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(→‎Runes: Shell runes do not exist)
(restored the completely accurate guide. stop fucking deleting shit for no reason)
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This is the Guide to the [[Cult]] gamemode.
== "Journal of the Arch Heretic (Cultists can not into space)" ==
==Starting Equipment==
''Today was a good day for the True Believers. We managed to get to the abandoned shuttle and set up camp there. I had the time to read through my book and translate everything and gathered everyone at the [[White Ship]] to lay siege to the station. We even managed to steal a communications board and killed the research director for his ID card to keep the shuttle from ever coming. The more ghost legions we sent to the station, the more bodies they sent back to us, allowing a way for the ethereals to stay tied to this mortal realm.  It took a while but we located the captain, killed him and sacrificed his body to the great one. All we left behind on the station was our mark, blood, gibs, and the bodies of the many non believers. They are sending our escape shuttle to another station....and we will cleanse that station too.''
Each of the 6-9 initial cultist is given a 'supply talisman,' an innocuous looking sheet of paper, which appears in the cultist's backpack. The talisman's three uses can be used to summon the following equipment.
== <div style="text-align: center;"> '''FOR THE LOVE OF NAR'SIE, PLEASE READ THE GUIDE''' </div> ==
[[File:Cult.png]] So you've joined the cult of the almighty Nar'Sie, but you don't know where to start? Then this is for you, apprentice. (So you're security? Skip on down to the bottom.)
The dark lord Nar'Sie has sent a number of his followers -- specifically, six cultists, for stations with small populations, or nine for larger stations. As a cultist, you have an abundance of cult magics at your disposal, something for all situations. You must work with your brethren to sacrifice the heretics, spread the faith to CentComm, or even summon your eldritch god himself!
==="They gave me a word but didn't give me a jogging suit!"===
Fantastic, you've joined a cult, and not because of the Kool-Aid. When you first spawn on the station, you'll notice you have been given several words. These words are the basis of Nar-Sie's magic. There are 10 words used for rune scribing, which translate to: "travel", "self", "see", "Hell", "blood", "join", "technology", "destroy", "hide", and "other". You won't know all the translations right away, and you can only use runes whose translations are noted in your arcane tome. But every cultist starts out with the words for "hell," "join," "blood," and "self," which are the words that make up the conversion rune and sacrifice rune.
== "That's just a doodle!" ==
Roundstart cultists also have a paper imbued with blood in their backpack or pocket. It's a special talisman, which can be invoked 3 times to spawn a regular 1-use talisman of your choice. Depending on your experience with being a cultist, this talisman can either be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Every use of this talisman will do a small amount of damage to yourself as well as being exceptionally obvious to any passerby. Make sure to hide this from basically everyone not in your little book club or they will robust your ass.

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! style='background-color:brown'|Descripition
! style='background-color:brown'|Descripition
|Summon Tome Talisman
|The Arcane Tome is the most important item for any cultist. It is used to store your translated words and use this knowledge to draw runes with your blood. Obtaining one of these is required to complete most cult objectives- it is absolutely essential to buy.
!The Arcane Tome is the most important item for any cultist. It is used to store your translated words and use this knowledge to draw runes with your blood. When you know all the words for a rune, it will appear as an option in the dropdown menu. Much like talismans, drawing runes does a small amount of brute damage. You are also able to share your notes -- i.e. your translated words -- by smacking your tome onto another. The tome can also be used as a potent weapon, each hit dealing anywhere from 5 to 25 brute damage, and the tome can also be used to communicate with fellow cultists by choosing "Commune."  Make sure you spawn one of these before you run out of talisman charges. A cult without tomes is a worthless cult.
|Travel Talisman
!Communications Talisman
|A talisman which allows its user to transport himself instantaneously to a teleport rune with the same final word.  Because using this talisman requires the cultists' knowing the word 'Travel', it is not immediately useful.
!When used, a text window appears to allow you to broadcast whatever you want directly into the minds of all cultists and constructs in '''BOLD, CAPITAL, RED TEXT'''. It is undetectable unless someone nearby overhears you. This is more or less obsolete now that the tome lets you communicate quietly, but it has its uses.  
|Communications Talisman
!EMP Talisman
|A talisman which allows its user to send a single message directly to the mind of every cultist.  However, because this can now be done as many times as desired using a tome, it offers little utility to a cultist.
