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|pic=[[file:Generic_hos.png |50px|'''Head of Security''']]
|headerbgcolor = darkred
|Jobname=Head of Security
|headerfontcolor = white
|Access=[[Brig|All of Security]],[[The Bridge|Bridge]],[[Cargo]],[[Medbay]],[[Research Division]],[[Engineering]]
|stafftype = SECURITY & COMMAND
|Difficulty= Very Hard
|imagebgcolor = #ff9999
|Age= 17 days
|img_generic = Generic_hos.png
|Corresponding Guides=
|img = Hos.PNG
|jobtitle = Head of Security
|access = [[Armory|All]] [[Brig|of]] [[Security Office|security]], Head of Security's Office, [[Maintenance]], [[Medbay]], [[Research Division]], [[Bridge]], [[Engineering]], [[Construction Area]], [[Cargo Office]], [[Mining]], [[Gateway]], Personal Lockers, Weapon Permit
|difficulty = Very hard
|superior = [[Captain]]
|duties = Coordinate security personnel, ensure they are not corrupt, make sure every department is protected.
|guides = [[Guide to security]], [[Space Law]], [[Chain of Command]]
This is the HoS' page. It is a work in progress so bare with us :) ((The heck is up with adding guides?))
''Alright you knuckleheads, stop beating up the assistants and get back to work. And make sure those tasers are fully charged! I hear the bartender is serving up Gargle Blasters today, and things could get messy.''
==You Have Command==
Welcome aboard Sir! You have recently received a promotion and have received your own security department on board a Space Station. Years of hard work have finally payed off for you. Unfortunately, due to recent cut backs in training programs, you have received little in the way of formal training on how to effectively run your department. Luckily for you, we have provided you with some vital information to help you on your way!

==The Job At Hand==
Now, your first task as HoS is to make sure you have a competent department. Don't go running off and acting like a security officer when you're now much much more. The ideal thing to do is get all officers to report over the radio. After that, talk to the warden and other crew members (especially heads of staff) as they will be able to tell you how the officers that are deployed in the various departments are acting. You need to deal with any signs of shitcurity immediately and effectively. Monitor the officers and if needed, issue warnings and if that doesn't work, well you may be forced to remove them from the team.

==Your Team==
As head of [[security|Security]], it is your responsibility to watch over the [[Brig]], [[Bridge]], and [[Courtroom]] areas and to make sure Security Officers [[shitcurity|don't ruin everything]]. Your job isn't to hunt people down, unless it's an urgent matter in one of the many places your normal security officers can't get into, so you can usually just sit in your office and let the [[Roboticist#Securitron|securitrons]] and redshirts do it for you. You have more access to the station than anyone else in security, but less than the other heads. Try not to depend on it.
You are in charge of the following people:<br>
*[[Warden|The Warden]]: The Warden has control over the brig. He/She is in charge of the prisoners (ensures fair times are given etc.). They are also in charge of keeping the department secure. He/she is your second in command. Make sure they don't abandon the brig if there are prisoners there and make sure they are always ready to accept new prisoners. They should rarely be leaving the security department.
*[[Security Officer|Security Officer]]: These are your officers. Deploy them around the station to combat the criminals that work on board the station. Tell them where to go and when to go there. But don't over do the orders as you may end up with a mutiny on your hands. Learn to give orders effectively.
*[[Detective|The Detective]]: This person can be pretty much left to their own devices. Just make sure that when a crime is committed he is ready to spring into action to figure out what happened and why. He should be allowed access to suspects when they are being interrogated as it will help him to get to the bottom of the crime. He can be a vital addition to the team. Don't take him for granted.
*[[Lawyer|The Lawyer]]: You have a certain amount of power of this crew member but not as much as the rest of security. You can't order them around per say but you can make sure they don't get up to mischief inside security department (which they have access to.). You can however make sure they are doing their jobs as lawyers. If they are not doing their job report them to the HoP.

==Your Tools==
'''Bare minimum requirements:''' Try to keep your team working together, communicating, concentrating on the bigger fish rather than small leeches and not devolve into shitcurity.
As the HoS you get the following equipment:
*Black Gloves
*Energy Gun (plus one spare)
*Stun Baton
*Riot Shield
*A box of Flash bangs
*Gas-mask (HoS' edition)
*The Dental Armour Patch
*Some R.O.B.U.S.T-deluxe cartrides
*A set of security transceivers

== Your Authority ==
[[File:SecHq.png|300px|thumb|alt=Security Office|Your office is in the main [[Security Office]], complete with posh carpeting]]
You are concerned with the following people:
* [[Security Officers]]. These are your pawns, and it's your job to control them. Each of them is given an assignment when they sign up. If they're being assholes, yell at them and get them to fall in line - if they continue, throw them in the brig for a little while. It's important not to let these guys run rampant, because they can and will fuck everything up if you do. Remember, if they contine to be shit, bust them back down to assistant and kick them off the force.
* [[Warden|the Warden]]. This is a special security officer who acts as the Brig's watchdog. Make sure he doesn't set and/or support shitty brig times and that he doesn't leave the Brig while prisoners are present. He is next in the line of succession if you get bumped off, and your most senior lieutenant.
* [[Detective|the Detective]]. You won't need to worry about this guy too much, just let him do his thing. The detective is used to operating independant of Sec. Just remember to call him a loose cannon from time to time and be ready to send in the redshirts should he uncover something big.
* [[Lawyer|the Lawyer]], whose job is to watch your every move and look after the prisoners. Your authority over him is questionable and they have access to the brig, which makes him even more annoying. Sometimes they can be useful for helping keep your officers in line. Sometimes.

