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== Riot Control ==
== Riot Control ==
The Head of Security is a target while in [[Revolution]] mode. He's also one of the toughest people to attempt to attack directly. It is important to be reserved when you hear of flashing in random locations and don't immediately run out and start beating heads. This makes you an instant target, and it might not even be a revolution meaning they could have any number of [[Syndicate Items|strange and powerful]] weapons. That being said, just like any other head of staff in a revolution, you need to keep on the move. Staying in one place for long -- even a place people wouldn't expect you to be -- makes you a much easier target for a mob attack or stealthy bombing.
The Head of Security is a target while in [[Revolution]] mode. He's also one of the toughest people to attempt to attack directly. It is important to be reserved when you hear of flashing in random locations and don't immediately run out and start beating heads. This makes you an instant target, a false revolutionary might instead be carrying several [[Syndicate Items|strange and powerful]] weapons. That being said, just like any other head of staff in a revolution, you need to keep on the move. Staying in one place for long -- even a place people wouldn't expect you to be -- makes you a much easier target for a mob attack or stealthy bombing.

To decommission a revolutionary, you have two options: Beat their head in like the [[shitcurity|monster]] they always knew you were, or forcibly inject a Loyalty Implant into their brain. The former, while a good deal more satisfying, is both unreliable and dangerous - It's easy to accidentally bludgeon someone not only out of the revolution but also out of their mortal coil. The latter takes more time and is limited in uses, but ensures people will stay on your side, barring an implant removal surgery. Don't be afraid to start tazing and implanting passers-by once a revolution is on board.
To decommission a revolutionary, you have two options: Beat their head in like the [[shitcurity|monster]] they always knew you were, or forcibly inject a Loyalty Implant into their brain. The former, while a good deal more satisfying, is both unreliable and dangerous - It's easy to accidentally bludgeon someone not only out of the revolution but also out of their mortal coil. The latter takes more time and is limited in uses, but ensures people will stay on your side, barring an implant removal surgery. Don't be afraid to start tazing and implanting passers-by once a revolution is on board.

'''Remember''': If anyone 'seems to reject an implant, they are a Head Revolutionary and must be either killed or exiled. While you could shove them through the gateway or onto the gulag, it's just as good to beat them to death in the Brig and leave their body to rot in the Warden's office.
'''Remember''': If anyone 'seems to reject an implant, they are a Head Revolutionary and must be either killed or exiled if you intend to win control of the station. While you could shove them through the gateway or onto the prisoner colony, it's just as good to beat them to death in the Brig and leave their body to rot in the Warden's office - Or better yet, out of sight in the Gulag where nobody will ever find it.
== The Inquisition ==
With a cult on board, you quickly become both a very high-value target, and a very vulnerable one at that. For all your gear, nothing but the Chaplain can protect you from a heretic with a piece of rune-etched paper. Success in defeating a cult is based primarily around resource management and thoroughness in your actions - It can be very difficult for the dark one's followers to complete their task when faced with a responsive Security team. It's important to acknowledge firstly the danger of a cult: It's members, much like during a revolution, blend in with the crew at large, yet can disable you instantly and drag you off to be sacrificed while you try in vain to scream for help.
The Chaplain is easily the most important person on board, barring almost nothing: They provide you with an endless source of Holy Water, your primary weapon in staving off the cult and rescuing crewmembers from it's grasp. It should be your top priority to secure them inside the Brig the instant a cult presence is confirmed, as they will very likely be an early target. Luckily, their null rod keeps them safe from magic, and can oftentimes mean the difference between victory and defeat. Force-feeding enough holy water to a cultist will force the darkness out of them, bringing them back to your side. Similarly, when applied to the floor, it is an invalid location for Wraiths attempting to jaunt.
Oftentimes, the cult will transition from a stealthy threat to a very blatant one with constructs and armor. Apply judicious amounts of laser fire and try not to get in melee range. Constructs are incredibly dangerous in the later stages of the game where they are able to mass-produce shells and shards.
'''Important''': Out of Holy Water? Chaplain dead, MIA, or never showed up? Cargo can order you religious supply crates, and Botany can mutate holy-melons

== I AM THE LAW ==
== I AM THE LAW ==