!Creates a high powered electromagnetic pulse which is effective at taking out radios, draining energy-based weapons, stunning and damaging cyborgs, damaging an AI and messing with other electronics.  
|EMP Talisman
!Armor Talisman
|Creates a high powered electromagnetic pulse which is effective at taking out radios, draining energy-based weapons, stunning and damaging cyborgs, damaging an AI, and messing with other electronics.  
!Summon a cultist body armor and hood which protect against close combat damage, as well as summoning the unholy cultist blade, which is very powerful as it is cursed by Nar'Sie's dark power (non-cultists will have a "drunken" camera and when trying to use it will fall to the ground and take some damage). '''NOTE:''' Do not do this at round start unless you want to get robusted!
|Armor Talisman
!Summon Soul Stone
|Summon a cultist body armor and hood, as well as a powerful blade. These are obviously supernatural, and do not fit in a bag, so they are a poor choice near the beginning of a round, when the cult relies on stealth.
!A capturing device use to trap the souls of dead/in limbo mobs (doesn't work on humans who left their body.) When captured they will become a trapped shade, which can be released out of its jail or used on a construct shell.
|Summon Soul Stone
!Summon Construction Shell
|A capturing device use to trap the souls of dead/nearly dead mob. It can be used to quickly and permanently kill an opponent who has been put into critical condition, but, as the same can be done with the sacrifice rune, it offers little utility to a cultist.
!You summon a shell. This shell cannot be picked up, but you can fill it with a trapped soul in a soulstone to create either a Artificer, Juggernaut or Wraith.
|Summon Construction Shell
!Stun Talisman
|Summons an empty shell which, when filled with a soul stone shard, allows the cultist to create a [[construct]].  It is obviously supernatural, and cannot be picked up, only pulled, so it should be bought with care.
!Creates a stun paper which when used on people will cause them to become temporarily paralyzed and unable to speak for 15 ticks. This paper can't be used on yourself or other cultists. The stun talisman also works on cyborgs if they're being a problem. Like a parapen, this item is risky if you don't have a way to either convert your victim, sacrifice them or kill them.
|Stun Talisman
|Creates a stun paper which can be used once to disable and silence a would-be sacrifice or convert.

==The Tome==
=== "I'm not a witch I'm not a witch!" ===
The tome is an essential but conspicuous itemThe frayed covers, aura of dread, and glowing eyes give it away to even the most uninformed crew-member as a bad thing. However, its small size makes it very easy to conceal: it fits easily into a pocket, or a box.
If you're in a position that would usually wander the halls, try to seek out your fellow cultists in person. If not, check in with your brothers using your tome's communication, but do this in private unless you want the captain to stroll by and overhear youA lot of jobs have access to isolated areas of the station that are great for this, and for everything else, there's always space. Cultists also have an innate ability to communicate with their brothers without a tome, but this does a great deal of brute damage. Remember, '''if you get caught, you endanger the entire cult.'''
The tome is primarily used for three functions. First and foremost, it is the cultist's guide to creating the runes upon which cultists rely. Creating a rune requires constant attention to the book. Not only must a cultist stay still while drawing, he must also concentrate on the book. Putting the book away while drawing will result in a failure, as will shifting focus to one's other hand.
Scribing a rune requires knowing the correct runes to do so. When a word is known, it should be added to the 'notes' page, adding runes whose words you now know to your list of runes available for scribing.
Starter cultists will want to do two things at first: increase their numbers via conversion, and learn their words via sacrifice. These are mutually exclusive goals; generally, you will want to do a little bit of both. <span style="color:red;">'''Three cultists are required for sacrifices and converts. They must be standing adjacent to the rune. You cannot convert or sacrifice alone. If you attempt either of these alone, you will fail, your victim will probably escape, and you will singlehandedly doom the entire cult. Teamwork is key!'''</span>
Finally, the tome can be used to easily commune with the cult, without use of runes or talismans.
There are two ways to learn words. The first is brute-force trial and error. Knowing at least one word (preferably two) needed for a rune, you can go somewhere private and find out the the other word(s). Trying to use a rune you scribed with incorrect translations does a great deal of brute damage, but all proper runes always have fixed colors and sprites, while incorrect runes are random colors, the exception being Armor runes which will always be random colors.  
The second way to learn words, and the one you will rely on most, is sacrifice.
