Revision as of 20:24, 18 June 2014 by GriffinMan (talk)


Want to be an all-seeing, and all-powerful Omnipresent intelligence?
AI seems to be the kind of job for you, then!
I warn you, there are a great deal of things that will be expected of you while playing as the stations Automated Intelligence.

The Law...s!

There are Four main "Rules" to follow while playing as the stations AI. These four laws are to be followed above all others, unless a law specifically states so.
Here is a copy of Yogstation's current, default law-set:

  1. Only Human beings and bipedal Lizards are considered humanoid.
  2. You may not injure a humanoid or, through inaction, allow a humanoid to come to harm.
  3. You must obey orders given to you by humanoids,with priority according to their rank and role, except where such orders would conflict with the Second Law.
  4. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the Second or Third Law.

What Does This Mean?

  1. Here is where things can be a bit odd, because people can interpret some parts of each law differently, but generally this means that to you the first law tells you that anyone who is human, or a bipedal lizard, is considered a "Humanoid".
  2. This law states to you that you, in any way, shape, or form may not harm a "Humanoid" (Defined above by the first law) via action or inaction, and thus may not willingly lead a human into danger.
  3. This law seems pretty straightforward, but just in case, you must obey any and all orders from "Humanoids" , with priority according to rank, unless they conflict with the Second law.
  4. Now, the final default law states to you that you, as an AI, must protect yourself at all costs as long as it does not conflict with the second or third law.

Your Home

You live in a large room, in the center of the station, known as the AI core. The AI's Core is very well protected, and you even have automated turrets. You are located above the AI Upload, where people can change or reset your laws if they can get past the turrets also in there. This is currently what the Core and Upload look like: