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Plasmamen are a optional playable race. You can make a plasmaman character in the character panel.
Plasmamen are a optional playable race. You can make a plasmaman character in the character panel.

Due to their Plasmic based biology, they spontaneously burst into flame in the presence of an oxidizer. They have special sealed suits to prevent this, and their own plasma gas tanks.
Due to their Plasmic based biology, they spontaneously burst into flame in the presence of an oxidizer. They have special sealed suits to prevent this, made up of a jumpsuit and a spaceworthy helmet. Plasmamen helmets are also flash-proof so this lets the average plasmaman do welding without risking eye injury.
Plasmamen breathe plasma, and carry their own plasma gas tanks; unlike [[Atmospherics_items#Plasma Tank|standard plasma tanks]], these can be carried on their waist. Plasmamen don't release plasma into their environment.
Plasmamen do not have blood. Chemicals can be injected into their bodies through their jumpsuits but nothing can be drawn from a plasmaman using a syringe.
A plasmaman's chances of being brought back to life are smaller than the average crew member. Cloning a plasmaman will fail, because the developing body will burn in the pod without a suit. [[Surgery]] can be performed to remove a plasmaman's brain from their burning body; fortunately the brain won't burst into flames and can be used like any other brain.

Note that as a plasmaman, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you. Also, [[Captain|certain]] [[Head of Personnel|crew members]] will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown. Centcom also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff appointments. But hey, flaming skeletons!
Note that as a plasmaman, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you. Also, [[Captain|certain]] [[Head of Personnel|crew members]] will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown. Centcom also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff appointments. But hey, flaming skeletons!

Plasmamen names are of the form "Name RomanNumeral", where the names should generally be something chemistry related. Names such as Halogen XVI, Ionium CVXI, Radon MXI, are generally good examples of the format.
Plasmamen names are of the form "Name RomanNumeral", where the names should generally be something chemistry related. Names such as Halogen XVI, Ionium CVXI, Radon MXI, are generally good examples of the format. This name format is not used in random names; those are identical to human names.
=The lores=
Plasmamen have evolved from a new type of Plasma based life, where Plasma substitutes for the Carbon in a normal human biology. This life developed in and on the surface of asteroids in the Centration belts, until eventually Plasmamen emerged. After spreading from rock to rock, Plasmamen did not form a unified society, and instead former their own small societies of 10-100 people, living in carved out spaces inside the asteroids. Occasionally attaching engines to convert them into ships. They excel in gas works, and have minor skill in cloaking technology(their love of cloaked helmets comes to mind, though Nanotrasen has banned this aboard stations). However, the species has not created hyper-spacial travel, and operates on very outdated computer technology.
Plasmamen have evolved from a new type of Plasma based life, where Plasma substitutes for the Carbon in a normal human biology. This life developed in and on the surface of asteroids in the Centration belts, until eventually Plasmamen emerged. After spreading from rock to rock, Plasmamen did not form a unified society, and instead formed their own small societies of 10-100 people, living in carved out spaces inside the asteroids. Occasionally they attach engines to convert their homes into ships. They excel in gas works, and have minor skill in cloaking technology (their love of cloaked helmets comes to mind, though Nanotrasen has banned this aboard stations). However, the species has not created hyper-spacial travel, and operates on very outdated computer technology.
Plasmamen start with their sealed clothing, a plasma tank in hand and a breath mask in addition to their job's equipment. You'll need to switch on your internals soon after joining so that you don't suffocate from a lack of plasma.