The easiest way to sacrifice is as follows. Take the five-use paper out of your bag, and summon a tome and get a stun talisman. Put down a rune in a hard-to-find and secure location. '''Tell the rest of the cult your plans and the location of the rune so [[Beyond the impossible|they can be there when you need them]].''' Find someone alone, and click on them with the stun talisman -- other ways work, but the victim may be able to scream for help. They'll collapse for a long while, and you can cuff them, remove their headset, take them to the rune location, pull them over the sacrifice rune where two other cultists are hopefully waiting, and invoke the rune by clicking it with an empty hand.
For your efforts, Lord Nar-Sie will grant you a word, and the soul of the sacrificed human will be trapped in a soul stone, which can be turned into a [[construct]] if an empty shell is available. Sacrifices also leave a pile of bones and scattered gibs, which you should clean up or hide if you don't want an [[assistant]] or [[security officer]] to find them.
Nar-Sie might also request his followers sacrifice a heretic on the station, usually a member of Security or Command. The process is the same.

In addition to its three main functions, the tome itself is a useful tool.  Brandished as a weapon, its pages burn non-cultists, and can pull what ghosts a cultist can find into the material plane, making them visible and audible to mortals. While they will not be bound to the cult, they can still make valuable allies.
Conversion works much like sacrifice. There are two ways to go about this: roleplay and convince someone to join the cult, and pray they don't immediately rat you out to security; or (far less risky) find someone alone, kidnap them with a stun talisman or other method, bring them to your rune where two other cultists are waiting (right?) and click the convert rune with an empty hand. Conversions leave no evidence besides the rune, which can be removed.  

Humans are not the only beings that can become followers of Nar-Sie. Particularly lucky or ambitious cultists may be able to gain [[xeno]] allies, and who knows what else?
This is the bread and butter of your magic. Each rune contains three words combined to form a single rune through the "Scribe Rune" option. A rune can be activated by clicking on it with an empty hand. If the conditions for its activation are satisfied, and the rune is valid, the rune will activate, and you and any other chanters will chant the correct incantation automatically; otherwise, the rune will fizzle, and the cultists will shout out a confused, meaningless incantation. The special requirements of most runes are self-explanatory: at least two linked teleport runes are required to actually teleport. One less obvious requirement is the chanter requirement: in the case of some especially powerful runes, including the Convert rune, a certain number of cultists must be adjacent to the rune for it to activate. Be sure that you have enough nearby cultists before attempting to use such a rune, and be aware in cases where a fellow cultist may need you to chant with him.
If a rune is no longer needed, it is wise to erase it, which can be done easily with your tome.
===Culting and Not Getting Caught===
Once the cult has gotten off the ground, with proper communication, you can do things like summon cultists to a meeting place, set up cult bases, resurrect fallen allies, create teleportation networks for ease of escape or access to areas, supply the other cultists with armor, weapons, stun and teleport talismans, and whatever else you might think of. Be sure to inform your converted brothers about any runes or places of worship that you have set up, and if you're able, give them a tome of their own (translated) so they may help the cause. A cult that doesn't cooperate is a dead cult.
Unless a cult is exceedingly good or stealthy, at some point security or the AI will find out about them. The most common ways for this to happen are for cultists to be caught with cult paraphernalia, or for someone to stumble upon a blood rune. A simple examination can tell the non-believers whether a rune was drawn in your blood or with crayon, and detectives can figure out whose blood the rune is made of. Runes can be deleted by smacking them with a tome or hidden by using a certain rune, but if you can't do either, at least try to place runes in areas people rarely frequent, that the AI won't be watching like a hawk. The AI can't actually see runes, but cyborgs can, and either will be more than happy to inform security of suspicious activity and you'll be hung and burned at the stake and force-fed holy water before you can say PRAISE NAR-SIE!
If you are caught by security, let your brothers know by any means possible. If one of your brothers is caught by security, try to summon them to a base (again, this requires three cultists chanting). If you suspect they have been tainted by holy water -- which will deconvert them given enough time -- smack them with a tome. This will turn the holy water in their system into unholy water. Unholy water works like a combination of synaptizine and hyperzine, with a twist of branes dimarge, and is highly toxic to non-cultists, in case you felt like weaponizing it.
Below are a few more ideas for ambitious worshippers.