--[[User:Spl99|Spl99]] ([[User talk:Spl99|talk]]) 08:49, 11 June 2014 (UTC) ((Not finished, will continue work on it shortly))
Each officer is given an assignment when they join the game. Most will be assigned to guard one of the four major departments (Medbay, Research, Engineering and Supply). Department guards are given a small security office along with limited access, and are able to use that department's radio channel. Department guards are also marked with colour-coded armbands. It is your job to make sure each department is staffed by a member of security. If a department becomes a hotspot for criminal activity, it may be a good idea to reallocate more men to that department.
==Ready For War==
Even if you arrive on the station on the shuttle, you have all your needed equipment on you when you board the station. So you can start busting crime right away (though going in at it alone is a terrible idea).
The head of Security has the following equipment:
* Armor (stylish armored greatcoat and snazzy head of security hat)
* HUD-Sunglasses
* Black Gloves
* Handcuffs
* An energy gun
Your office contains additional equipment that you should heavily consider taking:
* An Additional energy gun
* A Stun Baton
* Box of Flashbangs
* HoS Gasmask Variant
* Miscellaneous Standard Security Equipment.
== Your Office ==
Your office is in the [[Security Office]]. It holds several weapons, devices, a [[recharger]], and both types of security terminals.
Contents of the office include an [[energy gun]], a [[stun baton]], a [[Security_items#Riot_Shield|riot shield]], [[loyalty implant]]s, and a stylish alt outfit to wear.
== The [[Brig]] ==
The holding area for prisoners. Security personnel, [[Heads of Staff]], and the Lawyer have access to the hallway, but only Security personnel can use the cell controls. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.
The brig also has blast doors around every cell. There's a button to drop them in the warden's office and your office.
Prisoners try to flee all the time, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to release from if they aren't super dangerous). And, '''SET A GOD DAMN TIME TO THE TIMER''' (it won't lock the door unless you do this). For the love of god, [[Space Law|keep the time to the crime]]. Remember that [[Station Engineer|some]] [[Quartermaster|prisoners]] may have a toolbelt or insulated gloves, thus a means to escape if left unsupervised. Remember to remove possible weapons, unless you want [[robust|a]] [[Handcuffs|nasty]] [[Stun Baton|surprise]], but you already knew that, [[Shitcurity|right?]]
In the event that a prisoner has been deemed too dangerous to release, they can either be executed, or, if you aren't <strike>a barbarian</strike> a true manly HoS, taken to the [[Prison Wing]]. The prison wing is located to the upper left of the Warden's Office. It can comfortably hold just as many prisoners as the normal brig, but it has real airlocks to block the cells and the entire wing can be locked down with impenetrable security shutters. It also has no automatic timer, so don't put someone in a permanent cell without a very good reason. If you wish to execute someone the humane way, you can also use the lethal injection chamber located to the left of the prison wing.
== Riot Control ==
The Head of Security is a target while in [[Revolution]] mode. He's also one of the toughest people to attempt to attack directly. It is important to be reserved when you hear of flashing in random locations and don't immediately run out and start beating heads. This makes you an instant target, and it might not even be a revolution meaning they could have any number of [[Syndicate Items|strange and powerful]] weapons. That being said, just like any other head of staff in a revolution, you need to keep on the move. Staying in one place for long -- even a place people wouldn't expect you to be -- makes you a much easier target for a mob attack or stealthy bombing.
To decommission a revolutionary, beat their head in like the [[shitcurity|monster]] they always knew you were. The energy gun is an okay weapon to use for this, but it does a lot more damage than a stun baton in the off position so it's easy to get carried away and kill someone you already smacked some sense into. Stunning a possible rev is always more effective than trying to kill outright. It's immediate and the more people you can turn back to your side, the better.
For a more permanent and reliable solution, use the loyalty implants available in the armory and in your office locker. These implants will convert almost anyone you plant to (or back to) your side and make them immune to revolutionary brainwashing. The only ones that should resist these implants are the revolutionary leaders themselves. Should you run out of implants, you can always order more at the cargo bay, provided they aren't already plotting your death.
== I AM THE LAW ==
'''NOTE: By default the Head of Security cannot be an antagonist.'''
Head of Security is one of the easiest traitor jobs on station. You are the most heavily armed and armored person on station, with about as much access as the HoP, and have the entire security department under your thumb. You are also seen as the direct counter to traitors, and hold the most trust to deal with station threats.
If your target is a crew member, you can try to falsify or plant evidence onto them and convince the captain to approve an execution. If you're caught with a high-risk item or using traitor items, you can claim that they were 'confiscated' from a traitor. If you feel generous, you can assist your fellow traitors by releasing them if they've been brigged.
As for changeling, executed prisoners make great meals and are often spaced anyway. If any of your follow changelings are caught and executed, you should absorb them as competent security would ensure executed changelings are gibbed, so no evidence is left. The hardest part about meals from the brig is the fact you might find it hard to get alone. Just remember, '''take away those headsets.'''
[[category: Jobs]]