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==Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons==
{{anchor|Stechkin Pistol}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Stechkin Pistol
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Quick and concealable murder.
|strategy = Keep it hidden, it's possible to gain this gun by other means beyond being a traitor but the average Security Officer will assume it's Syndicate until proven otherwise.
|description = A small gun, fits into your pocket when not fitted with a suppressor. Has an 8-round magazine and is semi-automatic - meaning it'll eject bullet casings as it fires making evidence clean up harder. Does 30 brute damage on an unarmoured target but dumping the magazine will usually kill or crit all but the most well-prepared and/or armoured foes. <br> Can be fitted with a suppressor, which makes it a very lethal and effective weapon of murder. However, this increases the size to normal and will no longer fit in your pocket. This gun's ammo can be created with a hacked autolathe.
{{anchor|Syndicate Revolver}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Revolver
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 11 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Very quick and loud murder.
|strategy = Keep the thing hidden, as people know it's only available to syndicates. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful.
|description = It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 60 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target, considerably less on an armoured one. It's a very reliable weapon for a quick and bloody murder, as most people cannot react in time before being shot twice. Keep in mind that it makes a very loud and distinct noise.<br> This gun comes loaded with 7 rounds, more can be bought from your uplink or created with a hacked autolathe.
{{anchor|Miniature Radiation Crossbow}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Miniature Radiation Crossbow
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 9 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Stunning people.
|strategy = No one sees any messages of who fired at who, but the target knows when they are shot. Use this weapon very carefully and covertly, but remember it is also very good when in a pitch because every hit is a knockdown.
|description = This weapon is not meant for killing, rather it is intended for stunning; it is the syndicate equivalent of a taser that does minor toxins damage. Though this weapon does make a sound when fired, it is still very quiet, and can be easily concealed in your pocket.<br>Additionally this weapon does not provide any message that it has been fired, use this to your advantage and to help conceal your identity. Extremely powerful when paired with an energy sword, as it cannot reliably kill anything by itself. It has no shot limit, but takes a while to charge each shot.
{{anchor|Miniature Energy Sword}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Energy Sword
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 7 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Mass murder.
|strategy = This sword will usually crit someone in three to four hits (more if the target is armored). It leaves a bloody mess though. When it is on it has a chance to deflect projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use, can fit in a pocket if shut off.
|description = This is a melee weapon that will do a lot of (30) brute damage. It also has a high chance to knock someone down, or outright uncouncious. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it's a terrible weapon.<br>Activate it to switch between the two states, but be warned, turning it on or off causes a very loud and distinct noise. It also is a very good combo combined with the e-bow's knockdown. You have a decent chance of reflecting projectiles with it when turned on.<br>Combine two for a double energy sword that has a 100% chance of reflecting projectiles.<br>You can also hit it with a multitool to make a RAINBOW SWORD.
{{anchor|EMP Grenades and Implanter Kit}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = EMP Grenades and Implanter Kit
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = The disabling of technology, such as cameras, radios, etc.
|strategy = Best used aggressively against technology, such as destroying an AI.
|description = After implanting it into yourself, it can be activated three times using the action button. It can be used for draining the batteries of APCs, completely draining the batteries of sec equipment like stun batons and tasers, shocking/opening nearby doors and blinding those who wear thermals caught in the emp range. They also stun cyborgs for a good deal of time.
{{anchor|Syndicate Minibomb}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Minibomb
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Blowing shit up, making holes in the station.
|strategy = Cook the grenade in your hand (at most for no more than two seconds) for a bit and throw it at someone when they least expect it. Use it on crowds or downed targets.
|description = The Minibomb is a grenade with a five-second fuse. It will cause a small explosion, but that explosion will still create holes to space. It can usually outright kill or even gib an unarmored target. Those wearing armor may survive. A messier and more costly alternative to using an IED on a corpse.
==Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons==
{{anchor|Box of Throwing Weapons}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Box of Throwing Weapons
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Murdering people by throwing things.
|strategy = Use the throwing stars to cause heavy damage and bleeding due to embedding, and the bolas to prevent the target from running off or dodging.
|description = This kit contains a five throwing stars and two reinforced bolas. Throwing stars will deal heavy brute damage on hit and automatically embed, causing further brute and bleeding over time.<br>Reinforced bolas slow targets down on hit until they are removed; they take longer to remove than normal bolas.
{{anchor|Energy Dagger}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Energy Dagger
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Last resort combat.
|strategy = Shove it in your PDA. Don't bring it out until you need it, because everyone knows only syndicates have energy blades.
|description = It's a dagger that can be disguised and hidden like a pen. Keep it out of sight and then bring it out once you've got somebody on the ropes.<br>It's better than most weapons and it's very cheap, so it's not a bad last resort, and unless people know you have it they're very unlikely to search your PDA pen.
{{anchor|Toy Gun with Riot Darts}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Toy Gun with Riot Darts
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Not being taken seriously.
|strategy = Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down.
|description = Guaranteed to not be taken seriously until it's too late. Loaded with 8 darts.
{{anchor|Toy Gun with Riot Darts}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Toy Gun with Riot Darts
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Not being taken seriously.
|strategy = Deals no real damage, but the riot darts it's loaded with cause 25 stamina damage, knocking victims down.
|description = Guaranteed to not be taken seriously until it's too late. Loaded with 8 darts.
{{anchor|Sleepy Pen}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Sleepy Pen
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Disabling people.
|strategy = This item will paralyze people; they cannot talk and will collapse after a short time. It will quickly wear off.
|description = The pen injects mutetoxin, morphine and tirizene into people, preventing them from talking and causing them to fall over. They can still see and hear everything around them, until they actually fall asleep from the morphine.<br>The toxins inside are completely nonlethal, so if you want to kill with it you need something else.
{{anchor|Syndicate Soap}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Soap
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Cleaning things, and slipping people on it.
|strategy = Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack spacecleaner so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.
|description = Like regular soap with a syndi touch and a cooler color. Use this exclusively, or you're not doing your job right.<br>Cleans things much faster than normal soap.
{{anchor|Poison Kit}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Poison Kit
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Murdering people silently.
|strategy = Inject these poisons into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot them with a syringe gun.
|description = This kit contains a bottle each of Polonium, Venom, Neurotoxin, Formaldehyde, Cyanide, Histamine, Initropidil, Pancuronium, Sodium Thiopental, Coniine, Curare and Amanitin, with a free syringe to inject them with.
{{anchor|Dart Pistol}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Dart Pistol
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Shooting chemicals. Useful with the Poison Kit.
|strategy = Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it fits into a pocket.
|description = This pistol can load chemical-filled syringes and can be used to shoot them at people. Only fits one syringe at a time, but it can fit in pockets.
{{anchor|Detomatix PDA Cartridge}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Detomatix PDA Cartridge
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Making other's PDAs go KABOOM!
|strategy = Use this to hurt your target from afar, or wait until you can see them, detonate their PDA, and quickly kill them!
|description = A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use your PDA to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion (Still powerful enough to knock out people and destroy the victim's ID, though).<br>Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this. Comes with 4 charges.
{{anchor|Universal Suppressor}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Universal Suppressor
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Silencing weapons.
|strategy = Attach it to your stechkin, or another weapon (that isn't a revolver or shotgun) to silence and remove the weapon's attack messages.
|description = A universal syndicate small-arms suppressor. Can attach to almost any non-revolver/shotgun firearm.
{{anchor|Pizza Bomb}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Pizza Bomb
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Tasty bomb delivery.
|strategy = To arm it, open the box, using the other hand take out the pizza, drop the pizza, use the box again with your empty hand to set the timer, put the pizza back in, close it. The next person to open it will trigger the bomb!
|description = A pizza box with a bomb a bit stronger than a minibomb cunningly attached to the lid. Comes with free pizza, for you or your target!
