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|headerbgcolor = orange
|headerfontcolor = white
|genus = Ethereal
|imagebgcolor = lightgray
|img_generic = Ethereal.png
|img =
|specietype = Ethereals
|speciename = Ethereal
|homeworld = Asma
|central authority = City-states Collective
|restricted job roles = Command Roles
|guides = This one is it
''Ethereals are an organic humanoid race from the planet Asma in the Glowima system, with unique blood of liquid electricity giving them luminescent properties. Ethereals have only recently been encountered by the Commonwealth in 2523, and have been one of the most accepted races, though they are still discriminated against. Ethereals are known to be a generally positive, curious, outgoing species, with their naming convention being a celestial body then two capital letters, reflecting their desire to explore the stars.''
==Naming Convention==
Ethereals naming convention is a named celestial body followed by two capital letters. This naming convention is a combination of their birth names being just two letters, and one thing the Ethereal wants to see some time in their lifetime. Their letters are chosen at birth, while they choose their own celestial body name at the age of fifteen. Examples: Venus OQ, Pollux AY, Ameteru MJ 
==Racial Benefits==
*Their body emits light of varying color, which is chosen on the character screen
*Their punches deal burn damage instead of brute
*Slight resistance to shocks from electricity
*Liquid-electricity blood which electrocutes non-ethereals
==Racial Drawbacks==
*Vulnerability to brute damage scaling with hunger
*Difficult to get blood replaced
*Unable to consume normal food
*Stop glowing upon death
*Light fades upon lower hunger
*Able to consume “food” from light bulbs and cyborg rechargers
*Dislikes regular food
*Additionally able to consume energy bars
==Unique Mechanics==
*Upon being emagged an ethereals color goes disco mode for thirty seconds
*EMP’s temporarily turn off their light
*Ethereals have no gender
Ethereals come from the planet Asma in the Glowima system. The Glowima star is a red-brown dwarf star, which meant the light levels on the planet of Asma were far lower than most habitable planets. Along with this, the planet Asma is known for its massive underground cave systems, and underground cities. Currently, the planet is undergoing a massive ice age, and most ethereals live in these underground cities to avoid the cold. The technology level has recently advanced massively, and major spaceport cities have been created above the underground cities. This has led to massive multi-layered cities full of ethereals. Additionally, all water on the planet is slightly electrical in nature. With ethereals being able to absorb nutrients from this electricity as a means of sustaining themselves.
Ethereals have a very open culture and society based upon freedom and curiosity. Also, they have an extremely unique genetic makeup allowing any two of the species to reproduce with one another, and having no gender. Ethereal culture puts an emphasis on what they call the “four stages”. These four stages are known as learning, curiosity, settlement, and the final travel. In the learning stage, ethereals are raised by their parents from birth to the age of fifteen and go to well funded public schools. They then enter what they call the curiosity stage in their lives. Depending on the ethereals interests many ethereals enter one of many fields from exploring space (or historically the deep cave systems or the ever-changing ice surface), to scientific endeavors. Exploration especially is highly treasured in ethereal society, with the drive of discovery making up a large part of their media and personal ethereals dreams. Additionally, as part of exploration, most Ethereals attempt to seek out and familiarize themselves with different cultures, priding themselves on adapting to the most foreign of cultures. Finally at around the age of forty Ethereals settle down into more permanent housing and jobs, and begin creating offspring. Commonly their partners are someone they met while exploring, and their offspring comes in groups of three to four. This stage lasts for nearly the rest of their lives. The final stage of their life is known as the final journey. After giving away most of their possessions, the ethereal goes off on one last exploration, which in the modern-day means far off stars. The ethereal does not expect to return but hopes to eventually die exploring. According to ethereal culture, the most honorable way to die.
===Before Commonwealth===
The Ethereals used to not live primarily underground, with the surface being much more hospitable. However, in 2409, a massive ice age began on Asma with the world rapidly cooling. This has led to the entire ethereal civilization fleeing to the underground caves their ancestors explored. In 2476 the Ethereal “Union of Cities” formed into one super-government uniting all their old governments underneath the Ethereal Union. This Union functioned as a loose commonwealth of city-states with various governmental systems for these city-states, but most commonly these city-states were democracies. Additionally, due to many of their population being busy with their culture of exploring, war is a very foreign concept for ethereals, with city-states having rarely fought each other. The technology level of these city-states before entering the underground was close to earlier industrial era technology, but their technological growth was slowed by the ice age. Additionally, little is known of their history pre-underground, due to many of the records being destroyed upon the retreat to the underground. However, shortly before an encounter with humanity, the Ethereals had finished the complete mapping of their home planet and had begun experimenting with space exploration technologies. The first encounter between Ethereals and the Commonwealth was from an Ethereal probe within the Glowima system.
===After Commonwealth===
The first encounter happened between the Ethereal Union and the Commonwealth in 2523, where the Ethereal Union decided to join the Commonwealth later that same year in exchange for technological advancements, seats in the Commonwealth Senate, and the full rights of any Commonwealth Senate. This has led to Ethereals spreading across the stars taking many jobs as lower-level diplomats, ambassadors, and high-end service employees to encounter Commonwealth culture, explorers to see the unknown, and scientists explore the edge of possible science. Ethereals are the most respected race, by the human majority, due to their outgoing curious nature. The Ethereals allocated three senators are strong supporters of the CLP, and their eldest senator, Orion AE, leads the Equality Foundation. Orion AE is considered the most powerful non-human in the entirety of the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Ethereals have become more centralized since their encounter with the Commonwealth with their current governor Terra TZ having successfully united the Ethereal people more effectively.
==Suggested Roleplay==
*Ethereals of the current day are constantly seeking new experiences and the unknown. Here are some suggestions to roleplay ethereals, but as with any species, these are just suggestions.
*Ethereals are known to be bright happy individuals. RP Examples: give out compliments and being positive about situations
*Ethereals are known to be extremely social and outgoing. RP Examples: playing roles to interact with others such as bartender, or go out of your way to talk to others in other jobs
*Ethereals are known to be avid explorers and scientists. RP Examples: playing science roles, miner, or going space exploring.
*Ethereals are known to be quite accepting of other cultures. RP Examples: do not discriminate against other races, or be willing to work with other races such as ashlanders.