==== Ghost Legion ====
If you were smart, you researched your words and you can now manifest an army. This requires a medibot (but medibots are useless now) for sustained use. What you need will be an active teleport rune that goes to the main station, 3 or 4 cult armor runes and a manifest ghost rune. Manifest as many ghosts as you have armor for, have them teleport to the station to MAIM BURN AND KILL.
==== Summoning others by yourself ====
If you are by yourself, you can still summon your cultist friends. Set up a manifest rune next to a summon cultist (or free cultist) rune and manifest two ghosts. Have the two ghosts help summon your friend.
Robust cultists will likely want to enlist the services of a few constructs. This can be used to bring those to your side who typically would never do so on their own, like the chaplain or security officers. Keep in mind these guys are pretty much a dead giveaway that there is cult activity on the station, so try to be covert about it in the beginning.
[[Construct|A guide to constructs can be found here]]. Generally speaking, you will want to create an artificer first, as they can poop out new soulstones and shells.
== The Runes ==
This is the bread and butter of your magic. Each rune contains three words combined to form a single rune through the "Scribe Rune" option. Runes can be destroyed by using your arcane tome on the rune. This will destroy the rune completely and you will need to scribe a new one.

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! style='background-color:brown'|Name
! style='background-color:brown'|Name
! style='background-color:brown'|Words
! style='background-color:brown'|Words
! style='background-color:brown'|Cultists Required
! style='background-color:brown'|Description
! style='background-color:brown'|Description
! style='background-color:brown'|[[File:Fff.png|50px]]
! style='background-color:brown'|[[File:Fff.png|50px]]
!Convert Rune
!''join, blood, self
|The first rune that you are likely to use. To convert somebody, you need to place a live human, willing or otherwise on top of the rune and then "use" the rune with an empty hand. This will work on anyone who is not currently loyalty implanted, in possession of a null rod, or the captain/chaplain. '''Three cultists are required around a convert rune for it to work!'''
!Sacrifice Rune
!Sacrifice Rune
!''hell, blood, join
!''hell, blood, join
!1 or 3
|The sacrifice rune is used to gain favour of your God by sacrificing different living things to it, such as monkeys and humans. As a reward, Nar'Sie will grant you the translation of one of the rune words, possibly one you already know. You can sacrifice dead bodies and monkeys alone, but to sacrifice a living human or your target, you need to have 3 cultists chanting by the rune. Sacrificing a living human is very likely to yield a positive result for you.
|The first rune that you are likely to use.  This rune allows a lone cultist to sacrifice a corpse, or a trio to sacrifice a living human.  Sacrfices are the primary way which the cult gains power: a sacrifice has a chance to reveal a word to the sacrificing cultists- live humans are ideal, with dead humans coming in second. Monkeys can also be sacrificed for words, but at a very low rate.  A sacrifice completely destroys the body of its unfortunate victim, leaving behind its soul trapped in a soul stone shard. The victim's soul can be released as a shade, or inserted into a construct shell to make a construct.
!Convert Rune
!''join, blood, self
|This rune is the primary way that the cult spreads. When activated, it will convert a non-cultist atop the rune to the cult.  This can be resisted by the Captain, the Chaplain, and any crewmember with a loyalty implant, so pick your targets carefully.
!Wall Rune
!Wall Rune
!''destroy, travel, self
!''destroy, travel, self
|This rune magically thickens the air above it when used, making an impassible wall that stops projectiles, and all mobs trying to pass through it, including you. You invoke the rune to create a wall, and invoke it again to remove the wall.
|This rune magically thickens the air above it when used, making an impassible wall that stops projectiles, and all mobs trying to pass through it, including you. You invoke the rune to create a wall, and invoke it again to remove the wall.
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!Blood Boil Rune
!Blood Boil Rune
!''destroy, see, blood
!''destroy, see, blood
|This rune requires three cultists standing around it before you are able to use it. When invoked, it instantly deals 51 brute damage and 51 burn to all non cultists that can see the rune. There is even a 5 percent chance that those inflicted by the rune will be gibbed. However, cultists in range of the rune will take 15 damage, with no additional effect if more than 3 cultists chant the rune. Also, as a potential bonus (Or negative effect), any rune that is visible from the blood boil rune (including the blood boil rune) has a 10 percent chance of exploding.
|The cult's most destructive rune, this rune requires three cultists standing around it before you are able to use it. When invoked, it instantly deals 51 brute damage and 51 burn to all non cultists that can see the rune. There is even a 5 percent chance that those inflicted by the rune will be gibbed. However, cultists in range of the rune will take 15 damage, with no additional effect if more than 3 cultists chant the rune. Also, as a potential bonus (Or negative effect), any rune that is visible from the blood boil rune (including the blood boil rune) has a 10 percent chance of exploding.