{{anchor|Dehydrated Space Carp}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Dehydrated Space Carp
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Sudden carp invasions.
|strategy = Looks like a normal carp toy. If it comes in contact with water, however, it will create a full-sized space carp, aggressive to everyone nearby. If you use the plushie in hand before activating it, the carp won't attack you once spawned. Use a fire extinguisher to activate it.
|description = Looks like a plush toy carp, but just add water and it becomes a real-life space carp!
{{anchor|Slipocalypse Clusterbang}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Slipocalypse Clusterbang
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Making a large area slippery with soap.
|strategy = Once used, it will split into several grenades, which in turn will spawn a bar of syndicate soap each.
|description = A traditional clusterbang grenade with a payload consisting entirely of Syndicate soap. Useful in any scenario!
{{anchor|Explosive Airlock Charge}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Explosive Airlock Charge
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor =  Destroying airlocks. Stunning unsuspecting targets.
|strategy = Screwdriver an airlock, then place the airlock charge into it.
|description = A small, easily concealable device. It can be applied to an open airlock panel, booby-trapping it. The next person to use that airlock will trigger an explosion, knocking them down and destroying the airlock.
{{anchor|10mm Handgun Magazine}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = 10mm Handgun Magazine
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Ammunition for the stechkin.
|strategy = Order in conjunction with the stechkin for extra killing potential. Using on a stechkin already loaded with a magazine to replace the old magazine with it and dropping the old magazine under your feet.
|description = This is ammo for the stechkin. It gives the stechkin a full clip. It can be used by either using a stechkin in hand to remove the old magazine and loading it in, or using directly.<br>Loose ammo boxes can be made in a hacked autolathe.
{{anchor|.357 Speed Loader}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = .357 Speed Loader
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Ammunition for the revolver.
|strategy = Order in conjunction with the revolver for extra killing potential. Or better yet completely ignore it and go for the hacked autolathe method instead.
|description = This is ammo for the revolver. It can be used by clicking on an empty revolver while you hold the ammo in your active hand.<br>This can be made and recycled in a hacked autolathe.
{{anchor|Box of Riot Darts}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Box of Riot Darts
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Ammo for the foam force toy handgun.
|strategy = Order as extra ammo for the toy gun. Generally not a good idea as riot darts themselves are re-usable.
|description = This is ammo for the toy gun. Buy this, or reuse the ones you shot.
==Stealth and Camouflage Items==
{{anchor|Chameleon Kit}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Chameleon Kit
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = A complete kit of clothing capable of changing color and shape. Lightly armored.
|strategy = Very useful for traitors who want to try a stealthy approach by disguising as a bunch of crewmembers.
|description = Each part of the disguise kit gives a HUD button in the top-left corner to individually change each part.<br>The mask has a built-in voice changer that will match your voice with your currently equipped ID.
{{anchor|No-Slip Chameleon Shoes}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = No-Slip Chameleon Shoes
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Not slipping.
|strategy = Where them to prevent slipping. Doesn't work on space lube.
|description = These shoes will protect you from slips.
{{anchor|Agent Identification Card}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Agent Identification Card
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Concealing your identity and avoiding security/the AI.
|strategy = Copy someone's name and access while being near invisible to the AI and security bots. Use in conjunction with a chameleon kit or at least a mask.
|description = This is a special ID card with multiple uses:<br>The AI's camera eye can no longer track/jump to you and instead has to manually follow you.<br>Having an agent card in your ID slot will reduce security bots' threat assessment level by 2. This makes them ignore most offenses and even arrest warrants as long as you don't stack more than one offense.<br>You can forge the card's name, assignment and look. This works in combination with the chameleon kit's voice changer!<br>Agent IDs copy the access of other ID cards they're used on. Lots of fun at the HoPline. Basic access is Maintenance and Syndicate.
