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'''Reason For Exclusion:'''
'''Reason For Exclusion:'''
Clown Ops is intended more as a joke gamemode, rather than the more serious gamemodes that can occur through selection at the beginning of the round.
Clown Ops is intended more as a joke gamemode, rather than the more serious gamemodes that can occur through selection at the beginning of the round.
===[[File:Monkey.png|32px]] Monkey===
At the start of the round one of the crew members is infected with a disease that, after a while, turns them into a monkey with the ability to spread the disease to other humans by biting them. Armor does not help and the transformation takes about a minute. The disease can be cured by eating bananas, which also provides immunity to any further monkey infections. Monkeys can use almost every weapon and tool, excluding guns. Humans cannot understand monkey-speak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up "l**e ***s". The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. Monkeys also have the ability to crawl though vents but cannot wear or carry anything when doing so. The AI does not consider monkeys to be human, and may kill/contain them with impunity.
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
*If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the crew wins.
*If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the monkeys win and spread their magic hoodoo monkeyism to Centcom.
'''Reason For Exclusion:'''
Monkey mode has undergone many iterations, and is now run as a rare admin-forced gamemode rather than in rotation.

===[[File:Devil.gif|32px]] [[Devil|Devil/Devil Agents]]===
===[[File:Devil.gif|32px]] [[Devil|Devil/Devil Agents]]===
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Meteors can be a random event occurring in game, but otherwise are admin-only due to the predictability of most meteor rounds and that meteor rounds are very short. That, or you have a case of "We can fix it", or everyone migrating to lavaland. Also turns the server into one huge laggy mess.
Meteors can be a random event occurring in game, but otherwise are admin-only due to the predictability of most meteor rounds and that meteor rounds are very short. That, or you have a case of "We can fix it", or everyone migrating to lavaland. Also turns the server into one huge laggy mess.

===[[File:Monkey.png|32px]] Monkey===
At the start of the round one of the crew members is infected with a disease that, after a while, turns them into a monkey with the ability to spread the disease to other humans by biting them. Armor does not help and the transformation takes about a minute. The disease can be cured by eating bananas, which also provides immunity to any further monkey infections. Monkeys can use almost every weapon and tool, excluding guns. Humans cannot understand monkey-speak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up "l**e ***s". The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. Monkeys also have the ability to crawl though vents but cannot wear or carry anything when doing so. The AI does not consider monkeys to be human, and may kill/contain them with impunity.
'''Game Ending Conditions:'''
*If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the crew wins.
*If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the monkeys win and spread their magic hoodoo monkeyism to Centcom.
'''Reason For Exclusion:'''
Monkey mode has undergone many iterations, the game mode is no longer available in game due to a combination of it being highly unbalanced and that no one wants to fix it.

===[[File:Sword.gif|32px]] Overthrow===
===[[File:Sword.gif|32px]] Overthrow===