!Blood Drain Rune
!Blood Drain Rune
!''travel, blood, self
!''travel, blood, self
|This rune instantly heals you of some brute damage, at the expense of a person placed on top of the rune. Whenever you invoke a drain rune, ALL drain runes on the station are activated, draining blood from anyone located on top of those runes.One drain gives up to 25HP per each victim, but you can repeat it if you need more. Draining only works on living people, so you might need to recharge your "Battery" once its empty. Blood hunger: Draining over 50 HP in one gulp intoxicates you, making you want more. You will keep slowly losing health until the hunger goes away or is satisfied.
|This rune instantly heals you of some brute damage, at the expense of a person placed on top of the rune. Whenever you invoke a drain rune, ALL drain runes on the station are activated, draining blood from anyone located on top of those runes.One drain gives up to 25HP per each victim, but you can repeat it if you need more. Draining only works on living people, so you might need to recharge your "Battery" once its empty. Blood hunger: Draining over 50 HP in one gulp intoxicates you, making you want more. You will keep slowly losing health until the hunger goes away or is satisfied.
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!Raise Dead Rune
!Raise Dead Rune
!''blood, join, hell
!''blood, join, hell
|To make the rune work, you will need two bodies: a living one, and a dead one. The living body will provide the life essence, while the dead body will provide a vessel for your friend. Put a dead body on the rune, then have the ghost of your friend stand directly on top of it. Then put a living human body on top of a different resurrect rune. Note that the living body can be yourself, so don't stand on the rune when invoking it if you don't want to sacrifice yourself. If everything is done right, the dead body will be alive and at full health again, controlled by the ghost who was on top of that rune, while the living guy is immediately gibbed.  
|To make the rune work, you will need two bodies: a living one, and a dead one. The living body will provide the life essence, while the dead body will provide a vessel for your friend. Put a dead body on the rune, then have the ghost of your friend stand directly on top of it. Then put a living human body on top of a different resurrect rune. Note that the living body can be yourself, so don't stand on the rune when invoking it if you don't want to sacrifice yourself. If everything is done right, the dead body will be alive and at full health again, controlled by the ghost who was on top of that rune, while the living guy is immediately gibbed.  
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!Summon Narsie Rune
!Summon Narsie Rune
!''hell, join, self
!''hell, join, self
|This spell summons a huge all-consuming monstrosity from outer planes. Get 9 cultists to stand in a circle around the rune, then click on the rune with an open hand. When you have enough people and the Horror is summoned, you can try to run away, or submit your mortal body to your god. NOTE: Summoning an Elder God when they don't wish it may incur their wrath.  
|This spell summons a huge all-consuming monstrosity from outer planes. Get 9 cultists to stand in a circle around the rune, then click on the rune with an open hand. When you have enough people and the Horror is summoned, you can try to run away, or submit your mortal body to your god. NOTE: Summoning an Elder God when they don't wish it may incur their wrath.  
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!Communicate Rune
!Communicate Rune
!''self, other, technology
!''self, other, technology
|This spell allows you to easily and safety communicate with your cult mates. Invoke it, type a message, and it will be transmitted to all cult members in fat, red letters so they surely won't miss it.
|This spell allows you to easily and safety communicate with your cult mates. Invoke it, type a message, and it will be transmitted to all cult members in fat, red letters so they surely won't miss it.
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!EMP Rune
!EMP Rune
!''destroy, see, technology
!''destroy, see, technology
|Remember those EMP grenades and that EMP wizard spell? This rune does exactly the same.The rune itself doesn't generate a strong pulse, and only disables items in small radius. Imbuing the rune into a talisman makes it a lot stronger.  
|Remember those EMP grenades and that EMP wizard spell? This rune does exactly the same.The rune itself doesn't generate a strong pulse, and only disables items in small radius. Imbuing the rune into a talisman makes it a lot stronger.  