{{anchor|Chameleon Military Belt}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Chameleon Military Belt
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Storing syndicate equipment and weaponary.
|strategy = Wear it on your belt slot and disguise it as a toolbelt.
|description = A robust seven-slot red belt that is capable of holding all manner of tatical equipment. This one can be disguised to imitate many of the standard belts found around the station.
{{anchor|Chameleon Projector}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Chameleon Projector
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Hiding as an item on the station.
|strategy =  Scan an item nobody cares about (it defaults as a cigarette) and hide as that item when in a chase, just make sure people don't pick you up. Move only when nobody's looking.
|description = Allows you to scan any item that can be picked up and then disguise yourself as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and cannot interact with anything you're not already holding, and if someone tries to pick you up the disguise fails and you change back to normal. You cannot be detected by the AI when it is active.
{{anchor|Camera Bug}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Camera Bug
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Spying on people on cameras.
|strategy =  Use it to know when people are in a certain area so you know when to detonate a bomb, sneak through and steal something, or murder someone.
|description = Enables you to bug cameras to view them remotely. It can view all cameras on the station, and specifically bugged cameras can be EMPed temporarily. It can also track people.
{{anchor|Smuggler's Satchel}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Smuggler's Satchel
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Hiding items under floortiles.
|strategy =  Use it to stash contraband or bombs under the crew's feet.
|description = This satchel is made to fit under floortiles, and contains already a crowbar and floortile to hide it with. It can also fit in a back pack, making it an exceptional item for storage since it can hold normal sized items.
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Stimpack
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Reducing stuns for a long time.
|strategy =  Use it on yourself before a fight with security.
|description = This syringe comes loaded with a lot of stimulants, which will heavily reduce stuns and give a small heal over time.
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Mulligan
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Changing identity.
|strategy =  Use it on yourself and find new clothes.
|description = This syringe comes loaded with a mutation toxin that will randomize your appearance and identity, permanently.
{{anchor|EMP Flashlight}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = EMP Flashlight
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Disabling technology, such as cameras, radios, doors, cyborgs, etc.
|strategy =  Best used stealthily against technology. For the traitor who prefers a more delicate touch.
|description = Behaves in almost an exactly similar way to the EMP kit's grenades/implant but is rechargeable, disguised, and localized. It functions exactly like a regular flashlight except when you hit something with the flashlight, the item will act as if it was hit with an EMP. The flashlight constantly recharges, but only has around 4 uses before it needs to recharge.
==Space Suits and Hardsuits==
{{anchor|Syndicate Space Suit}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Space Suit
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Surviving space.
|strategy = Wear it while going in space, store it in your backpack when you're done.
|description = A special syndicate space suit that fits in backpacks, slows you less, and has a weapon slot. The color will be suspicious to the crew, however.
{{anchor|Syndicate Hardsuit}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Hardsuit
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Surviving space, tactical armor.
|strategy = The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. It features an internal jetpack that draws from internals, a special combat mode that is not spaceworthy but won't slow down movement, and fairly resistant armor, all while fitting in backpacks.
==Devices and Tools==
{{anchor|Cryptographic Sequencer}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Cryptographic Sequencer
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Gaining entrance to restricted areas or lockers, unlocking hidden features in machinery, forcing borgs to do your bidding.
|strategy = Use this to open anything and everything. Causes sparks in the process and you will leave a trail of broken open doors, lockers, and other equipment.
|description = For the unrobust who don't know how to hack.<br>Also has several special function as it can hack cyborgs to serve you, cause multiple electronic items to malfunction and become deadly, and can really ruin an engineer's day.
