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The most visually obvious fact is that Vox bodies do not conform to standard humanoid dimensions, Vox try to fit clothes around themselves, resulting in a very unique look!
The most visually obvious fact is that Vox bodies do not conform to standard humanoid dimensions, Vox try to fit clothes around themselves, resulting in a very unique look!
== Language ==
Vox can understand Common fairly well but speak it poorly. They tend to creel or shriek as punctuation. KHAAAAK! SCRAAAAHK! Their laughter sounds like 'kikiki'.
It is not impossible for Vox to speak Common fluently, however it is exceedingly rare.
Vox often insult other species. Humans are 'meat'. Vuulek are 'rotten' due to their scales. Skrell are 'leaking' or 'slippery'. Tajarans are 'mouldy'.
Vox tend to jeer a lot about how their victims are treeless, that their lungs are full of dust, and such. People usually have no idea what they're on about. Which is fine because the Vox don't put much thought into it either.

===== Organs and Revival =====
===== Organs and Revival =====
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Consistent in their isolationism, internal strife is rampant within Voxkind. Arkships often engage in covert assaults or sabotage missions against each other, driven by the zealots under faith to their respective Auralis. Even so, the arkships are not strangers to internal conflict, with the populace frequently fighting due to the caste system they work in, and suppression of free thought or wrong ideologies opposing the system.
Consistent in their isolationism, internal strife is rampant within Voxkind. Arkships often engage in covert assaults or sabotage missions against each other, driven by the zealots under faith to their respective Auralis. Even so, the arkships are not strangers to internal conflict, with the populace frequently fighting due to the caste system they work in, and suppression of free thought or wrong ideologies opposing the system.
== Behavior ==
Vox will never willingly surrender unless the only other alternative is death. However, they will happily fake surrender if it puts them in a better position to escape. They lie as easily as they breathe and appear fearless despite their propensity for running like the clappers at the first sign of trouble.
A Vox will never willingly stand and fight if running is a viable alternative, except if it's a challenge from another Vox in front of their crew. Vox are fond of darkness and hiding in lockers.
Arkship groves are very important to Vox culture. Vox who are away from the groves too long tend to get sick and die. It is not clear if this is due to withdrawal, or some other factor.
Raiding crews usually consist of one to three warriors and one or two engineers. Engineers also double as medics. The leader of a vessel of any size is called the Quill.
Civilian crews have no staff roster, just families. If a ship has no families that work a certain trade they will try to exchange families with another ship or ark.