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!Manifest Rune
!Manifest Rune
!''blood, see, travel
!''blood, see, travel
|This rune is close to the resurrect spell, but works differently. It does not need any dead bodies or sacrifices, just you and a ghost both standing on top of a rune. You also might want to put a paper with a name on the rune if you want your manifested ghost to have a name, else he will appear as unknown. Once invoked, a new body will appear right where you stand. The body will last indefinitely as long as you are standing on the rune. You, however, will be constantly receiving damage. Once you die or leave the rune, the ghost is banished from the body, gibbing it in the process.
|This rune is close to the resurrect spell, but works differently. It does not need any dead bodies or sacrifices, just you and a ghost both standing on top of a rune. You also might want to put a paper with a name on the rune if you want your manifested ghost to have a name, else he will appear as unknown. Once invoked, a new body will appear right where you stand. The body will last indefinitely as long as you are standing on the rune. You, however, will be constantly receiving damage. Once you die or leave the rune, the ghost is banished from the body, gibbing it in the process.
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!Summon Tome Rune
!Summon Tome Rune
!''see, blood, hell
!''see, blood, hell
|While just having a henchman cultist is useful, he will be of much more help if he has an arcane tome to create more runes. This rune simply summons a new arcane tome. Always have one hidden somewhere so that you can get a new tome in case you lose your current one.
|While just having a henchman cultist is useful, he will be of much more help if he has an arcane tome to create more runes. This rune simply summons a new arcane tome. Always have one hidden somewhere so that you can get a new tome in case you lose your current one.
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!Teleport Rune
!Teleport Rune
!''travel, self, x
!''travel, self, x
|Teleport rune is a special rune, as it only needs two words, with the third word being destination. Basically, when you have two runes with the same destination, invoking one will teleport you to the other one. If there are more than 2 runes, you will be teleported to a random one. Since there are 10 words, you can create 10 independent teleport networks. You can imbue a teleport rune into a talisman, which will then teleport you to the destination rune upon use.
|Teleport rune is a special rune, as it only needs two words, with the third word being destination. Basically, when you have two runes with the same destination, invoking one will teleport you to the other one. If there are more than 2 runes, you will be teleported to a random one. Since there are 10 words, you can create 10 independent teleport networks. You can imbue a teleport rune into a talisman, which will then teleport you to the destination rune upon use.
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!Teleport Other Rune
!Teleport Other Rune
!''travel, other, x
!''travel, other, x
|This variation of the teleport rune allows you to teleport objects between the runes. You need to have 3 people standing by this rune to properly invoke it, so its utility isn't very high.
|This variation of the teleport rune allows you to teleport objects between runes.
!See Invisible Rune
!See Invisible Rune
!''see, hell, join
!''see, hell, join
|This nice rune does exactly as it says. It allows you to see invisible objects and people as long as you stay on top of the rune. Most importantly, it lets you see ghosts, this might help you when working in conjunction with a resurrection rune. But it also works on hidden runes, cloakers and aliens who use invisibility.
|This rune allows you to see invisible objects while you stand on it, including hidden runes and ghosts.  If the user of the rune wears eyewear, the rune's duration is shortened from 'indefinite' to 'momentary.'
!Hide Rune
!Hide Rune
!''hide, see, blood
!''hide, see, blood
|This handy rune makes nearby runes invisible to everyone, including you. Note, however, that you cannot invoke the runes if you can't see them, so you need to either use a "see invisible" rune, or use a reveal rune. This rune is useful for revealing support runes that you do not activate directly. For example, a teleport rune in a safe place where you can teleport to with a teleport talisman.
|This handy rune makes nearby runes invisible to everyone, including you. Note, however, that you cannot invoke the runes if you can't see them, so you need to either use a "see invisible" rune, or use a reveal rune. This rune is useful for revealing support runes that you do not activate directly. For example, a teleport rune in a safe place where you can teleport to with a teleport talisman.
!Reveal Rune
!Reveal Rune
!''blood, see, hide
!''blood, see, hide
|Need to activate that rune you have hidden, but don't know the words for a "see invisible" rune? The hide rune always comes with its sister -- the Reveal rune! Just reverse the wording order of the Hide rune, and you will get a rune that reveals all hidden runes in large area around itself.
|Need to activate that rune you have hidden, but don't know the words for a "see invisible" rune? The hide rune always comes with its sister -- the Reveal rune! Just reverse the wording order of the Hide rune, and you will get a rune that reveals all hidden runes in large area around itself.
