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(→‎File:Huddead.png Death: Added a pretty good procedure for taking care of people with a defib, if anyone wants to touch it up feel free, feel like it might be a bit sloppy)
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===[[File:Huddead.png]] Death===
===[[File:Huddead.png]] Death===
Either they died in your care, (in which case you should use a defibrillator) or were dead on arrival. (you should still try the debib)
Whether the patient was already dead when they were dragged into medbay or they died under your care, the basic procedure for handling stiffs is the same. Your first plan of action should be trying to defibrillate the body and bring them back to life without making them wait for the cloning process. This may look long and complicated, but it's actually pretty simple and most of the time you can just defib a dead person right away without any prior preparation.

How to treat:
# Inspect the body. Does it say they committed suicide or that their soul has departed? Nothing you can do for them, fast track them to the morgue
* Cloning in [[Genetics]].
# If they're just normal dead, scan them with a health analyzer. Do they have more than 180 brute or burn damage (tracked separately, having 179 of each is fine)? If so, you can't defib them yet, and you'll have to use Styptic Powder, Silver Sulfadiazine or Synthflesh to get those damage levels below 180. You can get these either from [[Chemistry]] (making 80u of styptic powder in a large beaker and dumping it on the corpse and repeating is a very effective way to bring someone with ridiculous amounts of brute damage back to savable levels), or from brute and burn patches from the medivendors or yellow and pink medkits. Use your head though, if someone is completely husked with 500 burn and 800 brute damage, it's probably just easier and less wasteful to clone them.
# Now that they're technically defibbable, check their toxins damage. If they have a significant amount of damage and tons of poisons in them, either hit them with a shot of your preferred antitoxin (most likely Charcoal) before defibbing them so that it takes effect as soon as you revive them, or if it's too serious, consider just having them clone.
* Cloning in [[Hydroponics]]:
# Once the patient is fully prepared, equip your defib (the large, bulky ones go on your back slot where your backpack usually goes, and the compact defib that the CMO gets goes on your belt), empty both of your hands, and click on the defib in your equipment slot to take out the paddles. Click on the paddles with the hand you're holding them in to wield them in both hands, switch to help intent, target the chest, and then use them on the patient. In a few seconds, you'll deliver an electric shock (unless they're wearing a space suit or something like that, in which case, strip it off) and the defib will tell you one of a few things
# You must take a blood sample to be injected during the growth cycle.
# If the defib pings and says the resuscitation was successful, pat yourself on the back and get them all patched up. If it says they have severe tissue damage, they have more than 180 brute or burn damage, and you'll need to take care of that before reviving them. If it says the heart tissue has decayed beyond saving, sigh and shake your head sadly, and drag them off to cloning. If it says there's no soul in the body, wait a few seconds for the ghost of the player come back to their body, and shock them again. If you still don't get a response, try it one more time. Usually three shocks is enough of a window for anyone who wants to get defibbed to get back in their body, but if you have the time, shock them a fourth or even a fifth time. If you still get no love, take them to genetics, and give them one last shot, sometimes people will respond to the cloning. Otherwise if they're still getting a mental interface error, dump them in the morgue.
If the cloner was blown up or [[Genetics]] is for some other reason inaccessible, you can also clone people in [[Hydroponics]]:
# You must take a blood sample of the corpse to be injected into a pack of Replica Pod seeds, and then plant them.
# This option creates perfect (though sometimes plant-like) human clones.
# This option creates perfect (though sometimes plant-like) human clones.