* Extracts creates some paint when injected with plasma. For the love of all that is holy, don't give it to the clown!
=== Tier 3 ===
{{anchor|Red Slime}}
'''Red Slime'''
* Extracts creates Slime Glycerol when injected with plasma.
* Extracts makes nearby slimes rabid when injected with blood. Has some [[traitor|fun]] uses.
{{anchor|Green Slime}}
'''Green Slime'''
* Extracts creates one unit of mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Injecting yourself with it will turn you into a slime-(wo)man which results in the slimes never attacking you. Keep in mind though that you are no longer technically 'human' as far as the AI and Cyborgs are concerned. The toxin is found in the used extract.
{{anchor|Pink Slime}}
'''Pink Slime'''
* Extracts creates a bottle of docility potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will nullify a baby slime's powers, causing it to become docile and tame. You too can have your own pet, just like the HoP!
{{anchor|Gold Slime}}
'''Gold Slime'''
* Extracts spawns a few random [[Critters#Hostile|hostile mob]]s when injected with plasma. [[Alien]]s are common from this reaction, so you might be able to fill xenobiology with actual xenomorphs!
* Extracts spawns one random mob when injected with blood. These mobs are not immediately hostile, but may be provoked by certain actions or if they encounter a construct or mech. NOW you might be able to fill xenobiology with actual xenomorphs [[Beyond the impossible|without killing yourself!]]
=== Tier 4 ===
{{anchor|Oil Slime}}
'''Oil Slime'''
* Extracts creates a explosion after a moment when injected with Plasma.
{{anchor|Black Slime}}
'''Black Slime'''
* Extracts creates one unit of advanced mutation toxin when injected with plasma. Turns you into a baby slime.
{{anchor|Light Pink Slime}}
'''Light Pink Slime'''
* Extracts creates a bottle of docility potion when injected with plasma, a potent chemical mix that will nullify a adult slime's powers, causing it to become docile and tame. Your pet is bigger than the HoP's!
{{anchor|Adamantine Slime}}
'''Adamantine Slime'''
* Extracts creates a [[Adamantine Golem]] when injected with Plasma. It will follow its creator's orders much like a construct.

== How to make an efficient slime farm ==
'''Slime cores:''' Blue

First of all: Get that extinguisher and kill one of the two baby grey slimes. This ensures that in the case your slimes die, you are assured to have a backup grey slime extract avaliable to start over. Then, bring a monkey cube over and soak it in water, and place the monkey in disposals. Engage the disposal and watch as the slime eats the monkey. Do NOT enter the pen and bash the monkey, the only thing that will happen is slime will get less food. After the slime is done, try talking to him! Just say "Hello" and his number, or "Hello, slimes". If it replies, congratulations, you've got a friend. This slime and its offspring will never attack you. If that didn't work, you'll have to repeat it.
'''Activation:''' Provides effect to whoever holds them, as long as it is on their person or in their backpack.

Important detail: after feeding on a monkey, a slime may befriend the person who was the last one to '''grab''' or '''bump''' into a monkey. So don't put two monkeys in at the same time, since if one of them bumps another, the slime may consider it a friend and refuse to feed on it!
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Automatically makes slimes friends with you if you are next to them, making it safe to interact with them.
|Passively tries to increase or reduce your body temperature to a normal level.
|Provides a very slow regeneration effect.  
|Makes you immune to slipping on water or soap. Space lube is still too slippery, though!
|Every 30 seconds, adds a sheet of material to a random stack in your inventory.
|Every 10 seconds, recharges a random device on your person by about 10%.
!Dark Purple
|Gives you burning fingertips, automatically cooking any food you hold, and igniting flammable items!
!Dark Blue
|Attempts to extinguish you slowly if you are on fire, and automatically wets any items you are holding.
|Slows the rate at which you lose nutrition.
|On a two minute cooldown, teleports you somewhere safe for humans when you take enough damage.
|Randomly adjusts your speed. You take extra stun and stamina damage.
|Spawns a duplicate of yourself. If you die while holding the extract, you will automatically take control of the duplicate, if it's still alive!
|Randomly colors you every few seconds. Become a disco ball!
|Moderately increases your speed. You take extra stun and stamina damage.
|While held, randomizes your name and appearance. When dropped, restores your original appearance and name. Mulligan!
|As long as no creature in sight is injured in your presence, they will not attack you. If the peace is broken, takes two minutes to restore.
|Summons a pet companion when held. If it dies, summons a new one. Use it in hand for options.
|If you die while holding this extract, you will violently explode.
|While strangling someone, your hands melt around their neck, draining their life in exchange for food and healing.
!Light Pink
|Anyone in critical condition around you is stabilized.
|You gain 5% damage resistance to all types.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Accepts a regenerative extract. If you enter critical condition, it will automatically use the extract on you.
<tab name = "Crystalized">
[[File:Crystalized.png|64px]] <span style="color:#008B8B">'''Crystalized'''</span>

Another thing you should note is that you can unwrench your equipment and move it around. There is a wrench nearby, too.
'''Slime cores:''' Adamantite

== So You're a Traitor ==
'''Activation:''' When used in hand, creates a small fragile crystal [[File:Slime_Crystal.gif]] that provides an area effect. If another crystal exists in this area, both will shatter.

Sadly, what you can get here that can't be gotten easier elsewhere is an EMP and <strike>random hostile animals which include a few very deadly ones</strike> BEACONS SPACE BEARS ALIUMS SPIDERS HIVEBOTS PINE TREES OH GOD IT'S HORRIFYING. Releasing the Slimes is somewhat viable, but you will likely get caught doing so, and baby Slimes are rather tame (Unless you have Red Slime Essence. Then it's a party.)
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|
! scope="col" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Base Slime
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#D3D3D3;'|Description
|Slowly feeds all slimes in the area. Effect is blocked by walls.
|Ignites anyone in range of the crystal and heats the surrounding air to 500K. Effect is blocked by walls.
|Restores 1 of a random damage type to everything in range every time it ticks, including brain and cell damage.
|Stabilizes atmos in effect range to the standard O2/N2 mixture, and stabilizes temperature to 300k. Effect is blocked by walls.
|Restores 1 of a random damage type to every cyborg in range every time it ticks.
|When struck by a cell, the cell will be instantly charged. Fully charged cells will explode when striking it.
!Dark Purple
|Consumes plasma in the air, converting it into plasma sheets. Crystal releases and ignites a small amount of plasma when destroyed.
!Dark Blue
|Cleans and dries tiles in the area.
|Plants grow slightly faster in the area and prevents pests from growing at all.
|Acts as a beacon to other crystals of this type. Click with an empty hand to teleport between them.
|Everything in the area is put in stasis as if on a stasis bed. Does not stun you like a stasis bed.
|Adjacent tiles will gradually grow slime crystals, up to a maximum stack of 5 in each tile. These slime crystals may be combined with any material sheet to increase its stack size by 5.
|Causes floor tiles to be randomly colored within the area.
|Crystal cleans blood from the ground in a wide area and may store up to 300u of gathered blood. Crystal may be interacted with to consume some blood and create a piece of "meat" or a random, functional organ. Containers may also be used on the crystal to transfer blood directly out of it.
|Crystal stores one random mutation from the last player who interacted with it (starts with none). Players standing within the effect radius are gradually cured of mutations but will be forcefully given the mutation stored in the crystal.
|Everyone within the area is pacified.
|Click crystal with an empty hand to be transformed into a random pet-type simplemob. Effects are undone when leaving the area.
|Lubes tiles within the area.
|Players standing within two tiles of the crystal will begin slowly transforming into a random slimeperson. Has no effect on slimepeople.
!Light Pink
|Ghosts may interact with the crystal to become pink lightgeists that cannot leave the crystal's area of effect.
|Makes everyone slightly more resistant in an area around it.
|[[File:Rainbow slime.gif]]
|Does nothing on its own but will accept crystalized extracts to begin emitting the same effect as the consumed extract, allowing for multiple different effects in the same space.

On the plus side, you do have a disposal chute that goes directly to space.  Pretty handy for disposing of evidence, and also for throwing in anyone who has been stuck with a parapen.

If you have a gold Slime, you can try unleashing [[Alien|xenomorphs]] somewhere and hoping that either they end up killing your target or giving you the distraction you need to break into [[Captain's Quarters|important]] [[EVA|places]]. This, however, may backfire and end up turning you into a xeno or preventing your escape. If you're feeling particularly lucky, you could take multiple gold cores (a full backpack or so) OR one or two cores, and a few Cerulean Cores, and inject them all simultaneously, releasing a torrent of horrifying creatures upon an unsuspecting crew.
==So You're a Traitor==
What you can get here that can't be gotten easier elsewhere is an EMP and <strike>random hostile animals which include a few very deadly ones</strike> CARPS SPACE BEARS ALIUMS SPIDERS HIVEBOTS PINE TREES OH GOD IT'S HORRIFYING. Releasing the slimes is somewhat viable, but you will likely get caught doing so, and baby slimes are rather tame (Unless you have Red Slime Essence. Then it's a party.)

Also, Bluespace Slime Cores can be used for a quick getaway, as long as you don't mind taking half of the room you're in with you.
On the plus side, you do have a disposal chute that goes directly to space. Pretty handy for disposing of evidence, or people.

Also remember the havoc with [[grenade]]s and bombs you can cause! If you can get access to chemistry as well you can make some interesting grenades. Advanced mutation toxin with sugar in one beaker, phosphorus and potassium in the other. Set a timer in the [[Medbay]] and drop it and listen to all the people turning into [[Slime]]s. This is when you laugh to your self and realize it backfires when all the Slimes attack you.
Also remember the havoc with [[grenade]]s and bombs you can cause! If you can get access to chemistry as well you can make some interesting grenades. Advanced mutation toxin with sugar in one beaker, phosphorus and potassium in the other. Set a timer in the [[Medbay]] and drop it and listen to all the people turning into [[Slime]]s. This is when you laugh to yourself and realize it backfires when all the slimes attack you.

A full guide to ruining someone's day with slimes:
*Red - Makes all slimes within sight range hyper aggressive. Also creates potions that can increase a simplemob's speed when injected with blood, useful for enhancing your gold slime army.
*Green - Produces 1 unit of a chemical that turns people into different races including slime persons. Use it on someone and convince the AI that they're a danger to humanity. Needs at least 5 units for it to work in a smoke grenade.
* Black - Turns people into actual grey slimes, no fort save. Again, 5 units in a smoke or foam grenade will make for a very interesting shuttle flight.
*Orange - Ignites a large fire.
*Yellow - Huge EMP.
*Silver - Only way to get real roburgers (with nanites).
*Gold - We all know what this does.
*Sepia - Stops time in a small radius, allowing you to wreak many kinds of havoc.
*Oil - Fiery Explosion. One of the fastest ways to mass produce a large array of explosions, even if they mostly cause fire. Also makes glycerol with blood in case you want to make a stupidly large hole in the station with a bluespace beaker grenade
*Adamantium - Makes golems that can be converted to the cult/soul shard/revved. They have to follow orders given to them by their creator so feel free to make them suicide bomb with gold slime cores.
*Light pink - Enables you to make sentient beings, including anything a gold slime extract can produce. Magicarps included.
Wiki Staff