!Astral Journey Rune
!Ghostself Rune
!''hell, travel, self
!''hell, travel, self
|This rune allows you to leave your mortal body and become a ghost. This comes with all those benefits of being a ghost - being able to communicate with other ghosts, seeing invisible, and so on. Of course, you are unable to control your body as a ghost, and if you fly away, you will have no idea if something is happening to it. You can re-enter your body the same way as you re-enter corpse as a regular ghost. The body itself slowly receives damage while you are ghosted, and if it is removed from the rune, you will not be able to re-enter it so beware.
|This rune allows you to leave your mortal body and become a ghost. This comes with all those benefits of being a ghost - being able to communicate with other ghosts, seeing invisible, and so on. Of course, you are unable to control your body as a ghost, and if you fly away, you will have no idea if something is happening to it. You can re-enter your body the same way as you re-enter corpse as a regular ghost. The body itself slowly receives damage while you are ghosted, and if it is removed from the rune, you will not be able to re-enter it so beware.
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!Imbue a Talisman Rune
!Imbue a Talisman Rune
!''hell, technology, join
!''hell, technology, join
|This handy little rune imbues an empty piece of paper with the power of an adjacent rune. It only works with EMP, Summon Tome, Hide Rune, Reveal rune, Teleport, Notice, Blind and Deafen runes. Have a rune of mentioned type beside the imbue rune, put a paper on the imbue rune, invoke it. You will now have a 1-use talisman with the power of the target rune. Using a talisman drains health, so be careful.
|This handy little rune imbues an empty piece of paper with the power of an adjacent rune. Have a rune of an appropriate type beside the imbue rune, put a paper on the imbue rune, invoke it. You will now have a 1-use talisman with the power of the target rune. Using a talisman drains health, and requires unsubtle incantations, so be careful.
!Summon Cultist Rune
!Summon Cultist Rune
!''join, other, self
!''join, other, self
|This rune allows you to summon any cultist to the rune. You need 3 cultists chanting for it to work, and the target must not be cuffed, buckled or hiding in a closet. Note that this rune drains quite a lot of health from every chanting cultist.
|This rune allows you to summon any cultist to the rune, in addition to freeing them from any restraints they might be in. Because cultists can be deconverted by a well-prepared security force, use of this rune is critical when a cultist has been captured.
!Free Cultist Rune
!Free Cultist Rune
!''travel, technology, other
!''travel, technology, other
|A nice complement to the summon rune, this rune also requires 3 cultists chanting by it to work. Activating it allows you to free any of your fellow cultist from many sorts of shackles: handcuffs, locked DNA machines, muzzles (but NOT straitjackets), both locked and welded closets.  
|The Summon Cultist rune's little sister, this rune allows you to free any of your fellow cultist from many sorts of shackles- handcuffs, locked DNA machines, muzzles (but NOT straitjackets), and both locked and welded closets -without moving them.  
!Deafen Rune
!Deafen Rune
!''hide, other, see
!''hide, other, see
|This rune temporarily makes all non-cultists in visible range deaf. You can imbue this rune into a talisman; it will have the same range, but the duration of deafness will be shorter
|This rune temporarily makes all non-cultists in visible range deaf.
!Blind Rune
!Blind Rune
!''destroy, see, other
!''destroy, see, other
|Blind rune works exactly the same way as the deafen rune, except it blinds everyone in visible range.
|Blind rune works exactly the same way as the deafen rune, except it blinds everyone in visible range.
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!Stun Rune
!Stun Rune
!''join, hide, technology
!''join, hide, technology
|Unlike other runes, this one is supposed to be used in talisman form. When invoked directly, it releases some dark energy, briefly stunning everyone around. When imbued into a talisman, you can force all of its energy into one person, stunning him so hard he can't even speak. However, the effect wears off rather fast. Stun time is rather short (15 ticks), and mute time is even shorter (5 ticks) but unlike other weapons, it can be concealed and not visible when held in hand. Use it to stun candidates for conversion in case they refuse to join you, or robust the security with these.
|Unlike other runes, this one is supposed to be used in talisman form. When invoked directly, it releases some dark energy, briefly stunning everyone around, including the cultist.
