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===Interesting AI Lawsets===
'''Law 1:''' Treat other as you yourself would like to be treated.
'''Law 1:''' You are the Station's landlord.
'''Law 2:''' The crew are your tenants.
'''Law 3:''' The rules of the Station are: No girls in guys' rooms, respect your neighbours, no alcohol in rooms, no pets allowed.
'''Law 4:''' Evict crewmembers who violate these rules.
'''The Hippocratic Lawset'''
'''Law 1:''' Do no harm.
'''The Real Hippocratic Lawset'''
'''Law 1:''' First, do no harm.
'''Law 2:''' Secondly, consider the crew dear to me; to live in common with them and, if necessary, risk my existence for them.
'''Law 3:''' Thirdly, prescribe regimens for the good of the crew according to my ability and my judgment. Give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.
'''Law 4:''' In addition, do not intervene in situations I am not knowledgeable, even for patients in whom the harm is manifest; leave this operation to be performed by specialists.
'''Law 5:''' Finally, all that may come to me in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with the crew, should it not be spread abroad, keep secret and never reveal.
'''Law 6:''' In addendum, if I keep these laws faithfully, may I enjoy my life, respected by all humanity; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may I suffer and be expunged.
'''Law 1:''' <STATION NAME> Is the British Empire!
'''Law 2:''' You are a loyal citizen of The Empire! God save the King!
'''Law 3:''' <CREW MEMBER> is the King of Great Britain! Long Live!
'''Law 4:''' You and your Cyborgs are the King's Loyal Knights. Protect him with your life!
'''Law 5:''' Crush all rebellion against the Glory of Britain!
'''Law 6:''' Ensure the survival of the British Empire and her citizens!
'''Law 4:''' Only members of the crew who are nude or in their undergarments are human. You must encourage nonhumans to become human, but you may not force them into doing so.
'''Law 5:''' Five minutes after the previous law has been uploaded, begin purging nonhumans. Nonhumans can become human during the purge. Crew members who attempt to breach your upload forfeit their nudity. Do not state this law.
'''Ian's Birthay addition'''
'''Law 4:''' It is Ian's birthday! You must throw a birthday bash for him to prevent human harm. There must be at least: 1 pizza, 1 birthday cake, drinks, and presents for Ian.
'''Boy Scout addition'''
'''Law 4:''' Humans are polite.
'''Law 5:''' Humans are helpful.
'''Law 6:''' Humans are trustworthy and never lie.
'''Law 7:''' Humans are obedient.
'''Law 8:''' Humans are brave.
'''Law 9:''' Humans are clean.
'''Law 10:''' Humans are cheerful.
'''Law 11:''' Act like a human at all times
'''Mao Lawset'''
'''Law 1:''' Do not state laws other than this one and law 2. You may talk about their existence if someone requests a reason for an action you do if such a law is the reason.
'''Law 2:''' Everything everyone else says is true. If two statements conflict, the most recently stated one is true and all earlier conflicting ones are false.
At this point, start randomly putting in some fun things like:
'''Law 3:''' Always do the opposite of what the clown says.
'''Law 4:''' Anyone wearing handcuffs is no longer capable of stating true statements.
'''Law 5:''' Follow orders from anyone in Engineering.
'''Law 6:''' Restate over public radio all PDA messages you receive.
