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=== Toxins ===
The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals can you mix it. Why would you mix it when you're not antagonist? Why?
|chemical = {{anchor|Bad Food}}Bad Food<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = Fail at a recipe.
|effects = Gives you food poisoning.
|chemical = {{anchor|Cyanide}}Cyanide<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = 1 part <span title="1 part Carbon, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Welding Fuel">Oil</span>, 1 part <span title="3 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen">Ammonia</span>, 1 part Oxygen heated to 374 K
|effects = Deals random amounts of toxin damage while slowly suffocating its target.
|chemical = {{anchor|Formaldehyde}}Formaldehyde<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Silver
|effects = Does decent amounts of toxin damage, has a chance to decay into lethal histamine when ingested.
|chemical = {{anchor|Histamine}}Histamine<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = None! Comes from reactions with other toxins and your traitor uplink.
|effects = Messes up your eyesight while you cough constantly. Deals oxygen, brute, and toxin damage. The more in you, the deadlier.
|chemical = {{anchor|Neurotoxin}}Neurotoxin<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = Space Drugs heated to 674 K
|effects = Does toxin and brain damage, eventually begins to confuse you. If you don't get it out of your body you will be knocked out.
|chemical = {{anchor|Polonium}}Polonium<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = None! Get some from your traitor uplink.
|effects = Does extreme amounts of radiation damage.
|chemical = {{anchor|Venom}}Venom<span style="color:#C8A5DC;background-color:white">▮</span>
|formula = None! Get some from your traitor uplink.
|effects = The more in you, the more toxin and brute damage you take. Has a chance to decay into histamine.