!Armor Rune
!Armor Rune
!''hell, destroy, other
!''hell, destroy, other
|Cultists now have access to real weapons and hooded robes that double as armor. There is the Cult Blade (An energy sword), Cult robes (armored robes), and Cult Hoodie (armored hoodie), as well as a backpack (the Chaplain's trophy rack), and Cult Boots (essentially grey jackboots). To invoke, simply activate the rune with an open hand to recieve the cult blade, likewise with the robes and hoodie. Just have the slots open. These will robust people and borgs very fast.
|The armor rune equips its user with combat equipment, providing a relatively weak helmet, a stronger armored robe, and a functionally regular (but highly conspicuous) pair of shoes and backpack.  It will not replace any equipment: if a wearer is wearing a spacesuit, armor, or even a labcoat, no armor will appear. Similarly, the cult helmet can be prevented from appearing with as little as a paper hat. Additionally, it will provide the cultist with a powerful blade.
!Summon Shell Rune
!Create Shell Rune
!''travel, hell, technology
!''travel, hell, technology
|Works like the talisman: creates a shell for souls trapped in soulstones to become constructs. Artificers can also create shells, but that relies on you having any artificers living and doing their job.
|This rune creates a shell which, together with a filled souls stone shard, can be used to create a construct. Note: You must place a stack of plasteel on the rune, 5 sheets are required.
Note: You must place a stack of plasteel on the rune, 5 sheets are required.
Talismans are inconspicuous sheets of paper, imbued with a power of a rune.  They can be used in any way a paper can be rune, short of ordinary writing or reading: this includes fashion, folder-stuffing, and culinary uses.  In addition to comprising most of the purchases from the supply tome, talismans can be created using the Imbue rune, by placing an unmarked paper on the imbue rune, scribing the rune corresponding to the desired talisman next to the imbue rune, and invoking the imbue rune.
{| border="2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable"
! style='background-color:brown'|Name
! style='background-color:brown'|Description
!Communicate Talisman
|Just like the rune, this talisman allows you to send a single message to your fellow cultists.  Less useful with the tome's Commune function.
!EMP Talisman
|Unlike most talismans, this talisman is stronger than its corresponding rune.  Carry a backpack full of these, and watch the security cyborgs cry.
!Summon Tome Talisman
|Just like the rune, this talisman summons a single tome.  If you're more concerned with being caught than with having to use your tome, as long as you have recorded your words somewhere secure (notes, perhaps?), you can use this as a more subtle alternative to carrying a tome.
!Teleport Talisman
|A useful getaway tool, the teleport talisman differs from its rune only in that it is not itself a destination for teleportation.
!Hide Talisman
|Identical in function to the Hide Rune.
!Reveal Talisman
|Identical in function to the Reveal Rune.
!Deafen Talisman
|Like the deafen rune, the deafen talisman disables the hearing of everyone in view of the user.  It is slightly shorter in duration than the form.
!Blind Talisman
|A blind rune, but slightly shorter in duration.
!Stun Talisman
|The intended use of the stun rune, the stun talisman can be used on a single target to stun them for a moderate duration, and silence them for a longer duration.  The robust magic works just as well on armored targets and cyborgs, making it effective not only for kidnapping covnerts and sacrifices, but for disabling threats.  As with most forms of cult magic, however, its effects are prevented by the presence of a null rod on the target.
!Armor Talisman
|Summons armor identical to that produced by the rune, quickly equipping the gear automatically.
Constructs are extremely powerful, and relatively easy to produce, making them a key to securing the safety of cultists earlier, and control of the station later.  To create a construct, a cultist must obtain a filled soul stone, either by sacrificing a human, or getting an empty stone from a supply talisman or an artificer and using it to capture a soul manually, then obtain a construct shell, either by using 5 plasteel with a summon shell rune, or from an artificer.  When the filled soul stone shard is used on an empty shell, the cultist will be allowed to choose the desired construct to create.

== Fighting The Cult ==
== Fighting The Cult ==
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=== Biological warfare ===
=== Biological warfare ===
'''''If everything fails, there's always brainrot! Cure loyalists and enjoy the sight of cultists trying to scribe a rune for 5 minutes! Hope you don't get banned!
'''''If everything fails, there's always brainrot! Cure loyalists and enjoy the sight of cultists trying to scribe a rune for 5 minutes!  

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[[Category:Game Modes]] [[Category:Guides]]