{{anchor|Full Syndicate Toolbox}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Full Syndicate Toolbox
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Obtaining tools.
|strategy = Useful in a pinch if the AI has bolted you in somewhere and you have no other way to escape.
|description = It's a suspicious looking toolbox, filled with ordinary tools. Except instead of an analyzer, it comes with a multitool and combat gloves. It's also slightly more robust than a regular toolbox.
{{anchor|Syndicate Surgery Dufflebag}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Surgery Dufflebag
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Surgery.
|strategy = Use it to perform any kind of surgical crime.
|description = Contains all the possible tools for surgery; in addition, the MMI inside will automatically emag any cyborg it's inserted in.
{{anchor|Military Belt}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Military Belt
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Storing syndicate equipment and weaponary.
|strategy = Wear it on your belt slot.
|description = A robust seven-slot red belt that is capable of holding all manner of tatical equipment.
{{anchor|Thermal Imaging Glasses}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Thermal Imaging Glasses
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Seeing people, creatures, and synthetics through walls.
|strategy = Used for tracking your targets and spotting threats or security ambushes.
|description = When worn, this item allows you to see any human, alien, cyborg, and even AIs through walls. Can be disguised as any kind of glasses. Wearing this leaves you very vulnerable to flashes, flashbangs, and EMP. Using a welding tool with this on may cause you to go blind.
{{anchor|Binary Translator Key}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Binary Translator Key
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Communicating with the AI and Cyborgs.
|strategy = Eavesdropping on the AI's conversation with its cyborgs. Communicate with the AI after you've subverted it.
|description = Needs to be attached to your headset before it can be used. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys already in your headset, and place the ones you want back in. This tool will allow you to access, and speak, on the robotic talk channels. Keep in mind, this will alert the AI, and all cyborgs that you are a syndicate agent if you speak on their channel.<br>Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, is out to arrest you, or even if there are any other traitors out there. Speak on the channel with a :b before your text. These are easy to disguise, but nearby humans will be able to hear you whispering so keep this in mind when you talk (as you will get found out).
{{anchor|Syndicate Encryption Key}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Encryption Key
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Listening in on all of the station's radio chatter and communicating with other traitors that have purchased it.
|strategy = Eavesdrop on security. Communicate with other traitors for cooperative goodness.
|description = Needs to be attached to your headset before it can be used. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys already in your headset, and place the ones you want back in.<br>This tool will allow you to listen in on all of the station department's radio channels and speak on a hidden Syndicate channel with other traitors that are using the key. Speak on the channel with a :t before your text.
{{anchor|Artificial Intelligence Detector}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Artificial Intelligence Detector
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Knowing when the AI is watching you.
|strategy = Keep this in a pocket or an open toolbelt and watch it when you intend to do something suspicious, to ensure the AI isn't looking.
|description = While the AI is watching or tracking you, the green center light will appear as red. If it is close but not seeing you yet, it'll be yellow. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover, such as before murdering someone or breaking in somewhere.
{{anchor|Hacked AI Law Upload Module}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Hacked AI Law Upload Module
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 9 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Changing the AI's laws to what you want.
|strategy = Break into AI Upload to upload, or steal the AI Upload circuit from Tech Storage. The more competent the AI is, the more useful this will be.
|description = This is the more powerful version of the 'Freeform' AI Module. It allows you to upload Hacked laws onto the AI from any AI Upload Console. The hacked Laws act like Ion Storm Laws and will precede the numbered laws in priority, automatically overriding all other laws should they conflict. Make sure you pay attention to the wording of your new Law as most AIs would love to use any loophole it can find to kill you.
{{anchor|Composition C-4}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Composition C-4
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Blowing stuff up.
|strategy = Stick it on things that need to blow up.
|description = This pack of explosives can detonate and destroy almost anything it is placed on, after any chosen amount of seconds (the shortest being 10). C4 takes 3 seconds to set up, and requires you to be un-interrupted. You can also open the wiring with a screwdriver, allowing you to set a signaler to detonate instantly, among other things. Can be directly placed on mobs, but will only deal around 50 damage and not gib.
