
Revision as of 04:43, 9 June 2020 by Kettle (talk | contribs)

8th June

SomeguyManperson: meathook has knockdown instead of paralyze
SomeguyManperson: paper wizard ruin is no longer fully cheesable by just opening the front door
SomeguyManperson: Adds a button for vampires to click that tells them how to get blood
monster860: Mechs can now cycle advanced airlocks
MacHac: Mjor the Creative's clones have been stripped of their magic and told to telegraph their attacks better.
Jumps0: Adds (a smaller) pAI button back to ghost hud

7th June

MacHac: Lillith's pact refunds blood when it fails
MrHorizons: The amount of Favor granted from cells is doubled.

6th June

wejengin2: Boxstation ai is now in sat, comms are now in center, upload is in board storage, board storage is in gravgen, gravgen is in smes.

5th June

War-Tex (port): resprited all the syndicate eva suits to look fresh
ToGWtF: Gives podpeople the same message as getting cloned.
Hopek , Partheo , Nickvr628: Added the paramedic space suit. Each Paramedic office spawns with 1 space suit for space extractions.

3rd June

yacabo: Anyone who dies wearing a sec mask has a CP flatline go off
ToGWtF: fixes centcom huds
ToGWtF: adds a new sprite for chem heaters to show if they are on or not

2nd June

JamieD1: Ghosts can now examine pipes and canisters to see their contents
Hopek: Cameras now have an EMP effect
ynot01: Added "Transitum" x-ray laser
ynot01: Shadowling shuttle sacrifice now dusts to prevent revival
SomeguyManperson: Stealth bloodsucking as vampire
boodaliboo: Added lavaland extract as a possible bonus reagent
Identification: E-swords and the katana have been reverted back to their original sprites.

1st June

VG and theos: Nar-Sie rune uses 20 health down from 40.1, takes 30 seconds to scribe down from 50, and the cult master counts as 5 cultists up from 1 to activate if they are the person activating the rune. Bloodcult no longer ends after the summon rune, instead they need to protect several bloodstones that appear across the station. This is split into two stages, the first requiring defense of at least one of four bloodstones for 5 minutes, and the second requiring the defense of a much stronger bloodstone for 1-4 minutes depending on how many bloodstones survived the first stage, with more speeding up the summoning.
wejengin2: omega gets a nanite lab!
wejengin2: Tweaks to sm loop on omega
wejengin2: tiny fans in cc escape
jcatjmeow: Adds UNO, a card game!
Xoxeyos: Adds 'The Winds of Fjords' by minomus, to the title screen.
Ktlwjec: Disposals and pipe fixes for eclipsestation
JamieD1: Fixes memories for notes & bank accounts

29th May

MayhemSailor: Added Eclipse Station
WhyIsCaeciliusTaken: Researchable Smartmines + Exploding Rubber Duck traitor item
Hopek: Disposal bins can now be alt clicked to toggle handle
ynot01: singularity hammer sprite (port)