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m (→‎50pxSupply Shuttle Console: what's in contraband)
Line 385: Line 385:
|Stops the countdown.||???||???
|Stops the countdown.||Nothing.||Adds time to the timer. "The bomb seems to hesitate for a moment."
|Nothing||Nothing||Adds time to the timer.
|Nothing.||Nothing.||Adds time to the timer. "The bomb chirps."
|Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved.||Nothing||Hints (???) at this wire's function.
|Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved.||Nothing.||"The bolts spin in place for a moment."
|Explodes.||Nothing, u ded.||Reduces time on the timer!
|Explodes.||Nothing, u ded.||Reduces time on the timer! "The bomb buzzes ominously!"
Line 408: Line 408:
|Nothing||Nothing||Starts the countdown.
|Nothing.||Nothing.||Starts the countdown.
|Nothing.||Nothing.||"The bomb chirps."
|Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved.||???||Hints (???) at this wire's function.
|Releases the bolts (if they were activated) so that the bomb can be moved.||Nothing.||"The bolts spin in place for a moment."
|Nothing.||Nothing.||"The bomb buzzes ominously!"