{{anchor|Bag of C-4 explosives}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Bag of C-4 explosives
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 9 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Blowing lots of stuff up.
|strategy = Stick it on things that need to blow up.
|description = Contains 10 C4 charges in a handy dufflebag, to use however you want.
{{anchor|Bag of X-4 explosives}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Bag of X-4 explosives
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Blowing stuff up.
|strategy = Stick it on things that need to blow up.
|description = Contains 3 X4 charges in a handy dufflebag, to use however you want. X4 is a more powerful version of C4.
{{anchor|Power Sink}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Power Sink
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out.
|strategy = This will suck up all the station's power very quickly. Use it on the main station's power grid to suck it.
|description = When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires out in space or on the station it starts to drain the power at a rapid rate. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up! Make sure to put it somewhere secure, but also make sure that it is attached to the main station power. Once it's drained enough power, it explodes violently!
{{anchor|Power Beacon}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Power Beacon
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Attracting a loose singularity/tesla towards the beacon.
|strategy = Set it up in a secluded location, then release the engine. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call and succeeding in escape alone objectives.
|description = Placed like a powersink, screwdriver to secure it on an exposed wire node and use an open hand to turn it on. The singularity beacon will attract the singularity/tesla towards it, if it is loose.
{{anchor|Syndicate Bomb}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Bomb
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 11 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Making really big fucking holes.
|strategy = Place somewhere safe, activate, and run. Make sure nobody defuses it. Protip: You can remove the payload (screwdriver, cut all wires, crowbar it out) and detonate it with C4 for a quick bang!
|description = The Syndicate Bomb has an adjustable timer with a minimum setting of 90 seconds. Ordering the bomb sends you a small beacon, which will teleport the explosive to your location when you activate it. You can wrench the bomb down to prevent removal. The crew may defuse the bomb by opening up the wiring and messing with it, however this has a chance of backfiring and causing the bomb to explode instantly. This can be used to your advantage by figuring out the detonation wire and adding a signaler so you can control when the bomb will go off.<br>When the bomb explodes, it creates a huge explosion, which punches holes in the station and destroys the surrounding area. Flames burst everywhere, but they extinguish almost immediately, most likely due to exposure to space.
{{anchor|Radioactive Microlaser}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Radioactive Microlaser
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Stealthily irradiating people.
|strategy = Use it on someone, wait for the radiations to kick in and knock them out.
|description = A radioactive microlaser disguised as a standard Nanotrasen health analyzer. When used, it emits a powerful burst of radiation, which, after a short delay, can incapitate all but the most protected of humanoids.<br>It has two settings: intensity, which controls the power of the radiation, and wavelength, which controls how long the radiation delay is.
{{anchor|Holographic Object Projector}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Holographic Object Projector
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Creating fake objects around the station.
|strategy = Scan an item and create a copy of it to cause mild chaos and confusion.
|description = A device for masters of deception and trickery. This item allows you to scan objects and create holograms of them. The holograms will dissipate when interacted with. You can replace the stock parts it comes with to increase the maximum number of holograms and variety of scannable objects.
{{anchor|Freedom Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Freedom Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Escaping an arrest.
|strategy = Instantly uncuffing yourself so you can make your escape/kill the arresting officer.
|description = If you inject yourself with the implanter inside, you can instantly get out of handcuffs multiple times.
{{anchor|Zombie Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Zombie Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 5 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Faking your death.
|strategy = Activate the implant to appear dead.
|description = An implant injected into the body, and later activated to inject a specially formulated sedative. When lying on the ground you will appear dead and minor damage done to your body will appear more drastic than it actually is. Medical scanners will pick up on that.
{{anchor|Uplink Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Uplink Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 14 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Spawning syndicate items without using your hands or PDA.
|strategy = Useful if you want to try completing your objective without any syndicate items. Use it in the case you get permabrigged.
|description = Injecting yourself with this will allow you to bring up a syndicate uplink menu by using a custom emote at any time. It comes with 10 telecrystals.
If case you get captured, this is a get out of jail free card.
{{anchor|Adrenal Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Adrenal Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Removing stuns, healing.
|strategy = Surprise arresting officers by popping right back up after being tased. Proceed to murder shocked arresting officers.
|description = An implant injected into the body, and later activated with an emote to inject a chemical cocktail with a mild healing effect and a removal of all stuns.
{{anchor|Storage Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Storage Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Storing suspicious items.
|strategy = Use it to keep contraband, so it can't be discovered by a random search.
|description = If you inject yourself with the implanter inside, you'll gain an action button that reveals a two item storage space, that can't be detected without surgery.
{{anchor|Mindslave Implant}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Mindslave Implant
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 12 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Forcing another player to do your objectives for you.
|strategy = Implant someone with it and tell them what to do.
|description = Will cause the target to obey your every command whilst the target is implanted. Implant can be removed by surgery.<br>Comes with a PDA cartidge to gib your target. Use this to fuck over the ones that trust you the most. Look them in the eyes as you detonate them. You sick bastard.
{{anchor|Slipping Carp Scroll}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Slipping Carp Scroll
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 19 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Robusting security with a mop.
|strategy = Activate the scroll and learn the ways of the slipping carp.
|description = A scroll that teaches you the secrets of slipping carp, allowing you to deflect projectiles and deal massive melee damage, but only while holding your mop.
==(Pointless) Badassery==
{{anchor|Syndicate Playing Cards}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Playing Cards
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Playing cards, cheap throwing stars.
|strategy = Use these as a shitty throwing weapon, when you're bored and playing cards is the only option left, or as a signature for your murders.
|description = A special deck of space-grade playing cards with a mono-molecular edge and metal reinforcement, making them slightly more robust than a normal deck of cards.
{{anchor|Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Trading.
|strategy = Use the cash to buy your objective, or export it with cargo to order crates.
|description = A secure briefcase containing 5000 space credits. Useful for bribing personnel, or purchasing goods and services at lucrative prices. The briefcase also feels a little heavier to hold; it has been manufactured to pack a little bit more of a punch if your client needs some convincing.
{{anchor|Syndicate Smokes}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Smokes
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Cool-looking regeneration.
|strategy = Smoke them to inhale omnizine and heal over time.
|description = Strong flavor, dense smoke, infused with omnizine.
{{anchor|Syndicate Fedora}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Fedora
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Looking stylish while you kill.
|strategy = Wear it on your head.
|description = This Syndicate Fedora of micro-woven adamantium silk is sure to prove your style.
{{anchor|Syndicate Balloon}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Balloon
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Looking fucking awesome.
|strategy = Buy this if you feel you can do your objectives without the use of syndicate items.
|description = It's a red balloon with a white S on it. It does balloon type stuff such as floating and being filled with air. Shitcurity may arrest you for having one as they hate balloons and fun.
{{anchor|Syndicate Bundle}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Bundle
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Taking a gamble or getting tons of items.
|strategy = This can contain nearly everything on the uplink. If you want to take a gamble, buy it.
|description = It's a crate. It contains 20 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. This can be anything from an emag to a deck of cards. It can be useless junk or really good. It's fun to buy if you have an easy objective or want to switch up your strategy.
{{anchor|Syndicate Surplus Crate}}
|bgcolor1 = #d3d3d3
|bgcolor2 = #cc0000
|name = Syndicate Surplus Crate
|image =
|foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 20 telecrystals.
|usedfor = Taking a gamble or getting tons of items.
|strategy = This can contain nearly everything on the uplink. If you want to take a gamble, buy it.
|description = It's a crate. It contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. This can be anything from an emag to a deck of cards. It can be useless junk or really good. It's fun to buy if you have an easy objective or want to switch up your strategy.
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